Qanon started as a joke.

Yeah, we like him.

THAT is your problem. We REALLY like him. And there are a lot of us.

Oh, thanks for helping me prove my point I guess. When Trump said "They like me" he was specifically referring to Qanon supporters.
Oh, thanks for helping me prove my point I guess. When Trump said "They like me" he was specifically referring to Qanon supporters.
What, you think I don't carefully read your posts???

Well, true, except if I mean to answer one. I don't think you read mine carefully, however: I said I have great Qanon T-shirts (3, in fact) from the happier days when people were sane and knew it was all a 4-chan joke. IThey are really cool, too.

Well, well, I suppose Leftists will do ANYANYANYthing to smear and slime Trump from now till the day after the election in 2024. It's a doom.

It's low, though. To spoil a good joke we were all enjoying. Including Trump. Who DOES have a sense of humor, unlike 100% of Leftists. :(
What, you think I don't carefully read your posts???

I know you don't.
Well, true, except if I mean to answer one. I don't think you read mine carefully, however: I said I have great Qanon T-shirts (3, in fact) from the happier days when people were sane and knew it was all a 4-chan joke. IThey are really cool, too.

Well, well, I suppose Leftists will do ANYANYANYthing to smear and slime Trump from now till the day after the election in 2024. It's a doom.

It's low, though. To spoil a good joke we were all enjoying. Including Trump. Who DOES have a sense of humor, unlike 100% of Leftists. :(
Yes, I totally slimed Trump by quoting him. Get a grip.
Prove it, numskull.
Oh, he did say it in reference to a Qanon supporter with one of those plywood Q's --- there were several in the various rallies. I happened to be watching that rally live!! I loved it. Good for Trump. The man really does have a good sense of humor.

It WAS a joke: don't give the Leftists an inch!! They are lying, lying, lying about this and I know it, because I took an interest in the strange jokey mock-movement at the time. bripat9643: no explanations, no excuses, and I bet you know exactly who said that first.
I know you don't.

Yes, I totally slimed Trump by quoting him. Get a grip.
Yeah, it was a sliming. Because you are pretending, falsely, that this was some sort of awful thing, when it was always a high-spirited joke.
Yeah. . . . . good luck with that.

I guess we'll see, right? How's your morale about the 2022 introduction to 2024?? Heh-heh. :badgrin:
I've utterly got no fucks to give. :dunno: Unlike magaturds, I don't fanboi politicians like they're fucking Olympic athletes. Politicians are mostly boring, deeply flawed human beings just like everyone else. How's your morale, flapjack?
I've utterly got no fucks to give. :dunno: Unlike magaturds, I don't fanboi politicians like they're fucking Olympic athletes. Politicians are mostly boring, deeply flawed human beings just like everyone else. How's your morale, flapjack?
Don't call me flapjack, turkey.
I think Qanon started as a joke, mocking the way the extreme far right views anyone who doesnt share their ideals. Just look at how over the top and batshit crazy the claims are. The left kidnaps children to use them to creation a potion that grants immortality, an Trump i s prophet sent by God to stop them. That is what the Qanon pster originally claimed. Its like a bad Onion article.

The issue is that extremists tend to overlook absurdity and take anything that remotely supports their ideals, even if it completely illogical, as fact. So a joke becomes the basis of a cult.

It still is a joke.
Yeah, it was a sliming. Because you are pretending, falsely, that this was some sort of awful thing, when it was always a high-spirited joke.
Where's the punchline?

I get it, you too feel the need to distance the right from Qanon, I understand that however it's too late.
Where's the punchline?

I get it, you too feel the need to distance the right from Qanon, I understand that however it's too late.

Naaaaaaah, I love Qanon. You weirdos want to make it something bad, I get that ----

Sad, really.

Hang in there, everyone! We know what it was, is --- don't give way to these depraved leftists.
Naaaaaaah, I love Qanon. You weirdos want to make it something bad, I get that ----

Sad, really.

Hang in there, everyone! We know what it was, is --- don't give way to these depraved leftists.

Thank you, you've proven my point.

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