Question about Ted Cruz

Civic business is like registering as a lobbyist... less formal meetings and trips are even more suspicious. He could be a spy. Literally and seriously. The Keystone alone is a multi-billion dollar Canadian interest contradicting our own. Canada's our pet country, but they still spy on us and have ambitions with our policy. That's why there's that provision in our constitution.

His parents registered his birth. There may have been a number of reasons to make your Canadian born American kid a full blown canuck: they may have registered him with the national health service. They may have had to do some of this if he attended school up there. Incidental stuff mom or dad did is excusable while they're living abroad, I think.

Why in the hell would Canada want or need to spy on us, even assuming Canada HAS spies (Sorry, but they don't appear to actually DO much on the international stage)?

You're wandering off into the land of speculation and outright delusion. All daydreams aside, Cruz and his parents never did anything about his technical dual citizenship. I would assume his birth WAS reported to the National Health Service, insofar as he was issued a certificate of birth from the Edmonton Department of Health. So what? Canada tracks birth statistics, same as every other industrialized nation on Earth.

He never attended school there. He was four when his family moved back to the States. You would know all of this if you would stop making up fevered fantasies and just look the information up. Dumbass.

Let me walk you through the timeline. His parents went to Canada on business. While there, his mother dropped a baby, presumably in a Canadian hospital. The kid was issued a birth certificate by the Division of Vital Statistics for the local Department of Health. His parents, as US citizens in a foreign country, also reported the birth of their child to the US Consulate. When their business in Canada was concluded - when Ted was four - they packed up and moved back to the US. Ted grew up in the US, got a US passport in high school, and no one in the family thought much about it until the Dallas News published an article about it. At that point, realizing that he still retained dual citizenship in Canada, Ted processed the necessary paperwork to renounce it.

The end.
I know they're cute, but they have spies and guided missiles. This is our biggest [you name it] partner. Of course some of their spies and signal intel on us. It would be massive for them to get a canuck sympathizer in the white house. As you know Cruz is DQ'd for his economic lunacy, but it's comforting to know one of our senators isn't a manchurian candidate.

I appreciate all the research and clarification you've done.

My pleasure. And since we DO, in fact, have such a friendly and close relationship with Canada, I doubt they feel much need for Machiavellian shenanigans. It's not as though our Presidents aren't generally "Canadian sympathizers" to begin with. I mean, we do actually like Canada, anyway. I doubt they're especially worried about the US suddenly becoming hostile and invading, or something.
Maybe all things are dandy because we're friends. We've gone ahead and put millions into cruising their northern oceans with our subs, monitoring their military positions on satellite and running signals wherever we can. It would be Canadian-seeming to not do anything back. Neither are suspecting invasion or conflict, but there's a lot to know and intel is a barter business.

I personally think even the vatican is engaged in greyish espionage.

All kidding aside, I don't doubt for a second that the administration of every country in the world keeps its executive informed as to what's happening in other countries, even friendly ones, and as in-depth as possible.

That's a far cry from Canada feeling the need to have a "Manchurian candidate" in the US Presidency. Like I said, they're all basically Canadian sympathizers, anyway, because we LIKE Canada. Until such time as we become hostile toward them, I'd guess they simply expect the American President to be favorable, whoever he is.
Canada is our pet, we don't sit them at the dinner table. See: Keystone Pipeline.

They have every reason. They'd love for the US to adopt your boy's gold standard nonsense because Canada would become a significant player in determining US monetary policy. Canadian-born Cruz and Canadian-looking Paul. De facto manchurians if not manchurians.
Why in the hell would Canada want or need to spy on us, even assuming Canada HAS spies (Sorry, but they don't appear to actually DO much on the international stage)?

You're wandering off into the land of speculation and outright delusion. All daydreams aside, Cruz and his parents never did anything about his technical dual citizenship. I would assume his birth WAS reported to the National Health Service, insofar as he was issued a certificate of birth from the Edmonton Department of Health. So what? Canada tracks birth statistics, same as every other industrialized nation on Earth.

He never attended school there. He was four when his family moved back to the States. You would know all of this if you would stop making up fevered fantasies and just look the information up. Dumbass.

Let me walk you through the timeline. His parents went to Canada on business. While there, his mother dropped a baby, presumably in a Canadian hospital. The kid was issued a birth certificate by the Division of Vital Statistics for the local Department of Health. His parents, as US citizens in a foreign country, also reported the birth of their child to the US Consulate. When their business in Canada was concluded - when Ted was four - they packed up and moved back to the US. Ted grew up in the US, got a US passport in high school, and no one in the family thought much about it until the Dallas News published an article about it. At that point, realizing that he still retained dual citizenship in Canada, Ted processed the necessary paperwork to renounce it.

The end.
I know they're cute, but they have spies and guided missiles. This is our biggest [you name it] partner. Of course some of their spies and signal intel on us. It would be massive for them to get a canuck sympathizer in the white house. As you know Cruz is DQ'd for his economic lunacy, but it's comforting to know one of our senators isn't a manchurian candidate.

I appreciate all the research and clarification you've done.

My pleasure. And since we DO, in fact, have such a friendly and close relationship with Canada, I doubt they feel much need for Machiavellian shenanigans. It's not as though our Presidents aren't generally "Canadian sympathizers" to begin with. I mean, we do actually like Canada, anyway. I doubt they're especially worried about the US suddenly becoming hostile and invading, or something.
Maybe all things are dandy because we're friends. We've gone ahead and put millions into cruising their northern oceans with our subs, monitoring their military positions on satellite and running signals wherever we can. It would be Canadian-seeming to not do anything back. Neither are suspecting invasion or conflict, but there's a lot to know and intel is a barter business.

I personally think even the vatican is engaged in greyish espionage.

All kidding aside, I don't doubt for a second that the administration of every country in the world keeps its executive informed as to what's happening in other countries, even friendly ones, and as in-depth as possible.

That's a far cry from Canada feeling the need to have a "Manchurian candidate" in the US Presidency. Like I said, they're all basically Canadian sympathizers, anyway, because we LIKE Canada. Until such time as we become hostile toward them, I'd guess they simply expect the American President to be favorable, whoever he is.
Canada is our pet, we don't sit them at the dinner table. See: Keystone Pipeline.

They have every reason. They'd love for the US to adopt your boy's gold standard nonsense because Canada would become a significant player in determining US monetary policy. Canadian-born Cruz and Canadian-looking Paul. De facto manchurians if not manchurians.

Can't imagine why you're so enamored of devaluing the dollar, aside from an addiction to the status quo.
Natural-born means he was an American at birth. This is a stupid thread begun by someone who could have found this information easily on his own.

My own son was born in Prague to a Czech mother and me, an American. He too is a natural-born American.
Natural-born means he was an American at birth. This is a stupid thread begun by someone who could have found this information easily on his own.

My own son was born in Prague to a Czech mother and me, an American. He too is a natural-born American.

Of course he is.

These dipshits on both sides of the aisle act like because THEY just became aware that this situation exists, that means EVERYONE is just figuring it out, and it's never, ever been addressed before.
I know they're cute, but they have spies and guided missiles. This is our biggest [you name it] partner. Of course some of their spies and signal intel on us. It would be massive for them to get a canuck sympathizer in the white house. As you know Cruz is DQ'd for his economic lunacy, but it's comforting to know one of our senators isn't a manchurian candidate.

I appreciate all the research and clarification you've done.

My pleasure. And since we DO, in fact, have such a friendly and close relationship with Canada, I doubt they feel much need for Machiavellian shenanigans. It's not as though our Presidents aren't generally "Canadian sympathizers" to begin with. I mean, we do actually like Canada, anyway. I doubt they're especially worried about the US suddenly becoming hostile and invading, or something.
Maybe all things are dandy because we're friends. We've gone ahead and put millions into cruising their northern oceans with our subs, monitoring their military positions on satellite and running signals wherever we can. It would be Canadian-seeming to not do anything back. Neither are suspecting invasion or conflict, but there's a lot to know and intel is a barter business.

I personally think even the vatican is engaged in greyish espionage.

All kidding aside, I don't doubt for a second that the administration of every country in the world keeps its executive informed as to what's happening in other countries, even friendly ones, and as in-depth as possible.

That's a far cry from Canada feeling the need to have a "Manchurian candidate" in the US Presidency. Like I said, they're all basically Canadian sympathizers, anyway, because we LIKE Canada. Until such time as we become hostile toward them, I'd guess they simply expect the American President to be favorable, whoever he is.
Canada is our pet, we don't sit them at the dinner table. See: Keystone Pipeline.

They have every reason. They'd love for the US to adopt your boy's gold standard nonsense because Canada would become a significant player in determining US monetary policy. Canadian-born Cruz and Canadian-looking Paul. De facto manchurians if not manchurians.

Can't imagine why you're so enamored of devaluing the dollar, aside from an addiction to the status quo.
First, we don't want the dollar to perform like the pound sterling. We're not trying to protect monarchial assets. Secondly, my take is that politicians don't know what they're talking about, so it's better that our monetary policy is not subject to the congress like these asses would like. To wit, years of deflationary RE prices and the current price of energy dispels what the Pauls have been saying.

Libertarians just make up economics and hold rallies about it; that doesn't mean that there's any sense in it
My pleasure. And since we DO, in fact, have such a friendly and close relationship with Canada, I doubt they feel much need for Machiavellian shenanigans. It's not as though our Presidents aren't generally "Canadian sympathizers" to begin with. I mean, we do actually like Canada, anyway. I doubt they're especially worried about the US suddenly becoming hostile and invading, or something.
Maybe all things are dandy because we're friends. We've gone ahead and put millions into cruising their northern oceans with our subs, monitoring their military positions on satellite and running signals wherever we can. It would be Canadian-seeming to not do anything back. Neither are suspecting invasion or conflict, but there's a lot to know and intel is a barter business.

I personally think even the vatican is engaged in greyish espionage.

All kidding aside, I don't doubt for a second that the administration of every country in the world keeps its executive informed as to what's happening in other countries, even friendly ones, and as in-depth as possible.

That's a far cry from Canada feeling the need to have a "Manchurian candidate" in the US Presidency. Like I said, they're all basically Canadian sympathizers, anyway, because we LIKE Canada. Until such time as we become hostile toward them, I'd guess they simply expect the American President to be favorable, whoever he is.
Canada is our pet, we don't sit them at the dinner table. See: Keystone Pipeline.

They have every reason. They'd love for the US to adopt your boy's gold standard nonsense because Canada would become a significant player in determining US monetary policy. Canadian-born Cruz and Canadian-looking Paul. De facto manchurians if not manchurians.

Can't imagine why you're so enamored of devaluing the dollar, aside from an addiction to the status quo.
First, we don't want the dollar to perform like the pound sterling. We're not trying to protect monarchial assets. Secondly, my take is that politicians don't know what they're talking about, so it's better that our monetary policy is not subject to the congress like these asses would like. To wit, years of deflationary RE prices and the current price of energy dispels what the Pauls have been saying.

Libertarians just make up economics and hold rallies about it; that doesn't mean that there's any sense in it

Who's "we", Sparkles? My take is that YOU don't know what you're talking about.
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" which refers to you.
The most uneducated and lowest informed citizens in the USA.
Tea party!

The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" which refers to you.
The most uneducated and lowest informed citizens in the USA.
Tea party!

The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.

Please tell us all about the cases you have fought and won before the Supreme Court.
I bet it's pretty easy to find a copy of Cruz's birth certificate. Low information radical lefties who rely on Huffington and Media Matters for information might be shocked to find that former republican presidential candidate John McCain wasn't born in the USA either.


Both were born of an American parent.


Except his mother didn't meet the eligibility to confer US citizenship to him if he were born abroad, according to the laws in place at the time.
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.

Please stop being a retard.

He asked a simple question. Ted Cruz was born in Calgary. How can he be President?

I don't know the answer, but it is a legitimate question.

And since you couldn't answer the question, you whine and bitch.

All his mother had to do is fill out a State Dept. form for a US citizen born abroad, that's all it takes to confer natural citizenship.
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.

Please stop being a retard.

He asked a simple question. Ted Cruz was born in Calgary. How can he be President?

I don't know the answer, but it is a legitimate question.

And since you couldn't answer the question, you whine and bitch.

All his mother had to do is fill out a State Dept. form for a US citizen born abroad, that's all it takes to confer natural citizenship.

Well, no. She also would have had to have resided in the US for at least ten years, five of them after her 14th birthday. Otherwise, he wouldn't have qualified.

However, she did, so . . .
I don't see why anyone should carp about Lucy. The law is not entirely clear and even Mitt's dad had some questions. But most everyone, besides the Big Quack and his Trumpeters, agree that if one parent was a US citizen who wasn't an expatriate, you're good to go.

Dual citizenship may pose problem if Ted Cruz seeks presidency

The law is quite clear, however much people want to confuse the issue. You can go look at the law and read it in black and white.

Lucy, by the way, doesn't live in the US, or if she does, it's only recently. So it's not surprising she's not familiar with US citizenship laws.

It's depressing how confused other people are, though.
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

There are two kinds of citizens- natural born and naturalized.

Cruz was born a U.S. citizen- hence he is a natural born citizen.
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.

Please stop being a retard.

He asked a simple question. Ted Cruz was born in Calgary. How can he be President?

I don't know the answer, but it is a legitimate question.

And since you couldn't answer the question, you whine and bitch.

All his mother had to do is fill out a State Dept. form for a US citizen born abroad, that's all it takes to confer natural citizenship.

Well, no. She also would have had to have resided in the US for at least ten years, five of them after her 14th birthday. Otherwise, he wouldn't have qualified.

However, she did, so . . .

Actually I knew that, it's the reason I didn't mention it in relation to Cruz, the dear leaders mother however, didn't meet those qualifications had he been born abroad, since she was only 17 at the time of his birth.
Hasn't the birther debacle with Obama (that flys in the face of our Constitution as well as Bruce Springsteen) essentially thrown wide open the born-in-the-USA thing? After allowing African-born Obama to serve two terms as president, are we really going to make an issue of this for the next president?

You got me. If Obama had been as clear and upfront about the whole thing as Cruz has been, even his most vociferous critics would have had to drop it.

You mean like producing a birth certificate when the issue came up?

Oh right- Obama did that.

Didn't stop the Birther idiocy.

Nothing stops Birther idiocy.

Birthers are fact averse.
How ironic that far right Cruz supporters are now having all that Obama citizenship crap thrown back in their face .
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.

Please stop being a retard.

He asked a simple question. Ted Cruz was born in Calgary. How can he be President?

I don't know the answer, but it is a legitimate question.

And since you couldn't answer the question, you whine and bitch.

All his mother had to do is fill out a State Dept. form for a US citizen born abroad, that's all it takes to confer natural citizenship.

Well, no. She also would have had to have resided in the US for at least ten years, five of them after her 14th birthday. Otherwise, he wouldn't have qualified.

However, she did, so . . .

Actually I knew that, it's the reason I didn't mention it in relation to Cruz, the dear leaders mother however, didn't meet those qualifications had he been born abroad, since she was only 17 at the time of his birth.

Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

He's fine. He was a US citizen at birth. That makes him natural born.

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