Quck look: Another Attack The Clintons Thread

I think the cigar gag(pun?) is in poor taste

Also, I think it was darkfury that started a 'Hillary's too old thread'.
I may agree with him on a lot of things but I didn't like it when it was aimed at Dole or McCain and I think it's out of bounds for Hilderbeast too

We may have to agree to disagree. I worked end stage rehab for twenty seven years and I look at things like Health vs Age.
Out of the two you just posted and her she HAS the worst health.

Watch how she walks going away in news stories. The left plants flat NOT heel/toe. While she has good movement in her left arm watch her "grasp" in the left hand. Much harder due to LESS feeling.

THEY said "blood clot" from falling. A blood clot CAUSES stroke. You can check that anywhere. Her given age is NOT to old to be president, her given health IS to old to be president.
oh please, buzz off with your supposed expertise and cyber diagnosis :cukoo:
"Little substance"? Go back to the Watergate scandal. Bob Woodward and Karl Marx Bernstein had less on Nixon than the dozen scandals revolving around Hillary. They made them stick because their was no other source of information than the mainstream liberal propaganda.
You see how they become whiney babies when it's one of their OWN being scrutinized? For gawds sake. the woman has been nothing but a career politician FOR YEARS. as if there isn't DIRT on the old lady

she's so scummy, slimy and corrupt she puts her Hound dog hubby to shame

IT'S THE : They can dish it . but cry like a baby when it's one of theirs because they CAN'T take it...

WAAAA....waaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
You see how they become whiney babies when it's one of their OWN being scrutinized? For gawds sake. the woman has been nothing but a career politician FOR YEARS. as if there isn't DIRT on the old lady

she's so scummy, slimy and corrupt she puts her Hound dog hubby to shame

IT'S THE : They can dish it . but cry like a baby when it's one of theirs because they CAN'T take it...

WAAAA....waaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
You people embarrass yourselves by the cutting of you wrist over another human being...

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