Question about Shanksville crash

Lol....Snitch Bitch is on Emo overload.

hahaha... you got your ass handed to you.

i think this is the first time i seen you run away with your tail between your legs.

ooops. sorry. thats a mistake. its not the first. i forgot. it happens every time you open your mouth. :lol: put out a strawman then pat yourself on the back for your own fantasies.......fuxxing Snitch Bitch. put out a strawman then pat yourself on the back for your own fantasies.......fuxxing Snitch Bitch.


Mouthing off using terms of logic and rhetoric doesn't establish that you grasp what the terms mean, idiot.

Since I offered not even one speck of a straw-man argument, fuck face, you are only highlighting your ignorance (again) and your fundamental and endless dishonesty.

And for a scumbag like you who has no problem using the word "****," it is more than strange, it is downright hysterical, that you find it necessary to self-edit the word "fucking."

You are a truly stupid lying piece of shit. I enjoy your posts since they provide further fodder to expose the bullshit philosophy of you dishonest scumbag Troofers.

Menstrual mess, you may be (are) a fucking jerk-off [
], but you are also a diseased lying panty-stain. :lol:
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Lol....Snitch Bitch is on Emo overload.

hahaha... you got your ass handed to you.

i think this is the first time i seen you run away with your tail between your legs.

ooops. sorry. thats a mistake. its not the first. i forgot. it happens every time you open your mouth. :lol:

The whole thread is ridiculous. You still don't have one single fact supporting your claim but you and your fuxxing whiny buddies ignore that and do nothing but make more false claims.
Lol....Snitch Bitch is on Emo overload.

hahaha... you got your ass handed to you.

i think this is the first time i seen you run away with your tail between your legs.

ooops. sorry. thats a mistake. its not the first. i forgot. it happens every time you open your mouth. :lol:

The whole thread is ridiculous. You still don't have one single fact supporting your claim but you and your fuxxing whiny buddies ignore that and do nothing but make more false claims.

The facts -- which you deny -- have been posted. Your denial doesn't make them go away.

You are the liar here, pussy puddle, and the word is "fucking" not "fuxxing." "Fuxxing" isn't even a word, you babbling fucking retard.
The whole thread is ridiculous. You still don't have one single fact supporting your claim but you and your fuxxing whiny buddies ignore that and do nothing but make more false claims.

here is what a lying sack of shit you are.

THE FBI SAYS 95% OF THE PLANE WAS RECOVERED. <<--- that is a fact.

now tell me again how i have no facts to support my claim. :lol:
The whole thread is ridiculous. You still don't have one single fact supporting your claim but you and your fuxxing whiny buddies ignore that and do nothing but make more false claims.

here is what a lying sack of shit you are.

THE FBI SAYS 95% OF THE PLANE WAS RECOVERED. <<--- that is a fact.

now tell me again how i have no facts to support my claim. :lol:

Rotfl! Pure dumfuk! What you have is a claim.
The whole thread is ridiculous. You still don't have one single fact supporting your claim but you and your fuxxing whiny buddies ignore that and do nothing but make more false claims.

here is what a lying sack of shit you are.

THE FBI SAYS 95% OF THE PLANE WAS RECOVERED. <<--- that is a fact.

now tell me again how i have no facts to support my claim. :lol:

Rotfl! Pure dumfuk! What you have is a claim.
wrong again
stated by the FBI and backed up by the NTSB it becomes a FACT
here is what a lying sack of shit you are.

THE FBI SAYS 95% OF THE PLANE WAS RECOVERED. <<--- that is a fact.

now tell me again how i have no facts to support my claim. :lol:

Rotfl! Pure dumfuk! What you have is a claim.
wrong again
stated by the FBI and backed up by the NTSB it becomes a FACT

Keep trying to spin you fuxxing stoopid bitch. All you have is a claim by the fbi. It's hilarious you try to throw in the "backed up by the NTSB" bullshit.
Rotfl! Pure dumfuk! What you have is a claim.
wrong again
stated by the FBI and backed up by the NTSB it becomes a FACT

Keep trying to spin you fuxxing stoopid bitch. All you have is a claim by the fbi. It's hilarious you try to throw in the "backed up by the NTSB" bullshit.

how fucking dumb are you?

did the FBI say 95% was recovered?
yes. they did. its a fact they said it.

so now tell me again how i have no facts to back up my claim!! :lol:
wrong again
stated by the FBI and backed up by the NTSB it becomes a FACT

Keep trying to spin you fuxxing stoopid bitch. All you have is a claim by the fbi. It's hilarious you try to throw in the "backed up by the NTSB" bullshit.

how fucking dumb are you?

did the FBI say 95% was recovered?
yes. they did. its a fact they said it.

so now tell me again how i have no facts to back up my claim!! :lol:

You. Are. So. Fuxxing. Stoopid.

Yes it is a fact the fbi CLAIMED to recover 95%. I never denied the fbi made that claim. You have no facts to support that claim.
The whole thread is ridiculous. You still don't have one single fact supporting your claim but you and your fuxxing whiny buddies ignore that and do nothing but make more false claims.

here is what a lying sack of shit you are.

THE FBI SAYS 95% OF THE PLANE WAS RECOVERED. <<--- that is a fact.

now tell me again how i have no facts to support my claim. :lol:

Rotfl! Pure dumfuk! What you have is a claim.


You, being the gutless pussy you are, ducked it last time, but the question really shouldn't be ducked in your typically pussy fashion. So, let's try it again, menstrual-mess: all testimony (under oath) by all witnesses at all trials would qualify {under your daffynition} as mere "claims."

If I see you run a red light and strike a pedestrian crossing in the crosswalk with the light, when I testify at your trial, you CAN question my bias (the fact that I consider you a gutless lying pussy is a bias, after all) and you can question my accuracy or my honesty. But the fact that your dinged car has traces of the pedestrian's blood on it does tend to corroborate a good deal of my testimony as does the fact of his injury at that location as noted by the EMTs who came to his aid.

Thus, you calling my testimony a mere "claim" would NOT undermine the fact that I can attest to what I saw. And in this case, it would be a "fact" regardless of the fact that you don't like it. [In a very technical sense, it is not a fact until the jury makes a finding of fact derived from all of the evidence, but then it does become legally a "fact."]

Similarly, you fucking retard, when the United Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville on 9/11/2001, bits and pieces of that wrecked craft DID later get recovered FROM that very spot (and surrounding area). Contemporaneous photographs do establish as much. The FBI (i.e., the eyewitnesses) did report that about 95% of the wrecked craft got recovered. Their estimate can be attacked as the product of bias (but you have no evidence demonstrating any actual bias). You can, if you feel the need, question their honesty or accuracy, but you have NOTHING to which you can point to make the questioning legitimately based.

In short, there is no valid, logical, coherent reason to DOUBT that FBI estimate that it was 95% of the craft that got recovered. If you have a good reason to contend that their estimate that the amount of the plane that got recovered is equal to ~ 95%, then feel free to demonstrate it. But you won't any more now than you ever have before, because you can't.

In the end, you can try to hide behind your dishonest pretense that you are "only asking questions," but your credibility is so shot, menstrual mess, that your pretense fools nobody. And what that all comes down to is simple: there remains NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY RATIONAL reason to doubt the FBI report that they had recovered 95% of Flight 93's wreckage.

Prove me wrong, menstrual mess.
You. Are. So. Fuxxing. Stoopid.

Yes it is a fact the fbi CLAIMED to recover 95%. I never denied the fbi made that claim. You have no facts to support that claim.

you said "You still don't have one single fact supporting your claim". you just admitted you lied and its a fact the FBI claimed 95% was recovered.

once again you are caught lying you piece of shit!! :lol:
You. Are. So. Fuxxing. Stoopid.

Yes it is a fact the fbi CLAIMED to recover 95%. I never denied the fbi made that claim. You have no facts to support that claim.

you said "You still don't have one single fact supporting your claim". you just admitted you lied and its a fact the FBI claimed 95% was recovered.

once again you are caught lying you piece of shit!! :lol:

Your claim is 95% of flight 93 was recovered. You don't have a single fact supporting that claim. All you have is a claim by the fbi you dumfuk. You really are too stoopid to understand the basics.
here is what a lying sack of shit you are.

THE FBI SAYS 95% OF THE PLANE WAS RECOVERED. <<--- that is a fact.

now tell me again how i have no facts to support my claim. :lol:

Rotfl! Pure dumfuk! What you have is a claim.


You, being the gutless pussy you are, ducked it last time, but the question really shouldn't be ducked in your typically pussy fashion. So, let's try it again, menstrual-mess: all testimony (under oath) by all witnesses at all trials would qualify {under your daffynition} as mere "claims."

If I see you run a red light and strike a pedestrian crossing in the crosswalk with the light, when I testify at your trial, you CAN question my bias (the fact that I consider you a gutless lying pussy is a bias, after all) and you can question my accuracy or my honesty. But the fact that your dinged car has traces of the pedestrian's blood on it does tend to corroborate a good deal of my testimony as does the fact of his injury at that location as noted by the EMTs who came to his aid.

Thus, you calling my testimony a mere "claim" would NOT undermine the fact that I can attest to what I saw. And in this case, it would be a "fact" regardless of the fact that you don't like it. [In a very technical sense, it is not a fact until the jury makes a finding of fact derived from all of the evidence, but then it does become legally a "fact."]

Similarly, you fucking retard, when the United Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville on 9/11/2001, bits and pieces of that wrecked craft DID later get recovered FROM that very spot (and surrounding area). Contemporaneous photographs do establish as much. The FBI (i.e., the eyewitnesses) did report that about 95% of the wrecked craft got recovered. Their estimate can be attacked as the product of bias (but you have no evidence demonstrating any actual bias). You can, if you feel the need, question their honesty or accuracy, but you have NOTHING to which you can point to make the questioning legitimately based.

In short, there is no valid, logical, coherent reason to DOUBT that FBI estimate that it was 95% of the craft that got recovered. If you have a good reason to contend that their estimate that the amount of the plane that got recovered is equal to ~ 95%, then feel free to demonstrate it. But you won't any more now than you ever have before, because you can't.

In the end, you can try to hide behind your dishonest pretense that you are "only asking questions," but your credibility is so shot, menstrual mess, that your pretense fools nobody. And what that all comes down to is simple: there remains NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY RATIONAL reason to doubt the FBI report that they had recovered 95% of Flight 93's wreckage.

Prove me wrong, menstrual mess.

I'm guessing the Snitch Bitch does not have one single fuxxing fact in there to support the fbi's claim. I'm betting the Snitch Bitch is still relying on the premise of prove a negative....
You. Are. So. Fuxxing. Stoopid.

Yes it is a fact the fbi CLAIMED to recover 95%. I never denied the fbi made that claim. You have no facts to support that claim.

you said "You still don't have one single fact supporting your claim". you just admitted you lied and its a fact the FBI claimed 95% was recovered.

once again you are caught lying you piece of shit!! :lol:

Your claim is 95% of flight 93 was recovered. You don't have a single fact supporting that claim. All you have is a claim by the fbi you dumfuk. You really are too stoopid to understand the basics.
the FACT is the FBI ESTABLISHED the fact by being the investigative body(with assistance by the NTSB) in the crash of flight 93
that makes it a FACT in the case, dipshit
you said "You still don't have one single fact supporting your claim". you just admitted you lied and its a fact the FBI claimed 95% was recovered.

once again you are caught lying you piece of shit!! :lol:

Your claim is 95% of flight 93 was recovered. You don't have a single fact supporting that claim. All you have is a claim by the fbi you dumfuk. You really are too stoopid to understand the basics.
the FACT is the FBI ESTABLISHED the fact by being the investigative body(with assistance by the NTSB) in the crash of flight 93
that makes it a FACT in the case, dipshit

So it's true because the fbi says it's
Your claim is 95% of flight 93 was recovered. You don't have a single fact supporting that claim. All you have is a claim by the fbi you dumfuk. You really are too stoopid to understand the basics.
the FACT is the FBI ESTABLISHED the fact by being the investigative body(with assistance by the NTSB) in the crash of flight 93
that makes it a FACT in the case, dipshit

So it's true because the fbi says it's
where is your EVIDENCE that it isnt true?
and since you are making the claim that the FBI is lying, it is up to you to prove it
the FACT is the FBI ESTABLISHED the fact by being the investigative body(with assistance by the NTSB) in the crash of flight 93
that makes it a FACT in the case, dipshit

So it's true because the fbi says it's
where is your EVIDENCE that it isnt true?
and since you are making the claim that the FBI is lying, it is up to you to prove it

Quote the post where I said the fbi is lying. You can't because I never did so once again when you are faced with the inability to provide a single fact to support the fbi's claim you lie about what others say.

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