Question about Noah.

Mind explaining how Psalms 104.9 actually says any such thing at all?
Sure. Psalms 104 is the creation event. Psalms 104;9 says "You set a boundary [the waters] cannot cross; never again will they cover the earth". So the waters never covered the earth after dry land first appeared, which means Noah's flood was not global.
You don't care why the Egyptians, and the Maya never had a record of the biblical flood? That's remarkable. How is it that there is archeological data from many civilizations that somehow survived a global flood? How do you reconcile that?

Well, I really don't know what to tell you except that I truly really could care less. Your argument falls on sand is why I don't care.

Wikipedia says the Mayan Civilization (that's a joke) came about around 2000 BC. That means that civilization (same joke) came about some 300 years after the flood. We created the United States in less time.

Your Egyptians control their own history. The Egyptians base their history on chronology of their pharaohs or kings. They have always gotten them confused since many of them had the same name and they had so many. They made everybody a kind. I believe even Job was made a king in Egypt. They had greater kings and lesser kings. If you owned three camels you were a greater king. Two camels got you a lesser kingship.

The Mayans do tend to prove the Chaos Theory of Evolution. They became heathens. They got into cannibalism and the priests skinned out people and dressed themselves in the skins. They finally about died out. They probably got hold of some bad hamburger.

All of these people hated God. The reason given for building the Tower of Babel was that they didn't trust God's promise not to send another flood so they built the Tower to escape another flood. Both the Egyptians and the Mayans began to build pyramids again in defiance of God and to worship other Gods including the sun.

I hope this answers your question as to why I'm really not concerned with the Egyptians and the Mayans. Civilization began again at the Tower of Babel in present day Iraq. Egypt is not all that far away. The Bible gives a fairly clear detail of how the people dispersed.
And yet, both the Maya and the Egyptians, (among others), somehow managed to avoid any mention of a global, humanity wiping event as described in the various bibles.
no they didn't.....
Of course they did.
and yet, their ancestors passed down a story of a massive flood that only those their culture descended from survived......or were you suggesting that story was passed UP instead of down....
Are you really this dense? That's a rhetorical question.

There was no "passing down" tales of a great flood. There were at least 6 dynasties of Egyptian civilization. None of them were interrupted by a global flood per biblical tales.
The 5th Dynasty of Egyptian civilization began its reign at about 2,465 BCE, which was followed by the 6th Dynasty, which ruled to about 2000 BCE.

How is it that there is no interruption of those dynasties?
post flood......
There was no biblical flood. You can provide no evidence for the farcical biblical tale and science finds no support for the tales and fables.
there are lots of things science does not support, yet it does not keep you from believing them.......
That's true, in part. Science does not support biblical tales and fables of global floods and Ark tales.
What "facts" support your Grand Canyon theory?

Why don't you simply read the post? Ever hear of common sense? Some folks have it. Do rivers flow uphill? Does slow erosion produce sharp cliffs? Where is the Colorado River delta? These are common sense items that must be answered.

Show me your argument. I've shown you mine.
Show us links to real scientist who believe this.

Dispute what I've posted first. I'm not here to do your bidding.
I can't dispute made up shit. Post a link to a real source so we know that this isn't just one of your fantasies, and so I'll have something to dispute.

Actually, whether you believe it or not concerns me not.
How is it even possible to believe something that you can't even provide a real link to someone credible who believes what you do?
God's going to destroy all the land and dirt and all living, breathing things on it. That means the entire planet. It couldn't be any clearer.

The Hebrew language is also clear. 'Tebel' (the entire earth) was used in the creation story and the judgment of the earth. The word 'Kol' was used to describe all of a particular region. The word 'Tebel' does not occur in the flood account.

We can see that holding true in the flood account itself. Genesis 8:5 tells us that Noah could see the tops of the mountains. Four verses later it notes the dove returned to the Ark as water covered all the earth. If Noah could see mountain tops, then it follows all of the rest of the region was flooded--not all the earth, as mountains were no longer covered.
So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” Which means the entire planet was flooded.
OK, so you don't believe in the bible.
yes.....I do.....I just don't believe in YOU......
It was a worldwide flood, which you don't believe in. So you don't believe the bible.
I don't believe the Bible tells us Mt. Everest was inundated.....that does not mean I don't believe the Bible.....I just don't believe your interpretations of it.....
So you don't believe this: "I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish."
or this: "So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. " ?
yes I do, why?.....
Because to put an end to ALL PEOPLE you'd need a worldwide flood.
Well, I really don't know what to tell you except that I truly really could care less. Your argument falls on sand is why I don't care.

Wikipedia says the Mayan Civilization (that's a joke) came about around 2000 BC. That means that civilization (same joke) came about some 300 years after the flood. We created the United States in less time.

Your Egyptians control their own history. The Egyptians base their history on chronology of their pharaohs or kings. They have always gotten them confused since many of them had the same name and they had so many. They made everybody a kind. I believe even Job was made a king in Egypt. They had greater kings and lesser kings. If you owned three camels you were a greater king. Two camels got you a lesser kingship.

The Mayans do tend to prove the Chaos Theory of Evolution. They became heathens. They got into cannibalism and the priests skinned out people and dressed themselves in the skins. They finally about died out. They probably got hold of some bad hamburger.

All of these people hated God. The reason given for building the Tower of Babel was that they didn't trust God's promise not to send another flood so they built the Tower to escape another flood. Both the Egyptians and the Mayans began to build pyramids again in defiance of God and to worship other Gods including the sun.

I hope this answers your question as to why I'm really not concerned with the Egyptians and the Mayans. Civilization began again at the Tower of Babel in present day Iraq. Egypt is not all that far away. The Bible gives a fairly clear detail of how the people dispersed.
And yet, both the Maya and the Egyptians, (among others), somehow managed to avoid any mention of a global, humanity wiping event as described in the various bibles.
no they didn't.....
Of course they did.
and yet, their ancestors passed down a story of a massive flood that only those their culture descended from survived......or were you suggesting that story was passed UP instead of down....
Are you really this dense? That's a rhetorical question.

There was no "passing down" tales of a great flood. There were at least 6 dynasties of Egyptian civilization. None of them were interrupted by a global flood per biblical tales.
apparently, you're one of those atheists who does not've already been linked to the Egyptian flood myth that was passed down.....and why would you need to "interrupt" a civilization that had not yet started?......
yes.....I do.....I just don't believe in YOU......
It was a worldwide flood, which you don't believe in. So you don't believe the bible.
I don't believe the Bible tells us Mt. Everest was inundated.....that does not mean I don't believe the Bible.....I just don't believe your interpretations of it.....
So you don't believe this: "I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish."
or this: "So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. " ?
yes I do, why?.....
Because to put an end to ALL PEOPLE you'd need a worldwide flood.
not if all the people alive are in the same area.......(this isn't that complicated, I am puzzled why you cannot comprehend it because atheists are not very bright, or just that they don't pay attention)........
And yet, both the Maya and the Egyptians, (among others), somehow managed to avoid any mention of a global, humanity wiping event as described in the various bibles.
no they didn't.....
Of course they did.
and yet, their ancestors passed down a story of a massive flood that only those their culture descended from survived......or were you suggesting that story was passed UP instead of down....
Are you really this dense? That's a rhetorical question.

There was no "passing down" tales of a great flood. There were at least 6 dynasties of Egyptian civilization. None of them were interrupted by a global flood per biblical tales.
apparently, you're one of those atheists who does not've already been linked to the Egyptian flood myth that was passed down.....and why would you need to "interrupt" a civilization that had not yet started?......
The various Egyptian Dynasties spanned the timeframe of the biblical flood tale.

That is just more evidence that refutes biblical tales and fables.

Sorry, but your YEC'ist fantasies are again refuted.
no they didn't.....
Of course they did.
and yet, their ancestors passed down a story of a massive flood that only those their culture descended from survived......or were you suggesting that story was passed UP instead of down....
Are you really this dense? That's a rhetorical question.

There was no "passing down" tales of a great flood. There were at least 6 dynasties of Egyptian civilization. None of them were interrupted by a global flood per biblical tales.
apparently, you're one of those atheists who does not've already been linked to the Egyptian flood myth that was passed down.....and why would you need to "interrupt" a civilization that had not yet started?......
The various Egyptian Dynasties spanned the timeframe of the biblical flood tale.

That is just more evidence that refutes biblical tales and fables.

Sorry, but your YEC'ist fantasies are again refuted.
you see, this is why you have no are not smart enough to realize there IS no timeframe for the biblical flood.......if you weren't handicapped by your ignorance we could advance the discussion......
It was a worldwide flood, which you don't believe in. So you don't believe the bible.
I don't believe the Bible tells us Mt. Everest was inundated.....that does not mean I don't believe the Bible.....I just don't believe your interpretations of it.....
So you don't believe this: "I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish."
or this: "So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. " ?
yes I do, why?.....
Because to put an end to ALL PEOPLE you'd need a worldwide flood.
not if all the people alive are in the same area.......(this isn't that complicated, I am puzzled why you cannot comprehend it because atheists are not very bright, or just that they don't pay attention)........
There were people all over the earth at that time. Geez, how do you even have a regional flood to the tops of the mountains without it spilling over to other parts of the earth, it's a physical impossibility. And you say I'M not very bright. Sheesh!
I don't believe the Bible tells us Mt. Everest was inundated.....that does not mean I don't believe the Bible.....I just don't believe your interpretations of it.....
So you don't believe this: "I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish."
or this: "So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. " ?
yes I do, why?.....
Because to put an end to ALL PEOPLE you'd need a worldwide flood.
not if all the people alive are in the same area.......(this isn't that complicated, I am puzzled why you cannot comprehend it because atheists are not very bright, or just that they don't pay attention)........
There were people all over the earth at that time. Geez, how do you even have a regional flood to the tops of the mountains without it spilling over to other parts of the earth, it's a physical impossibility. And you say I'M not very bright. Sheesh!
of course I say you aren't very still think you know when "earth at that time" insist on a literal translation of the Bible to support your argument.....fine, then there were 27 generations between Adam and many people were alive at the time of Noah and how far had they dispersed from the Garden of Eden......
It couldn't be any clearer.
is it possible for people to believe things that you do not believe?........
You don't believe what the bible says. We get that. Now :anj_stfu:
but you are foolish to continue to make that same false claim.....I do believe in the Bible, I just reject your idiocy......
Was eve made from one of adam's ribs?
I would consider it an idiocy of yours to argue that God had to have created Eve from Adam's rib......
Of course they did.
and yet, their ancestors passed down a story of a massive flood that only those their culture descended from survived......or were you suggesting that story was passed UP instead of down....
Are you really this dense? That's a rhetorical question.

There was no "passing down" tales of a great flood. There were at least 6 dynasties of Egyptian civilization. None of them were interrupted by a global flood per biblical tales.
apparently, you're one of those atheists who does not've already been linked to the Egyptian flood myth that was passed down.....and why would you need to "interrupt" a civilization that had not yet started?......
The various Egyptian Dynasties spanned the timeframe of the biblical flood tale.

That is just more evidence that refutes biblical tales and fables.

Sorry, but your YEC'ist fantasies are again refuted.
you see, this is why you have no are not smart enough to realize there IS no timeframe for the biblical flood.......if you weren't handicapped by your ignorance we could advance the discussion......
That's convenient. No timeframe for the biblical flood allows you to make-up the tales and fables to revise history as you go.

Sorry, but your re-writing of the bibles to escape your inability to re-write contingent history is a laughable joke.
and yet, their ancestors passed down a story of a massive flood that only those their culture descended from survived......or were you suggesting that story was passed UP instead of down....
Are you really this dense? That's a rhetorical question.

There was no "passing down" tales of a great flood. There were at least 6 dynasties of Egyptian civilization. None of them were interrupted by a global flood per biblical tales.
apparently, you're one of those atheists who does not've already been linked to the Egyptian flood myth that was passed down.....and why would you need to "interrupt" a civilization that had not yet started?......
The various Egyptian Dynasties spanned the timeframe of the biblical flood tale.

That is just more evidence that refutes biblical tales and fables.

Sorry, but your YEC'ist fantasies are again refuted.
you see, this is why you have no are not smart enough to realize there IS no timeframe for the biblical flood.......if you weren't handicapped by your ignorance we could advance the discussion......
That's convenient. No timeframe for the biblical flood allows you to make-up the tales and fables to revise history as you go.

Sorry, but your re-writing of the bibles to escape your inability to re-write contingent history is a laughable joke.
it remains for you to show I am rewriting "history"......there is actually nothing in the text itself which identifies any timetable......that comes not from the Bible but from a man named it your belief the Bible is history?.......

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