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Queer Lifestyle Choice Marriage Bans Roll On!

George Bush; Gender Fascist
Having alienated his conservative base with his immigration policy and rampant spending, Bush is trying to win back their blackened, rotting hearts by trampling on the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered Americans. As Massachussets moves to allow gay marriages, Bush and his Religious Right masters are threatening to enact a constitutional amendment banning them, thus condemning all sexually enlightened people to a life of misery and pain.

First of all, Dubya must have slept through his American history class at Yale, because judges decide the law of the land, not Congress. If the Founding Fathers wanted us to amend the Constitution, they wouldn't have given us the Supreme Court. That's exactly why we must prevent the Shrub from placing any more of Dick Cheney's hunting buddies on the bench.

Furthermore, he needs to scrap his 1950's John Wayne notions of gender and join the 21st century. Just because he's only attracted to humanoid female mammals, it doesn't mean everyone is so narrow minded. Bush can go right on deluding himself into thinking that Men are Men and Women are Women, but in the real world some men are women, and some women are men. Sometimes men are really women who yearn to be men, while women can often appear to be men who dress like women - yet they're actually women who don't like men, and rather prefer women. Most men prefer women, and most women prefer men, but often women prefer men who prefer men, while men like women who prefer women. Many women consider themselves women, but prefer to be treated like men - and men can sometimes prefer women who treat them like women, but that doesn't necessarily mean the women are men...they could simply be women who like to pee standing up.

My point is, gender absolutism went out with the chastity belt, Daddy-o. The differences between male and female are no longer so black and white. There are gray areas - graaaaaaay areas! Bush should drop his macho cowboy attitude along with his blatant reinforcement of gender stereotypes, especially towards his daughters. If I hear him talk about his "girls" one more time, I'm gonna plotz. They're still young kids, pops! They have their whole lives to decide if they are "girls", "boys", or something in between. You don't need to keep stapling that "female" label to their foreheads. Let them live their own lives!

Perhaps when Bush has stopped gender-opressing his own offspring, he'll be more tolerant of Americans who transcend the very boundaries of gender itself.


Just more alarmist bullshit from the gay-embracing left. If President Bush can't get a Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage passed with a Republican controlled Congress, I really don't see anything coming of this.

It amounts to the lefties throwing shit against the wall to see if it will stick. Like THAT's anything new.
Bush Hates Gays
Fifty years ago, many Americans condemned interracial marriage on the grounds that it was "dirty", "immoral", and "wrong". Today, narrow-minded people fear gay marriage for the very same reasons. Some warn us that a government endorsement of gay marriage will send us down a "slippery slope" towards the legalization of polygamy, or incest. Such doomsday predictions are silly, as we can all agree that polygamy and incest are dirty, immoral, and wrong. Homosexuality, however, is a beautiful expression of love between two consenting adults; exactly what Haiti needs to quell the violence that threatens to overcome it. Maybe if Jean-Luc Aristide of Haiti took a note from Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco, his country wouldn't be falling apart around him. Perhaps if he'd spent his reign performing gay weddings instead of hanging burning tires around the necks of dissenters, we wouldn't need to send our troops over to protect him.

Furthermore, with AIDS being the leading cause of death amongst Haitian adults, it's high time for Haitian the government to get behind the healthy environment that a monogamous gay marriage provides. Normalization of same-sex relationships isn't only a cultural issue, but a health issue. An excellent example is the fair city of San Francisco, which has had a strong, normalized homosexual community for years and enjoys an almost non-existent AIDS mortality rate. If George Bush and his masters in the 700 Club would stop preaching abstinence to school kids, we could probably eliminate AIDS altogether.

Bush Hates Gays
Fifty years ago, many Americans condemned interracial marriage on the grounds that it was "dirty", "immoral", and "wrong". Today, narrow-minded people fear gay marriage for the very same reasons. Some warn us that a government endorsement of gay marriage will send us down a "slippery slope" towards the legalization of polygamy, or incest. Such doomsday predictions are silly, as we can all agree that polygamy and incest are dirty, immoral, and wrong. Homosexuality, however, is a beautiful expression of love between two consenting adults; exactly what Haiti needs to quell the violence that threatens to overcome it. Maybe if Jean-Luc Aristide of Haiti took a note from Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco, his country wouldn't be falling apart around him. Perhaps if he'd spent his reign performing gay weddings instead of hanging burning tires around the necks of dissenters, we wouldn't need to send our troops over to protect him.

Furthermore, with AIDS being the leading cause of death amongst Haitian adults, it's high time for Haitian the government to get behind the healthy environment that a monogamous gay marriage provides. Normalization of same-sex relationships isn't only a cultural issue, but a health issue. An excellent example is the fair city of San Francisco, which has had a strong, normalized homosexual community for years and enjoys an almost non-existent AIDS mortality rate. If George Bush and his masters in the 700 Club would stop preaching abstinence to school kids, we could probably eliminate AIDS altogether.


Anyone who doesn't recognize the "slippery slope" as a REAL possibility is a poor strategist.

On the "big picture" scale, gay marriage represents just another chink in the armor of the principles and morals this Nation was founded on. Lefties LOVE to quote teh Founding Father's; yet, we are more and more becoming something that in my mind the majority of them would absolutely loathe.
Bush Hates Gays
Bush stopped just short of ordering all homosexuals off to the gas chambers this morning by throwing his support behind a Constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.

"The union of a man and woman is the most enduring human institution, honoring -- honored and encouraged in all cultures and by every religious faith," Bush proselytized at the White House this morning. "Ages of experience have taught humanity that the commitment of a husband and wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society."

I stood there are watched the TV in shock and disgust as the vile words of hatred and bigotry poured from his mouth.


"We should also conduct this difficult debate in a manner worthy of our country, without bitterness or anger," Bush went on, ignoring my question. "In all that lies ahead, let us match strong convictions with kindness and goodwill and decency."

That's easy for him to say, after he just condemned millions of gays to lives of pain and suffering. I just visited Andrew Sullivan's blog, and the poor man can barely type through his tears: "Those of us who supported this president in 2000, who have backed him whole-heartedly during the war, who have endured scorn from our peers as a result, who trusted that this president was indeed a uniter rather than a divider, now know the truth."

Indeed. And the truth is, plain and simple: Bush hates gays.

Look, it's very simple! A queer is a queer.

The fact that a queer is of an inferior stature is proven by their constant quest for acceptance. Examples of this are obvious. Trying to break into the boy scouts, continous in our face effort to gain notority, hate crime legislation and so forth. If a queer was truly comfortable with themselves they would stayt in the closet where they are not "bothered" by us normal folk and our continous denial.

Emmett’s comments would be funny (laughable) if it wasn’t so sad – believing that someone really thinks and believes as he does.

Okay. The fact that a Christian is of inferior stature is proven by their constant quest to impose their political agenda by any means necessary. The examples are obvious. Trying to block abortion clinics or any clinic that, as part of its service, provides abortions; the bombing of such places and the murder of doctors who, as part of their practice, provide abortions; the harassment of those who consider abortion as an option and the harassment against those who don’t agree with every sentence of their Bible. I have not even begun to mention their strive to have Christian prayer spoke to their captive audience of school children – even to children whose families are devoutly non-Christian. There are those Christian judges who even go so far as to disobey the law and insist on displaying the “10 Commandments” while, according to the law, several of those commandments don’t apply anymore – particularly to non-Christians. Christian busybodies are so “in your face” with their attention-getting activity. They need to behave, sit down, and shut up.

Fags can not breed. This in itself means they cannot be married. They can play house all they want, lefties can continue to cater to them and get their votes, just like they do the vagrants, unemployed, mission dwellers, welfare mom's and all the other undesireables that whore up our system.

So fags can’t breed. Many non-fags can’t breed. Are we to prohibit them from getting married? Let’s make a law requiring couples to have children. Before getting a marriage license, you must prove that you are capable of making children. Then, within a year of marriage, you must make a baby together. Otherwise, you must surrender your marriage license. Look. You don’t have to have children in order to be married and you don’t have to be married in order to have children. If couples, gay or non-gay, want children, there are fertility clinics, surrogate mothers, sperm banks, and adoption agencies.

It is not normal to be a queer. That is just a fact Jack. PERIOD! I do enjoy watching the faglovers on this site try to make a case of it though.

Oh yes. There is that old “normal” argument. First of all, Normal is a relative term. What might be normal for some people may not seem normal to others. Secondly, that which is normal is not necessarily good or bad. Cancer is a normal fact of life, as are hurricanes and the “survival of the fittest” and “dog-eat-dog” world of the animal kingdom. Thirdly, there are many things that many people would consider to be abnormal in America that are still allowed. Smoking is one such activity. Even though there are rules and laws against it, smoking is allowed in many areas and situations.

In conclusion, Emmett is merely spouting off the same old tiresome fallacious reasoning and illogical commentary that so many anti-gay-marriage bloggers post. His arguments, along with countless others, have been clearly and soundly refuted time and time again. Yet, they continue to throw them out again as if they are broken records and deaf to the world.

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