Question for all on this board

Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower
Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower

There is a vast difference between "the company" and "the boss." If you notice that "the boss" is doing something to harm "the company," it's "the boss" who is the wrongdoer and it's a loyal employee who blows the whistle.

The OP is confused between the individual man trump and The United States of America.

So according to your logic...before Trump NO President did anything immoral, illegal or anti-Constitutional...except Nixon/Clinton and since
both of them in the case of Nixon (who actually did nothing illegal himself..) or Clinton who simply lied about a blow job, Trump has done something
totally un-Constitutional by pointing out that the Bidens had very obviously been involved in hands in the cookie jar...i.e. Barisma keeps it's
illegal operations after Biden blackmails Ukraines with billions if they didn't fire the prosecutor going after his son's paycheck.

To me that sounds just a little self-aggrandizing.
Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower

Should have made having a job or having a job as an adult for longer than 1 year a requirement before answering the question.
Vindman, for one.
How is speaking truth stabbing in the back?
He's an obvious liar.
Except what he says is also corroberated in tbe testimony of others.
He's a liar. What he said is pure opinion, or it's absurd.
You debate like a child.

And your non-eruidite,obtuse and otherwise lack of intelligent criticism is perfect example of:
Screen Shot 2019-11-08 at 8.02.24 AM.png
In your world it is just fine to fanatically support the president even if it violates your own oath of office but it is terrible to report illegal activity?
What "oath" says a bureaucrat is supposed to stab the President in the back?

Who stabbed him in the back? One of the many he threw under the bus?
Vindman, for one.
How is speaking truth stabbing in the back?
Actually, Trumps actions have been a stab in the back to the country he swore to represent
In your world it is just fine to fanatically support the president even if it violates your own oath of office but it is terrible to report illegal activity?
What "oath" says a bureaucrat is supposed to stab the President in the back?

Who stabbed him in the back? One of the many he threw under the bus?
Vindman, for one.
How is speaking truth stabbing in the back?
Actually, Trumps actions have been a stab in the back to the country he swore to represent

PLEASE... Exactly how according to the actual transcripts of the call is there any "stab in the back to America"???
See people like you depend on hyperbole, exaggeration and frankly out right LIEs that are perpetuated by the MSM which YOU and a
shrinking number of people believe!
Everytime people like YOU respond you don't ever use FACTS...just hyperbolic statements. Subjective statements. LIES!
Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower
Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower

There is a vast difference between "the company" and "the boss." If you notice that "the boss" is doing something to harm "the company," it's "the boss" who is the wrongdoer and it's a loyal employee who blows the whistle.

The OP is confused between the individual man trump and The United States of America.

So according to your logic...before Trump NO President did anything immoral, illegal or anti-Constitutional...except Nixon/Clinton and since
both of them in the case of Nixon (who actually did nothing illegal himself..) or Clinton who simply lied about a blow job, Trump has done something
totally un-Constitutional by pointing out that the Bidens had very obviously been involved in hands in the cookie jar...i.e. Barisma keeps it's
illegal operations after Biden blackmails Ukraines with billions if they didn't fire the prosecutor going after his son's paycheck.

To me that sounds just a little self-aggrandizing.

Using your public office for personal political gain is a gross abuse of the power of the office. So is undercutting the diplomatic corps and plotting against an ambassador with an exemplary portfolio. So is running a shadow foreign-policy scam through a private citizen, just to name a few things that have to do with the Ukrainian affair. Add to this the whole issue of trying to blame Ukraine for meddling in the 2016 election to get putin off the hook and trump's abandonment of the Kurds to give the Russians a gift. This is all just the tip of the iceberg.

BTW:: While you and others assert that the whistleblower did what s/he did out of a dislike of trump, did it ever occur to you that the dislike of trump might be a result of seeing how he acts and has acted? You seem to think that this dislike just came out of the blue.
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In your world it is just fine to fanatically support the president even if it violates your own oath of office but it is terrible to report illegal activity?
Violates his oath of office?.....Do you need examples of say the Surrender Monkey violating his oath of office...can start with illegal immigrants and go from there...things that REALLY affected citizens both financially and with crime!... Let's go Anti-American!
Federal Employees take an oath to defend the Constitution

Reporting acts that are detrimental to our country is part of that
Have you noticed nobody can argue trumps innocent?

And what in your pea brain did he do wrong?....Stop invaders, checkmate China economically, making NATO members pay their share, perhaps his record low unemployment and record high, up 18% so far this year stock market.....increased federal aid to BLACK SCHOOLS?
Still desperately working this talking point, eh?
Your masters are proud.
Subscribing to the Graham defense huh?
So... yes, you ARE still desperately working the talking point.
Dont worry - I'm sure you'll get an update tonight.
Still desperately trying to avoid them.
If you avoid your new talking points, what will you post?
Clever. I forgot a "?"
Doesn't really matter though, you'll avoid the substance of the shakedown plan like it was the plague.
As you have nothing of substance to post, we'll never know.
Did you get your talking points this morning, or are you still stuck with last week's?
Using your public office for personal political gain is a gross abuse of the power of the office. So is undercutting the diplomatic corps and plotting against an ambassador with an exemplary portfolio.
You know ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the President, and as such a President has no need to "plot against" them.
Using your public office for personal political gain is a gross abuse of the power of the office. So is undercutting the diplomatic corps and plotting against an ambassador with an exemplary portfolio.
You know ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the President, and as such a President has no need to "plot against" them.
This is a "yes, but" situation. The deposition testimony of several witnesses certainly supports the conclusion that the successful effort to get rid of her was part of the plot to force Ukraine to aid trump's personal political objectives rather than an action taken to advance the best interests of the United States. In the process we lost the services of a talented, experienced, and well-respected career diplomat.
Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower

When I was working my first job, I caught my boss stealing from the company. When I was sure & had proof, I took it to the owner.

In this case, an employee saw Trump breaking the law & took it to the authorities as he should. He did his civic duty.

When your only defense is slamming the whistleblower, I really question your loyalty to our country.
Using your public office for personal political gain is a gross abuse of the power of the office. So is undercutting the diplomatic corps and plotting against an ambassador with an exemplary portfolio.
You know ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the President, and as such a President has no need to "plot against" them.
This is a "yes, but" situation. The deposition testimony of several witnesses certainly supports the conclusion that the successful effort to get rid of her was part of the plot to force Ukraine to aid trump's personal political objectives rather than an action taken to advance the best interests of the United States.
Cite the source, and quote text to this effect.
Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower

When I was working my first job, I caught my boss stealing from the company. When I was sure & had proof, I took it to the owner.

In this case, an employee saw Trump breaking the law & took it to the authorities as he should. He did his civic duty.

When your only defense is slamming the whistleblower, I really question your loyalty to our country.

I don't know anything about your supposedly catching your boss stealing... but technically YOU broke the law when you
violated your NDA by going to the authorities. Now that is a FACT.

What "LAW" was broken? Where ? Explain with FACTS what Laws this employee saw that were broken?
Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower

When I was working my first job, I caught my boss stealing from the company. When I was sure & had proof, I took it to the owner.

In this case, an employee saw Trump breaking the law & took it to the authorities as he should. He did his civic duty.

When your only defense is slamming the whistleblower, I really question your loyalty to our country.

I don't know anything about your supposedly catching your boss stealing... but technically YOU broke the law when you
violated your NDA by going to the authorities. Now that is a FACT.

What "LAW" was broken? Where ? Explain with FACTS what Laws this employee saw that were broken?

An NDA? Are you serious??? In Real Dave's situation, he took the matter to the company's owner, not to someone outside of the organization. This could not ever constitute a violation of an NDA, even assuming that one was in place.

The federal government is the employer of the whistleblower who complained about trump. S/he followed the procedures established by law and regulation by the federal government. How could any NDA be violated?
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Given the "whistleblower" topic of all the MSM today, I'd like to ask all of you on this board this question:
If you didn't like your boss and or you though you knew that there were some shenanigans going on,
would you go to work everyday trying to destroy your company or boss?

It appears the political whistleblower didn't like much of the status quo, career bureaucrats evidently making up the dark state don't like Trump.
Consequently instead of working to improve the country, the never-trumpers are "working" against Trump.

What most people do is put up with it, come home like my Dad did and bitch and moan BUT still he went to work, did his job and retired.
These people like the whistleblower wants to destroy Trump. Pure and simple and get paid while doing it!
Intel officials want CIA's Gina Haspel to defend Ukraine whistleblower

When I was working my first job, I caught my boss stealing from the company. When I was sure & had proof, I took it to the owner.

In this case, an employee saw Trump breaking the law & took it to the authorities as he should. He did his civic duty.

When your only defense is slamming the whistleblower, I really question your loyalty to our country.

I don't know anything about your supposedly catching your boss stealing... but technically YOU broke the law when you
violated your NDA by going to the authorities. Now that is a FACT.

What "LAW" was broken? Where ? Explain with FACTS what Laws this employee saw that were broken?

An NDA? Are your serious??? In Real Dave's situation, he took the matter to the company's owner, not to someone outside of the organization. This could not ever constitute a violation of an NDA, even assuming that one was in place.

The federal government is the employer of the whistleblower who complained about trump. S/he followed the procedures established by law and regulation by the federal government. How could any NDA be violated?

What, no oath of Loyalty to Rump?

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