Question about Ted Cruz

Actually I knew that, it's the reason I didn't mention it in relation to Cruz, the dear leaders mother however, didn't meet those qualifications had he been born abroad, since she was only 17 at the time of his birth.

Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have the whole situation clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

Not planning on commenting on whether or not it turned out as cut-and-dried as you like to pretend.

The upshot is that all of that is irrelevant to the question of Cruz's birth . . . unless you're an ignorant, amoral leftist who thinks the point of asking these questions is simply to attack and smear and score political points, rather than to actually benefit the US.
HE still hasnt released his education records. Obama is the least-vetted president in history.

Yup, but whatever. I've long since given up expecting leftists to be honest or intelligent or even vaguely comprehending of which is their ass and which is their elbow.

You're aware that no president has voluntarily released their college transcripts, right? That the only time its ever happened was with GW, and only after his transcripts had already been leaked?

What then would be 'honest or intelligent' about insisting that Obama release his college transcripts when no president has voluntarily done so? Not Reagan, not Bush, not Carter, Clinton, or Eisenhower.

And how is it 'honest or intelligent' to conclude that Obama is the 'least vetted president' because he didn't do what NO president has ever voluntarily done?

Explain it to us. Because I don't think 'honest' nor 'intelligent' mean what you think they mean.

What disturbs me now is how far the infection of LeftThink has gone in our society, to the point where people aren't conservative because they've actually thought about the issues, but because they kneejerk to some mindset automatically, and just happen to luck into the right answer occasionally, with no idea WHY it's right. The rest of the time, they sound every bit as ignorant as the left does. the case of Obama's eligibility to be president, have actually reviewed the evidence. And found that the Birther conspiracy is babbling gibberish wrapped in innuendo and batshit.
Yup. But leftists like to misrepresent that, either because they're too simple-minded to understand/remember what the issue was, or because they hope OTHER people are.

Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have that clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

I keep trying to figure out what you could possibly be getting from the Democrats that would make it worth sounding like such an utter, laughable flatliner in public with no apparent shame whatsoever, and I just can't even imagine.

Whatever the compensation, let me just congratulate you on how thoroughly you're earning it.
It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

Really, then what was the point of saying maobamas momma was 18 when he was born?

How did you put it? Ah yes.

"I make a simple statement of fact."

I see you're still working on that ESL thingy.

Says the poor hapless soul that was confused and confounded by this simple sentence:

""I make a simple statement of fact."

If you need help, I'll be happy to work with you. Highlight the place in that sentence where you go lost.
Wow. Sounds like a slam dunk. Except that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born. She was born in 1942.

And it only took three years of asking to have that clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

I keep trying to figure out what you could possibly be getting from the Democrats that would make it worth sounding like such an utter, laughable flatliner in public with no apparent shame whatsoever, and I just can't even imagine.

Whatever the compensation, let me just congratulate you on how thoroughly you're earning it.

I'm curious what it is about your ilk that makes you abandon a conversation about the facts and evidence.....and flee desperately into ad hominem fallacies. While abandoning their every point.

You won't touch your blunder in claiming that Obama's mother was 17 when he was born (she was 18). You won't discuss the irrelevance of his mother's age to his citizenship, as he was born in Hawaii. You won't touch how no president has ever voluntarily released their college transcripts.

It apparently doesn't take much to make you abandon your every argument.
This is awesome watching leftwing nutters like G5000 now fascinated by citizenship... I guess only with Hispanics. Why doe lefties like G shit their pants over Hispanics?
This is awesome watching leftwing nutters like G5000 now fascinated by citizenship... I guess only with Hispanics. Why doe lefties like G shit their pants over Hispanics?

If you actually review his claims, his contention is the place of birth. Not ethnicity. Cruz was born a natural-born citizen of Canada.

That's just a fact.

The question is, does that make one ineligible to be president. I argue, doesn't. As long as you were also a US citizen at birth. Which Cruz was.
This is awesome watching leftwing nutters like G5000 now fascinated by citizenship... I guess only with Hispanics. Why doe lefties like G shit their pants over Hispanics?

If you actually review his claims, his contention is the place of birth. Not ethnicity. Cruz was born a natural-born citizen of Canada.

That's just a fact.

The question is, does that make one ineligible to be president. I argue, doesn't. As long as you were also a US citizen at birth. Which Cruz was.

Well, that's great.... it would have been great if nutters like G would have recognized that when the same questions were raised regarding Obama, it had nothing to do with skin color.
This is awesome watching leftwing nutters like G5000 now fascinated by citizenship... I guess only with Hispanics. Why doe lefties like G shit their pants over Hispanics?

If you actually review his claims, his contention is the place of birth. Not ethnicity. Cruz was born a natural-born citizen of Canada.

That's just a fact.

The question is, does that make one ineligible to be president. I argue, doesn't. As long as you were also a US citizen at birth. Which Cruz was.

Well, that's great.... it would have been great if nutters like G would have recognized that when the same questions were raised regarding Obama, it had nothing to do with skin color.

Obama was born in Hawaii. In case there's any confusion, Hawaii is inside the United States.

Cruz was born in Canada. To be equally clear, that's not inside the United States.

See the difference? They're different places.
This is awesome watching leftwing nutters like G5000 now fascinated by citizenship... I guess only with Hispanics. Why doe lefties like G shit their pants over Hispanics?

If you actually review his claims, his contention is the place of birth. Not ethnicity. Cruz was born a natural-born citizen of Canada.

That's just a fact.

The question is, does that make one ineligible to be president. I argue, doesn't. As long as you were also a US citizen at birth. Which Cruz was.

Well, that's great.... it would have been great if nutters like G would have recognized that when the same questions were raised regarding Obama, it had nothing to do with skin color.

Obama was born in Hawaii. In case there's any confusion, Hawaii is inside the United States.

Cruz was born in Canada. To be equally clear, that's not inside the United States.

See the difference? They're different places.

Whatever... the question was, was he born in Hawaii..... see the difference? Again, why do you guys hate Hispanics?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

Really, then what was the point of saying maobamas momma was 18 when he was born?

How did you put it? Ah yes.

"I make a simple statement of fact."

I see you're still working on that ESL thingy.

Says the poor hapless soul that was confused and confounded by this simple sentence:

""I make a simple statement of fact."

If you need help, I'll be happy to work with you. Highlight the place in that sentence where you go lost.

Oh, I didn't get lost, I just found your phrasing a bit humorous.
And it only took three years of asking to have that clarified. Excuse us if our crystal ball wasn't working.

It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

I keep trying to figure out what you could possibly be getting from the Democrats that would make it worth sounding like such an utter, laughable flatliner in public with no apparent shame whatsoever, and I just can't even imagine.

Whatever the compensation, let me just congratulate you on how thoroughly you're earning it.

I'm curious what it is about your ilk that makes you abandon a conversation about the facts and evidence.....and flee desperately into ad hominem fallacies. While abandoning their every point.

You won't touch your blunder in claiming that Obama's mother was 17 when he was born (she was 18). You won't discuss the irrelevance of his mother's age to his citizenship, as he was born in Hawaii. You won't touch how no president has ever voluntarily released their college transcripts.

It apparently doesn't take much to make you abandon your every argument.

Actually her age was my mistake, not Cecilie's. Do try to keep up.
This is awesome watching leftwing nutters like G5000 now fascinated by citizenship... I guess only with Hispanics. Why doe lefties like G shit their pants over Hispanics?

If you actually review his claims, his contention is the place of birth. Not ethnicity. Cruz was born a natural-born citizen of Canada.

That's just a fact.

The question is, does that make one ineligible to be president. I argue, doesn't. As long as you were also a US citizen at birth. Which Cruz was.

Well, that's great.... it would have been great if nutters like G would have recognized that when the same questions were raised regarding Obama, it had nothing to do with skin color.

Obama was born in Hawaii. In case there's any confusion, Hawaii is inside the United States.

Cruz was born in Canada. To be equally clear, that's not inside the United States.

See the difference? They're different places.

Whatever... the question was, was he born in Hawaii..... see the difference? Again, why do you guys hate Hispanics?


A question answered by the State of Hawaii in 2007. And which Birthers promptly ignored. But their willful ignorance doesn't change the facts.

There's no dispute that Cruz was born in Canada. Cruz openly admits it. Its amusing.....Cruz actually is everything that the Birther's false accused Obama of being. But oddly......the Birthers don't seem to apply those standards to Cruz.

Odd that. Its almost like they don't give a shit about their own babble.
It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

I keep trying to figure out what you could possibly be getting from the Democrats that would make it worth sounding like such an utter, laughable flatliner in public with no apparent shame whatsoever, and I just can't even imagine.

Whatever the compensation, let me just congratulate you on how thoroughly you're earning it.

I'm curious what it is about your ilk that makes you abandon a conversation about the facts and evidence.....and flee desperately into ad hominem fallacies. While abandoning their every point.

You won't touch your blunder in claiming that Obama's mother was 17 when he was born (she was 18). You won't discuss the irrelevance of his mother's age to his citizenship, as he was born in Hawaii. You won't touch how no president has ever voluntarily released their college transcripts.

It apparently doesn't take much to make you abandon your every argument.

Actually her age was my mistake, not Cecilie's. Do try to keep up.

Which Cecile agreed with. So its her blunder too.

See how that works?
Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

Really, then what was the point of saying maobamas momma was 18 when he was born?

How did you put it? Ah yes.

"I make a simple statement of fact."

I see you're still working on that ESL thingy.

Says the poor hapless soul that was confused and confounded by this simple sentence:

""I make a simple statement of fact."

If you need help, I'll be happy to work with you. Highlight the place in that sentence where you go lost.

Oh, I didn't get lost, I just found your phrasing a bit humorous.

Which is odd given that its your phrasing. I quoted you exactly.

But tell us again about that 'ESL thingy'.
What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

I keep trying to figure out what you could possibly be getting from the Democrats that would make it worth sounding like such an utter, laughable flatliner in public with no apparent shame whatsoever, and I just can't even imagine.

Whatever the compensation, let me just congratulate you on how thoroughly you're earning it.

I'm curious what it is about your ilk that makes you abandon a conversation about the facts and evidence.....and flee desperately into ad hominem fallacies. While abandoning their every point.

You won't touch your blunder in claiming that Obama's mother was 17 when he was born (she was 18). You won't discuss the irrelevance of his mother's age to his citizenship, as he was born in Hawaii. You won't touch how no president has ever voluntarily released their college transcripts.

It apparently doesn't take much to make you abandon your every argument.

Actually her age was my mistake, not Cecilie's. Do try to keep up.

Which Cecile agreed with. So its her blunder too.

See how that works?

The only thing she agreed with was the dear leaders mother was not old enough to confer citizenship had she given birth outside the US, nothing more.
This is awesome watching leftwing nutters like G5000 now fascinated by citizenship... I guess only with Hispanics. Why doe lefties like G shit their pants over Hispanics?

If you actually review his claims, his contention is the place of birth. Not ethnicity. Cruz was born a natural-born citizen of Canada.

That's just a fact.

The question is, does that make one ineligible to be president. I argue, doesn't. As long as you were also a US citizen at birth. Which Cruz was.

Well, that's great.... it would have been great if nutters like G would have recognized that when the same questions were raised regarding Obama, it had nothing to do with skin color.

Obama was born in Hawaii. In case there's any confusion, Hawaii is inside the United States.

Cruz was born in Canada. To be equally clear, that's not inside the United States.

See the difference? They're different places.

Whatever... the question was, was he born in Hawaii..... see the difference? Again, why do you guys hate Hispanics?


A question answered by the State of Hawaii in 2007. And which Birthers promptly ignored. But their willful ignorance doesn't change the facts.

There's no dispute that Cruz was born in Canada. Cruz openly admits it. Its amusing.....Cruz actually is everything that the Birther's false accused Obama of being. But oddly......the Birthers don't seem to apply those standards to Cruz.

Odd that. Its almost like they don't give a shit about their own babble.

And at that point most if us let it go.... but since you seem to have trouble here, why were we racist to ask the question and leftwing nutters not for asking the same question as to eligibility? It was simply a question of eligibility.
Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

I keep trying to figure out what you could possibly be getting from the Democrats that would make it worth sounding like such an utter, laughable flatliner in public with no apparent shame whatsoever, and I just can't even imagine.

Whatever the compensation, let me just congratulate you on how thoroughly you're earning it.

I'm curious what it is about your ilk that makes you abandon a conversation about the facts and evidence.....and flee desperately into ad hominem fallacies. While abandoning their every point.

You won't touch your blunder in claiming that Obama's mother was 17 when he was born (she was 18). You won't discuss the irrelevance of his mother's age to his citizenship, as he was born in Hawaii. You won't touch how no president has ever voluntarily released their college transcripts.

It apparently doesn't take much to make you abandon your every argument.

Actually her age was my mistake, not Cecilie's. Do try to keep up.

Which Cecile agreed with. So its her blunder too.

See how that works?

The only thing she agreed with was the dear leaders mother was not old enough to confer citizenship had she given birth outside the US, nothing more.

You mean Cecile wasn't agreeing with your hapless blunder regarding a topic you clearly need a little help with to be accurate?

I'll be happy to provide you with help on accuracy, if you'd like. Though I probably won't be using your words to do it. Apparently, your own words confuse you.
If you actually review his claims, his contention is the place of birth. Not ethnicity. Cruz was born a natural-born citizen of Canada.

That's just a fact.

The question is, does that make one ineligible to be president. I argue, doesn't. As long as you were also a US citizen at birth. Which Cruz was.

Well, that's great.... it would have been great if nutters like G would have recognized that when the same questions were raised regarding Obama, it had nothing to do with skin color.

Obama was born in Hawaii. In case there's any confusion, Hawaii is inside the United States.

Cruz was born in Canada. To be equally clear, that's not inside the United States.

See the difference? They're different places.

Whatever... the question was, was he born in Hawaii..... see the difference? Again, why do you guys hate Hispanics?


A question answered by the State of Hawaii in 2007. And which Birthers promptly ignored. But their willful ignorance doesn't change the facts.

There's no dispute that Cruz was born in Canada. Cruz openly admits it. Its amusing.....Cruz actually is everything that the Birther's false accused Obama of being. But oddly......the Birthers don't seem to apply those standards to Cruz.

Odd that. Its almost like they don't give a shit about their own babble.

And at that point most if us let it go.... but since you seem to have trouble here, why were we racist to ask the question and leftwing nutters not for asking the same question as to eligibility? It was simply a question of eligibility.

Ask the question? No. Ignore the answer, virtually every fact surrounding the case and cling to a batshit conspiracy theory that is cut to ribbons by Occam's Razor and its own stunning lack of evidence?

Lets just say that if Barack's name had been 'Barry O'Bama' whose dad was born in Dublin, there probably wouldn't be a birther conspiracy.
Really, then what was the point of saying maobamas momma was 18 when he was born?

How did you put it? Ah yes.

"I make a simple statement of fact."

I see you're still working on that ESL thingy.

Says the poor hapless soul that was confused and confounded by this simple sentence:

""I make a simple statement of fact."

If you need help, I'll be happy to work with you. Highlight the place in that sentence where you go lost.

Oh, I didn't get lost, I just found your phrasing a bit humorous.

Which is odd given that its your phrasing. I quoted you exactly.

But tell us again about that 'ESL thingy'.

How about you tell me, exactly where that "quote" supposedly came from in this thread?
How did you put it? Ah yes.

"I make a simple statement of fact."

I see you're still working on that ESL thingy.

Says the poor hapless soul that was confused and confounded by this simple sentence:

""I make a simple statement of fact."

If you need help, I'll be happy to work with you. Highlight the place in that sentence where you go lost.

Oh, I didn't get lost, I just found your phrasing a bit humorous.

Which is odd given that its your phrasing. I quoted you exactly.

But tell us again about that 'ESL thingy'.

How about you tell me, exactly where that "quote" supposedly came from in this thread?

You'll want to read my post again, this time for comprehension:

"Which is odd given that its your phrasing. I quoted you exactly."

And where did I say that my quote of your words came from this thread?

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