Question about Ted Cruz

Oh. He just learned he had it? This is becoming a nothing.

I thought it was a bit odd at first when I heard he wasn't aware that he technically still had dual citizenship, until I found out that Cuba has a completely different attitude to the whole thing. So it actually does make sense that, if no one in his family cared enough to research it, they might actually have thought that, like Cuba, Canada would require him to actually officially claim the citizenship within a certain time period after his birth.
Oh. He just learned he had it? This is becoming a nothing.

I thought it was a bit odd at first when I heard he wasn't aware that he technically still had dual citizenship, until I found out that Cuba has a completely different attitude to the whole thing. So it actually does make sense that, if no one in his family cared enough to research it, they might actually have thought that, like Cuba, Canada would require him to actually officially claim the citizenship within a certain time period after his birth.
I bet he shit himself, given his job and all.
Your basic premise is incorrect.

He could be born anywhere on the planet and still be a citizen.

But according to the US Constitution NOT be eligible to be President or Vice-President.

But according to the US Constitution NOT be eligible to be President or Vice-President.

Why do you think that?
The requirement is birth, not naturalized citizenship.

They added this:

Amendment XIV Section 1:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

As I commented, Cruz didn't naturalise until May, 2014.

You need to look up "naturalize", because it sure as hell doesn't mean what you think it means.

From Merriam-Webster:

1 : to confer the rights of a national on; especially : to admit to citizenship

Under that definition, Cruz was never naturalized at all, because he was already a US citizen the moment he left his mother's birth canal. Note that nowhere is "renouncing dual citizenship" mentioned.

To get more in-depth and specific, we have Black's Law Dictionary's definition of "naturalized citizen":

One who, being an alien by birth, has received citizenship under the laws of the state or nation.

Again, this does not apply to Cruz, since he was a US citizen at birth, not an alien. Note again that it doesn't say a damned thing about "renouncing dual citizenship".

You need to stop making up your own definitions and legal requirements and trying to project them onto the world.

Not that I was doing that, my question was a legitimate one, as were my subsequent responses.
As I commented, Cruz didn't naturalise until May, 2014.

You're wrong:

"It was not until May of 2014 that Senator Cruz filed the legal paperwork necessary to officially renounce his Canadian citizenship which was automatic at birth."

His Mother might also have become a Canadian citizen PRIOR to Ted's birth:

Ted Cruz must show naturalization papers to keep his US Senate seat

Well, then, it seems the burden of proof falls on his accusers to prove that his mother renounced her US citizenship, since it's hardly fair - or possible - to expect Mr. Cruz to prove a negative.

That's true.
The U.S. Constitution provides as follows:

Article II Section 1 Clause 5:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Amendment XIV Section 1:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Ted Cruz became 100% naturalised in May 2014, last year and within MONTHS he was running for President. This is a man in his 40s, not a teenager....seems odd he didn't renounce his Canadian citizenship decades ago.

Ted Cruz became 100% naturalized

Before then he was partially naturalized?

Yes, it says he renounced his Canadian citizenship in May, 2014....I've lost the link now, I'll post it on.

Ted Cruz must show naturalisation papers to keep US Senate seat.

Read the FULL article, it's all in there, the full story of his birth, his parents, his only renouncing his Canadian citizenship in 2014:

Ted Cruz must show naturalization papers to keep his US Senate seat

Leaving aside whether or not I consider the Examiner to be gospel fact, the operative sentence is the one BEFORE the quote about renouncing his Canadian citizenship in 2014:

Since the certificate only lists his parents place of birth and not their citizenship status, it has just merely been assumed that his mother retained her US citizenship since her birth.

Because Cruz would have to have had his citizenship conveyed upon him at birth by his citizen parent - in this case, his mother - it would be necessary for her to have actually BEEN a US citizen. If, at some point, she renounced her US citizenship and became a Canadian citizen instead, then she wouldn't be able to convey citizenship to her son.

However, the Examiner - not being a bastion of high journalistic or even English standards, apparently - does a bad job of really noting the OTHER operative point: if they exist. If Ted Cruz is a citizen at birth because his mother retained her US citizenship, then he was never naturalized, and there would be no naturalization papers to see. One assumes that, as in the example I gave in an earlier post of my brother-in-law, there is a paper trail somewhere of him ESTABLISHING his citizenship officially (ie. making it possible for him to be able to prove that he was born a citizen), but that's not the same thing.

Just FYI, you might want to be more careful what sources you rely on in the future.

What ABOUT Time Magazine then? It's shorter the article, still seems odd to wait so long.

Ted Cruz Renounces Newly Discovered Canadian Citizenship.

Ted Cruz Renounces Newly Discovered Canadian Citizenship

Then there's Snopes.

Northern Exposure

Still not seeing the issue. Yes, he renounced it . . . just as soon as he realized he still technically had it.

He's always been very upfront and aboveboard on the subject. He's never hidden that he was born in Alberta, to a US citizen and a legal immigrant to the US from Cuba who were in Canada due to business concerns at the time of his birth. He became a citizen of the United States at birth, conveyed to him by his US citizen mother. He also automatically became a Canadian citizen under their laws, and neither he nor his parents ever did anything about establishing any actual claim to that citizenship, although they did register his birth with the US Consulate in Alberta at the time, and acquired a US passport for him to travel back to the States when they returned here.

He has also stated very clearly that he has always thought of himself only in terms of his American citizenship, and that he didn't realize that his Canadian citizenship actually required affirmative renunciation until a Texas newspaper pointed it out. At that point, he filed the papers, and renounced his dual citizenship. He made no effort to hide any of this, or make any excuses or rationalizations. He just handled it and moved on.

End of story.
Oh. He just learned he had it? This is becoming a nothing.

I thought it was a bit odd at first when I heard he wasn't aware that he technically still had dual citizenship, until I found out that Cuba has a completely different attitude to the whole thing. So it actually does make sense that, if no one in his family cared enough to research it, they might actually have thought that, like Cuba, Canada would require him to actually officially claim the citizenship within a certain time period after his birth.
I bet he shit himself, given his job and all.

Well, no, since it has no impact on being a Senator whatsoever. I would imagine it caused some consternation among his staff for his projected Presidential run, though. I saw a quote somewhere from his staff spokeswoman from right after the original story ran in the Dallas News, which made it clear THEY didn't realize the technicality was still in effect, either.
But according to the US Constitution NOT be eligible to be President or Vice-President.

But according to the US Constitution NOT be eligible to be President or Vice-President.

Why do you think that?
The requirement is birth, not naturalized citizenship.

They added this:

Amendment XIV Section 1:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

As I commented, Cruz didn't naturalise until May, 2014.

You need to look up "naturalize", because it sure as hell doesn't mean what you think it means.

From Merriam-Webster:

1 : to confer the rights of a national on; especially : to admit to citizenship

Under that definition, Cruz was never naturalized at all, because he was already a US citizen the moment he left his mother's birth canal. Note that nowhere is "renouncing dual citizenship" mentioned.

To get more in-depth and specific, we have Black's Law Dictionary's definition of "naturalized citizen":

One who, being an alien by birth, has received citizenship under the laws of the state or nation.

Again, this does not apply to Cruz, since he was a US citizen at birth, not an alien. Note again that it doesn't say a damned thing about "renouncing dual citizenship".

You need to stop making up your own definitions and legal requirements and trying to project them onto the world.

Not that I was doing that, my question was a legitimate one, as were my subsequent responses.

Well, yeah, you are. You keep saying, "100% naturalized" in reference to his renunciation of his dual citizenship, as though that somehow had some effect on the status of his US citizenship. It didn't, and it doesn't. The US doesn't care if you have dual citizenship, and neither does Canada, or apparently most other English-speaking nations.
But according to the US Constitution NOT be eligible to be President or Vice-President.

But according to the US Constitution NOT be eligible to be President or Vice-President.

Why do you think that?
The requirement is birth, not naturalized citizenship.

They added this:

Amendment XIV Section 1:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

As I commented, Cruz didn't naturalise until May, 2014.

You need to look up "naturalize", because it sure as hell doesn't mean what you think it means.

From Merriam-Webster:

1 : to confer the rights of a national on; especially : to admit to citizenship

Under that definition, Cruz was never naturalized at all, because he was already a US citizen the moment he left his mother's birth canal. Note that nowhere is "renouncing dual citizenship" mentioned.

To get more in-depth and specific, we have Black's Law Dictionary's definition of "naturalized citizen":

One who, being an alien by birth, has received citizenship under the laws of the state or nation.

Again, this does not apply to Cruz, since he was a US citizen at birth, not an alien. Note again that it doesn't say a damned thing about "renouncing dual citizenship".

You need to stop making up your own definitions and legal requirements and trying to project them onto the world.

Not that I was doing that, my question was a legitimate one, as were my subsequent responses.
I think it's a keen type of humor. After a couple run-ins, you get used to it.

Trump uses this coating, but Cecilee won't like to hear that.
Oh. He just learned he had it? This is becoming a nothing.

I thought it was a bit odd at first when I heard he wasn't aware that he technically still had dual citizenship, until I found out that Cuba has a completely different attitude to the whole thing. So it actually does make sense that, if no one in his family cared enough to research it, they might actually have thought that, like Cuba, Canada would require him to actually officially claim the citizenship within a certain time period after his birth.
I bet he shit himself, given his job and all.

Well, no, since it has no impact on being a Senator whatsoever. I would imagine it caused some consternation among his staff for his projected Presidential run, though. I saw a quote somewhere from his staff spokeswoman from right after the original story ran in the Dallas News, which made it clear THEY didn't realize the technicality was still in effect, either.
Yeah. It would be reassuring to hear something like this from staff with a plan.

His parents may have signed him up for canuckhood, which is a great idea if it's an option, but if he's never held any of the papers or operated as a Canadian since their repatriation to the US, he's clean. I'd be curious about his travels to Canada and any signs of civic business with them.

I know. It's only Canada, the other USA, but each of our governments spend tens of millions spying on one another. Both countries would be wise to watch out for infiltration by the other.
Oh. He just learned he had it? This is becoming a nothing.

I thought it was a bit odd at first when I heard he wasn't aware that he technically still had dual citizenship, until I found out that Cuba has a completely different attitude to the whole thing. So it actually does make sense that, if no one in his family cared enough to research it, they might actually have thought that, like Cuba, Canada would require him to actually officially claim the citizenship within a certain time period after his birth.
I bet he shit himself, given his job and all.

Well, no, since it has no impact on being a Senator whatsoever. I would imagine it caused some consternation among his staff for his projected Presidential run, though. I saw a quote somewhere from his staff spokeswoman from right after the original story ran in the Dallas News, which made it clear THEY didn't realize the technicality was still in effect, either.
Yeah. It would be reassuring to hear something like this from staff with a plan.

His parents may have signed him up for canuckhood, which is a great idea if it's an option, but if he's never held any of the papers or operated as a Canadian since their repatriation to the US, he's clean. I'd be curious about his travels to Canada and any signs of civic business with them.

I know. It's only Canada, the other USA, but each of our governments spend tens of millions spying on one another. Both countries would be wise to watch out for infiltration by the other.

You're babbling now.

His parents never "signed him up" for anything. Like US citizenship, Canadian citizenship simply IS at birth if specific requirements are met. It's apparently quite possible to have it and not even realize it. They weren't interested in acting on it, he wasn't interested in acting on it, and that was that. They reported the birth to the proper authorities, and moved on.

What difference does it make if he ever traveled to Canada or not? I've traveled to Mexico, but I'm pretty sure that has no relevance to my citizenship or eligibility to be President, should I ever be insane enough to run. And what the hell is "civic business"?
Oh. He just learned he had it? This is becoming a nothing.

I thought it was a bit odd at first when I heard he wasn't aware that he technically still had dual citizenship, until I found out that Cuba has a completely different attitude to the whole thing. So it actually does make sense that, if no one in his family cared enough to research it, they might actually have thought that, like Cuba, Canada would require him to actually officially claim the citizenship within a certain time period after his birth.
I bet he shit himself, given his job and all.

Well, no, since it has no impact on being a Senator whatsoever. I would imagine it caused some consternation among his staff for his projected Presidential run, though. I saw a quote somewhere from his staff spokeswoman from right after the original story ran in the Dallas News, which made it clear THEY didn't realize the technicality was still in effect, either.
Yeah. It would be reassuring to hear something like this from staff with a plan.

His parents may have signed him up for canuckhood, which is a great idea if it's an option, but if he's never held any of the papers or operated as a Canadian since their repatriation to the US, he's clean. I'd be curious about his travels to Canada and any signs of civic business with them.

I know. It's only Canada, the other USA, but each of our governments spend tens of millions spying on one another. Both countries would be wise to watch out for infiltration by the other.

You're babbling now.

His parents never "signed him up" for anything. Like US citizenship, Canadian citizenship simply IS at birth if specific requirements are met. It's apparently quite possible to have it and not even realize it. They weren't interested in acting on it, he wasn't interested in acting on it, and that was that. They reported the birth to the proper authorities, and moved on.

What difference does it make if he ever traveled to Canada or not? I've traveled to Mexico, but I'm pretty sure that has no relevance to my citizenship or eligibility to be President, should I ever be insane enough to run. And what the hell is "civic business"?
Civic business is like registering as a lobbyist... less formal meetings and trips are even more suspicious. He could be a spy. Literally and seriously. The Keystone alone is a multi-billion dollar Canadian interest contradicting our own. Canada's our pet country, but they still spy on us and have ambitions with our policy. That's why there's that provision in our constitution.

His parents registered his birth. There may have been a number of reasons to make your Canadian born American kid a full blown canuck: they may have registered him with the national health service. They may have had to do some of this if he attended school up there. Incidental stuff mom or dad did is excusable while they're living abroad, I think.
Hasn't the birther debacle with Obama (that flys in the face of our Constitution as well as Bruce Springsteen) essentially thrown wide open the born-in-the-USA thing? After allowing African-born Obama to serve two terms as president, are we really going to make an issue of this for the next president?
I thought it was a bit odd at first when I heard he wasn't aware that he technically still had dual citizenship, until I found out that Cuba has a completely different attitude to the whole thing. So it actually does make sense that, if no one in his family cared enough to research it, they might actually have thought that, like Cuba, Canada would require him to actually officially claim the citizenship within a certain time period after his birth.
I bet he shit himself, given his job and all.

Well, no, since it has no impact on being a Senator whatsoever. I would imagine it caused some consternation among his staff for his projected Presidential run, though. I saw a quote somewhere from his staff spokeswoman from right after the original story ran in the Dallas News, which made it clear THEY didn't realize the technicality was still in effect, either.
Yeah. It would be reassuring to hear something like this from staff with a plan.

His parents may have signed him up for canuckhood, which is a great idea if it's an option, but if he's never held any of the papers or operated as a Canadian since their repatriation to the US, he's clean. I'd be curious about his travels to Canada and any signs of civic business with them.

I know. It's only Canada, the other USA, but each of our governments spend tens of millions spying on one another. Both countries would be wise to watch out for infiltration by the other.

You're babbling now.

His parents never "signed him up" for anything. Like US citizenship, Canadian citizenship simply IS at birth if specific requirements are met. It's apparently quite possible to have it and not even realize it. They weren't interested in acting on it, he wasn't interested in acting on it, and that was that. They reported the birth to the proper authorities, and moved on.

What difference does it make if he ever traveled to Canada or not? I've traveled to Mexico, but I'm pretty sure that has no relevance to my citizenship or eligibility to be President, should I ever be insane enough to run. And what the hell is "civic business"?
Civic business is like registering as a lobbyist... less formal meetings and trips are even more suspicious. He could be a spy. Literally and seriously. The Keystone alone is a multi-billion dollar Canadian interest contradicting our own. Canada's our pet country, but they still spy on us and have ambitions with our policy. That's why there's that provision in our constitution.

His parents registered his birth. There may have been a number of reasons to make your Canadian born American kid a full blown canuck: they may have registered him with the national health service. They may have had to do some of this if he attended school up there. Incidental stuff mom or dad did is excusable while they're living abroad, I think.

Why in the hell would Canada want or need to spy on us, even assuming Canada HAS spies (Sorry, but they don't appear to actually DO much on the international stage)?

You're wandering off into the land of speculation and outright delusion. All daydreams aside, Cruz and his parents never did anything about his technical dual citizenship. I would assume his birth WAS reported to the National Health Service, insofar as he was issued a certificate of birth from the Edmonton Department of Health. So what? Canada tracks birth statistics, same as every other industrialized nation on Earth.

He never attended school there. He was four when his family moved back to the States. You would know all of this if you would stop making up fevered fantasies and just look the information up. Dumbass.

Let me walk you through the timeline. His parents went to Canada on business. While there, his mother dropped a baby, presumably in a Canadian hospital. The kid was issued a birth certificate by the Division of Vital Statistics for the local Department of Health. His parents, as US citizens in a foreign country, also reported the birth of their child to the US Consulate. When their business in Canada was concluded - when Ted was four - they packed up and moved back to the US. Ted grew up in the US, got a US passport in high school, and no one in the family thought much about it until the Dallas News published an article about it. At that point, realizing that he still retained dual citizenship in Canada, Ted processed the necessary paperwork to renounce it.

The end.
Hasn't the birther debacle with Obama (that flys in the face of our Constitution as well as Bruce Springsteen) essentially thrown wide open the born-in-the-USA thing? After allowing African-born Obama to serve two terms as president, are we really going to make an issue of this for the next president?

You got me. If Obama had been as clear and upfront about the whole thing as Cruz has been, even his most vociferous critics would have had to drop it.
I bet he shit himself, given his job and all.

Well, no, since it has no impact on being a Senator whatsoever. I would imagine it caused some consternation among his staff for his projected Presidential run, though. I saw a quote somewhere from his staff spokeswoman from right after the original story ran in the Dallas News, which made it clear THEY didn't realize the technicality was still in effect, either.
Yeah. It would be reassuring to hear something like this from staff with a plan.

His parents may have signed him up for canuckhood, which is a great idea if it's an option, but if he's never held any of the papers or operated as a Canadian since their repatriation to the US, he's clean. I'd be curious about his travels to Canada and any signs of civic business with them.

I know. It's only Canada, the other USA, but each of our governments spend tens of millions spying on one another. Both countries would be wise to watch out for infiltration by the other.

You're babbling now.

His parents never "signed him up" for anything. Like US citizenship, Canadian citizenship simply IS at birth if specific requirements are met. It's apparently quite possible to have it and not even realize it. They weren't interested in acting on it, he wasn't interested in acting on it, and that was that. They reported the birth to the proper authorities, and moved on.

What difference does it make if he ever traveled to Canada or not? I've traveled to Mexico, but I'm pretty sure that has no relevance to my citizenship or eligibility to be President, should I ever be insane enough to run. And what the hell is "civic business"?
Civic business is like registering as a lobbyist... less formal meetings and trips are even more suspicious. He could be a spy. Literally and seriously. The Keystone alone is a multi-billion dollar Canadian interest contradicting our own. Canada's our pet country, but they still spy on us and have ambitions with our policy. That's why there's that provision in our constitution.

His parents registered his birth. There may have been a number of reasons to make your Canadian born American kid a full blown canuck: they may have registered him with the national health service. They may have had to do some of this if he attended school up there. Incidental stuff mom or dad did is excusable while they're living abroad, I think.

Why in the hell would Canada want or need to spy on us, even assuming Canada HAS spies (Sorry, but they don't appear to actually DO much on the international stage)?

You're wandering off into the land of speculation and outright delusion. All daydreams aside, Cruz and his parents never did anything about his technical dual citizenship. I would assume his birth WAS reported to the National Health Service, insofar as he was issued a certificate of birth from the Edmonton Department of Health. So what? Canada tracks birth statistics, same as every other industrialized nation on Earth.

He never attended school there. He was four when his family moved back to the States. You would know all of this if you would stop making up fevered fantasies and just look the information up. Dumbass.

Let me walk you through the timeline. His parents went to Canada on business. While there, his mother dropped a baby, presumably in a Canadian hospital. The kid was issued a birth certificate by the Division of Vital Statistics for the local Department of Health. His parents, as US citizens in a foreign country, also reported the birth of their child to the US Consulate. When their business in Canada was concluded - when Ted was four - they packed up and moved back to the US. Ted grew up in the US, got a US passport in high school, and no one in the family thought much about it until the Dallas News published an article about it. At that point, realizing that he still retained dual citizenship in Canada, Ted processed the necessary paperwork to renounce it.

The end.
I know they're cute, but they have spies and guided missiles. This is our biggest [you name it] partner. Of course some of their spies and signal intel on us. It would be massive for them to get a canuck sympathizer in the white house. As you know Cruz is DQ'd for his economic lunacy, but it's comforting to know one of our senators isn't a manchurian candidate.

I appreciate all the research and clarification you've done.
Well, no, since it has no impact on being a Senator whatsoever. I would imagine it caused some consternation among his staff for his projected Presidential run, though. I saw a quote somewhere from his staff spokeswoman from right after the original story ran in the Dallas News, which made it clear THEY didn't realize the technicality was still in effect, either.
Yeah. It would be reassuring to hear something like this from staff with a plan.

His parents may have signed him up for canuckhood, which is a great idea if it's an option, but if he's never held any of the papers or operated as a Canadian since their repatriation to the US, he's clean. I'd be curious about his travels to Canada and any signs of civic business with them.

I know. It's only Canada, the other USA, but each of our governments spend tens of millions spying on one another. Both countries would be wise to watch out for infiltration by the other.

You're babbling now.

His parents never "signed him up" for anything. Like US citizenship, Canadian citizenship simply IS at birth if specific requirements are met. It's apparently quite possible to have it and not even realize it. They weren't interested in acting on it, he wasn't interested in acting on it, and that was that. They reported the birth to the proper authorities, and moved on.

What difference does it make if he ever traveled to Canada or not? I've traveled to Mexico, but I'm pretty sure that has no relevance to my citizenship or eligibility to be President, should I ever be insane enough to run. And what the hell is "civic business"?
Civic business is like registering as a lobbyist... less formal meetings and trips are even more suspicious. He could be a spy. Literally and seriously. The Keystone alone is a multi-billion dollar Canadian interest contradicting our own. Canada's our pet country, but they still spy on us and have ambitions with our policy. That's why there's that provision in our constitution.

His parents registered his birth. There may have been a number of reasons to make your Canadian born American kid a full blown canuck: they may have registered him with the national health service. They may have had to do some of this if he attended school up there. Incidental stuff mom or dad did is excusable while they're living abroad, I think.

Why in the hell would Canada want or need to spy on us, even assuming Canada HAS spies (Sorry, but they don't appear to actually DO much on the international stage)?

You're wandering off into the land of speculation and outright delusion. All daydreams aside, Cruz and his parents never did anything about his technical dual citizenship. I would assume his birth WAS reported to the National Health Service, insofar as he was issued a certificate of birth from the Edmonton Department of Health. So what? Canada tracks birth statistics, same as every other industrialized nation on Earth.

He never attended school there. He was four when his family moved back to the States. You would know all of this if you would stop making up fevered fantasies and just look the information up. Dumbass.

Let me walk you through the timeline. His parents went to Canada on business. While there, his mother dropped a baby, presumably in a Canadian hospital. The kid was issued a birth certificate by the Division of Vital Statistics for the local Department of Health. His parents, as US citizens in a foreign country, also reported the birth of their child to the US Consulate. When their business in Canada was concluded - when Ted was four - they packed up and moved back to the US. Ted grew up in the US, got a US passport in high school, and no one in the family thought much about it until the Dallas News published an article about it. At that point, realizing that he still retained dual citizenship in Canada, Ted processed the necessary paperwork to renounce it.

The end.
I know they're cute, but they have spies and guided missiles. This is our biggest [you name it] partner. Of course some of their spies and signal intel on us. It would be massive for them to get a canuck sympathizer in the white house. As you know Cruz is DQ'd for his economic lunacy, but it's comforting to know one of our senators isn't a manchurian candidate.

I appreciate all the research and clarification you've done.

My pleasure. And since we DO, in fact, have such a friendly and close relationship with Canada, I doubt they feel much need for Machiavellian shenanigans. It's not as though our Presidents aren't generally "Canadian sympathizers" to begin with. I mean, we do actually like Canada, anyway. I doubt they're especially worried about the US suddenly becoming hostile and invading, or something.
Yeah. It would be reassuring to hear something like this from staff with a plan.

His parents may have signed him up for canuckhood, which is a great idea if it's an option, but if he's never held any of the papers or operated as a Canadian since their repatriation to the US, he's clean. I'd be curious about his travels to Canada and any signs of civic business with them.

I know. It's only Canada, the other USA, but each of our governments spend tens of millions spying on one another. Both countries would be wise to watch out for infiltration by the other.

You're babbling now.

His parents never "signed him up" for anything. Like US citizenship, Canadian citizenship simply IS at birth if specific requirements are met. It's apparently quite possible to have it and not even realize it. They weren't interested in acting on it, he wasn't interested in acting on it, and that was that. They reported the birth to the proper authorities, and moved on.

What difference does it make if he ever traveled to Canada or not? I've traveled to Mexico, but I'm pretty sure that has no relevance to my citizenship or eligibility to be President, should I ever be insane enough to run. And what the hell is "civic business"?
Civic business is like registering as a lobbyist... less formal meetings and trips are even more suspicious. He could be a spy. Literally and seriously. The Keystone alone is a multi-billion dollar Canadian interest contradicting our own. Canada's our pet country, but they still spy on us and have ambitions with our policy. That's why there's that provision in our constitution.

His parents registered his birth. There may have been a number of reasons to make your Canadian born American kid a full blown canuck: they may have registered him with the national health service. They may have had to do some of this if he attended school up there. Incidental stuff mom or dad did is excusable while they're living abroad, I think.

Why in the hell would Canada want or need to spy on us, even assuming Canada HAS spies (Sorry, but they don't appear to actually DO much on the international stage)?

You're wandering off into the land of speculation and outright delusion. All daydreams aside, Cruz and his parents never did anything about his technical dual citizenship. I would assume his birth WAS reported to the National Health Service, insofar as he was issued a certificate of birth from the Edmonton Department of Health. So what? Canada tracks birth statistics, same as every other industrialized nation on Earth.

He never attended school there. He was four when his family moved back to the States. You would know all of this if you would stop making up fevered fantasies and just look the information up. Dumbass.

Let me walk you through the timeline. His parents went to Canada on business. While there, his mother dropped a baby, presumably in a Canadian hospital. The kid was issued a birth certificate by the Division of Vital Statistics for the local Department of Health. His parents, as US citizens in a foreign country, also reported the birth of their child to the US Consulate. When their business in Canada was concluded - when Ted was four - they packed up and moved back to the US. Ted grew up in the US, got a US passport in high school, and no one in the family thought much about it until the Dallas News published an article about it. At that point, realizing that he still retained dual citizenship in Canada, Ted processed the necessary paperwork to renounce it.

The end.
I know they're cute, but they have spies and guided missiles. This is our biggest [you name it] partner. Of course some of their spies and signal intel on us. It would be massive for them to get a canuck sympathizer in the white house. As you know Cruz is DQ'd for his economic lunacy, but it's comforting to know one of our senators isn't a manchurian candidate.

I appreciate all the research and clarification you've done.

My pleasure. And since we DO, in fact, have such a friendly and close relationship with Canada, I doubt they feel much need for Machiavellian shenanigans. It's not as though our Presidents aren't generally "Canadian sympathizers" to begin with. I mean, we do actually like Canada, anyway. I doubt they're especially worried about the US suddenly becoming hostile and invading, or something.
Maybe all things are dandy because we're friends. We've gone ahead and put millions into cruising their northern oceans with our subs, monitoring their military positions on satellite and running signals wherever we can. It would be Canadian-seeming to not do anything back. Neither are suspecting invasion or conflict, but there's a lot to know and intel is a barter business.

I personally think even the vatican is engaged in greyish espionage.
You're babbling now.

His parents never "signed him up" for anything. Like US citizenship, Canadian citizenship simply IS at birth if specific requirements are met. It's apparently quite possible to have it and not even realize it. They weren't interested in acting on it, he wasn't interested in acting on it, and that was that. They reported the birth to the proper authorities, and moved on.

What difference does it make if he ever traveled to Canada or not? I've traveled to Mexico, but I'm pretty sure that has no relevance to my citizenship or eligibility to be President, should I ever be insane enough to run. And what the hell is "civic business"?
Civic business is like registering as a lobbyist... less formal meetings and trips are even more suspicious. He could be a spy. Literally and seriously. The Keystone alone is a multi-billion dollar Canadian interest contradicting our own. Canada's our pet country, but they still spy on us and have ambitions with our policy. That's why there's that provision in our constitution.

His parents registered his birth. There may have been a number of reasons to make your Canadian born American kid a full blown canuck: they may have registered him with the national health service. They may have had to do some of this if he attended school up there. Incidental stuff mom or dad did is excusable while they're living abroad, I think.

Why in the hell would Canada want or need to spy on us, even assuming Canada HAS spies (Sorry, but they don't appear to actually DO much on the international stage)?

You're wandering off into the land of speculation and outright delusion. All daydreams aside, Cruz and his parents never did anything about his technical dual citizenship. I would assume his birth WAS reported to the National Health Service, insofar as he was issued a certificate of birth from the Edmonton Department of Health. So what? Canada tracks birth statistics, same as every other industrialized nation on Earth.

He never attended school there. He was four when his family moved back to the States. You would know all of this if you would stop making up fevered fantasies and just look the information up. Dumbass.

Let me walk you through the timeline. His parents went to Canada on business. While there, his mother dropped a baby, presumably in a Canadian hospital. The kid was issued a birth certificate by the Division of Vital Statistics for the local Department of Health. His parents, as US citizens in a foreign country, also reported the birth of their child to the US Consulate. When their business in Canada was concluded - when Ted was four - they packed up and moved back to the US. Ted grew up in the US, got a US passport in high school, and no one in the family thought much about it until the Dallas News published an article about it. At that point, realizing that he still retained dual citizenship in Canada, Ted processed the necessary paperwork to renounce it.

The end.
I know they're cute, but they have spies and guided missiles. This is our biggest [you name it] partner. Of course some of their spies and signal intel on us. It would be massive for them to get a canuck sympathizer in the white house. As you know Cruz is DQ'd for his economic lunacy, but it's comforting to know one of our senators isn't a manchurian candidate.

I appreciate all the research and clarification you've done.

My pleasure. And since we DO, in fact, have such a friendly and close relationship with Canada, I doubt they feel much need for Machiavellian shenanigans. It's not as though our Presidents aren't generally "Canadian sympathizers" to begin with. I mean, we do actually like Canada, anyway. I doubt they're especially worried about the US suddenly becoming hostile and invading, or something.
Maybe all things are dandy because we're friends. We've gone ahead and put millions into cruising their northern oceans with our subs, monitoring their military positions on satellite and running signals wherever we can. It would be Canadian-seeming to not do anything back. Neither are suspecting invasion or conflict, but there's a lot to know and intel is a barter business.

I personally think even the vatican is engaged in greyish espionage.

All kidding aside, I don't doubt for a second that the administration of every country in the world keeps its executive informed as to what's happening in other countries, even friendly ones, and as in-depth as possible.

That's a far cry from Canada feeling the need to have a "Manchurian candidate" in the US Presidency. Like I said, they're all basically Canadian sympathizers, anyway, because we LIKE Canada. Until such time as we become hostile toward them, I'd guess they simply expect the American President to be favorable, whoever he is.
Ted's making a bitch of you all!

I've met him many times as part of the Secret Canadian Fifth Column.

Everything is working out as planned, eh.

Soon you Americans will be eating poutine and going to free government run medicare for everyone!

And you'll love it!

The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.

Except I'm not a Liberal nor on the Left, I'm on the Right.

Uneducated? Yes that's why I've got a History and Politics degree from Balliol College, Oxford University and also did a year at Heidelberg University, Germany.

Gosh you're very hyper-sensitive aren't you? Are YOU actually Ted Cruz himself or a relative of his? You've taken a normal questions exceptionally personally.

But you flunked Google?

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