Question about Ted Cruz

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

I keep trying to figure out what you could possibly be getting from the Democrats that would make it worth sounding like such an utter, laughable flatliner in public with no apparent shame whatsoever, and I just can't even imagine.

Whatever the compensation, let me just congratulate you on how thoroughly you're earning it.

I'm curious what it is about your ilk that makes you abandon a conversation about the facts and evidence.....and flee desperately into ad hominem fallacies. While abandoning their every point.

You won't touch your blunder in claiming that Obama's mother was 17 when he was born (she was 18). You won't discuss the irrelevance of his mother's age to his citizenship, as he was born in Hawaii. You won't touch how no president has ever voluntarily released their college transcripts.

It apparently doesn't take much to make you abandon your every argument.

Actually her age was my mistake, not Cecilie's. Do try to keep up.

Which Cecile agreed with. So its her blunder too.

See how that works?

No, fucknut, I didn't. I agreed there were irregularities that needed addressing, and declined to get into discussing them in detail, and you heard, "Cecilie has produced the argument that I wanted to argue against!!! ATTACK!!!!!"
I keep trying to figure out what you could possibly be getting from the Democrats that would make it worth sounding like such an utter, laughable flatliner in public with no apparent shame whatsoever, and I just can't even imagine.

Whatever the compensation, let me just congratulate you on how thoroughly you're earning it.

I'm curious what it is about your ilk that makes you abandon a conversation about the facts and evidence.....and flee desperately into ad hominem fallacies. While abandoning their every point.

You won't touch your blunder in claiming that Obama's mother was 17 when he was born (she was 18). You won't discuss the irrelevance of his mother's age to his citizenship, as he was born in Hawaii. You won't touch how no president has ever voluntarily released their college transcripts.

It apparently doesn't take much to make you abandon your every argument.

Actually her age was my mistake, not Cecilie's. Do try to keep up.

Which Cecile agreed with. So its her blunder too.

See how that works?

The only thing she agreed with was the dear leaders mother was not old enough to confer citizenship had she given birth outside the US, nothing more.

You mean Cecile wasn't agreeing with your hapless blunder regarding a topic you clearly need a little help with to be accurate?

I'll be happy to provide you with help on accuracy, if you'd like. Though I probably won't be using your words to do it. Apparently, your own words confuse you.

Are you entirely finished with trying to make this all about Obama Christ, the only topic you know and love and will allow to be discussed? I swear, you're worse than a Jehovah's Witness ringing the doorbell.

Maybe we can get back to the topic of the thread, which is NOT Barack Obama, however obsessively you fantasize about him.
It took 3 years of asking to 'discover' that Stanley Ann Dunham's birthday was in 1942?

When was this a 'secret'?

What you don't realize, by the law, she would have had to been 19 to confer citizenship had he been born outside the US. That would have been 5 years after her 14th birthday.

Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

I keep trying to figure out what you could possibly be getting from the Democrats that would make it worth sounding like such an utter, laughable flatliner in public with no apparent shame whatsoever, and I just can't even imagine.

Whatever the compensation, let me just congratulate you on how thoroughly you're earning it.

I'm curious what it is about your ilk that makes you abandon a conversation about the facts and evidence.....and flee desperately into ad hominem fallacies. While abandoning their every point.

You won't touch your blunder in claiming that Obama's mother was 17 when he was born (she was 18). You won't discuss the irrelevance of his mother's age to his citizenship, as he was born in Hawaii. You won't touch how no president has ever voluntarily released their college transcripts.

It apparently doesn't take much to make you abandon your every argument.

This would actually be the main reason I declined from the outset to get into it with you: You're fanatically, frothingly trying to derail the thread into YET ANOTHER defense of your hero and Messiah, and if I decline to discuss it long enough, you will produce BOTH sides of the argument anyway, obviating any need for me to waste the effort. Whatever I said, you would have heard that I "claimed Obama's mother was THIS old", because you just demonstrated to us that you "heard" that in me saying, "I'm not interested in talking about it".

I'm simply informed. All the 'fanatic', 'frothing', 'messiah' babble, I leave to you. As you've clearly abandoned any factual discussion.

1) There were valid questions about Obama's birth that needed to be addressed.

There's as much evidence that Obama was born in orbit as born in Kenya. Making the entire birther conspiracy irrational and factually baseless to begin with. With Obama's 2007 COLB resolving any legal issues surrounding his place of birth, affirming it was Hawaii. And standing as prima facie evidence in any court of law.

Yet as your ilk are prone to do, you ignored it. Willful ignorance of answers doesn't mean that there are none. Surely you realize this.

2) Obama took three years to substantively respond to those questions.
The issue was resolved before he was even elected with the 2007 COLB. You merely ignored it. The State of Hawaii affirmed Obama was born in Hawaii in a news conference. You ignored that too. Then laughably concluded that since you ignored answers, there were none.

Um, that's not how reality works.

3) Absolutely nothing that Obama says or does will ever be wrong in your eyes, or remembered beyond his issuing of your talking points.

If I were quoting Obama on Obama's place of birth, your frothing nonsense might have some relevance. But its the State of Hawaii that you're ignoring. And of course, you've got nothing to back the batshit birther conspiracy.

Tell us....why would any rational person ignore the State of Hawaii on its OWN vital documents and instead believe some hairbrained conspiracy theory backed by nothing?

Explain it to us?
If you actually review his claims, his contention is the place of birth. Not ethnicity. Cruz was born a natural-born citizen of Canada.

That's just a fact.

The question is, does that make one ineligible to be president. I argue, doesn't. As long as you were also a US citizen at birth. Which Cruz was.

Well, that's great.... it would have been great if nutters like G would have recognized that when the same questions were raised regarding Obama, it had nothing to do with skin color.

Obama was born in Hawaii. In case there's any confusion, Hawaii is inside the United States.

Cruz was born in Canada. To be equally clear, that's not inside the United States.

See the difference? They're different places.

Whatever... the question was, was he born in Hawaii..... see the difference? Again, why do you guys hate Hispanics?


A question answered by the State of Hawaii in 2007. And which Birthers promptly ignored. But their willful ignorance doesn't change the facts.

There's no dispute that Cruz was born in Canada. Cruz openly admits it. Its amusing.....Cruz actually is everything that the Birther's false accused Obama of being. But oddly......the Birthers don't seem to apply those standards to Cruz.

Odd that. Its almost like they don't give a shit about their own babble.

Wow, it's like there are different circumstances to each situation, and you're too busy screaming, "NOOOO!!!! OBAMA THE CHRIST IS PERFECT AND YOU ARE ALL WRONG AND EVIL TO QUESTION HIM!!!!!!" to actually notice any of them.

It's almost like you're too goddamned dumb to realize that people aren't saying the words you're trying to stuff in their mouths.

And again, your entire argument has predictably devolved into the same tired attempts at personal insult. If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to run from a factual discussion.

And you desperately avoid any discussion of the insanity of the batshit birther conspiracy theory. You're simple not prepared for a factual discussion.

Try again.
Yup. But that wasn't the claim I was discussing or disputing.

Nor is it remotely relevant, as Hawaii isn't outside the US. But inside.

I keep trying to figure out what you could possibly be getting from the Democrats that would make it worth sounding like such an utter, laughable flatliner in public with no apparent shame whatsoever, and I just can't even imagine.

Whatever the compensation, let me just congratulate you on how thoroughly you're earning it.

I'm curious what it is about your ilk that makes you abandon a conversation about the facts and evidence.....and flee desperately into ad hominem fallacies. While abandoning their every point.

You won't touch your blunder in claiming that Obama's mother was 17 when he was born (she was 18). You won't discuss the irrelevance of his mother's age to his citizenship, as he was born in Hawaii. You won't touch how no president has ever voluntarily released their college transcripts.

It apparently doesn't take much to make you abandon your every argument.

Actually her age was my mistake, not Cecilie's. Do try to keep up.

Which Cecile agreed with. So its her blunder too.

See how that works?

No, fucknut, I didn't. I agreed there were irregularities that needed addressing, and declined to get into discussing them in detail, and you heard, "Cecilie has produced the argument that I wanted to argue against!!! ATTACK!!!!!"

What 'irregularities'? Remember, you making up a batshit conspiracy you can't factually back isn't an 'irregularity'. That's just generic fiction.

Worse, your ilk ignored the very answers they demanded, folding all of the overwhelming evidence contradicting their irrational conspiracy INTO the irrational conspiracy. A conspiracy they could never back with evidence, facts, or the slightest application of reason.

While the 2007 COLB alone obliterates the entire birther fairy tale. With imaginative rants about non-existent 'irregularities' being the only thing offered to back the empty rhetorical husk that is the brain dead birther conspiracy.

Making it doubly irrational. As its based on nothing. And ignores overwhelming evidence. No thank you.
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.
Doesn't matter if he is leading anything. If he is not born in the USA, HE CANNOT RUN FOR POTUS. Period.
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

The term "natural born" in the Constitution has never been tested in the Courts but here is what the law says about citizenship. Take your pick which one fits Ted Cruz. I highlighted the ones I believe do that, but I do not know the status of his father.

U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth

The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:


a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;


a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe:


, That the granting of citizenship under this subsection shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of such person to tribal or other property;


a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person;


a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States;


a person born in an outlying possession of the United States of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year at any time prior to the birth of such person;
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Your basic premise is incorrect.

He could be born anywhere on the planet and still be a citizen.

But according to the US Constitution NOT be eligible to be President or Vice-President.

Eight or nine of the first US Presidents were not born in the US. They were born before the US became a country and were British citizens sworn to support the crown. You need to look up the intent of the 'natural born' words in the Constitution. I am too lazy to do it, but I did find the US Code.
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.

Except I'm not a Liberal nor on the Left, I'm on the Right.

Uneducated? Yes that's why I've got a History and Politics degree from Balliol College, Oxford University and also did a year at Heidelberg University, Germany.

Gosh you're very hyper-sensitive aren't you? Are YOU actually Ted Cruz himself or a relative of his? You've taken a normal questions exceptionally personally.

And yet you are unable to do a simple search on the net? You need to get a refund on your education.

The U.S. Constitution provides as follows:

Article II Section 1 Clause 5:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Amendment XIV Section 1:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Ted Cruz became 100% naturalised in May 2014, last year and within MONTHS he was running for President. This is a man in his 40s, not a teenager....seems odd he didn't renounce his Canadian citizenship decades ago.

There is nothing illegal or unconstituional about holding dual citizenships.
He was born to a citizen parent. End of discussion. She can be in anywhere from angola to zanzibar to anyplace in between. He was born to her
My niece is such a citizen, but I think she naturalized under those rules you mention. Something like this:

Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by a Child Born Abroad

The constitution calls for natural born Americans (not naturalized). I have a problem with the fact he was Canadian all the way up til last year, moreover. He was no baby last year.

Did you even read your own link, Mensa Boy?

First sentence after the header:

A child born abroad to two U.S. citizen parents acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under section 301(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provided that one of the parents had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions prior to the child’s birth.

First sentence after the second header:

A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth.

I don't know which one applies to your niece, but the last one applies to Cruz.

If your niece had to acquire citizenship, then that means she and/or her parents did not meet the requirements in some fashion. It's possible what she ACTUALLY had to aquire was legal recognition (ie. paperwork proof) of her citizenship. My brother-in-law was born in a hospital in Japan while my father-in-law was stationed there in the Air Force. He was a citizen at birth, but that didn't mean there wasn't paperwork to wade through to make sure everyone knew it.

You beat me to it.
I thought it was a bit odd at first when I heard he wasn't aware that he technically still had dual citizenship, until I found out that Cuba has a completely different attitude to the whole thing. So it actually does make sense that, if no one in his family cared enough to research it, they might actually have thought that, like Cuba, Canada would require him to actually officially claim the citizenship within a certain time period after his birth.
I bet he shit himself, given his job and all.

Well, no, since it has no impact on being a Senator whatsoever. I would imagine it caused some consternation among his staff for his projected Presidential run, though. I saw a quote somewhere from his staff spokeswoman from right after the original story ran in the Dallas News, which made it clear THEY didn't realize the technicality was still in effect, either.
Yeah. It would be reassuring to hear something like this from staff with a plan.

His parents may have signed him up for canuckhood, which is a great idea if it's an option, but if he's never held any of the papers or operated as a Canadian since their repatriation to the US, he's clean. I'd be curious about his travels to Canada and any signs of civic business with them.

I know. It's only Canada, the other USA, but each of our governments spend tens of millions spying on one another. Both countries would be wise to watch out for infiltration by the other.

You're babbling now.

His parents never "signed him up" for anything. Like US citizenship, Canadian citizenship simply IS at birth if specific requirements are met. It's apparently quite possible to have it and not even realize it. They weren't interested in acting on it, he wasn't interested in acting on it, and that was that. They reported the birth to the proper authorities, and moved on.

What difference does it make if he ever traveled to Canada or not? I've traveled to Mexico, but I'm pretty sure that has no relevance to my citizenship or eligibility to be President, should I ever be insane enough to run. And what the hell is "civic business"?
Civic business is like registering as a lobbyist... less formal meetings and trips are even more suspicious. He could be a spy. Literally and seriously. The Keystone alone is a multi-billion dollar Canadian interest contradicting our own. Canada's our pet country, but they still spy on us and have ambitions with our policy. That's why there's that provision in our constitution.

His parents registered his birth. There may have been a number of reasons to make your Canadian born American kid a full blown canuck: they may have registered him with the national health service. They may have had to do some of this if he attended school up there. Incidental stuff mom or dad did is excusable while they're living abroad, I think.

They moved back to the US when he was 4 years old. That is before he would have gone to school. He was not made a 'full blown Canuck' but had Canadian and US Citizenship at birth.
Well, that's great.... it would have been great if nutters like G would have recognized that when the same questions were raised regarding Obama, it had nothing to do with skin color.

Obama was born in Hawaii. In case there's any confusion, Hawaii is inside the United States.

Cruz was born in Canada. To be equally clear, that's not inside the United States.

See the difference? They're different places.

Whatever... the question was, was he born in Hawaii..... see the difference? Again, why do you guys hate Hispanics?


A question answered by the State of Hawaii in 2007. And which Birthers promptly ignored. But their willful ignorance doesn't change the facts.

There's no dispute that Cruz was born in Canada. Cruz openly admits it. Its amusing.....Cruz actually is everything that the Birther's false accused Obama of being. But oddly......the Birthers don't seem to apply those standards to Cruz.

Odd that. Its almost like they don't give a shit about their own babble.

Wow, it's like there are different circumstances to each situation, and you're too busy screaming, "NOOOO!!!! OBAMA THE CHRIST IS PERFECT AND YOU ARE ALL WRONG AND EVIL TO QUESTION HIM!!!!!!" to actually notice any of them.

It's almost like you're too goddamned dumb to realize that people aren't saying the words you're trying to stuff in their mouths.

And again, your entire argument has predictably devolved into the same tired attempts at personal insult. If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to run from a factual discussion.

And you desperately avoid any discussion of the insanity of the batshit birther conspiracy theory. You're simple not prepared for a factual discussion.

Try again.

And again, your entire argument is to pretend you're the only one talking and to blankly parrot yourself until people give up even trying to get a rational response, at which time you triumphantly claim victory because "Aha, you have nothing but insults! You're running from discussion!"

This is akin to squeezing your eyes shut, and then insisting that the sun has gone out.
I keep trying to figure out what you could possibly be getting from the Democrats that would make it worth sounding like such an utter, laughable flatliner in public with no apparent shame whatsoever, and I just can't even imagine.

Whatever the compensation, let me just congratulate you on how thoroughly you're earning it.

I'm curious what it is about your ilk that makes you abandon a conversation about the facts and evidence.....and flee desperately into ad hominem fallacies. While abandoning their every point.

You won't touch your blunder in claiming that Obama's mother was 17 when he was born (she was 18). You won't discuss the irrelevance of his mother's age to his citizenship, as he was born in Hawaii. You won't touch how no president has ever voluntarily released their college transcripts.

It apparently doesn't take much to make you abandon your every argument.

Actually her age was my mistake, not Cecilie's. Do try to keep up.

Which Cecile agreed with. So its her blunder too.

See how that works?

No, fucknut, I didn't. I agreed there were irregularities that needed addressing, and declined to get into discussing them in detail, and you heard, "Cecilie has produced the argument that I wanted to argue against!!! ATTACK!!!!!"

What 'irregularities'? Remember, you making up a batshit conspiracy you can't factually back isn't an 'irregularity'. That's just generic fiction.

Worse, your ilk ignored the very answers they demanded, folding all of the overwhelming evidence contradicting their irrational conspiracy INTO the irrational conspiracy. A conspiracy they could never back with evidence, facts, or the slightest application of reason.

While the 2007 COLB alone obliterates the entire birther fairy tale. With imaginative rants about non-existent 'irregularities' being the only thing offered to back the empty rhetorical husk that is the brain dead birther conspiracy.

Making it doubly irrational. As its based on nothing. And ignores overwhelming evidence. No thank you.

What part of "declined to get into discussing" escaped your comprehension, Mensa Boy? I know English isn't the easiest language in the world, but it IS supposed to be your mother tongue, unless I'm mistaken. Or is it just that you think you're in fucking charge of an interrogation here? Don't let the fact that trying to get you to make sense is akin to torture fool you, Torquemada.
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.
Doesn't matter if he is leading anything. If he is not born in the USA, HE CANNOT RUN FOR POTUS. Period.

Thanks for sharing, Chief Justice. I'm sure your definitive assertion of what you think the law is will get all the respect it merits.
I bet it's pretty easy to find a copy of Cruz's birth certificate. Low information radical lefties who rely on Huffington and Media Matters for information might be shocked to find that former republican presidential candidate John McCain wasn't born in the USA either.
He was born on US soil
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.
Doesn't matter if he is leading anything. If he is not born in the USA, HE CANNOT RUN FOR POTUS. Period.

If he is not born in the USA, HE CANNOT RUN FOR POTUS. Period.

Wrong. Exclamation point!
The Natural Born Citizen Clause.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he's not a natural born United States citizen. His mother is American, his father a Cuban immigrant at the time of Ted's birth. This parentage doesn't matter, what matters is that Cruz was born outside of the United States and not on US soil or somewhere considered US soil, such an a military base etc.

Cruz only ceased to be a Canadian citizen on May 14th, 2014.

I know that Senators, Congresspeople and Governor's can be non-United States born. However for the office of President and Vice-President only United States born people are eligible.

So the question is, how is Cruz being allowed to run for President?

Yes, it's time for you Liberal uneducated and low information folks to begin your smear campaign against Ted now that he is leading in a couple of the polls. That is what you loons do, smear attack whoever in the opposition party is the current leader. You are so predictable and so damned pathetic.
Doesn't matter if he is leading anything. If he is not born in the USA, HE CANNOT RUN FOR POTUS. Period.

If he is not born in the USA, HE CANNOT RUN FOR POTUS. Period.

Wrong. Exclamation point!
okey dokey then. My bad that thinking all this birther crap had substance. So anyone born anywhere can be POTUS? Alrighty then!

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