Question about Shanksville crash

So it's true because the fbi says it's
where is your EVIDENCE that it isnt true?
and since you are making the claim that the FBI is lying, it is up to you to prove it

Quote the post where I said the fbi is lying. You can't because I never did so once again when you are faced with the inability to provide a single fact to support the fbi's claim you lie about what others say.
when you say a fact presented by the FBI isnt a fact, you are saying they lied
are you REALLY that fucking stupid that you dont understand that?
Rotfl! Pure dumfuk! What you have is a claim.


You, being the gutless pussy you are, ducked it last time, but the question really shouldn't be ducked in your typically pussy fashion. So, let's try it again, menstrual-mess: all testimony (under oath) by all witnesses at all trials would qualify {under your daffynition} as mere "claims."

If I see you run a red light and strike a pedestrian crossing in the crosswalk with the light, when I testify at your trial, you CAN question my bias (the fact that I consider you a gutless lying pussy is a bias, after all) and you can question my accuracy or my honesty. But the fact that your dinged car has traces of the pedestrian's blood on it does tend to corroborate a good deal of my testimony as does the fact of his injury at that location as noted by the EMTs who came to his aid.

Thus, you calling my testimony a mere "claim" would NOT undermine the fact that I can attest to what I saw. And in this case, it would be a "fact" regardless of the fact that you don't like it. [In a very technical sense, it is not a fact until the jury makes a finding of fact derived from all of the evidence, but then it does become legally a "fact."]

Similarly, you fucking retard, when the United Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville on 9/11/2001, bits and pieces of that wrecked craft DID later get recovered FROM that very spot (and surrounding area). Contemporaneous photographs do establish as much. The FBI (i.e., the eyewitnesses) did report that about 95% of the wrecked craft got recovered. Their estimate can be attacked as the product of bias (but you have no evidence demonstrating any actual bias). You can, if you feel the need, question their honesty or accuracy, but you have NOTHING to which you can point to make the questioning legitimately based.

In short, there is no valid, logical, coherent reason to DOUBT that FBI estimate that it was 95% of the craft that got recovered. If you have a good reason to contend that their estimate that the amount of the plane that got recovered is equal to ~ 95%, then feel free to demonstrate it. But you won't any more now than you ever have before, because you can't.

In the end, you can try to hide behind your dishonest pretense that you are "only asking questions," but your credibility is so shot, menstrual mess, that your pretense fools nobody. And what that all comes down to is simple: there remains NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY RATIONAL reason to doubt the FBI report that they had recovered 95% of Flight 93's wreckage.

Prove me wrong, menstrual mess.

I'm guessing the Snitch Bitch does not have one single fuxxing fact in there to support the fbi's claim. I'm betting the Snitch Bitch is still relying on the premise of prove a negative....

There is no guesswork involved to know that you are being a cowardly pussy evader now that you're exposed, menstrual mess.

I have (repeatedly now) posted the evidence, asshole.

You are the scumbag liar attempting (in your own waffling pussy way) to deny the assertion.

Since I have backed up what I have said by citing the images and the report of the eye-witnesses, it is YOU, you dickless little maggot, who does now assume a burden.

I realize this offends you. Too bad. That's the way things work, ya cockless Troofer shit.

If you don't care to assume your burden, that's fine. Then you shouldn't be offering denials of the original assertion.

You have no balls, no integrity, no facts and no honor.

You poor befuddled little diseased eunuch weasel.

Is there ANYTHING in the known universe to which you can point to even reasonably dispute the eye-witness report of the FBI that 95% of United Flight 93 was recovered after the 9/11/2001 crash?

Don't fret, menstrual mess, nobody ever assumed you had anything to back up your spineless bullshit. Everyone here knows you are a gutless liar.
where is your EVIDENCE that it isnt true?
and since you are making the claim that the FBI is lying, it is up to you to prove it

Quote the post where I said the fbi is lying. You can't because I never did so once again when you are faced with the inability to provide a single fact to support the fbi's claim you lie about what others say.
when you say a fact presented by the FBI isnt a fact, you are saying they lied
are you REALLY that fucking stupid that you dont understand that?

He's a fucking idiot. Never wants to take a stand as long as he can disagree without claiming that he disagrees. A true fucking Pussy.
Your claim is 95% of flight 93 was recovered. You don't have a single fact supporting that claim. All you have is a claim by the fbi you dumfuk. You really are too stoopid to understand the basics.

my fact to support my claim that 95% was recovered is the FACT that the FBI stated 95% of the plane was recovered.

you want to explain again how i have no facts to support my claim?
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Your claim is 95% of flight 93 was recovered. You don't have a single fact supporting that claim. All you have is a claim by the fbi you dumfuk. You really are too stoopid to understand the basics.

my fact to support my claim that 95% was recovered is the FACT that the FBI stated 95% of the plane was recovered.

you want to explain again how i have no facts to support my claim?

CandyCorn Now Presents:

Curvelight: A Play in One Act

Yeah but didn't see it yourself so how can you be sure? Just like Africa...the only proof we really have that it exists are pictures from NASA which of course is a federal agency and since the Feds lied to us once....they're obviously lying now. So Africa doesn't exist until you actually see it. Snitchbitch fukkuah

Just like South America, Russia, Mexico, Canada, and Antarctica.

Unless you see it with your own eyes and touch hands, how can you be sure? Every single syllable in every single federal report is inadmissable because they lied before; and obviously, they are lying now.

In fact, how can you be sure it was the same wreckage as what was found on 9/11 unless you were there when it crashed...accompanied the wreckage to where it is being kept....and have stayed with it for over 8 years now. Thes government guys are everywhere and they would have replaced it all the moment you turned your back.

Any thing less than that is no proof whatsoever.
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Your claim is 95% of flight 93 was recovered. You don't have a single fact supporting that claim. All you have is a claim by the fbi you dumfuk. You really are too stoopid to understand the basics.

my fact to support my claim that 95% was recovered is the FACT that the FBI stated 95% of the plane was recovered.

you want to explain again how i have no facts to support my claim?

CandyCorn Now Presents:

Curvelight: A Play in One Act

Yeah but didn't see it yourself so how can you be sure? Just like Africa...the only proof we really have that it exists are pictures from NASA which of course is a federal agency and since the Feds lied to us once....they're obviously lying now. So Africa doesn't exist until you actually see it. Snitchbitch fukkuah

Just like South America, Russia, Mexico, Canada, and Antarctica.

Unless you see it with your own eyes and touch hands, how can you be sure? Every single syllable in every single federal report is inadmissable because they lied before; and obviously, they are lying now.

In fact, how can you be sure it was the same wreckage as what was found on 9/11 unless you were there when it crashed...accompanied the wreckage to where it is being kept....and have stayed with it for over 8 years now. Thes government guys are everywhere and they would have replaced it all the moment you turned your back.

Any thing less than that is no proof whatsoever.
you left out have a link to it on the internet, cause if it isnt on the internet, it didnt happen

my fact to support my claim that 95% was recovered is the FACT that the FBI stated 95% of the plane was recovered.

you want to explain again how i have no facts to support my claim?

CandyCorn Now Presents:

Curvelight: A Play in One Act

Yeah but didn't see it yourself so how can you be sure? Just like Africa...the only proof we really have that it exists are pictures from NASA which of course is a federal agency and since the Feds lied to us once....they're obviously lying now. So Africa doesn't exist until you actually see it. Snitchbitch fukkuah

Just like South America, Russia, Mexico, Canada, and Antarctica.

Unless you see it with your own eyes and touch hands, how can you be sure? Every single syllable in every single federal report is inadmissable because they lied before; and obviously, they are lying now.

In fact, how can you be sure it was the same wreckage as what was found on 9/11 unless you were there when it crashed...accompanied the wreckage to where it is being kept....and have stayed with it for over 8 years now. Thes government guys are everywhere and they would have replaced it all the moment you turned your back.

Any thing less than that is no proof whatsoever.
you left out have a link to it on the internet, cause if it isnt on the internet, it didnt happen


CandyCorn Now Presents:

Curvelight: A Play in One Act: ACT 2


You fukking iddyot....The Internet was invented by the Government
The government lied once so they are lying now.
So everithing on the Internet is capable of being a lie...unless I post it of course.

where is your EVIDENCE that it isnt true?
and since you are making the claim that the FBI is lying, it is up to you to prove it

Quote the post where I said the fbi is lying. You can't because I never did so once again when you are faced with the inability to provide a single fact to support the fbi's claim you lie about what others say.
when you say a fact presented by the FBI isnt a fact, you are saying they lied
are you REALLY that fucking stupid that you dont understand that?

The fbi presented a fact 95% was recovered because they made that statement? Rotfl! You are beyond ridiculous.

You, being the gutless pussy you are, ducked it last time, but the question really shouldn't be ducked in your typically pussy fashion. So, let's try it again, menstrual-mess: all testimony (under oath) by all witnesses at all trials would qualify {under your daffynition} as mere "claims."

If I see you run a red light and strike a pedestrian crossing in the crosswalk with the light, when I testify at your trial, you CAN question my bias (the fact that I consider you a gutless lying pussy is a bias, after all) and you can question my accuracy or my honesty. But the fact that your dinged car has traces of the pedestrian's blood on it does tend to corroborate a good deal of my testimony as does the fact of his injury at that location as noted by the EMTs who came to his aid.

Thus, you calling my testimony a mere "claim" would NOT undermine the fact that I can attest to what I saw. And in this case, it would be a "fact" regardless of the fact that you don't like it. [In a very technical sense, it is not a fact until the jury makes a finding of fact derived from all of the evidence, but then it does become legally a "fact."]

Similarly, you fucking retard, when the United Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville on 9/11/2001, bits and pieces of that wrecked craft DID later get recovered FROM that very spot (and surrounding area). Contemporaneous photographs do establish as much. The FBI (i.e., the eyewitnesses) did report that about 95% of the wrecked craft got recovered. Their estimate can be attacked as the product of bias (but you have no evidence demonstrating any actual bias). You can, if you feel the need, question their honesty or accuracy, but you have NOTHING to which you can point to make the questioning legitimately based.

In short, there is no valid, logical, coherent reason to DOUBT that FBI estimate that it was 95% of the craft that got recovered. If you have a good reason to contend that their estimate that the amount of the plane that got recovered is equal to ~ 95%, then feel free to demonstrate it. But you won't any more now than you ever have before, because you can't.

In the end, you can try to hide behind your dishonest pretense that you are "only asking questions," but your credibility is so shot, menstrual mess, that your pretense fools nobody. And what that all comes down to is simple: there remains NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY RATIONAL reason to doubt the FBI report that they had recovered 95% of Flight 93's wreckage.

Prove me wrong, menstrual mess.

I'm guessing the Snitch Bitch does not have one single fuxxing fact in there to support the fbi's claim. I'm betting the Snitch Bitch is still relying on the premise of prove a negative....

There is no guesswork involved to know that you are being a cowardly pussy evader now that you're exposed, menstrual mess.

I have (repeatedly now) posted the evidence, asshole.

You are the scumbag liar attempting (in your own waffling pussy way) to deny the assertion.

Since I have backed up what I have said by citing the images and the report of the eye-witnesses, it is YOU, you dickless little maggot, who does now assume a burden.

I realize this offends you. Too bad. That's the way things work, ya cockless Troofer shit.

If you don't care to assume your burden, that's fine. Then you shouldn't be offering denials of the original assertion.

You have no balls, no integrity, no facts and no honor.

You poor befuddled little diseased eunuch weasel.

Is there ANYTHING in the known universe to which you can point to even reasonably dispute the eye-witness report of the FBI that 95% of United Flight 93 was recovered after the 9/11/2001 crash?

Don't fret, menstrual mess, nobody ever assumed you had anything to back up your spineless bullshit. Everyone here knows you are a gutless liar.

So you can't show where I said the fbi is lying. Do you think going on Emo Overload again accomplishes anything? It just shows what a pure Snitch Bitch you are. Cry some more Snitch Bitch...
Your claim is 95% of flight 93 was recovered. You don't have a single fact supporting that claim. All you have is a claim by the fbi you dumfuk. You really are too stoopid to understand the basics.

my fact to support my claim that 95% was recovered is the FACT that the FBI stated 95% of the plane was recovered.

you want to explain again how i have no facts to support my claim?

It is a fact the fbi CLAIMED to have 95% recovered. There isn't a single fact proving that claim is true you dumfuk.
Your claim is 95% of flight 93 was recovered. You don't have a single fact supporting that claim. All you have is a claim by the fbi you dumfuk. You really are too stoopid to understand the basics.

my fact to support my claim that 95% was recovered is the FACT that the FBI stated 95% of the plane was recovered.

you want to explain again how i have no facts to support my claim?

CandyCorn Now Presents:

Curvelight: A Play in One Act

Yeah but didn't see it yourself so how can you be sure? Just like Africa...the only proof we really have that it exists are pictures from NASA which of course is a federal agency and since the Feds lied to us once....they're obviously lying now. So Africa doesn't exist until you actually see it. Snitchbitch fukkuah

Just like South America, Russia, Mexico, Canada, and Antarctica.

Unless you see it with your own eyes and touch hands, how can you be sure? Every single syllable in every single federal report is inadmissable because they lied before; and obviously, they are lying now.

In fact, how can you be sure it was the same wreckage as what was found on 9/11 unless you were there when it crashed...accompanied the wreckage to where it is being kept....and have stayed with it for over 8 years now. Thes government guys are everywhere and they would have replaced it all the moment you turned your back.

Any thing less than that is no proof whatsoever.

NASA is the only way we know Africa exists? Lol.....keep reaching dumass.....
Quote the post where I said the fbi is lying. You can't because I never did so once again when you are faced with the inability to provide a single fact to support the fbi's claim you lie about what others say.
when you say a fact presented by the FBI isnt a fact, you are saying they lied
are you REALLY that fucking stupid that you dont understand that?

He's a fucking idiot. Never wants to take a stand as long as he can disagree without claiming that he disagrees. A true fucking Pussy.

You're the whiny **** who claimed there are dozens if not hundreds of pics of flight 93 wreckage yet you've never proven that claim. I believe one of your responses to a request for that evidence was to tell others to look on the web. Another response was to say you've already posted two dozen pics yet you never provided a link or post number.

It's quite amusing to watch you bitches try to bail each other out every time you can't provide facts to support your claims. It's more sad than amusing actually.

You, being the gutless pussy you are, ducked it last time, but the question really shouldn't be ducked in your typically pussy fashion. So, let's try it again, menstrual-mess: all testimony (under oath) by all witnesses at all trials would qualify {under your daffynition} as mere "claims."

If I see you run a red light and strike a pedestrian crossing in the crosswalk with the light, when I testify at your trial, you CAN question my bias (the fact that I consider you a gutless lying pussy is a bias, after all) and you can question my accuracy or my honesty. But the fact that your dinged car has traces of the pedestrian's blood on it does tend to corroborate a good deal of my testimony as does the fact of his injury at that location as noted by the EMTs who came to his aid.

Thus, you calling my testimony a mere "claim" would NOT undermine the fact that I can attest to what I saw. And in this case, it would be a "fact" regardless of the fact that you don't like it. [In a very technical sense, it is not a fact until the jury makes a finding of fact derived from all of the evidence, but then it does become legally a "fact."]

Similarly, you fucking retard, when the United Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville on 9/11/2001, bits and pieces of that wrecked craft DID later get recovered FROM that very spot (and surrounding area). Contemporaneous photographs do establish as much. The FBI (i.e., the eyewitnesses) did report that about 95% of the wrecked craft got recovered. Their estimate can be attacked as the product of bias (but you have no evidence demonstrating any actual bias). You can, if you feel the need, question their honesty or accuracy, but you have NOTHING to which you can point to make the questioning legitimately based.

In short, there is no valid, logical, coherent reason to DOUBT that FBI estimate that it was 95% of the craft that got recovered. If you have a good reason to contend that their estimate that the amount of the plane that got recovered is equal to ~ 95%, then feel free to demonstrate it. But you won't any more now than you ever have before, because you can't.

In the end, you can try to hide behind your dishonest pretense that you are "only asking questions," but your credibility is so shot, menstrual mess, that your pretense fools nobody. And what that all comes down to is simple: there remains NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY RATIONAL reason to doubt the FBI report that they had recovered 95% of Flight 93's wreckage.

Prove me wrong, menstrual mess.

I'm guessing the Snitch Bitch does not have one single fuxxing fact in there to support the fbi's claim. I'm betting the Snitch Bitch is still relying on the premise of prove a negative....

There is no guesswork involved to know that you are being a cowardly pussy evader now that you're exposed, menstrual mess.

I have (repeatedly now) posted the evidence, asshole.

You are the scumbag liar attempting (in your own waffling pussy way) to deny the assertion.

Since I have backed up what I have said by citing the images and the report of the eye-witnesses, it is YOU, you dickless little maggot, who does now assume a burden.

I realize this offends you. Too bad. That's the way things work, ya cockless Troofer shit.

If you don't care to assume your burden, that's fine. Then you shouldn't be offering denials of the original assertion.

You have no balls, no integrity, no facts and no honor.

You poor befuddled little diseased eunuch weasel.

Is there ANYTHING in the known universe to which you can point to even reasonably dispute the eye-witness report of the FBI that 95% of United Flight 93 was recovered after the 9/11/2001 crash?

Don't fret, menstrual mess, nobody ever assumed you had anything to back up your spineless bullshit. Everyone here knows you are a gutless liar.

CandyCorn Now Presents:

Curvelight: A Play in One Act: ACT 3

Liarability... Look dorkbuttfukkahcunt; there is no way to know anything unless you see it yourself. Whoever is informing you of something is setting themselves up as authority. Can you understand that rabiddogliarcuntfukkaidyot?

They all could be lying. I have never been to Africa so I know it's not there. The pictures? Could be from Chicago. The maps--all based on NASA (i.e. GOVERNMENT) photographs and observations made by navies--(i.e. GOVERNMENT).

Unless you mail me all 95% of the wreckage to my house or the Wendy's where I work, I won't believe it because I don't believe authority figures. I only believe those who are subjugated to me and since I haven't found anybody who is....well you know.

Please send it with boxes that have uncancelled stamps on them so I can bend it back.

I deal in lard snitchwichfukcuntsucka
It's clear you ***** are saturated in hypocrisy. When you make claims you don't back them and when asked to do so your only responses are strawmen and ad homs. What a bunch of whiny losers.
when you say a fact presented by the FBI isnt a fact, you are saying they lied
are you REALLY that fucking stupid that you dont understand that?

He's a fucking idiot. Never wants to take a stand as long as he can disagree without claiming that he disagrees. A true fucking Pussy.

You're the whiny **** who claimed there are dozens if not hundreds of pics of flight 93 wreckage yet you've never proven that claim. I believe one of your responses to a request for that evidence was to tell others to look on the web. Another response was to say you've already posted two dozen pics yet you never provided a link or post number.

It's quite amusing to watch you bitches try to bail each other out every time you can't provide facts to support your claims. It's more sad than amusing actually.

Over 600 posts in this thread you want the pics go back and look for them they were posted in this thread. And that is why I previously said to look for yourself, because i had already posted links to over 2 dozen pics.
Glad you are amused because your stupidity is better than most clown acts.

And can you please tell us, do you believe the FBI when they said that 95% of Flight 93 had been recovered? A simple yes or no will do.....
It is a fact the fbi CLAIMED to have 95% recovered. There isn't a single fact proving that claim is true you dumfuk.

hahahaha!! what a moron!!!!:lol:

back pedal some more, jackass. you accused me of not having one fact to back up MY claim. i pointed out its a fact the FBI says 95% was recovered.

you got caught lying again!!:lol:

Your claim is 95% of flight 93 was recovered. You don't have a single fact supporting that claim. All you have is a claim by the fbi you dumfuk. You really are too stoopid to understand the basics.
It is a fact the fbi CLAIMED to have 95% recovered. There isn't a single fact proving that claim is true you dumfuk.

hahahaha!! what a moron!!!!:lol:

back pedal some more, jackass. you accused me of not having one fact to back up MY claim. i pointed out its a fact the FBI says 95% was recovered.

you got caught lying again!!:lol:

Your claim is 95% of flight 93 was recovered. You don't have a single fact supporting that claim. All you have is a claim by the fbi you dumfuk. You really are too stoopid to understand the basics.

You are so fuxxing stoopid. All you have is a claim by the fbi. There are no facts to support that claim you dumfuk.
He's a fucking idiot. Never wants to take a stand as long as he can disagree without claiming that he disagrees. A true fucking Pussy.

You're the whiny **** who claimed there are dozens if not hundreds of pics of flight 93 wreckage yet you've never proven that claim. I believe one of your responses to a request for that evidence was to tell others to look on the web. Another response was to say you've already posted two dozen pics yet you never provided a link or post number.

It's quite amusing to watch you bitches try to bail each other out every time you can't provide facts to support your claims. It's more sad than amusing actually.

Over 600 posts in this thread you want the pics go back and look for them they were posted in this thread. And that is why I previously said to look for yourself, because i had already posted links to over 2 dozen pics.
Glad you are amused because your stupidity is better than most clown acts.

And can you please tell us, do you believe the FBI when they said that 95% of Flight 93 had been recovered? A simple yes or no will do.....

So once again when you can't provide the evidence to support your claim you whine like a bitch. It's simple you fuxxing freak. Just post the evidence.
It's clear you ***** are saturated in hypocrisy. When you make claims you don't back them and when asked to do so your only responses are strawmen and ad homs. What a bunch of whiny losers.

Yeah it's just so much easier not to take a firm stand on a subject......dickhead.

You summed him and all twoofers up in one sentence. The "dickhead" blast was accurate too.

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