Question for devout Christians.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.
Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.
Book of Acts. Any of the 4 Gospels.
But most of all new Christians should be earned that the demons will now attack to sway them away.
Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.

I recommend remaining active and consistent in prayer/meditation/contemplation to deepen the relationship with God. This analogy explains why:

When God created fish He spoke to the sea.
When God was creating trees He spoke to the earth.
When God was creating man He spoke to Himself.

Take a fish out of the water it will die; take a tree out of the earth, it will die too.

In the same way when man is disconnected from God, he dies spiritually. God is our natural environment. We were created to live in His presence. Connect to Him because in Him is life.

I also suggest following the Beatitudes and to remember Elijah's advice: God is more likely to be found in tiny things than in great events.
Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.
Book of Acts. Any of the 4 Gospels.
But most of all new Christians should be earned that the demons will now attack to sway them away.

I heard an interesting take on the demons attacking. Let me wake up and I’ll post it to the best I can remember.
Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.
Book of Acts. Any of the 4 Gospels.
But most of all new Christians should be earned that the demons will now attack to sway them away.

Okay, the demons. So it was said only God can create. The Devil can’t. All the devil can do is lie and deceive. So the devil can’t create demons, not enough to get everyone. So the devil has to lie and basically sets us up so we separate our selves from God. That’s a short and sweet version of a sermon I listened to.
Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.
Would it surprise you if I told you I don’t attend services? So I don’t technically fit your criteria. I don’t know if I am born again because I don’t know if I was born to begin with. But at some point in time I became aware. Of course it took 10 years of looking for it. Of which the first three years or so I didn’t even know I was looking.

There's not one thing I can point to. The biggest problem people have reading the Bible is putting it in the proper context. The Bible is effectively a how to book. How to live life and how not to live life. With that said, the Law of Nature is written into the hearts of men. If we never had the Bible the Law of Nature would still be written into the hearts of men. If we never had the Bible we would still have right and wrong. Genesis tells us that man knows right from wrong and that when man violates it rather than abandoning the concept of good and evil man rationalizes he didn’t violate it. This makes us different than animals.

In it's simplest form the Bible tells us that God created existence, man is a product of that creation, that everything that was created is good and that man should go forth and be fruitful. That we are to do as he has done which is to create. We are happiest when we are using our talents to create. There is no better way to show one's appreciation for what he was given than by using it. This is what worshipping used to mean.

The OT is an account of a people who cycled between remembering God and forgetting God. When man becomes satisfied he becomes proud and forgets God's ways. Then he fails and suffers, but from that suffering he remembers God's ways and he rises again only to begin the process all over again. So through the accounts in the Bible we are taught that failed behaviors naturally lead to failure and successful behaviors naturally lead to success.

But the Bible also tells us that man is a rebel. That man is at war with God. People forget that part. Man is at war with God because man worships created things instead of the creator.

Man has a choice in worshipping created things or the creator. Created things are effectively false gods. Man is free to pursue fame, fortune and power, but none of these things will satisfy him because he was made for more. Man is only truly happy when he worships the creator.

The original meaning and practice of the word worship has been lost through 6000 years of time. Worship is nothing more or nothing less than giving praise and thanks. We give praise and thanks by what we do, not by what we say. We show our praise and thanks in how we live our daily lives; how we conduct ourselves in every endeavor and transaction; how we do the little things; how everything we do is done like it is a sacred act in appreciation of all that has been given to us. Giving praise and thanks to the creator using words instead of actions is called giving God lip service. It's not worshipping God. If all one does to honor God is participate in religious practices but in his daily life he is showing God he doesn't really appreciate all that has been given to him, then he is not worshipping God. He is paying lip service to God.

The Bible is not a letter of the law document. It is a spirit of the law document. Man turned it into a letter of the law document. The law of nature can not be codified into laws because it would require an infinite set of laws because the Law of Right and Wrong is infinite in nature. But if we were to codify the Law of Nature, we would only need one law; do unto others as you would have them do to you.
Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.
Would it surprise you if I told you I don’t attend services? So I don’t technically fit your criteria. I don’t know if I am born again because I don’t know if I was born to begin with. But at some point in time I became aware. Of course it took 10 years of looking for it. Of which the first three years or so I didn’t even know I was looking.

There's not one thing I can point to. The biggest problem people have reading the Bible is putting it in the proper context. The Bible is effectively a how to book. How to live life and how not to live life. With that said, the Law of Nature is written into the hearts of men. If we never had the Bible the Law of Nature would still be written into the hearts of men. If we never had the Bible we would still have right and wrong. Genesis tells us that man knows right from wrong and that when man violates it rather than abandoning the concept of good and evil man rationalizes he didn’t violate it. This makes us different than animals.

In it's simplest form the Bible tells us that God created existence, man is a product of that creation, that everything that was created is good and that man should go forth and be fruitful. That we are to do as he has done which is to create. We are happiest when we are using our talents to create. There is no better way to show one's appreciation for what he was given than by using it. This is what worshipping used to mean.

The OT is an account of a people who cycled between remembering God and forgetting God. When man becomes satisfied he becomes proud and forgets God's ways. Then he fails and suffers, but from that suffering he remembers God's ways and he rises again only to begin the process all over again. So through the accounts in the Bible we are taught that failed behaviors naturally lead to failure and successful behaviors naturally lead to success.

But the Bible also tells us that man is a rebel. That man is at war with God. People forget that part. Man is at war with God because man worships created things instead of the creator.

Man has a choice in worshipping created things or the creator. Created things are effectively false gods. Man is free to pursue fame, fortune and power, but none of these things will satisfy him because he was made for more. Man is only truly happy when he worships the creator.

The original meaning and practice of the word worship has been lost through 6000 years of time. Worship is nothing more or nothing less than giving praise and thanks. We give praise and thanks by what we do, not by what we say. We show our praise and thanks in how we live our daily lives; how we conduct ourselves in every endeavor and transaction; how we do the little things; how everything we do is done like it is a sacred act in appreciation of all that has been given to us. Giving praise and thanks to the creator using words instead of actions is called giving God lip service. It's not worshipping God. If all one does to honor God is participate in religious practices but in his daily life he is showing God he doesn't really appreciate all that has been given to him, then he is not worshipping God. He is paying lip service to God.

The Bible is not a letter of the law document. It is a spirit of the law document. Man turned it into a letter of the law document. The law of nature can not be codified into laws because it would require an infinite set of laws because the Law of Right and Wrong is infinite in nature. But if we were to codify the Law of Nature, we would only need one law; do unto others as you would have them do to you.

You fit it just fine.
I changed my mind. There is one thing. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Can you imagine if everyone behaved that way.
Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.
Would it surprise you if I told you I don’t attend services? So I don’t technically fit your criteria. I don’t know if I am born again because I don’t know if I was born to begin with. But at some point in time I became aware. Of course it took 10 years of looking for it. Of which the first three years or so I didn’t even know I was looking.

There's not one thing I can point to. The biggest problem people have reading the Bible is putting it in the proper context. The Bible is effectively a how to book. How to live life and how not to live life. With that said, the Law of Nature is written into the hearts of men. If we never had the Bible the Law of Nature would still be written into the hearts of men. If we never had the Bible we would still have right and wrong. Genesis tells us that man knows right from wrong and that when man violates it rather than abandoning the concept of good and evil man rationalizes he didn’t violate it. This makes us different than animals.

In it's simplest form the Bible tells us that God created existence, man is a product of that creation, that everything that was created is good and that man should go forth and be fruitful. That we are to do as he has done which is to create. We are happiest when we are using our talents to create. There is no better way to show one's appreciation for what he was given than by using it. This is what worshipping used to mean.

The OT is an account of a people who cycled between remembering God and forgetting God. When man becomes satisfied he becomes proud and forgets God's ways. Then he fails and suffers, but from that suffering he remembers God's ways and he rises again only to begin the process all over again. So through the accounts in the Bible we are taught that failed behaviors naturally lead to failure and successful behaviors naturally lead to success.

But the Bible also tells us that man is a rebel. That man is at war with God. People forget that part. Man is at war with God because man worships created things instead of the creator.

Man has a choice in worshipping created things or the creator. Created things are effectively false gods. Man is free to pursue fame, fortune and power, but none of these things will satisfy him because he was made for more. Man is only truly happy when he worships the creator.

The original meaning and practice of the word worship has been lost through 6000 years of time. Worship is nothing more or nothing less than giving praise and thanks. We give praise and thanks by what we do, not by what we say. We show our praise and thanks in how we live our daily lives; how we conduct ourselves in every endeavor and transaction; how we do the little things; how everything we do is done like it is a sacred act in appreciation of all that has been given to us. Giving praise and thanks to the creator using words instead of actions is called giving God lip service. It's not worshipping God. If all one does to honor God is participate in religious practices but in his daily life he is showing God he doesn't really appreciate all that has been given to him, then he is not worshipping God. He is paying lip service to God.

The Bible is not a letter of the law document. It is a spirit of the law document. Man turned it into a letter of the law document. The law of nature can not be codified into laws because it would require an infinite set of laws because the Law of Right and Wrong is infinite in nature. But if we were to codify the Law of Nature, we would only need one law; do unto others as you would have them do to you.

You fit it just fine.
I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.
Would it surprise you if I told you I don’t attend services? So I don’t technically fit your criteria. I don’t know if I am born again because I don’t know if I was born to begin with. But at some point in time I became aware. Of course it took 10 years of looking for it. Of which the first three years or so I didn’t even know I was looking.

There's not one thing I can point to. The biggest problem people have reading the Bible is putting it in the proper context. The Bible is effectively a how to book. How to live life and how not to live life. With that said, the Law of Nature is written into the hearts of men. If we never had the Bible the Law of Nature would still be written into the hearts of men. If we never had the Bible we would still have right and wrong. Genesis tells us that man knows right from wrong and that when man violates it rather than abandoning the concept of good and evil man rationalizes he didn’t violate it. This makes us different than animals.

In it's simplest form the Bible tells us that God created existence, man is a product of that creation, that everything that was created is good and that man should go forth and be fruitful. That we are to do as he has done which is to create. We are happiest when we are using our talents to create. There is no better way to show one's appreciation for what he was given than by using it. This is what worshipping used to mean.

The OT is an account of a people who cycled between remembering God and forgetting God. When man becomes satisfied he becomes proud and forgets God's ways. Then he fails and suffers, but from that suffering he remembers God's ways and he rises again only to begin the process all over again. So through the accounts in the Bible we are taught that failed behaviors naturally lead to failure and successful behaviors naturally lead to success.

But the Bible also tells us that man is a rebel. That man is at war with God. People forget that part. Man is at war with God because man worships created things instead of the creator.

Man has a choice in worshipping created things or the creator. Created things are effectively false gods. Man is free to pursue fame, fortune and power, but none of these things will satisfy him because he was made for more. Man is only truly happy when he worships the creator.

The original meaning and practice of the word worship has been lost through 6000 years of time. Worship is nothing more or nothing less than giving praise and thanks. We give praise and thanks by what we do, not by what we say. We show our praise and thanks in how we live our daily lives; how we conduct ourselves in every endeavor and transaction; how we do the little things; how everything we do is done like it is a sacred act in appreciation of all that has been given to us. Giving praise and thanks to the creator using words instead of actions is called giving God lip service. It's not worshipping God. If all one does to honor God is participate in religious practices but in his daily life he is showing God he doesn't really appreciate all that has been given to him, then he is not worshipping God. He is paying lip service to God.

The Bible is not a letter of the law document. It is a spirit of the law document. Man turned it into a letter of the law document. The law of nature can not be codified into laws because it would require an infinite set of laws because the Law of Right and Wrong is infinite in nature. But if we were to codify the Law of Nature, we would only need one law; do unto others as you would have them do to you.

You fit it just fine.
I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

It’s a good thing if you want. I don’t attend either.
Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.

I would suggest this verses:

The conflict between them, he tells Gulliver, began years ago, when the emperor’s grandfather, then in command of the country, commanded all Lilliputians to break their eggs on the small end first. He made this decision after breaking an egg in the old way, large end first, and cutting his finger. The people resented the law, and six rebellions were started in protest. The monarchs of Blefuscu fueled these rebellions, and when they were over the rebels fled to that country to seek refuge. Eleven thousand people chose death rather than submit to the law. Many books were written on the controversy, but books written by the Big-Endians were banned in Lilliput. The government of Blefuscu accused the Lilliputians of disobeying their religious doctrine, the Brundrecral, by breaking their eggs at the small end. The Lilliputians argued that the doctrine reads, “That all true believers shall break their eggs at the convenient end,” which could be interpreted as the small end.

Source: SparkNotes: Gulliver’s Travels: Part I, Chapters IV–V

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I'd start with The Odyssey and the Iliad and remember no memorizations are going to give you a single thing.
Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.
If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started

that's odd, being born again - sinless would be an end not a beginning ...

the triumph over evil, whatever would they need to read in the christian bible if they were truly born again, made whole. a freed spirit.
On top of reading the Bible, I suggest you read the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.

The "Book of Mormon" seems to be pure fantasy, "Doctrine and convenant" is nonsense as far as I can see and the "Pearl of Great Price" is not worth the paper it is printed on. Only to make a very little thing clear in this context: When a pilot makes a mistake basing on a lack of knowledge or on reason of a wrong knowledge then "god" punishes very well all passengers - and lots of other innocent people too - for the wrong "faith" of the pilot. That's just simple a fact of the structure of causes and effects of the energies of the world in which we live here. If you or anyone else makes intentionally mistakes, then this can have very strange consequences. In worst case for the survival of all lemmingkind. Only 'indoctrinated' lemmings are doing by the way mass-suicide - real lemmings don't do so. The film "white wilderness" of the year 1958 is just simple a lie.

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