Question for democrats, who is a white supremacist?


If you don't like being branded a black supremacist.. don't do things associated with black supremacy, don't talk about how you want to maintain black culture or use black power symbols.
There is literally no such thing. You, sir, are a moron.
If you don't like being branded a white supremacist...don't do things associated with white supremacy. (like hang out with Proud Boys and flash "white power" symbols)

Oh! so it that how it works.BLM and Antifa are allowed to play by different
rules.They can hang out with whoever they chose.As long as it ain't some law-abiding
Tax-Paying,Hard-working Conservative.And especially someone who Likes,voted
for and attends Any Trump rally.
Really american that be.
In order to make it into BLM one has to Loathe and Hate the Police.
Make sure and have something on hand to toss at cops.Or make vile
shout outs like ... " Pigs in a blanket,fry 'em like bacon " or " Eff the cops ".
Who helps run groups like BLM. Old Black Panthers,Black Liberation Army
and Weather Underground.Some are convicted cop killers.
You'll never catch a Conservative let alone any Trump supporter say :
" What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? Now! "
Makes complete sense for the senselessly Insane.How many Great Writers,
Musicians and Poets.Those Theologians,Philosophers and Inventors.Scientist.
Just take one example.How great would the World let alone the United States be if
Thomas Edison was never Born.
Plus Great men are not born.They are blessed with an Ability to create and
try and try and try even more.Maybe seeking perfection.Seldom Fame.
Great Men don't rely on Fame.Like Politicans.Maybe some writers and Painters.
may appear to like Fame.But don't create greatness when in the throes of creating.
That is one of the lessons of Life.
" A Man in this world without learning is as a beast in
the field. " --
{ Hindu Proverb }

Your assumption is that all great inventions of societal advancements were done by white European men and that's simply not true. For you, the history of North American began when the pilgrims landed. What came before it utterly irrelevant.

Scientists are still learning things from the Mayans. Another race you probably consider inferior and irrelevant.

Rather, I wonder where the United States would be today, if they hadn't prevented women and non-whites to be educated and fully participate in society for the first 200 years. I think a LOT of talent has been lost or underused over the centuries, because white men dominated European history, and their accomplishments are not taught in today's classrooms.

The reason why you know nothing of the achievements of other non-white civilizations is because all of your history books were written by white men, who only cared about the achievements of other white men, and who largely discounted other contributions to culture because they didn't make them.
A white supremacist is somebody who thinks whites are better than all races and acts in ways to promote discrimination and bigotry towards minorities.

Why are you saying that Joe Biden acted like he knew so much about Kyle? As far as I know he didn’t say anything specifically about Kyle except for use his picture in a tweet that was geared towards attacking the Don for not condemning white suprematists. A tweet that I’m sure one of his staffers put together. Yes an ignorant tweet with its implications but certainly not the kind of attack in in depth knowledge you are painting it as
Funny and true eh Papageorgio ?!
Oh! so it that how it works.BLM and Antifa are allowed to play by different
rules.They can hang out with whoever they chose.As long as it ain't some law-abiding
Tax-Paying,Hard-working Conservative.And especially someone who Likes,voted
for and attends Any Trump rally.
Really american that be.
In order to make it into BLM one has to Loathe and Hate the Police.
Make sure and have something on hand to toss at cops.Or make vile
shout outs like ... " Pigs in a blanket,fry 'em like bacon " or " Eff the cops ".
Who helps run groups like BLM. Old Black Panthers,Black Liberation Army
and Weather Underground.Some are convicted cop killers.
You'll never catch a Conservative let alone any Trump supporter say :
" What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? Now! "
Do you really need the videos posted of the January 6th Trump mob beating police officers?
Their approach appears to be that unless enough people (1) announce that they're a member of an officially-recognized "white supremacist" group, (2) carry around a membership card for that group in their wallets, and (3) regularly chant slogans and wear clothing for that group, that white racism no longer exists in America.

So they hid behind the term, hoping that no one will notice.
No, that is a WHITE SEPERATIONIST, not a white supremacist.
No one has ever said it doesn't exist, but you can count those people on your fingers. Whenever left-wingers try to come up with examples of racism, they invariably cite false flag operations or examples where there is no evidence of racism.

Here's a test for you, Mac - was Lincoln a white supremacist?
Yes, he was, just about everyone in 1860 firmly believed that whites were superior to every other race on the planet. I think even the members of other races believed that because whites were so technically advanced.
Your assumption is that all great inventions of societal advancements were done by white European men and that's simply not true. For you, the history of North American began when the pilgrims landed. What came before it utterly irrelevant.

Scientists are still learning things from the Mayans. Another race you probably consider inferior and irrelevant.

Rather, I wonder where the United States would be today, if they hadn't prevented women and non-whites to be educated and fully participate in society for the first 200 years. I think a LOT of talent has been lost or underused over the centuries, because white men dominated European history, and their accomplishments are not taught in today's classrooms.

The reason why you know nothing of the achievements of other non-white civilizations is because all of your history books were written by white men, who only cared about the achievements of other white men, and who largely discounted other contributions to culture because they didn't make them.
Yeah, democrats are sacrificing human babies to the god of progressiveness. Did you learn that from the Mayans?
White supremacist is a word that is easily thrown around. It has no real need to be true. It follows along with all the rest such as racist, nazi and others. It has no real meaning and is only used to try and belittle someone so that the person throwing it around can feel superior and does not have to back up their opinions with fact
shout racism.jpg
The contributions of "white people" to civilization are completely overrated, and they are built on the accomplishments of older non-white civilizations. The Egyptians were building the pyramids while our white ancestors were living in caves. The Chinese sent all kinds of technology and advancements back to Europe when white people "discovered" China. Of great importance to white society was the Chinese invention of "gunpowder", which they exploited in weapons.

White people's contributions to civilization are simply more recent, and all of their accomplishments owe much to the accomplishments of the non-white civilizations that they built on.

When white people came to North America, the destroyed all of the existing civilizations here and built their own. The Mayans, the Incas, and most of the North American Tribes were all but wiped out by the European invaders. 3 million people lived in the Americas when white people arrived. By 1800, they had been reduced to 1 million people in both North and South America.

A culture which builds on the geneocide of others, is a dominating culture. Your arrogance in thinking that what we've done is better than other civilizations is both wrong headed, and ridiculous.
How does Canada recognize the contributions of First Nations peoples?

Oh, yes -- by putting them in holes in the ground.
White supremacist, racist, racism sexism, homophobia are just a few of the words that are thrown out so frequentally now in an attempt to vilify or demonize someone you don't agree with that they have become almost meaningless.
Your assumption is that all great inventions of societal advancements were done by white European men and that's simply not true. For you, the history of North American began when the pilgrims landed. What came before it utterly irrelevant.

Scientists are still learning things from the Mayans. Another race you probably consider inferior and irrelevant.

Rather, I wonder where the United States would be today, if they hadn't prevented women and non-whites to be educated and fully participate in society for the first 200 years. I think a LOT of talent has been lost or underused over the centuries, because white men dominated European history, and their accomplishments are not taught in today's classrooms.

The reason why you know nothing of the achievements of other non-white civilizations is because all of your history books were written by white men, who only cared about the achievements of other white men, and who largely discounted other contributions to culture because they didn't make them.
The world would probably be more advanced. But it’s pretty hard for someone who is popping out a baby every two years or so from puberty to menopause to either get educated or contribute to society. Up until the advent of the pill, almost all women were baby factories for most of their lives. The exceptions to that rule were very rare. It’s a shame black Americans couldn’t contribute more, but that’s in the past. Why aren’t they contributing more to society today? Does their general culture value education? The illegal aliens we get from Latin America have the same problem the parents are often illiterate and they don’t value education either. The parents who do generally have very successful kids who assimilate well.

As for the Mayans and Aztecs, they had little technology, although their knowledge of astronomy was advanced mostly because of its religious aspects. I certainly wouldn’t hold them up as examples since both cultures were warlike and vicious to their enemies. It’s telling that both were largely defeated by groups they had either conquered or were in the process of conquering joining up with small numbers of Spaniards.

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