Question about Noah.

it's a physical impossibility.
interesting.....a creating being destroys all of humanity by his actions and you're worried about physical about metaphysical possibilities..... about magical and supernatural possibilities......,
I believe both would fall under the concept of "metaphysical" would your beliefs regarding 150k year old AGW......
There were people all over the earth at that time. Geez, how do you even have a regional flood to the tops of the mountains without it spilling over to other parts of the earth, it's a physical impossibility. And you say I'M not very bright. Sheesh!
When you account for the curvature of the earth, it's easy to see how the mountains would have appeared to be covered from the perspective of someone on that boat.
There were people all over the earth at that time. Geez, how do you even have a regional flood to the tops of the mountains without it spilling over to other parts of the earth, it's a physical impossibility. And you say I'M not very bright. Sheesh!
When you account for the curvature of the earth, it's easy to see how the mountains would have appeared to be covered from the perspective of someone on that boat.
Ok, WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! The dumbest post of the week! C'mon everyone and check out the latest non-sensical non-sense!
It couldn't be any clearer.
is it possible for people to believe things that you do not believe?........
You don't believe what the bible says. We get that. Now :anj_stfu:
but you are foolish to continue to make that same false claim.....I do believe in the Bible, I just reject your idiocy......
Was eve made from one of adam's ribs?
I would consider it an idiocy of yours to argue that God had to have created Eve from Adam's rib......
Like I said, you don't believe in the bible. Now shut up.
So you don't believe this: "I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish."
or this: "So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. " ?
yes I do, why?.....
Because to put an end to ALL PEOPLE you'd need a worldwide flood.
not if all the people alive are in the same area.......(this isn't that complicated, I am puzzled why you cannot comprehend it because atheists are not very bright, or just that they don't pay attention)........
There were people all over the earth at that time. Geez, how do you even have a regional flood to the tops of the mountains without it spilling over to other parts of the earth, it's a physical impossibility. And you say I'M not very bright. Sheesh!
of course I say you aren't very still think you know when "earth at that time" insist on a literal translation of the Bible to support your argument.....fine, then there were 27 generations between Adam and many people were alive at the time of Noah and how far had they dispersed from the Garden of Eden......
But there were people all over the world. Humans started out in Africa and dispersed around the world over a long period of time. So whenever the flood happened, it had to be worldwide, otherwise god doesn't kill everyone except Noah's bunch.
Are you really this dense? That's a rhetorical question.

There was no "passing down" tales of a great flood. There were at least 6 dynasties of Egyptian civilization. None of them were interrupted by a global flood per biblical tales.
apparently, you're one of those atheists who does not've already been linked to the Egyptian flood myth that was passed down.....and why would you need to "interrupt" a civilization that had not yet started?......
The various Egyptian Dynasties spanned the timeframe of the biblical flood tale.

That is just more evidence that refutes biblical tales and fables.

Sorry, but your YEC'ist fantasies are again refuted.
you see, this is why you have no are not smart enough to realize there IS no timeframe for the biblical flood.......if you weren't handicapped by your ignorance we could advance the discussion......
That's convenient. No timeframe for the biblical flood allows you to make-up the tales and fables to revise history as you go.

Sorry, but your re-writing of the bibles to escape your inability to re-write contingent history is a laughable joke.
it remains for you to show I am rewriting "history"......there is actually nothing in the text itself which identifies any timetable......that comes not from the Bible but from a man named it your belief the Bible is history?.......
Your argument regarding no timeline for "Noah's Adventures on The Ark" is safe in the sense you can make-up any timeline you wish.

However, others actually have put a date on Noah's pleasure cruise.

The Date of Noah s Flood -

Not surprisingly, that date directly conflicts with the archeological data of existing cultures / civilizations at the time which have no record of a global flood.
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There were people all over the earth at that time. Geez, how do you even have a regional flood to the tops of the mountains without it spilling over to other parts of the earth, it's a physical impossibility. And you say I'M not very bright. Sheesh!
When you account for the curvature of the earth, it's easy to see how the mountains would have appeared to be covered from the perspective of someone on that boat.
Actually, no. The earth is flat, at least according to the bibles.
There were people all over the earth at that time. Geez, how do you even have a regional flood to the tops of the mountains without it spilling over to other parts of the earth, it's a physical impossibility. And you say I'M not very bright. Sheesh!
When you account for the curvature of the earth, it's easy to see how the mountains would have appeared to be covered from the perspective of someone on that boat.
Actually, no. The earth is flat, at least according to the bibles.
The bible doesn't say he earth is flat.
The waters certainly threatened the mountains for they were covered. It was a global flood.
The mountains were not covered.


Gen 7:19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
Gen 7:20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
God's going to destroy all the land and dirt and all living, breathing things on it. That means the entire planet. It couldn't be any clearer.

The Hebrew language is also clear. 'Tebel' (the entire earth) was used in the creation story and the judgment of the earth. The word 'Kol' was used to describe all of a particular region. The word 'Tebel' does not occur in the flood account.

We can see that holding true in the flood account itself. Genesis 8:5 tells us that Noah could see the tops of the mountains. Four verses later it notes the dove returned to the Ark as water covered all the earth. If Noah could see mountain tops, then it follows all of the rest of the region was flooded--not all the earth, as mountains were no longer covered.
So just make it up as you go along.

As the fable has no hard data to support it, believe whatever you wish.

Yes indeed. People from all over the world just simply dreamed up a story of the flood all on their own. You gotta be kidding me.

There is much archaeological evidence confirming the Flood of Noah. There is a tablet in Babylon on which one of the Babylonian kings mentions his enjoyment in reading the writings of those who lived before the Flood. Another Babylonian tablet gives an interesting confirmation. Noah was the tenth generation from Adam according to the Bible, and this Babylonian tablet names the ten kings of Babylon who lived before the Flood. Another tablet names all the kings of Babylon, and after the first ten there are the words: “The Deluge came up. . .”
Stories of the Nochian Flood have been found in almost every civilization in the world. Dr. Aaron Smith of the University of Greensboro collected a complete history of the literature on Noah’s Ark. He found 80,000 works in 72 languages about the flood. About 70,000 of them mention the wreckage of the Ark.
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Gen 7:19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
Gen 7:20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
15 cubits = 22.5 feet. Now that's one hell of a flood, but it's not going to cover a mountain.

The far-off mountains appeared to be covered by the observer due to the curvature of the earth, but they weren't actually covered.

It's the difference between a witness's perspective and objective reality as supported by the evidence. I suggest you put your bible down and look for a better church.
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Gen 7:19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
Gen 7:20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
15 cubits = 22.5 feet. Now that's one hell of a flood, but it's not going to cover a mountain.

The far-off mountains appeared to be covered by the observer due to the curvature of the earth, but they weren't actually covered.

It's the difference between a witness's perspective and objective reality as supported by the evidence. I suggest you put your bible down and look for a better church.

I suggest you pick up your Bible and read it instead of denying it in order to promote your ego. It was a totally different world than the world of today. You cannot superimpose this present world onto the world of the flood era. Yes, 22.5 feet above the hills should cover even one man standing on top of the hill upon another's shoulders.
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God's going to destroy all the land and dirt and all living, breathing things on it. That means the entire planet. It couldn't be any clearer.

The Hebrew language is also clear. 'Tebel' (the entire earth) was used in the creation story and the judgment of the earth. The word 'Kol' was used to describe all of a particular region. The word 'Tebel' does not occur in the flood account.

We can see that holding true in the flood account itself. Genesis 8:5 tells us that Noah could see the tops of the mountains. Four verses later it notes the dove returned to the Ark as water covered all the earth. If Noah could see mountain tops, then it follows all of the rest of the region was flooded--not all the earth, as mountains were no longer covered.
So just make it up as you go along.

As the fable has no hard data to support it, believe whatever you wish.

Yes indeed. People from all over the world just simply dreamed up a story of the flood all on their own. You gotta be kidding me.

There is much archaeological evidence confirming the Flood of Noah. There is a tablet in Babylon on which one of the Babylonian kings mentions his enjoyment in reading the writings of those who lived before the Flood. Another Babylonian tablet gives an interesting confirmation. Noah was the tenth generation from Adam according to the Bible, and this Babylonian tablet names the ten kings of Babylon who lived before the Flood. Another tablet names all the kings of Babylon, and after the first ten there are the words: “The Deluge came up. . .”
Stories of the Nochian Flood have been found in almost every civilization in the world. Dr. Aaron Smith of the University of Greensboro collected a complete history of the literature on Noah’s Ark. He found 80,000 works in 72 languages about the flood. About 70,000 of them mention the wreckage of the Ark.
Do you have any real scientific archeological evidence?
It couldn't be any clearer.
is it possible for people to believe things that you do not believe?........
You don't believe what the bible says. We get that. Now :anj_stfu:
but you are foolish to continue to make that same false claim.....I do believe in the Bible, I just reject your idiocy......
Was eve made from one of adam's ribs?

Why not? Makes more sense than the evolutionists claims that she was made out of some cesspool soup or from some fish that climbed up out of the ocean.
It couldn't be any clearer.
is it possible for people to believe things that you do not believe?........
You don't believe what the bible says. We get that. Now :anj_stfu:
but you are foolish to continue to make that same false claim.....I do believe in the Bible, I just reject your idiocy......
Was eve made from one of adam's ribs?

Why not? Makes more sense than the evolutionists claims that she was made out of some cesspool soup or from some fish that climbed up out of the ocean.
C'mon brah, seriously. You think your god plopped down adam fully formed then took a rib and made eve? :cuckoo:
God's going to destroy all the land and dirt and all living, breathing things on it. That means the entire planet. It couldn't be any clearer.

The Hebrew language is also clear. 'Tebel' (the entire earth) was used in the creation story and the judgment of the earth. The word 'Kol' was used to describe all of a particular region. The word 'Tebel' does not occur in the flood account.

We can see that holding true in the flood account itself. Genesis 8:5 tells us that Noah could see the tops of the mountains. Four verses later it notes the dove returned to the Ark as water covered all the earth. If Noah could see mountain tops, then it follows all of the rest of the region was flooded--not all the earth, as mountains were no longer covered.
So just make it up as you go along.

As the fable has no hard data to support it, believe whatever you wish.

Yes indeed. People from all over the world just simply dreamed up a story of the flood all on their own. You gotta be kidding me.

There is much archaeological evidence confirming the Flood of Noah. There is a tablet in Babylon on which one of the Babylonian kings mentions his enjoyment in reading the writings of those who lived before the Flood. Another Babylonian tablet gives an interesting confirmation. Noah was the tenth generation from Adam according to the Bible, and this Babylonian tablet names the ten kings of Babylon who lived before the Flood. Another tablet names all the kings of Babylon, and after the first ten there are the words: “The Deluge came up. . .”
Stories of the Nochian Flood have been found in almost every civilization in the world. Dr. Aaron Smith of the University of Greensboro collected a complete history of the literature on Noah’s Ark. He found 80,000 works in 72 languages about the flood. About 70,000 of them mention the wreckage of the Ark.
Do you have any real scientific archeological evidence?

Well duhhh. I would claim those Babylonian tablets to be scientific archeological evidence. What do you want, a Fox News report with eyewitness accounts?
is it possible for people to believe things that you do not believe?........
You don't believe what the bible says. We get that. Now :anj_stfu:
but you are foolish to continue to make that same false claim.....I do believe in the Bible, I just reject your idiocy......
Was eve made from one of adam's ribs?

Why not? Makes more sense than the evolutionists claims that she was made out of some cesspool soup or from some fish that climbed up out of the ocean.
C'mon brah, seriously. You think your god plopped down adam fully formed then took a rib and made eve? :cuckoo:

Do you seriously believe Adam was once a bird or a fish? I'm no more insane than you.
You don't believe what the bible says. We get that. Now :anj_stfu:
but you are foolish to continue to make that same false claim.....I do believe in the Bible, I just reject your idiocy......
Was eve made from one of adam's ribs?

Why not? Makes more sense than the evolutionists claims that she was made out of some cesspool soup or from some fish that climbed up out of the ocean.
C'mon brah, seriously. You think your god plopped down adam fully formed then took a rib and made eve? :cuckoo:

Do you seriously believe Adam was once a bird or a fish? I'm no more insane than you.
Adam never existed. Now you know.
God's going to destroy all the land and dirt and all living, breathing things on it. That means the entire planet. It couldn't be any clearer.

The Hebrew language is also clear. 'Tebel' (the entire earth) was used in the creation story and the judgment of the earth. The word 'Kol' was used to describe all of a particular region. The word 'Tebel' does not occur in the flood account.

We can see that holding true in the flood account itself. Genesis 8:5 tells us that Noah could see the tops of the mountains. Four verses later it notes the dove returned to the Ark as water covered all the earth. If Noah could see mountain tops, then it follows all of the rest of the region was flooded--not all the earth, as mountains were no longer covered.
So just make it up as you go along.

As the fable has no hard data to support it, believe whatever you wish.

Yes indeed. People from all over the world just simply dreamed up a story of the flood all on their own. You gotta be kidding me.

There is much archaeological evidence confirming the Flood of Noah. There is a tablet in Babylon on which one of the Babylonian kings mentions his enjoyment in reading the writings of those who lived before the Flood. Another Babylonian tablet gives an interesting confirmation. Noah was the tenth generation from Adam according to the Bible, and this Babylonian tablet names the ten kings of Babylon who lived before the Flood. Another tablet names all the kings of Babylon, and after the first ten there are the words: “The Deluge came up. . .”
Stories of the Nochian Flood have been found in almost every civilization in the world. Dr. Aaron Smith of the University of Greensboro collected a complete history of the literature on Noah’s Ark. He found 80,000 works in 72 languages about the flood. About 70,000 of them mention the wreckage of the Ark.
Do you have any real scientific archeological evidence?

Well duhhh. I would claim those Babylonian tablets to be scientific archeological evidence. What do you want, a Fox News report with eyewitness accounts?
Geological proof that a worldwide flood happened.

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