Question about Shanksville crash

I don't know what your on but you just did exactly what said. A bunch of pictures of a hole don't count as air craft parts or remains, either do posted 4 of the 6 photos showing anything that could possible be described as possibly and aircraft part
I don't know what your on but you just did exactly what said. A bunch of pictures of a hole don't count as air craft parts or remains, either do posted 4 of the 6 photos showing anything that could possible be described as possibly and aircraft part

so your explanation is the hole, the aircraft parts, the passports, the drivers license, the DNA from the passengers and crew just spontaneously and miraculously just appeared in some random field in PA with no plane crash happening?:cuckoo:

what exactly are you arguing? the pictures i just posted were made in hollywood? seriosuly, what the fuck is your EXACT explanation?
I don't know what your on but you just did exactly what said. A bunch of pictures of a hole don't count as air craft parts or remains, either do posted 4 of the 6 photos showing anything that could possible be described as possibly and aircraft part

so your explanation is the hole, the aircraft parts, the passports, the drivers license, the DNA from the passengers and crew just spontaneously and miraculously just appeared in some random field in PA with no plane crash happening?:cuckoo:

what exactly are you arguing? the pictures i just posted were made in hollywood? seriosuly, what the fuck is your EXACT explanation?

I am stating the fact that there are not thousands or even hundreds of pictures of recovered aircraft of parts there are the same half dozen photos ever time as far as any theories I have I belive it may of been shot down
I don't know what your on but you just did exactly what said. A bunch of pictures of a hole don't count as air craft parts or remains, either do posted 4 of the 6 photos showing anything that could possible be described as possibly and aircraft part

so your explanation is the hole, the aircraft parts, the passports, the drivers license, the DNA from the passengers and crew just spontaneously and miraculously just appeared in some random field in PA with no plane crash happening?:cuckoo:

what exactly are you arguing? the pictures i just posted were made in hollywood? seriosuly, what the fuck is your EXACT explanation?

I am stating the fact that there are not thousands or even hundreds of pictures of recovered aircraft of parts there are the same half dozen photos ever time as far as any theories I have I belive it may of been shot down
and what evidence is there to support it having been shot down
I don't know what your on but you just did exactly what said. A bunch of pictures of a hole don't count as air craft parts or remains, either do posted 4 of the 6 photos showing anything that could possible be described as possibly and aircraft part

so your explanation is the hole, the aircraft parts, the passports, the drivers license, the DNA from the passengers and crew just spontaneously and miraculously just appeared in some random field in PA with no plane crash happening?:cuckoo:

what exactly are you arguing? the pictures i just posted were made in hollywood? seriosuly, what the fuck is your EXACT explanation?

I am stating the fact that there are not thousands or even hundreds of pictures of recovered aircraft of parts there are the same half dozen photos ever time as far as any theories I have I belive it may of been shot down

in the whole scheme of things what difference does it make if it was shot down?
so your explanation is the hole, the aircraft parts, the passports, the drivers license, the DNA from the passengers and crew just spontaneously and miraculously just appeared in some random field in PA with no plane crash happening?:cuckoo:

what exactly are you arguing? the pictures i just posted were made in hollywood? seriosuly, what the fuck is your EXACT explanation?

I am stating the fact that there are not thousands or even hundreds of pictures of recovered aircraft of parts there are the same half dozen photos ever time as far as any theories I have I belive it may of been shot down

in the whole scheme of things what difference does it make if it was shot down?
in the massive scope of the day, not much, other than the military having some minor victory instead of the massive failure they actually had
so yeah, i can see the military taking the hit they did to cover up for shooting it down

totally fucking nuts to think that would happen
I don't know what your on but you just did exactly what said. A bunch of pictures of a hole don't count as air craft parts or remains, either do posted 4 of the 6 photos showing anything that could possible be described as possibly and aircraft part

so your explanation is the hole, the aircraft parts, the passports, the drivers license, the DNA from the passengers and crew just spontaneously and miraculously just appeared in some random field in PA with no plane crash happening?:cuckoo:

what exactly are you arguing? the pictures i just posted were made in hollywood? seriosuly, what the fuck is your EXACT explanation?

I am stating the fact that there are not thousands or even hundreds of pictures of recovered aircraft of parts there are the same half dozen photos ever time as far as any theories I have I belive it may of been shot down

If there were ONLY more pictures of the small sized bits and pieces of the destroyed jetliner, THAT would satisfy id-eots.

But since id-eots is not satisfied with the number of images, therefore United Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville, PA on 9/11/2001 as part of the actions of the al qaeda terrorists.

id-eots has earned his moniker.
so your explanation is the hole, the aircraft parts, the passports, the drivers license, the DNA from the passengers and crew just spontaneously and miraculously just appeared in some random field in PA with no plane crash happening?:cuckoo:

what exactly are you arguing? the pictures i just posted were made in hollywood? seriosuly, what the fuck is your EXACT explanation?

I am stating the fact that there are not thousands or even hundreds of pictures of recovered aircraft of parts there are the same half dozen photos ever time as far as any theories I have I belive it may of been shot down

If there were ONLY more pictures of the small sized bits and pieces of the destroyed jetliner, THAT would satisfy id-eots.

But since id-eots is not satisfied with the number of images, therefore United Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville, PA on 9/11/2001 as part of the actions of the al qaeda terrorists.

id-eots has earned his moniker.

Ollie claimed there are dozens if not hundreds of pics yet he never supported that claim and you hypocrites not only didn't call him out but attack anyone who asks him to support his claim. Damn Snitch Bitch, there is no limit to your hypocrisy.
yeah, sure, because if it exists it MUST be on the internet and if it isnt on the internet it didnt happen
what a fucking dipshit you are
grow a functioning brain

So you have no time make sure you have it before making claims bitch.
dipshit, the FBI has said it exists, do you have proof that calls them liars?
until then, shut the fuck up

Stoopidity is your personal Olympic sport. All you have is a claim with not one single fact to support it.
All over the web. You may look for yourself. or is it that you don't really want truth?

Rotfl! You made the claim and you want others to look for the evidence? No worries. Every time I see you ask someone to support a claim I will quote your words:

"All over the web. You may look for yourself. or is it that you don't really want truth?"

After i had already posted over 2 dozen pics. Nice try dip shit.

Then link or state the post # where you provided over two dozen pics of flt 93 wreckage bitch.
I am stating the fact that there are not thousands or even hundreds of pictures of recovered aircraft of parts there are the same half dozen photos ever time as far as any theories I have I belive it may of been shot down

If there were ONLY more pictures of the small sized bits and pieces of the destroyed jetliner, THAT would satisfy id-eots.

But since id-eots is not satisfied with the number of images, therefore United Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville, PA on 9/11/2001 as part of the actions of the al qaeda terrorists.

id-eots has earned his moniker.

Ollie claimed there are dozens if not hundreds of pics yet he never supported that claim and you hypocrites not only didn't call him out but attack anyone who asks him to support his claim. Damn Snitch Bitch, there is no limit to your hypocrisy.

Gawd DAYUM but you are stupid.

Like your asshole buddy, id-eots, you seem to be laboring under the rather retarded delusion that the number of photos to which you have been made privy somehow corresponds to the issue of whether United Flight 93 came down as a part of the actions of the al qaeda terrorists (and the efforts of the passengers to fight back) or as a result of the U.S. military reacting to the threat (after other hijacked jet liners had been crashed into the Twin Towers). :cuckoo:

And of course, your "thinking" is beyond just illogical and stupid, it is pathetically delusional. A half dozen photos or a half million photos wouldn't change the answer to that underlying question, you lying, menstrual blood-dripping, panty-staining, pussy, Troofer, scumbag fuckface.

Once ANY photo or photos demonstrate that it was Flight 93 whose mangled remains were recovered in Shanksville, then the number of such photos is of no logical import.

Don't misunderstand. Everyone and their dutch uncle realizes the ponderously stupid argument you are trying so ignorantly and dishonestly and stupidly to construct (i.e. that the photos of the portions of the wreckage which are not being publicly disseminated would reveal evidence of a missile attack). But let's be clear, you filthy dishonest asstard. You have NOTHING to support that wild-eyed rank speculation.

Like many fucking filthy dishonest retards in whose shadows you so proudly stand, you are (in your typical cowardly suppressed-premise kind of way) contending that the absence of evidence somehow constitutes evidence of your baseless paranoid treasonous speculations.

Sorry, you pussy fuckface, but you're wrong. Your handle on logic is weaker than your dedication to honesty, which is to say that you have no grip on it whatsoever. You are pathetically illogical, completely delusional and you remain a dishonest pussy-puddle.
If there were ONLY more pictures of the small sized bits and pieces of the destroyed jetliner, THAT would satisfy id-eots.

But since id-eots is not satisfied with the number of images, therefore United Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville, PA on 9/11/2001 as part of the actions of the al qaeda terrorists.

id-eots has earned his moniker.

Ollie claimed there are dozens if not hundreds of pics yet he never supported that claim and you hypocrites not only didn't call him out but attack anyone who asks him to support his claim. Damn Snitch Bitch, there is no limit to your hypocrisy.

Gawd DAYUM but you are stupid.

Like your asshole buddy, id-eots, you seem to be laboring under the rather retarded delusion that the number of photos to which you have been made privy somehow corresponds to the issue of whether United Flight 93 came down as a part of the actions of the al qaeda terrorists (and the efforts of the passengers to fight back) or as a result of the U.S. military reacting to the threat (after other hijacked jet liners had been crashed into the Twin Towers). :cuckoo:

And of course, your "thinking" is beyond just illogical and stupid, it is pathetically delusional. A half dozen photos or a half million photos wouldn't change the answer to that underlying question, you lying, menstrual blood-dripping, panty-staining, pussy, Troofer, scumbag fuckface.

Once ANY photo or photos demonstrate that it was Flight 93 whose mangled remains were recovered in Shanksville, then the number of such photos is of no logical import.

Don't misunderstand. Everyone and their dutch uncle realizes the ponderously stupid argument you are trying so ignorantly and dishonestly and stupidly to construct (i.e. that the photos of the portions of the wreckage which are not being publicly disseminated would reveal evidence of a missile attack). But let's be clear, you filthy dishonest asstard. You have NOTHING to support that wild-eyed rank speculation.

Like many fucking filthy dishonest retards in whose shadows you so proudly stand, you are (in your typical cowardly suppressed-premise kind of way) contending that the absence of evidence somehow constitutes evidence of your baseless paranoid treasonous speculations.

Sorry, you pussy fuckface, but you're wrong. Your handle on logic is weaker than your dedication to honesty, which is to say that you have no grip on it whatsoever. You are pathetically illogical, completely delusional and you remain a dishonest pussy-puddle.
no no no, if its NOT on the internet and linkable, it couldnt have happened
just ask any troofer moronic Id-eot

it snowed here yesterday, but i dont have a link for it so i guess it didnt really happen
* * * *

The FBI are not experts at air crash investigations you fuxxing Snitch Bitch. If they were they wouldn't have called the experts at the NSTB for help.

You SAYING that mindless bullshit over and over doesn't make it any less false, ass-licker. The FBI is the premier investigatory body in the world and that INCLUDES many prior cases involving investigation of airliner crashes, you lying fuckface. And OF COURSE they WOULD still call in the NSTB, you moron. Unlike you, they are not so arrogant as to refrain from seeking the assistance of appropriate experts, douche-nozzle.

Glad to see you are now backpedalling like a pro Snitch Bitch. First you claim the FBI's announcement is "in effect" a fact that 95% was recovered. Now you are saying:

"Recovery of those parts tends to support the FBI contention that 95% of the plane was recovered."

So you switch from "in effect a fact" to merely a "contention."

Man are you fucktarded. What a joy it is to see you wallowing in your own shit. Listen up anus breath, the FBI is the entity which concluded and reported that 95% of the crashed jet liner had been recovered. You can parse language all day long from now until the end of time, pussy-puddle, but you can't get around what they said.

Do you have any idea what percentage of parts you have provided evidence for?

Yes. 95%.

All you have posted are some pics and your dumass can't tell the difference between a fuxxing wheel and an engine! Lol....but you want to.....ohhhhh shit! Never mind. It's just too fuxxing funny!

Actually, I made a mistake and have no problem acknowledging as much. It was a wheel from the Pentagon crash I had in mind, and I confused it with the engine in the hole in Shanksville, you dishonest asshole. But your premise is wrong (i.e., you asstard, you are lying again). It is NOT TRUE that "all I have posted" is some pics. I DID, of course, along with others, post some pictures. Collectively, in fact, we have re-posted many pictures.

But, along with those images, I have also posted the FBI report that 95% of the plane has been recovered and, unlike you, I have resorted to actual logic (something which you have no ability to employ).

There remains NO logical reason to doubt the FBI report that 95% of the plane's wreckage has been recovered. And it is absolutely true that nothing (nothing!) you have ever posted constitutes a valid reason to rationally doubt the FBI report, panty stain.
If there were ONLY more pictures of the small sized bits and pieces of the destroyed jetliner, THAT would satisfy id-eots.

But since id-eots is not satisfied with the number of images, therefore United Flight 93 did not crash in Shanksville, PA on 9/11/2001 as part of the actions of the al qaeda terrorists.

id-eots has earned his moniker.

Ollie claimed there are dozens if not hundreds of pics yet he never supported that claim and you hypocrites not only didn't call him out but attack anyone who asks him to support his claim. Damn Snitch Bitch, there is no limit to your hypocrisy.

Gawd DAYUM but you are stupid.

Like your asshole buddy, id-eots, you seem to be laboring under the rather retarded delusion that the number of photos to which you have been made privy somehow corresponds to the issue of whether United Flight 93 came down as a part of the actions of the al qaeda terrorists (and the efforts of the passengers to fight back) or as a result of the U.S. military reacting to the threat (after other hijacked jet liners had been crashed into the Twin Towers). :cuckoo:

And of course, your "thinking" is beyond just illogical and stupid, it is pathetically delusional. A half dozen photos or a half million photos wouldn't change the answer to that underlying question, you lying, menstrual blood-dripping, panty-staining, pussy, Troofer, scumbag fuckface.

Once ANY photo or photos demonstrate that it was Flight 93 whose mangled remains were recovered in Shanksville, then the number of such photos is of no logical import.

Don't misunderstand. Everyone and their dutch uncle realizes the ponderously stupid argument you are trying so ignorantly and dishonestly and stupidly to construct (i.e. that the photos of the portions of the wreckage which are not being publicly disseminated would reveal evidence of a missile attack). But let's be clear, you filthy dishonest asstard. You have NOTHING to support that wild-eyed rank speculation.

Like many fucking filthy dishonest retards in whose shadows you so proudly stand, you are (in your typical cowardly suppressed-premise kind of way) contending that the absence of evidence somehow constitutes evidence of your baseless paranoid treasonous speculations.

Sorry, you pussy fuckface, but you're wrong. Your handle on logic is weaker than your dedication to honesty, which is to say that you have no grip on it whatsoever. You are pathetically illogical, completely delusional and you remain a dishonest pussy-puddle.

I stopped reading when I saw again you put words in my mouth. I never said the number of pics has anything to do with.....anything. What I did say is:

Ollie claimed there are dozens if not hundreds of pics yet he never supported that claim and you hypocrites not only didn't call him out but attack anyone who asks him to support his claim. Damn Snitch Bitch, there is no limit to your hypocrisy.

Go ahead and lie some more Snitch Bitch.
Ollie claimed there are dozens if not hundreds of pics yet he never supported that claim and you hypocrites not only didn't call him out but attack anyone who asks him to support his claim. Damn Snitch Bitch, there is no limit to your hypocrisy.

Gawd DAYUM but you are stupid.

Like your asshole buddy, id-eots, you seem to be laboring under the rather retarded delusion that the number of photos to which you have been made privy somehow corresponds to the issue of whether United Flight 93 came down as a part of the actions of the al qaeda terrorists (and the efforts of the passengers to fight back) or as a result of the U.S. military reacting to the threat (after other hijacked jet liners had been crashed into the Twin Towers). :cuckoo:

And of course, your "thinking" is beyond just illogical and stupid, it is pathetically delusional. A half dozen photos or a half million photos wouldn't change the answer to that underlying question, you lying, menstrual blood-dripping, panty-staining, pussy, Troofer, scumbag fuckface.

Once ANY photo or photos demonstrate that it was Flight 93 whose mangled remains were recovered in Shanksville, then the number of such photos is of no logical import.

Don't misunderstand. Everyone and their dutch uncle realizes the ponderously stupid argument you are trying so ignorantly and dishonestly and stupidly to construct (i.e. that the photos of the portions of the wreckage which are not being publicly disseminated would reveal evidence of a missile attack). But let's be clear, you filthy dishonest asstard. You have NOTHING to support that wild-eyed rank speculation.

Like many fucking filthy dishonest retards in whose shadows you so proudly stand, you are (in your typical cowardly suppressed-premise kind of way) contending that the absence of evidence somehow constitutes evidence of your baseless paranoid treasonous speculations.

Sorry, you pussy fuckface, but you're wrong. Your handle on logic is weaker than your dedication to honesty, which is to say that you have no grip on it whatsoever. You are pathetically illogical, completely delusional and you remain a dishonest pussy-puddle.

I stopped reading when I saw again you put words in my mouth. I never said the number of pics has anything to do with.....anything. What I did say is:

Ollie claimed there are dozens if not hundreds of pics yet he never supported that claim and you hypocrites not only didn't call him out but attack anyone who asks him to support his claim. Damn Snitch Bitch, there is no limit to your hypocrisy.

Go ahead and lie some more Snitch Bitch.

You stopped reading when you realized what a fool you've made of yourself, pussy stain.

The fact is, you took-up for your brother in paranoid delusional imbecility, the scumbag id-eots. His id-eotic contention DOES boil down to a quibble about how many images have been posted. Of course, he, like you, is busy shifting his idiotic position each step along the way.

The FACT is, you cowardly lying pussy-drip, that you aren't even worth debating with.

Stake a claim you spineless dishonest coward. So far, you "challenge" all claims by the FBI that 95% of the wreckage has been recovered, but you simultaneously deny that you are making any claims. No no. Not you. You are just "asking questions." :eusa_liar::eusa_liar: You truly are a cowardly evasive pussy.

Either the plane came down as a result of the actions of terrorists (possibly combined with the reaction of the passengers) OR it came down as a result of being TAKEN down by OUR side (a missile strike) to prevent it from being used against the White House or Congress, etc. In EITHER CASE, you fucking scumbag pussy liar, the amount of the craft recovered after it went down in Shanksville is irrelevant.

Face facts, fuck face. What you and that other pussy lying piece of shit scumbag, id-eots, are suggesting is that it 'may have been a missile strike' and that if you were permitted to see the rest of the images you might divine some 'proof' that it was a missile strike that brought down Flight 93. I doubt it. With the Troofer propensity for seeing evidence of concrete in the Twin Tower cores (while offering images of just steel), it's not like anything you fucking morons "conclude" will be even marginally persuasive anyway.

But let's take it one step further, you prissy little puke. Let's pretend (just for the sake of the argument) that it had been a missile strike which brought down Flt. 93. What of it? What would THAT now establish? Would it absolve al qaeda? Would it somehow further the incredibly vile speculation of fucking scumbag Troofers that 9/11 was an "inside job?"

The combined images of the wreckage of Flt. 93 together with the contention of the FBI that the recovered parts amounted to 95% of that craft suggests to rational people (thus excluding all you Troofer assholes) that it (a) WAS Flt. 93 that went down in Shanksville and (b) that 95% of the craft has been recovered. At a minimum, nothing you assholes point to (or even could point to) is evidence to the contrary.

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