Question about Noah.

That's true. Claims to man-made inventions of magic / supernatural gawds make no sense to me, especially when the worshippers of those gawds are unable to account for even the most basic of attributes describing those gawds.

The fact that God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscience doesn't satisfy your definition of attributes?
Those are attributes of the gawds that are shared by many inventions of gawds.

If you drill down on this, why are your gawds simply reflections of earlier inventions of gawds? Of what use or need are gawds who are uninvolved? Why the requirement to opt for a sentient, intelligent, and somehow "alive" being-- what's the point? To satisfy some anthropomorphic desire? Human egotism?

There is little difference between the natural Big Bang paradigm and a “Gawds Who Are Nonexistent” paradigm. With the former you have causal "omnipotence" -- nothing is as all powerful as all of existence (i.e., gravity and the speed of light are omnipotent). But that's all you have. No "omniscience" and no "omni benevolence" or any of those extraneous human-ego attributes that you and other inventors of religions have slathered your gawds with. So why opt for the latter, and then go assigning it characteristics that deconstruct the very thing you opt for?

An invisible, undetectable, unknown and completely and perfectly uninvolved entity is synonymous with "Nothingness". So why give this nothingness human attributes?

LOL!! I fully support a "Big Bang" theory. I believe God spoke and (BANG!!!) it was so. He created your gravity, your speed of light, all your laws of physics.
Your "science" cannot even define what is thought. Science is unable to explain how the brain functions. Actually, science cannot even cure the common cold.
Your Theory of Evolution is a theory of decay, dying, and destruction. It is a theory of chaos. Even Neanderthal man had a longer lifespan than we have. Man has steadily evolved downward, now having a lifespan of about 78 years.
Actually, science, with the assistance of modern medicine can explain a great many things about the function of the brain.

And, the Theory of Evolution is about making predictions that can be verified.

Don't let fear and ignorance rule your life.

THEORY. I actually love science but I recognize our limitations in applying science. It was God who set man's limit at 100 years, not science. It takes all our little science can do to even help us to achieve that age. Science certainly hasn't extended that limit.

I even agree with you atheists that man was made out of a rock.. The Bible states that God formed Adam out of the dust of the ground. That dust could easily have been a crushed and pulverized rock. Does this and my agreement with your Big Bang Theory now make me an honorary atheist evolutionist?

There is no reason to accept your claim regarding "man's limits" as there is no reason to accept your "because I say so " claims to gawds.
So? They hated God. Some of the pharaohs even proclaimed themselves to be gods. Perhaps the destroyed any documentation or forbade any mention of it. Who knows? Who cares? The point is both the Mayan civilization and the Egyptian civilizations came into being after the flood.

You are correct that there were other civilizations on earth before the flood. These all perished in the flood however. Now, after the flood these lands were repopulated again. Excavations at Jerico have unearthed some 23 different times that city has been settled. Some of these are from before the flood.
Nonsense. The archeological and historic data show that many cultures and civilizations existed both before and after the biblical flood tale.

Nonsense right back at you. You even had the Mayans before the flood. I can't count on anything you say. One has to check out all your wild claims.

So go check them out.

In the meantime, explain how existing civilizations / cultures existing at the time of the biblical Ark tale have no record of any global flood.

Check out what or who? What civilizations/cultures are you speaking of. Be specific. I've already done the Mayan and Egyptians for you and found you in error.

Do these civilizations/cultures even comment on Cain's murder of Abel or of the fall of Adam?

Asking why a culture doesn't comment on something is really a stupid question to ask. Did the people of Borneo comment on the passage of the ACA? I don't know.
Being in denial of the Egyptian and Mayan civilizations (among others), that have no history of any biblical global flood doesn't help your case.

The 5th Dynasty of Egyptian civilization began its reign at about 2,465 BCE, which was followed by the 6th Dynasty, which ruled to about 2000 BCE.

How is it that there is no interruption of those dynasties?

Shall we look at China, next?

Sorry, but you need yet another revision to biblical history or yet more finagling with the numbers.

Go ahead and look. 2465 is after the flood. There would be no interruption. "About 2000" doesn't cut it either. What is your "fudge factor" when you state "about"?

Saying some civilization that has long disappeared has no record of something is absurd. How do you know they never had such records? Just because none have as yet been found? Totally without any scientific validity. In the scope of history, we just recently found the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Your arguments are about as juvenile as those atheists asking why God hasn't appeared and proven his existence to them. You people are insane.
The fact that God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscience doesn't satisfy your definition of attributes?
Those are attributes of the gawds that are shared by many inventions of gawds.

If you drill down on this, why are your gawds simply reflections of earlier inventions of gawds? Of what use or need are gawds who are uninvolved? Why the requirement to opt for a sentient, intelligent, and somehow "alive" being-- what's the point? To satisfy some anthropomorphic desire? Human egotism?

There is little difference between the natural Big Bang paradigm and a “Gawds Who Are Nonexistent” paradigm. With the former you have causal "omnipotence" -- nothing is as all powerful as all of existence (i.e., gravity and the speed of light are omnipotent). But that's all you have. No "omniscience" and no "omni benevolence" or any of those extraneous human-ego attributes that you and other inventors of religions have slathered your gawds with. So why opt for the latter, and then go assigning it characteristics that deconstruct the very thing you opt for?

An invisible, undetectable, unknown and completely and perfectly uninvolved entity is synonymous with "Nothingness". So why give this nothingness human attributes?

LOL!! I fully support a "Big Bang" theory. I believe God spoke and (BANG!!!) it was so. He created your gravity, your speed of light, all your laws of physics.
Your "science" cannot even define what is thought. Science is unable to explain how the brain functions. Actually, science cannot even cure the common cold.
Your Theory of Evolution is a theory of decay, dying, and destruction. It is a theory of chaos. Even Neanderthal man had a longer lifespan than we have. Man has steadily evolved downward, now having a lifespan of about 78 years.
Actually, science, with the assistance of modern medicine can explain a great many things about the function of the brain.

And, the Theory of Evolution is about making predictions that can be verified.

Don't let fear and ignorance rule your life.

THEORY. I actually love science but I recognize our limitations in applying science. It was God who set man's limit at 100 years, not science. It takes all our little science can do to even help us to achieve that age. Science certainly hasn't extended that limit.

I even agree with you atheists that man was made out of a rock.. The Bible states that God formed Adam out of the dust of the ground. That dust could easily have been a crushed and pulverized rock. Does this and my agreement with your Big Bang Theory now make me an honorary atheist evolutionist?

There is no reason to accept your claim regarding "man's limits" as there is no reason to accept your "because I say so " claims to gawds.

More stupidity. Wait and see if you live beyond God's set limit for mankind.
Nonsense. The archeological and historic data show that many cultures and civilizations existed both before and after the biblical flood tale.

Nonsense right back at you. You even had the Mayans before the flood. I can't count on anything you say. One has to check out all your wild claims.

So go check them out.

In the meantime, explain how existing civilizations / cultures existing at the time of the biblical Ark tale have no record of any global flood.

Check out what or who? What civilizations/cultures are you speaking of. Be specific. I've already done the Mayan and Egyptians for you and found you in error.

Do these civilizations/cultures even comment on Cain's murder of Abel or of the fall of Adam?

Asking why a culture doesn't comment on something is really a stupid question to ask. Did the people of Borneo comment on the passage of the ACA? I don't know.
Being in denial of the Egyptian and Mayan civilizations (among others), that have no history of any biblical global flood doesn't help your case.

The 5th Dynasty of Egyptian civilization began its reign at about 2,465 BCE, which was followed by the 6th Dynasty, which ruled to about 2000 BCE.

How is it that there is no interruption of those dynasties?

Shall we look at China, next?

Sorry, but you need yet another revision to biblical history or yet more finagling with the numbers.

Go ahead and look. 2465 is after the flood. There would be no interruption. "About 2000" doesn't cut it either. What is your "fudge factor" when you state "about"?

Saying some civilization that has long disappeared has no record of something is absurd. How do you know they never had such records? Just because none have as yet been found? Totally without any scientific validity. In the scope of history, we just recently found the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Your arguments are about as juvenile as those atheists asking why God hasn't appeared and proven his existence to them. You people are insane.
I can see you're in denial. It's really a shame. Not reason, not rationally, not contingent history will pull you out of your denial.

The fact is, the biblical flood is nothing more than a fable. You can not a shred of evidence for it and you're simply going to deny the history of mant cultures existing at the time which clearly refutes biblical tales and fables.

Do you find it ironic that you use the term "scientific validity" when you're the one hoping to defend supernatural gawds?
Those are attributes of the gawds that are shared by many inventions of gawds.

If you drill down on this, why are your gawds simply reflections of earlier inventions of gawds? Of what use or need are gawds who are uninvolved? Why the requirement to opt for a sentient, intelligent, and somehow "alive" being-- what's the point? To satisfy some anthropomorphic desire? Human egotism?

There is little difference between the natural Big Bang paradigm and a “Gawds Who Are Nonexistent” paradigm. With the former you have causal "omnipotence" -- nothing is as all powerful as all of existence (i.e., gravity and the speed of light are omnipotent). But that's all you have. No "omniscience" and no "omni benevolence" or any of those extraneous human-ego attributes that you and other inventors of religions have slathered your gawds with. So why opt for the latter, and then go assigning it characteristics that deconstruct the very thing you opt for?

An invisible, undetectable, unknown and completely and perfectly uninvolved entity is synonymous with "Nothingness". So why give this nothingness human attributes?

LOL!! I fully support a "Big Bang" theory. I believe God spoke and (BANG!!!) it was so. He created your gravity, your speed of light, all your laws of physics.
Your "science" cannot even define what is thought. Science is unable to explain how the brain functions. Actually, science cannot even cure the common cold.
Your Theory of Evolution is a theory of decay, dying, and destruction. It is a theory of chaos. Even Neanderthal man had a longer lifespan than we have. Man has steadily evolved downward, now having a lifespan of about 78 years.
Actually, science, with the assistance of modern medicine can explain a great many things about the function of the brain.

And, the Theory of Evolution is about making predictions that can be verified.

Don't let fear and ignorance rule your life.

THEORY. I actually love science but I recognize our limitations in applying science. It was God who set man's limit at 100 years, not science. It takes all our little science can do to even help us to achieve that age. Science certainly hasn't extended that limit.

I even agree with you atheists that man was made out of a rock.. The Bible states that God formed Adam out of the dust of the ground. That dust could easily have been a crushed and pulverized rock. Does this and my agreement with your Big Bang Theory now make me an honorary atheist evolutionist?

There is no reason to accept your claim regarding "man's limits" as there is no reason to accept your "because I say so " claims to gawds.

More stupidity. Wait and see if you live beyond God's set limit for mankind.
Your gawds have set no limits.

Your hysterical claim is completely without support.
What "facts" support your Grand Canyon theory?

Why don't you simply read the post? Ever hear of common sense? Some folks have it. Do rivers flow uphill? Does slow erosion produce sharp cliffs? Where is the Colorado River delta? These are common sense items that must be answered.

Show me your argument. I've shown you mine.

You claimed "facts" supported your Grand Canyon theory. I still see no facts being presented.

I showed you my argument. It's up to you to dispute my argument.
you realize you're talking to Hollie, right?.....

You realize that you're ill-equipped, right?
is that your "dispute"?......
[ It's just a fact that a great many cultures existed at the time of the biblical flood and they managed, somehow, to have survived that event.
the cultures didn't exist at the time of the flood.....the peoples that formed those cultures descended from those who survived the event......
Nonsense. Many cultures existed at the time of the Noah tale. Why is it so difficult for you to be honest and admit that you simply have no explanation for why those cultures have no record of the silly biblical flood.
probably it would be difficult for me to "admit" that because it isn't initially claimed the Egyptians and the Mayans did not, and I gave you facts which showed you were wrong......I don't recall you responding by saying "I fucked up, sorry"......
They were: the Minoan, Mesopotamia, the area around what is now Israel, the Indus Valley, China and Egypt.
all were post flood.....their ancestors were also flood survivors.....
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OK, so you don't believe in the bible.
yes.....I do.....I just don't believe in YOU......
It was a worldwide flood, which you don't believe in. So you don't believe the bible.
I don't believe the Bible tells us Mt. Everest was inundated.....that does not mean I don't believe the Bible.....I just don't believe your interpretations of it.....
So you don't believe this: "I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish."
or this: "So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. " ?
yes I do, why?.....
This is what the bible says:
"I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish."
or this: "So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. "
Exactly. Nowhere in what you quoted did it say the entire planet. It just says 'earth', which means land, dirt. The people of Noah's time had no concept of what a planet even is to then make a story about one. Psalms 104;9 verifies that the flood was not global. The planet was completely covered in water only once, before any dry land first appeared millions of years ago.
Geez, you're fucking dense. God's going to destroy all the land and dirt and all living, breathing things on it. That means the entire planet. It couldn't be any clearer.
do you believe God punished the dirt for being evil or just the plants.......
I gave you many examples of cultures that spoke of a global flood. I don't know why the Egyptians either did or didn't. The point is that many did.

As far a wooden ship taking heavy seas, even Columbus rode out a hurricane losing the Pinta. Of course wooden ships can take heavy seas. Who knows really whether the ark utilized any metal or not. Tubal Cain was a worker in brass and other metals. There was certainly some knowledge of working with metals long before Noah built the ark.

Another sidestep.

Why did the Egyptians, and the Maya never have a record of the biblical flood?

Holly, I really don't care why they didn't. Many others did. Remember the Epic of Gilgamesh? That one is well documented. That came from the Mesopotamia Valley and follows the Biblical account amazingly close.

You don't care why the Egyptians, and the Maya never had a record of the biblical flood? That's remarkable. How is it that there is archeological data from many civilizations that somehow survived a global flood? How do you reconcile that?

Well, I really don't know what to tell you except that I truly really could care less. Your argument falls on sand is why I don't care.

Wikipedia says the Mayan Civilization (that's a joke) came about around 2000 BC. That means that civilization (same joke) came about some 300 years after the flood. We created the United States in less time.

Your Egyptians control their own history. The Egyptians base their history on chronology of their pharaohs or kings. They have always gotten them confused since many of them had the same name and they had so many. They made everybody a kind. I believe even Job was made a king in Egypt. They had greater kings and lesser kings. If you owned three camels you were a greater king. Two camels got you a lesser kingship.

The Mayans do tend to prove the Chaos Theory of Evolution. They became heathens. They got into cannibalism and the priests skinned out people and dressed themselves in the skins. They finally about died out. They probably got hold of some bad hamburger.

All of these people hated God. The reason given for building the Tower of Babel was that they didn't trust God's promise not to send another flood so they built the Tower to escape another flood. Both the Egyptians and the Mayans began to build pyramids again in defiance of God and to worship other Gods including the sun.

I hope this answers your question as to why I'm really not concerned with the Egyptians and the Mayans. Civilization began again at the Tower of Babel in present day Iraq. Egypt is not all that far away. The Bible gives a fairly clear detail of how the people dispersed.
And yet, both the Maya and the Egyptians, (among others), somehow managed to avoid any mention of a global, humanity wiping event as described in the various bibles.
no they didn't.....
God's going to destroy all the land and dirt and all living, breathing things on it. That means the entire planet. It couldn't be any clearer.

The Hebrew language is also clear. 'Tebel' (the entire earth) was used in the creation story and the judgment of the earth. The word 'Kol' was used to describe all of a particular region. The word 'Tebel' does not occur in the flood account.

We can see that holding true in the flood account itself. Genesis 8:5 tells us that Noah could see the tops of the mountains. Four verses later it notes the dove returned to the Ark as water covered all the earth. If Noah could see mountain tops, then it follows all of the rest of the region was flooded--not all the earth, as mountains were no longer covered.
Another sidestep.

Why did the Egyptians, and the Maya never have a record of the biblical flood?

Holly, I really don't care why they didn't. Many others did. Remember the Epic of Gilgamesh? That one is well documented. That came from the Mesopotamia Valley and follows the Biblical account amazingly close.

You don't care why the Egyptians, and the Maya never had a record of the biblical flood? That's remarkable. How is it that there is archeological data from many civilizations that somehow survived a global flood? How do you reconcile that?

Well, I really don't know what to tell you except that I truly really could care less. Your argument falls on sand is why I don't care.

Wikipedia says the Mayan Civilization (that's a joke) came about around 2000 BC. That means that civilization (same joke) came about some 300 years after the flood. We created the United States in less time.

Your Egyptians control their own history. The Egyptians base their history on chronology of their pharaohs or kings. They have always gotten them confused since many of them had the same name and they had so many. They made everybody a kind. I believe even Job was made a king in Egypt. They had greater kings and lesser kings. If you owned three camels you were a greater king. Two camels got you a lesser kingship.

The Mayans do tend to prove the Chaos Theory of Evolution. They became heathens. They got into cannibalism and the priests skinned out people and dressed themselves in the skins. They finally about died out. They probably got hold of some bad hamburger.

All of these people hated God. The reason given for building the Tower of Babel was that they didn't trust God's promise not to send another flood so they built the Tower to escape another flood. Both the Egyptians and the Mayans began to build pyramids again in defiance of God and to worship other Gods including the sun.

I hope this answers your question as to why I'm really not concerned with the Egyptians and the Mayans. Civilization began again at the Tower of Babel in present day Iraq. Egypt is not all that far away. The Bible gives a fairly clear detail of how the people dispersed.
And yet, both the Maya and the Egyptians, (among others), somehow managed to avoid any mention of a global, humanity wiping event as described in the various bibles.
no they didn't.....
Of course they did.
The 5th Dynasty of Egyptian civilization began its reign at about 2,465 BCE, which was followed by the 6th Dynasty, which ruled to about 2000 BCE.

How is it that there is no interruption of those dynasties?
post flood......
There was no biblical flood. You can provide no evidence for the farcical biblical tale and science finds no support for the tales and fables.
God's going to destroy all the land and dirt and all living, breathing things on it. That means the entire planet. It couldn't be any clearer.

The Hebrew language is also clear. 'Tebel' (the entire earth) was used in the creation story and the judgment of the earth. The word 'Kol' was used to describe all of a particular region. The word 'Tebel' does not occur in the flood account.

We can see that holding true in the flood account itself. Genesis 8:5 tells us that Noah could see the tops of the mountains. Four verses later it notes the dove returned to the Ark as water covered all the earth. If Noah could see mountain tops, then it follows all of the rest of the region was flooded--not all the earth, as mountains were no longer covered.
So just make it up as you go along.

As the fable has no hard data to support it, believe whatever you wish.
Holly, I really don't care why they didn't. Many others did. Remember the Epic of Gilgamesh? That one is well documented. That came from the Mesopotamia Valley and follows the Biblical account amazingly close.

You don't care why the Egyptians, and the Maya never had a record of the biblical flood? That's remarkable. How is it that there is archeological data from many civilizations that somehow survived a global flood? How do you reconcile that?

Well, I really don't know what to tell you except that I truly really could care less. Your argument falls on sand is why I don't care.

Wikipedia says the Mayan Civilization (that's a joke) came about around 2000 BC. That means that civilization (same joke) came about some 300 years after the flood. We created the United States in less time.

Your Egyptians control their own history. The Egyptians base their history on chronology of their pharaohs or kings. They have always gotten them confused since many of them had the same name and they had so many. They made everybody a kind. I believe even Job was made a king in Egypt. They had greater kings and lesser kings. If you owned three camels you were a greater king. Two camels got you a lesser kingship.

The Mayans do tend to prove the Chaos Theory of Evolution. They became heathens. They got into cannibalism and the priests skinned out people and dressed themselves in the skins. They finally about died out. They probably got hold of some bad hamburger.

All of these people hated God. The reason given for building the Tower of Babel was that they didn't trust God's promise not to send another flood so they built the Tower to escape another flood. Both the Egyptians and the Mayans began to build pyramids again in defiance of God and to worship other Gods including the sun.

I hope this answers your question as to why I'm really not concerned with the Egyptians and the Mayans. Civilization began again at the Tower of Babel in present day Iraq. Egypt is not all that far away. The Bible gives a fairly clear detail of how the people dispersed.
And yet, both the Maya and the Egyptians, (among others), somehow managed to avoid any mention of a global, humanity wiping event as described in the various bibles.
no they didn't.....
Of course they did.
and yet, their ancestors passed down a story of a massive flood that only those their culture descended from survived......or were you suggesting that story was passed UP instead of down....
The 5th Dynasty of Egyptian civilization began its reign at about 2,465 BCE, which was followed by the 6th Dynasty, which ruled to about 2000 BCE.

How is it that there is no interruption of those dynasties?
post flood......
There was no biblical flood. You can provide no evidence for the farcical biblical tale and science finds no support for the tales and fables.
there are lots of things science does not support, yet it does not keep you from believing them.......
I think the heavy import of the Noah story is the precarious and fragile state of life on earth.

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