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Queer Lifestyle Choice Marriage Bans Roll On!

Sad. If you don't mind me asking, who in your family hates gay people? Or are you secretly gay and feel that persecuting gays will cancel out that sin in the eyes of God? It's surely one or both of the above.

There's NOTHING "sad" about someone who finds homosexuality disgusting. It's disgusting to ANY NORMAL person.

And don't think I've forgotten about the sick, filthy, perverted, faggot come on PM you sent me. You're lucky the mods weren't sure if you were a homo or not, or your ass would be banned. I'm positive you're a mother fucking faggot, so go ahead and keep it up butt boy. I'd love to see your rotten, perverted self get banned.
There's NOTHING "sad" about someone who finds homosexuality disgusting. It's disgusting to ANY NORMAL person.

Yeah, there's nothing sad about someone who hates others because of what they do in their private life, lol. You're a bigot, why can't you just accept that?

And don't think I've forgotten about the sick, filthy, perverted, faggot come on PM you sent me. You're lucky the mods weren't sure if you were a homo or not, or your ass would be banned. I'm positive you're a mother fucking faggot, so go ahead and keep it up butt boy. I'd love to see your rotten, perverted self get banned.

I'll just assume the second part of my last post applies to you.
Eh, I think it's pretty obvious.

A large segment of the human population feeds on hate - the reality is that it is part of our nature, not the be diluted with reason.

It is no longer politically correct to hate certain racial groups - but thanks to the politicizing of the issue by various fundamentalist religious groups, it's "PC" to bash homosexuals.

It is, however, one of the greatest misdeeds, undermining the teachings of Christ in a most harmful way. For people that claim to be "Christian" to exude such unwarranted hatred is such a complete hypocrisy, one has no surprise they are so connected to the neo-con movement.

Very good post. This situation with all of the gay haters in America reminds me of Blake's poem The Tyger. Anyone else agree?
There's NOTHING "sad" about someone who finds homosexuality disgusting. It's disgusting to ANY NORMAL person.

And don't think I've forgotten about the sick, filthy, perverted, faggot come on PM you sent me. You're lucky the mods weren't sure if you were a homo or not, or your ass would be banned. I'm positive you're a mother fucking faggot, so go ahead and keep it up butt boy. I'd love to see your rotten, perverted self get banned.
Banned for what? Sending you a PM?
Yeah, there's nothing sad about someone who hates others because of what they do in their private life, lol. You're a bigot, why can't you just accept that?

Find the word "hate" in ANYTHING I'VE SAID about homos. ANYTHING! You won't. You're just another pathetic little faggot name caller.

I'll just assume the second part of my last post applies to you.

ASSume all you want. It fits you.
Look, it's very simple! A queer is a queer.

The fact that a queer is of an inferior stature is proven by their constant quest for acceptance. Examples of this are obvious. Trying to break into the boy scouts, continous in our face effort to gain notority, hate crime legislation and so forth. If a queer was truly comfortable with themselves they would stayt in the closet where they are not "bothered" by us normal folk and our continous denial.

Fags can not breed. This in itself means they cannot be married. They can play house all they want, lefties can continue to cater to them and get their votes, just like they do the vagrants, unemployed, mission dwellers, welfare mom's and all the other undesireables that whore up our system.

It is not normal to be a queer. That is just a fact Jack. PERIOD! I do enjoy watching the faglovers on this site try to make a case of it though.
u sound like a total jack ass. not all "non fags" can have kids. did you know that? Also gay women if able can have children
Find the word "hate" in ANYTHING I'VE SAID about homos. ANYTHING! You won't. You're just another pathetic little faggot name caller.

Using hateful slurs means that you hate someone or something.

"slimey liberal faggot"
"mother fucking faggot"
"pathetic little faggot name caller"

So you get made at me calling you out for being a bigot, which is accurate, so you retaliate by calling me names. It's this loss of logic which leads to your blind hatred of homosexuals.
Using hateful slurs means that you hate someone or something.

"slimey liberal faggot"
"mother fucking faggot"
"pathetic little faggot name caller"

So you get made at me calling you out for being a bigot, which is accurate, so you retaliate by calling me names. It's this loss of logic which leads to your blind hatred of homosexuals.

Eh, he's just another bigoted hate monger - logic does not apply.

Using hateful slurs means that you hate someone or something.

"slimey liberal faggot"
"mother fucking faggot"
"pathetic little faggot name caller"

So you get made at me calling you out for being a bigot, which is accurate, so you retaliate by calling me names. It's this loss of logic which leads to your blind hatred of homosexuals.

I knew you couldn't do it. All you have is your twisted liberal non-logic.

If anyone "hates" here, it's you. You "hate" me for being "DISGUSTED" by homosexuals. You "hate" me for "SPEAKING OUT" against the homosexual lifestyle. You're HOPING that by calling me bigot, I'll somehow QUIT expressing my DISGUST of homos.

NEWS FLASH skippy. NOT IN THIS LIFETIME. Either get used to me telling it like it is on this board, or get your faggot ass moving to another board, moron.
This all would be resolved quite simply by having an amendment to the Constitution banning or favoring gay marriage.

Here's the way it works. If the amendment is passed by Congress, it then has to be approved by 3/5 of the states, if it doesn't, we're back to where we started from.

If it's passed, then no state judiciary can make it otherwise. But guess what? The only reason why the issue of gay marriage is even on the table for discussion is because the judiciary forced it on us. If the issue of gay marriage were brought up for a vote, it wouldn't pass, because most people are opposed to it. The only way those who favor gay marriage can have their way is by judicial fiat, not by popular mandate. The same goes for partial birth abortion, by the way...

Up until a few years ago, there was little public discussion about gay marriage, even by gays.

But the issue of homosexuality aside. Gay marriage, if passed, will affect all of us in one way. Gays who are married will be pay lower taxes, which will mean less revenue to the Federal Treasury. In effect, we will all be forced to subsidize a lifestyle that we may or may not agree with. At least with an amendment, we all will get the chance to vote on the issue, rather than having it forced upon us by an oligarchy of judges.
And your point? Those states are primarily religious, at least my experiences with them have shown me that.

And your experiences with those states is exactly what?

It's becoming rather obvious that you have just blindly chosen religion as the scapegoat for why people don't accept your abnormal behavior. If you walked around with a bag over your head people would treat you the same way, and religion has nothing to do with it. You being a weirdo DOES.
Using hateful slurs means that you hate someone or something.

"slimey liberal faggot"
"mother fucking faggot"
"pathetic little faggot name caller"

So you get made at me calling you out for being a bigot, which is accurate, so you retaliate by calling me names. It's this loss of logic which leads to your blind hatred of homosexuals.

Haggard's Meth-Fueled Gay Orgies a Victory for Same-Sex Couples
Prominent Evangelical leader and country music legend, Merle Haggard, has resigned in disgrace amidst revelations that he frequented a gay prostitute for drugs and sex, thus crushing all conservative opposition to same-sex marriage.

I don't expect any uneducated cons or active military personnel to understand such complex logic, so I'll lay it out for you. Let's pretend for a moment that Haggard's behavior was "immoral" and "wrong", as he has been preaching for years. It would mean the entire Christian Right no longer has any moral high ground from which to oppose same-sex marriage, prostitution, drug use, or any other gay rights. You see, it's fine to openly and shamelessly engage in behavior that you know is wrong, but to do it secretly and behind closed doors while encouraging the naive and impressionable herd to refrain from such activity is the height of hypocrisy. As Al Gore shouted from his motorcade on the way to the symposium on the evils of the internal combustion engine, "JESUS HATES A HYPOCRITE!

That's why the Christian religion needs to grow beyond its archaic ideas about morality. If you don't have any morals to betray, then there's no way you can be guilty of hypocrisy. It's what makes agnostic progressives such as myself better Christians than any so-called "Christian Conservative" out there.

You're just another morally bankrupt relativist with a Jell-O spine who stands for nothing, but against everything society considers normal or good.

George Bush; Gender Fascist
Having alienated his conservative base with his immigration policy and rampant spending, Bush is trying to win back their blackened, rotting hearts by trampling on the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered Americans. As Massachussets moves to allow gay marriages, Bush and his Religious Right masters are threatening to enact a constitutional amendment banning them, thus condemning all sexually enlightened people to a life of misery and pain.

First of all, Dubya must have slept through his American history class at Yale, because judges decide the law of the land, not Congress. If the Founding Fathers wanted us to amend the Constitution, they wouldn't have given us the Supreme Court. That's exactly why we must prevent the Shrub from placing any more of Dick Cheney's hunting buddies on the bench.

Furthermore, he needs to scrap his 1950's John Wayne notions of gender and join the 21st century. Just because he's only attracted to humanoid female mammals, it doesn't mean everyone is so narrow minded. Bush can go right on deluding himself into thinking that Men are Men and Women are Women, but in the real world some men are women, and some women are men. Sometimes men are really women who yearn to be men, while women can often appear to be men who dress like women - yet they're actually women who don't like men, and rather prefer women. Most men prefer women, and most women prefer men, but often women prefer men who prefer men, while men like women who prefer women. Many women consider themselves women, but prefer to be treated like men - and men can sometimes prefer women who treat them like women, but that doesn't necessarily mean the women are men...they could simply be women who like to pee standing up.

My point is, gender absolutism went out with the chastity belt, Daddy-o. The differences between male and female are no longer so black and white. There are gray areas - graaaaaaay areas! Bush should drop his macho cowboy attitude along with his blatant reinforcement of gender stereotypes, especially towards his daughters. If I hear him talk about his "girls" one more time, I'm gonna plotz. They're still young kids, pops! They have their whole lives to decide if they are "girls", "boys", or something in between. You don't need to keep stapling that "female" label to their foreheads. Let them live their own lives!

Perhaps when Bush has stopped gender-opressing his own offspring, he'll be more tolerant of Americans who transcend the very boundaries of gender itself.


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