Question about Ted Cruz

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.

Please stop being a retard.

He asked a simple question. Ted Cruz was born in Calgary. How can he be President?

I don't know the answer, but it is a legitimate question.

And since you couldn't answer the question, you whine and bitch.

All his mother had to do is fill out a State Dept. form for a US citizen born abroad, that's all it takes to confer natural citizenship.

Well, no. She also would have had to have resided in the US for at least ten years, five of them after her 14th birthday. Otherwise, he wouldn't have qualified.

However, she did, so . . .

Actually I knew that, it's the reason I didn't mention it in relation to Cruz, the dear leaders mother however, didn't meet those qualifications had he been born abroad, since she was only 17 at the time of his birth.

Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.
That was directed to you.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" which refers to you.
The most uneducated and lowest informed citizens in the USA.
Tea party!

The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.

Please tell us all about the cases you have fought and won before the Supreme Court.
Hasn't the birther debacle with Obama (that flys in the face of our Constitution as well as Bruce Springsteen) essentially thrown wide open the born-in-the-USA thing? After allowing African-born Obama to serve two terms as president, are we really going to make an issue of this for the next president?

You got me. If Obama had been as clear and upfront about the whole thing as Cruz has been, even his most vociferous critics would have had to drop it.

You mean like producing a birth certificate when the issue came up?

Oh right- Obama did that.

Didn't stop the Birther idiocy.

Nothing stops Birther idiocy.

Birthers are fact averse.

Right, Chuckles. Obama ponied that birth certificate RIGHT up . . . three years after the issue came up. I can't imagine why that wouldn't have been effective. :eusa_hand:
How ironic that far right Cruz supporters are now having all that Obama citizenship crap thrown back in their face .

How pathetic that leftists can't see the difference between legitimate and illegitimate questions. All they can see is childish games and petty vengeance. "You asked me, so now I ask you! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!"
Please stop being a retard.

He asked a simple question. Ted Cruz was born in Calgary. How can he be President?

I don't know the answer, but it is a legitimate question.

And since you couldn't answer the question, you whine and bitch.

All his mother had to do is fill out a State Dept. form for a US citizen born abroad, that's all it takes to confer natural citizenship.

Well, no. She also would have had to have resided in the US for at least ten years, five of them after her 14th birthday. Otherwise, he wouldn't have qualified.

However, she did, so . . .

Actually I knew that, it's the reason I didn't mention it in relation to Cruz, the dear leaders mother however, didn't meet those qualifications had he been born abroad, since she was only 17 at the time of his birth.

Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have the whole situation clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

Not planning on commenting on whether or not it turned out as cut-and-dried as you like to pretend.

The upshot is that all of that is irrelevant to the question of Cruz's birth . . . unless you're an ignorant, amoral leftist who thinks the point of asking these questions is simply to attack and smear and score political points, rather than to actually benefit the US.
All his mother had to do is fill out a State Dept. form for a US citizen born abroad, that's all it takes to confer natural citizenship.

Well, no. She also would have had to have resided in the US for at least ten years, five of them after her 14th birthday. Otherwise, he wouldn't have qualified.

However, she did, so . . .

Actually I knew that, it's the reason I didn't mention it in relation to Cruz, the dear leaders mother however, didn't meet those qualifications had he been born abroad, since she was only 17 at the time of his birth.

Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have that clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?
I don't see why anyone should carp about Lucy. The law is not entirely clear and even Mitt's dad had some questions. But most everyone, besides the Big Quack and his Trumpeters, agree that if one parent was a US citizen who wasn't an expatriate, you're good to go.

Dual citizenship may pose problem if Ted Cruz seeks presidency

The law is quite clear, however much people want to confuse the issue. You can go look at the law and read it in black and white.

Lucy, by the way, doesn't live in the US, or if she does, it's only recently. So it's not surprising she's not familiar with US citizenship laws.

It's depressing how confused other people are, though.
I think it's clear now that anyone born to a US citizen who is not a total expatriate is a citizen and can run. Obama was not only born in ....... well .... his mother was an American (-:

But, it's funny in that Mitt's father faced similar questions in 1968.

The Birthers have so focked this up, that I don't think honest questions about who can run are objectionable.
All his mother had to do is fill out a State Dept. form for a US citizen born abroad, that's all it takes to confer natural citizenship.

Well, no. She also would have had to have resided in the US for at least ten years, five of them after her 14th birthday. Otherwise, he wouldn't have qualified.

However, she did, so . . .

Actually I knew that, it's the reason I didn't mention it in relation to Cruz, the dear leaders mother however, didn't meet those qualifications had he been born abroad, since she was only 17 at the time of his birth.

Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have the whole situation clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

Not planning on commenting on whether or not it turned out as cut-and-dried as you like to pretend.

The upshot is that all of that is irrelevant to the question of Cruz's birth . . . unless you're an ignorant, amoral leftist who thinks the point of asking these questions is simply to attack and smear and score political points, rather than to actually benefit the US.
HE still hasnt released his education records. Obama is the least-vetted president in history.
Well, no. She also would have had to have resided in the US for at least ten years, five of them after her 14th birthday. Otherwise, he wouldn't have qualified.

However, she did, so . . .

Actually I knew that, it's the reason I didn't mention it in relation to Cruz, the dear leaders mother however, didn't meet those qualifications had he been born abroad, since she was only 17 at the time of his birth.

Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have the whole situation clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

Not planning on commenting on whether or not it turned out as cut-and-dried as you like to pretend.

The upshot is that all of that is irrelevant to the question of Cruz's birth . . . unless you're an ignorant, amoral leftist who thinks the point of asking these questions is simply to attack and smear and score political points, rather than to actually benefit the US.
HE still hasnt released his education records. Obama is the least-vetted president in history.

You're thinking of Reagan. He didn't release his education records.

Wait, you're thinking of Clinton. He didn't release his education records.

No, that's Bush I. He didn't release his education records.

In fact no president save GW has ever released education records. And he did that only after his records were leaked.

But you already knew all that, dintcha?
Well, no. She also would have had to have resided in the US for at least ten years, five of them after her 14th birthday. Otherwise, he wouldn't have qualified.

However, she did, so . . .

Actually I knew that, it's the reason I didn't mention it in relation to Cruz, the dear leaders mother however, didn't meet those qualifications had he been born abroad, since she was only 17 at the time of his birth.

Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have that clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.
Actually I knew that, it's the reason I didn't mention it in relation to Cruz, the dear leaders mother however, didn't meet those qualifications had he been born abroad, since she was only 17 at the time of his birth.

Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have that clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.
Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have that clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

Really, then what was the point of saying maobamas momma was 18 when he was born?
Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have that clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

Really, then what was the point of saying maobamas momma was 18 when he was born?

How did you put it? Ah yes.

"I make a simple statement of fact."
And it only took three years of asking to have that clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

Really, then what was the point of saying maobamas momma was 18 when he was born?

How did you put it? Ah yes.

"I make a simple statement of fact."

I see you're still working on that ESL thingy.
Hasn't the birther debacle with Obama (that flys in the face of our Constitution as well as Bruce Springsteen) essentially thrown wide open the born-in-the-USA thing? After allowing African-born Obama to serve two terms as president, are we really going to make an issue of this for the next president?

You got me. If Obama had been as clear and upfront about the whole thing as Cruz has been, even his most vociferous critics would have had to drop it.

You mean like producing a birth certificate when the issue came up?

Oh right- Obama did that.

Didn't stop the Birther idiocy.

Nothing stops Birther idiocy.

Birthers are fact averse.

Right, Chuckles. Obama ponied that birth certificate RIGHT up . . . three years after the issue came up. I can't imagine why that wouldn't have been effective. :eusa_hand:

Birthers are fact averse- released in 2008- confirmed authentic by the State of Hawaii in 2008, 2009 and 2011.

But of course Birthers believe Canada- but not Hawaii.....

Well, no. She also would have had to have resided in the US for at least ten years, five of them after her 14th birthday. Otherwise, he wouldn't have qualified.

However, she did, so . . .

Actually I knew that, it's the reason I didn't mention it in relation to Cruz, the dear leaders mother however, didn't meet those qualifications had he been born abroad, since she was only 17 at the time of his birth.

Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have the whole situation clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

Not planning on commenting on whether or not it turned out as cut-and-dried as you like to pretend.

The upshot is that all of that is irrelevant to the question of Cruz's birth . . . unless you're an ignorant, amoral leftist who thinks the point of asking these questions is simply to attack and smear and score political points, rather than to actually benefit the US.
HE still hasnt released his education records. Obama is the least-vetted president in history.

Wow.....Birthers are still stomping their feet to see Obama's kindergarten records.....keen to see what his finger painting grades were.....LOL.

Anyone who argues that President Obama is the 'least-vetted president in history' is incredibly ignorant.
Well, no. She also would have had to have resided in the US for at least ten years, five of them after her 14th birthday. Otherwise, he wouldn't have qualified.

However, she did, so . . .

Actually I knew that, it's the reason I didn't mention it in relation to Cruz, the dear leaders mother however, didn't meet those qualifications had he been born abroad, since she was only 17 at the time of his birth.

Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have the whole situation clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

Not planning on commenting on whether or not it turned out as cut-and-dried as you like to pretend.

The upshot is that all of that is irrelevant to the question of Cruz's birth . . . unless you're an ignorant, amoral leftist who thinks the point of asking these questions is simply to attack and smear and score political points, rather than to actually benefit the US.
HE still hasnt released his education records. Obama is the least-vetted president in history.

Yup, but whatever. I've long since given up expecting leftists to be honest or intelligent or even vaguely comprehending of which is their ass and which is their elbow.

What disturbs me now is how far the infection of LeftThink has gone in our society, to the point where people aren't conservative because they've actually thought about the issues, but because they kneejerk to some mindset automatically, and just happen to luck into the right answer occasionally, with no idea WHY it's right. The rest of the time, they sound every bit as ignorant as the left does.
Actually I knew that, it's the reason I didn't mention it in relation to Cruz, the dear leaders mother however, didn't meet those qualifications had he been born abroad, since she was only 17 at the time of his birth.

Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have that clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Like I said, really not interested in diving back into trying to make leftist fools understand that none of what they think is such a triumphant conclusion is actually correct. Bleh.
Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have that clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Like I said, really not interested in diving back into trying to make leftist fools understand that none of what they think is such a triumphant conclusion is actually correct. Bleh.

So can I take it from your response that you can't tell us when Ann Dunham's birthday was a 'secret'?

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