Question about Noah.

I'm sorry, were you not aware there were as many atheists killing indians and owning slaves as there were those of any other belief system?......

I wasn't aware of that until you made it up.
so you believe that I made it up?.....did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......hard to believe, but I guess you actually WERE dumber than I thought......

............You did make it up............ You're now back peddling in a frantic attempt to sidestep your false and unsupportable claim............

........You completely revised your pointless claim in hopes to avoid being described as "pointless"...........

So, show us the data that........ "there were as many atheists killing indians and owning slaves as there were those of any other belief system" opposed to your edited claim, ..........."did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......
lol.....the point, my feckless child, is that slavery was NOT a Christian was universally utilized by ignorant people....of which you are a prime example.....

Maybe not but racism sure was.
lol....and yet, there are more Christians among non-white races than there are among whites.....sort of fucks up your logic, doesn't I recall, the very first convert was an Ethiopian.....
I'm sorry, were you not aware there were as many atheists killing indians and owning slaves as there were those of any other belief system?......

I wasn't aware of that until you made it up.
so you believe that I made it up?.....did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......hard to believe, but I guess you actually WERE dumber than I thought......

............You did make it up............ You're now back peddling in a frantic attempt to sidestep your false and unsupportable claim............

........You completely revised your pointless claim in hopes to avoid being described as "pointless"...........

So, show us the data that........ "there were as many atheists killing indians and owning slaves as there were those of any other belief system" opposed to your edited claim, ..........."did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......
lol.....the point, my feckless child, is that slavery was NOT a Christian was universally utilized by ignorant people....of which you are a prime example.....
lol..... I see you have your earlier false claim as untenable....... so now it's on to more absurdities........

You should study your christian history............ lol.............

Slavery and the Making of America . The Slave Experience Religion PBS
rather odd to conclude that the facts the slave became Christians proves that slavery is might almost have assumed they would resent it if that were true.......but you better not tell Seally.....he thinks racism is a Christian institution.....if he finds out the slaves converted to Christianity it will rattle his bucket.....
I wasn't aware of that until you made it up.
so you believe that I made it up?.....did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......hard to believe, but I guess you actually WERE dumber than I thought......

............You did make it up............ You're now back peddling in a frantic attempt to sidestep your false and unsupportable claim............

........You completely revised your pointless claim in hopes to avoid being described as "pointless"...........

So, show us the data that........ "there were as many atheists killing indians and owning slaves as there were those of any other belief system" opposed to your edited claim, ..........."did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......
lol.....the point, my feckless child, is that slavery was NOT a Christian was universally utilized by ignorant people....of which you are a prime example.....

Maybe not but racism sure was.
lol....and yet, there are more Christians among non-white races than there are among whites.....sort of fucks up your logic, doesn't I recall, the very first convert was an Ethiopian.....

The Ethiopian that you speak of converted to Judaism not Christianity.
The very first Christian converts were Jewish, then Peter converted the fist gentiles which was Cornelius and his family who were Romans
I wasn't aware of that until you made it up.
so you believe that I made it up?.....did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......hard to believe, but I guess you actually WERE dumber than I thought......

............You did make it up............ You're now back peddling in a frantic attempt to sidestep your false and unsupportable claim............

........You completely revised your pointless claim in hopes to avoid being described as "pointless"...........

So, show us the data that........ "there were as many atheists killing indians and owning slaves as there were those of any other belief system" opposed to your edited claim, ..........."did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......
lol.....the point, my feckless child, is that slavery was NOT a Christian was universally utilized by ignorant people....of which you are a prime example.....

Maybe not but racism sure was.
lol....and yet, there are more Christians among non-white races than there are among whites.....sort of fucks up your logic, doesn't I recall, the very first convert was an Ethiopian.....
I wasn't aware of that until you made it up.
so you believe that I made it up?.....did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......hard to believe, but I guess you actually WERE dumber than I thought......

............You did make it up............ You're now back peddling in a frantic attempt to sidestep your false and unsupportable claim............

........You completely revised your pointless claim in hopes to avoid being described as "pointless"...........

So, show us the data that........ "there were as many atheists killing indians and owning slaves as there were those of any other belief system" opposed to your edited claim, ..........."did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......
lol.....the point, my feckless child, is that slavery was NOT a Christian was universally utilized by ignorant people....of which you are a prime example.....
lol..... I see you have your earlier false claim as untenable....... so now it's on to more absurdities........

You should study your christian history............ lol.............

Slavery and the Making of America . The Slave Experience Religion PBS
rather odd to conclude that the facts the slave became Christians proves that slavery is might almost have assumed they would resent it if that were true.......but you better not tell Seally.....he thinks racism is a Christian institution.....if he finds out the slaves converted to Christianity it will rattle his bucket.....
lol.......... rather odd to conclude that slavery was not a part of x-tianity when of course it was...............

The theory of evolution What scientists believe it is and isn t
so you believe that I made it up?.....did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......hard to believe, but I guess you actually WERE dumber than I thought......

............You did make it up............ You're now back peddling in a frantic attempt to sidestep your false and unsupportable claim............

........You completely revised your pointless claim in hopes to avoid being described as "pointless"...........

So, show us the data that........ "there were as many atheists killing indians and owning slaves as there were those of any other belief system" opposed to your edited claim, ..........."did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......
lol.....the point, my feckless child, is that slavery was NOT a Christian was universally utilized by ignorant people....of which you are a prime example.....

Maybe not but racism sure was.
lol....and yet, there are more Christians among non-white races than there are among whites.....sort of fucks up your logic, doesn't I recall, the very first convert was an Ethiopian.....

The Ethiopian that you speak of converted to Judaism not Christianity.
??? already WAS a Jew....
Acts 8:27 So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopian an important official in charge of all the treasury of the Kandake (which means “queen of the Ethiopians”). This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship....(only a Jew would go to Jerusalem to worship)...

Acts 8:34 The eunuch asked Philip, “Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?”35 Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.
36 As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?”38 And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.
so you believe that I made it up?.....did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......hard to believe, but I guess you actually WERE dumber than I thought......

............You did make it up............ You're now back peddling in a frantic attempt to sidestep your false and unsupportable claim............

........You completely revised your pointless claim in hopes to avoid being described as "pointless"...........

So, show us the data that........ "there were as many atheists killing indians and owning slaves as there were those of any other belief system" opposed to your edited claim, ..........."did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......
lol.....the point, my feckless child, is that slavery was NOT a Christian was universally utilized by ignorant people....of which you are a prime example.....

Maybe not but racism sure was.
lol....and yet, there are more Christians among non-white races than there are among whites.....sort of fucks up your logic, doesn't I recall, the very first convert was an Ethiopian.....
so you believe that I made it up?.....did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......hard to believe, but I guess you actually WERE dumber than I thought......

............You did make it up............ You're now back peddling in a frantic attempt to sidestep your false and unsupportable claim............

........You completely revised your pointless claim in hopes to avoid being described as "pointless"...........

So, show us the data that........ "there were as many atheists killing indians and owning slaves as there were those of any other belief system" opposed to your edited claim, ..........."did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......
lol.....the point, my feckless child, is that slavery was NOT a Christian was universally utilized by ignorant people....of which you are a prime example.....
lol..... I see you have your earlier false claim as untenable....... so now it's on to more absurdities........

You should study your christian history............ lol.............

Slavery and the Making of America . The Slave Experience Religion PBS
rather odd to conclude that the facts the slave became Christians proves that slavery is might almost have assumed they would resent it if that were true.......but you better not tell Seally.....he thinks racism is a Christian institution.....if he finds out the slaves converted to Christianity it will rattle his bucket.....
lol.......... rather odd to conclude that slavery was not a part of x-tianity when of course it was...............

The theory of evolution What scientists believe it is and isn t
foolish conclusion.....
............You did make it up............ You're now back peddling in a frantic attempt to sidestep your false and unsupportable claim............

........You completely revised your pointless claim in hopes to avoid being described as "pointless"...........

So, show us the data that........ "there were as many atheists killing indians and owning slaves as there were those of any other belief system" opposed to your edited claim, ..........."did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......
lol.....the point, my feckless child, is that slavery was NOT a Christian was universally utilized by ignorant people....of which you are a prime example.....

Maybe not but racism sure was.
lol....and yet, there are more Christians among non-white races than there are among whites.....sort of fucks up your logic, doesn't I recall, the very first convert was an Ethiopian.....
............You did make it up............ You're now back peddling in a frantic attempt to sidestep your false and unsupportable claim............

........You completely revised your pointless claim in hopes to avoid being described as "pointless"...........

So, show us the data that........ "there were as many atheists killing indians and owning slaves as there were those of any other belief system" opposed to your edited claim, ..........."did you seriously think that every single slave owner in the world was a Christian?......
lol.....the point, my feckless child, is that slavery was NOT a Christian was universally utilized by ignorant people....of which you are a prime example.....
lol..... I see you have your earlier false claim as untenable....... so now it's on to more absurdities........

You should study your christian history............ lol.............

Slavery and the Making of America . The Slave Experience Religion PBS
rather odd to conclude that the facts the slave became Christians proves that slavery is might almost have assumed they would resent it if that were true.......but you better not tell Seally.....he thinks racism is a Christian institution.....if he finds out the slaves converted to Christianity it will rattle his bucket.....
lol.......... rather odd to conclude that slavery was not a part of x-tianity when of course it was...............

The theory of evolution What scientists believe it is and isn t
foolish conclusion.....

You would want to present it that way because the history of Christianity includes slavery as an enterprise.

The theory of evolution What scientists believe it is and isn t

Help me out here, Mr. YEC'ist. So I'm conflicted on how to handle a domestic issue, and the absolutely universal law of God is not making it clear how I should proceed. Here's my conflict, from Leviticus 25:45-46
"Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession."
Here's my problem. One of the 4 year old children of the heathens around me actually has converted to Judaism. Now, technically he is still heathen, at least by blood. Can I buy this child anyway, or does the conversion override the bloodline issue? I suspect that a 4 year old isn't old enough to make such a decision regarding their status, so I can buy and enslave him anyway?

Can you enlighten me on how the bibles resolves such a conflict?

funny....the Bible according to Bruce....did you know the Religious Tolerance Organization is actually the basement of Bruce, who has a BS in engineering and says he will never study theology because it might interfere with the knowledge of religion he already has?

in short, he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about and refuses to learn......nice source.....
You would want to present it that way because the history of Christianity includes slavery as an enterprise.
don't keep it a secret, Hollie, what history would that be?.....
The history you're in denial about.

Don't keep it a secret. You never read the links I gave you because you're not interested in honesty or integrity.
I don't read links to ReligiousTolerance because the articles are written by Bruce......if he says something its almost a guarantee its false.......

did someone make a pathetic attempt to justify American slavery by using the Bible?.....yes.....does that make it a Christian enterprise? are out of your fucking mind.....and so is Bruce......
You would want to present it that way because the history of Christianity includes slavery as an enterprise.
don't keep it a secret, Hollie, what history would that be?.....
The history you're in denial about.

Don't keep it a secret. You never read the links I gave you because you're not interested in honesty or integrity.
I don't read links to ReligiousTolerance because the articles are written by Bruce......if he says something its almost a guarantee its false.......

did someone make a pathetic attempt to justify American slavery by using the Bible?.....yes.....does that make it a Christian enterprise? are out of your fucking mind.....and so is Bruce......
Well, no.............. Christianity has nothing to do with bibles..............

And yes.............. It's best you don't read anything that might contradict your fundamentalist views................. Denial of x-tian history is so much easier........................
You would want to present it that way because the history of Christianity includes slavery as an enterprise.
don't keep it a secret, Hollie, what history would that be?.....
The history you're in denial about.

Don't keep it a secret. You never read the links I gave you because you're not interested in honesty or integrity.
I don't read links to ReligiousTolerance because the articles are written by Bruce......if he says something its almost a guarantee its false.......

did someone make a pathetic attempt to justify American slavery by using the Bible?.....yes.....does that make it a Christian enterprise? are out of your fucking mind.....and so is Bruce......
Well, no.............. Christianity has nothing to do with bibles..............

And yes.............. It's best you don't read anything that might contradict your fundamentalist views................. Denial of x-tian history is so much easier........................
as I recall, you keep the same open mindedness about Answers in Genesis......Bruce makes the authors of AIG look like scholars.....
You would want to present it that way because the history of Christianity includes slavery as an enterprise.
don't keep it a secret, Hollie, what history would that be?.....
The history you're in denial about.

Don't keep it a secret. You never read the links I gave you because you're not interested in honesty or integrity.
I don't read links to ReligiousTolerance because the articles are written by Bruce......if he says something its almost a guarantee its false.......

did someone make a pathetic attempt to justify American slavery by using the Bible?.....yes.....does that make it a Christian enterprise? are out of your fucking mind.....and so is Bruce......
Well, no.............. Christianity has nothing to do with bibles..............

And yes.............. It's best you don't read anything that might contradict your fundamentalist views................. Denial of x-tian history is so much easier........................
as I recall, you keep the same open mindedness about Answers in Genesis......Bruce makes the authors of AIG look like scholars.....
Yet another failed comparison..............
Sealy, do you read the Qur'an?
How do you tell the difference between a Muslim that believes the Qur'an and what it says to do with infidels, and the one that carries it out? Ask your friend....

Violence in the Quran, he and others say, is largely a defense against attack.

"By the standards of the time, which is the 7th century A.D., the laws of war that are laid down by the Quran are actually reasonably humane," he says. "Then we turn to the Bible, and we actually find something that is for many people a real surprise. There is a specific kind of warfare laid down in the Bible which we can only call genocide."

It is called herem, and it means total annihilation. Consider the Book of 1 Samuel, when God instructs King Saul to attack the Amalekites: "And utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them," God says through the prophet Samuel. "But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey."

When Saul failed to do that, God took away his kingdom.

"In other words," Jenkins says, "Saul has committed a dreadful sin by failing to complete genocide. And that passage echoes through Christian history. It is often used, for example, in American stories of the confrontation with Indians — not just is it legitimate to kill Indians, but you are violating God's law if you do not."

Sealy, not only does the Qur'an dictate killing non Muslims, but it tells the ones who don't actively do the killing, to pray for the ones who do. The extremists are held in higher esteem by Allah and the Muslims praying for the martyr's success.
We don't live in the 7th. century. Christians aren't killing Indians. Muslims are killing everyone. When is the last time you heard about a Christian suicide bomber on the news? Christians aren't severing heads. Today, Christians pray, Muslims prey. We are not on equal ground because of our pasts.

Tell your friend that what comes out of his mouth and what is actually happening in the world are on opposite ends of the spectrum. And that includes in America. How has your friend missed that? 80% of the Palestinians support suicide bombers to kill Jews. Not all of them will strap on bombs, but they support the ones who do.

What your friend is telling you is that Muslims in America don't take the Qur'an seriously. They do.

Dude, I'm glad I watched that piece on ISIS last night on PBS before responding to you. Those guys are crazy. Did you see them lining up Shiites and just shooting them by the dozens? So close to Baghdad? The entire time yelling allah akbar. One young ignorant misled naive nothing to lose guy kept saying over and over "There is no god but" god"

This is the Al Queda Bin Ladin dreamed of. The leader preached at a Mosque the other day in public. Bin Ladin couldn't do that. These guys thought they'd go in to Kirkuk or Ramani or whatever city and just hit and run and then they realized just how weak the Iraqi Shiite army is so instead of just taking over the jail and freeing all the prisoners they took over the whole town. Malaki did all this! He totally fucked up. That was Bush's puppet. He is totally incompetent.

Isis is also made up mostly of former Saddam Bathist. So proof we should have never gotten rid of Saddam. He was the only one that could control this country.

Now Isis is tearing down the borders between Syria and Iraq and Iran. They don't believe in borders. They won't stop till they take over the entire middle east. Then Europe would be in danger.

They were talking about Islam's Caliphate. They said even if 1% of Muslims went along, that would be thousands of Muslims all of the sudden waging war on the rest of us.

Caliphate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The successor to Mohammad. Much like our Pope or the leader of the Mormon church.
The more crazy the Muslims get, the more it proves us Atheists right about crazy man made up organized religions. Your kooky man made up organized religion isn't that crazy? Ok. But it is still crazy.

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