Question about Ted Cruz

I addressed this above,,,...they use word "generally" which shows the flaw in their logic................also Congress did no such passed rules of naturalization...which were the only things it could pass.

If McLame, born in the Canal Zone was OK to run, so is Cruz! It's simple logic, which you fail at!......And especially by now if he is UNCONTESTED by his own parties candidates, what's the problem?

well most people dont give a shit......that explains his acceptance by party and even opposition...but Grayson does sound like he will challenge...then watch the "conservatives" on the court squirm and come up with some bullshit argument....probably along the lines of what your seeing on this board.

Court will immediately throw it out as Grayson has NO STANDING, as none of us do, as it does NOT DIRECTLY affect us!

YOU have GOT to be kidding.....the presidency doesn't affect us????.......but that may be one of the Bullshit tactics the "conservatives" will show them for the corrupt tools they are.

NO, it doesn't ONLY effects those RUNNING for the same position!

BS...and if thats what the court says it will make them the laughing stock of the nation
If McLame, born in the Canal Zone was OK to run, so is Cruz! It's simple logic, which you fail at!......And especially by now if he is UNCONTESTED by his own parties candidates, what's the problem?

well most people dont give a shit......that explains his acceptance by party and even opposition...but Grayson does sound like he will challenge...then watch the "conservatives" on the court squirm and come up with some bullshit argument....probably along the lines of what your seeing on this board.

Court will immediately throw it out as Grayson has NO STANDING, as none of us do, as it does NOT DIRECTLY affect us!

YOU have GOT to be kidding.....the presidency doesn't affect us????.......but that may be one of the Bullshit tactics the "conservatives" will show them for the corrupt tools they are.

NO, it doesn't ONLY effects those RUNNING for the same position!


Try doing some research into STANDING when bringing things to court.... It's hard, perhaps a 5th grader can explain it?
well most people dont give a shit......that explains his acceptance by party and even opposition...but Grayson does sound like he will challenge...then watch the "conservatives" on the court squirm and come up with some bullshit argument....probably along the lines of what your seeing on this board.

Court will immediately throw it out as Grayson has NO STANDING, as none of us do, as it does NOT DIRECTLY affect us!

YOU have GOT to be kidding.....the presidency doesn't affect us????.......but that may be one of the Bullshit tactics the "conservatives" will show them for the corrupt tools they are.

NO, it doesn't ONLY effects those RUNNING for the same position!


Try doing some research into STANDING when bringing things to court.... It's hard, perhaps a 5th grader can explain it?
standing is kinda like stare decisis................a courts Bullshit for ruling with bias but giving it some "legal" cover....
Court will immediately throw it out as Grayson has NO STANDING, as none of us do, as it does NOT DIRECTLY affect us!

YOU have GOT to be kidding.....the presidency doesn't affect us????.......but that may be one of the Bullshit tactics the "conservatives" will show them for the corrupt tools they are.

NO, it doesn't ONLY effects those RUNNING for the same position!


Try doing some research into STANDING when bringing things to court.... It's hard, perhaps a 5th grader can explain it?
standing is kinda like stare decisis................a courts Bullshit for ruling with bias but giving it some "legal" cover....

You really think, at this stage of the game, SCOTUS or any Federal court would take this case? STANDING is the easy way out for COWARD judges!
YOU have GOT to be kidding.....the presidency doesn't affect us????.......but that may be one of the Bullshit tactics the "conservatives" will show them for the corrupt tools they are.

NO, it doesn't ONLY effects those RUNNING for the same position!


Try doing some research into STANDING when bringing things to court.... It's hard, perhaps a 5th grader can explain it?
standing is kinda like stare decisis................a courts Bullshit for ruling with bias but giving it some "legal" cover....

You really think, at this stage of the game, SCOTUS or any Federal court would take this case? STANDING is the easy way out for COWARD judges!

you may be right on that point
Harvard Law Review Forum
On the Meaning of “Natural Born Citizen”

[SNIP]There are plenty of serious issues to debate in the upcoming presidential election cycle. The less time spent dealing with specious objections to candidate eligibility, the better. Fortunately, the Constitution is refreshingly clear on these eligibility issues. To serve, an individual must be at least thirty-five years old and a “natural born Citizen.” Thirty-four and a half is not enough and, for better or worse, a naturalized citizen cannot serve. But as Congress has recognized since the Founding, a person born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent is generally a U.S. citizen from birth with no need for naturalization. And the phrase “natural born Citizen” in the Constitution encompasses all such citizens from birth. Thus, an individual born to a U.S. citizen parent — whether in California or Canada or the Canal Zone( Anyone remember that idiot Republican candidate Juan McLame?) — is a U.S. citizen from birth and is fully eligible to serve as President if the people so choose.[/SNIP]

Argue AGAINST the Harvard Law Review... that bastion of LIBERAL thought process!

On the Meaning of “Natural Born Citizen”
too many words...can you just post a meme?

the fact that the above drivel from the Harvard law review has to use "generally" shows its true colors.
Congress could not change presidential eligibility whether it wanted to or not.

Congress clarified the Constitution since 8 of the first Presidents were not US citizens when they were born, or was their mother or father.

no, the Constitution had a grandfather clause so to speak so that the first presidents didnt need to follow the rule.

Congress has no power to "clarify" no matter how much they may have wanted to. The Constitution would have to be amended....and it hasn't been in this regard.

I wasn't aware of the grandfather clause. Can you tell me where to find it in the Constitution?

On edit: Never mind, I found it.
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.
Doesn't matter if he is leading anything. If he is not born in the USA, HE CANNOT RUN FOR POTUS. Period.

If he is not born in the USA, HE CANNOT RUN FOR POTUS. Period.

Wrong. Exclamation point!
okey dokey then. My bad that thinking all this birther crap had substance. So anyone born anywhere can be POTUS? Alrighty then!

It amazes me that leftist women, believing themselves to be such champions of women's rights and equality, can be such incredible poster children for Misogynists USA. Way to give all women a bad name.

Anyone who meets the legal requirements of "natural-born" citizenship can be President. Same answer it has always been. Does that require actually being born on American dirt? No.

You are trying SOOOOO hard to be relevant through inflammatory humor, little newbie. You're failing miserably and spectacularly, but I'm feeling warm and fuzzy for the holidays, so I thought I'd give you the gift of noticing you.

Happy New Year. Now fuck off.
Another stupid, waste-of-time thread by RWNJ's who haven't the capacity to learn. The law is very clear on eligibility and Ted Cruz is most certainly a natural born citizen. The qualifications have nothing to do with the geography of where he was born, but everything to do with whether his mother met a very clear qualification.

Ted Cruz qualified as a "natural born citizen" from birth because his mother resided in America for at least 10 years of her life leading up to his birth, and with at least 5 of those years coming after the age of 14.

I understand why he gave up the dual citizenship granted him by the Canadians, but I don't think I could have ever done that, if only for travel purposes alone. My mother kept hers and she breezes through customs, coming and going, even though she's 100% American.

The guy's a US Senator and a Presidential candidate. I sincerely doubt Customs is going to give him shit, citizenship or not, if he decides to travel to Canada. Offhand, I can't think of a faster way for a Canadian Customs agent to get fired than stirring up that kind of bad press.
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

and the Answer seems to be that the oligarchs that run this country dont give a damn about the Constitution. I think by any common sense reading of the constitution the man shouldnt be allowed to run.

In another thread a Congressperson Grayson has promised to sue if he gets the republican nomination.

And the answer seems to be, "I'm right no matter WHAT the evidence says, so it must just be that no one but me cares about the Constitution. It COULDN'T be that I wouldn't know the Constitution if it fell on me while still in its armored case!"
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

and the Answer seems to be that the oligarchs that run this country dont give a damn about the Constitution. I think by any common sense reading of the constitution the man shouldnt be allowed to run.

In another thread a Congressperson Grayson has promised to sue if he gets the republican nomination.

Maybe Grayson should support his kids instead, fucking deadbeat.

I am glad at least one man in our corrupt establishment is willing to stand up for the Constitution. Ironic as hell that the "Constitutional conservative" Cruz has to go into legal "nuance" [read as lying Bull shit] to justify his position.

Yeah, Grayson is a corrupt asshole, but where is he standing up for the Constitution?

DC thinks "standing up for the Constitution" means "agreeing with half-assed theories beloved by ignorant droolers like DC."
Maybe Grayson should support his kids instead, fucking deadbeat.

I am glad at least one man in our corrupt establishment is willing to stand up for the Constitution. Ironic as hell that the "Constitutional conservative" Cruz has to go into legal "nuance" [read as lying Bull shit] to justify his position.

Yeah, Grayson is a corrupt asshole, but where is he standing up for the Constitution?

Grayson is certainly not corrupt. The Constitution says only natural born citizens can run for POTUS.....Oh Canada [Cruz] isn't one of them.

Grayson is certainly not corrupt.

Stop it. You're killing me. ROFLMAO!!!

The Constitution says only natural born citizens can run for POTUS

Why do you feel birth location is a disqualifier for a natural born citizen?

because the Constitution says so. Why did anyone care about Obama's birthplace if it didnt matter? HIs mother was a US citizen too.

For about the fourth time, because Obama's mother didn't meet the residency requirements to convey citizenship to him if he was born outside the US.
Grayson is certainly not corrupt.

Stop it. You're killing me. ROFLMAO!!!

The Constitution says only natural born citizens can run for POTUS

Why do you feel birth location is a disqualifier for a natural born citizen?

because the Constitution says so. Why did anyone care about Obama's birthplace if it didnt matter? HIs mother was a US citizen too.

because the Constitution says so.

Why don't you post the portion you feel makes your point?
someone must have above

but here it is again "
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

Hmmmm.....that's weird. It doesn't mention birth location.

common sense should tell you that that means someone born on US soil.

AGAIN, Why did anyone care about Obama's birthplace if it didnt matter? HIs mother was a US citizen too

No, simple-mindedness says that. Common sense tells you that the US isn't going to deny itself citizens simply because their citizen parents happened to be traveling abroad at the time of birth. I don't believe any industrialized nation does so.
Harvard Law Review Forum
On the Meaning of “Natural Born Citizen”

[SNIP]There are plenty of serious issues to debate in the upcoming presidential election cycle. The less time spent dealing with specious objections to candidate eligibility, the better. Fortunately, the Constitution is refreshingly clear on these eligibility issues. To serve, an individual must be at least thirty-five years old and a “natural born Citizen.” Thirty-four and a half is not enough and, for better or worse, a naturalized citizen cannot serve. But as Congress has recognized since the Founding, a person born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent is generally a U.S. citizen from birth with no need for naturalization. And the phrase “natural born Citizen” in the Constitution encompasses all such citizens from birth. Thus, an individual born to a U.S. citizen parent — whether in California or Canada or the Canal Zone( Anyone remember that idiot Republican candidate Juan McLame?) — is a U.S. citizen from birth and is fully eligible to serve as President if the people so choose.[/SNIP]

Argue AGAINST the Harvard Law Review... that bastion of LIBERAL thought process!

On the Meaning of “Natural Born Citizen”
too many words...can you just post a meme?

the fact that the above drivel from the Harvard law review has to use "generally" shows its true colors.
Congress could not change presidential eligibility whether it wanted to or not.

Congress clarified the Constitution since 8 of the first Presidents were not US citizens when they were born, or was their mother or father.

no, the Constitution had a grandfather clause so to speak so that the first presidents didnt need to follow the rule.

Congress has no power to "clarify" no matter how much they may have wanted to. The Constitution would have to be amended....and it hasn't been in this regard.

ALL of Congress's power is clarification. Congress makes lesser laws to set the specifications for the broader guidelines of the Constitution.

The Constitution requires "No illegal searches and seizures". Congress passes laws defining what is and isn't a legal search and seizure.

The Constitution requires "Due process of law". Congress passes laws defining what is and isn't due process of law.

The Constitution requires "natural-born citizen". Congress passes laws defining what is and isn't a natural-born citizen.

common sense should tell you that that means someone born on US soil.

AGAIN, Why did anyone care about Obama's birthplace if it didnt matter? HIs mother was a US citizen too

Common sense tells you that a person born to a Mother who is an American citizen and meets the requirements of the US Code is an American Citizen at birth. The Obama fiasco was created because he refused to produce his birth certificate and I believe it was his Grandmother proclaimed that he was born in Kenya.

There are also questionable documents from his college days referring to his birthplace.
As long as his Mother was American, and she was, and she met the requirements of the US Code, Obama was a citizen at birth and it is apparent he was born in Hawaii.

absolutely NOT....if a child is born in another country it becomes a citizen of that country in most peoples eyes.

And why was Obama concerned then?, Why didnt he, in all that fiasco...just say it didnt matter because his mother was a citizen?.....He didnt because it does matter.

Actually, shitforbrains, HE (only illiterates refer to a human being as "it") becomes a citizen of BOTH countries in most people's eyes, because he IS a citizen of both countries.

Only fools like you are so ignorant as to think it's an either-or situation, or has to be.
I am glad at least one man in our corrupt establishment is willing to stand up for the Constitution. Ironic as hell that the "Constitutional conservative" Cruz has to go into legal "nuance" [read as lying Bull shit] to justify his position.

Yeah, Grayson is a corrupt asshole, but where is he standing up for the Constitution?

Grayson is certainly not corrupt. The Constitution says only natural born citizens can run for POTUS.....Oh Canada [Cruz] isn't one of them.

Grayson is certainly not corrupt.

Stop it. You're killing me. ROFLMAO!!!

The Constitution says only natural born citizens can run for POTUS

Why do you feel birth location is a disqualifier for a natural born citizen?

because the Constitution says so. Why did anyone care about Obama's birthplace if it didnt matter? HIs mother was a US citizen too.

For about the fourth time, because Obama's mother didn't meet the residency requirements to convey citizenship to him if he was born outside the US.

BS, thats the first time I ever heard of that. She grew up in america how could she not meet residency requirements.

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