Question for devout Christians.

Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.
Book of Acts. Any of the 4 Gospels.
But most of all new Christians should be earned that the demons will now attack to sway them away.

Okay, the demons. So it was said only God can create. The Devil can’t. All the devil can do is lie and deceive. So the devil can’t create demons, not enough to get everyone. So the devil has to lie and basically sets us up so we separate our selves from God. That’s a short and sweet version of a sermon I listened to.

God shot Lucifer out of Heaven like a lightening bolt. 1/3 of the angels went with him. Thing is, we don't know how many angels there are, so we can't calculate what 1/3 represents.

Hmm. If it is an infinite number of angels then 2/3*oo is the same like = 1/3*oo. Neverthelless the good powers always will count twice.

And if you think heaven is the home of god and hell is not the home of the Lord then I would say you are wrong. Jesus was in hell and came back. That's very important: God is with everyone always everywhere - also on every cross and in every hell.

Angels are eternal beings, good and bad.

Eternal beings or timeless beings ... or both.

They never cease to exist.

... or an idea ... ???

The same demons that inhabited every person on earth, (but for 8) before the flood, are alive and well and going to and fro to inflict suffering on humans as we speak. The Lake of Fire was created for Satan and his angels.

And/or on reason of purification.

They will be contained, not killed.

Not killed?

Adam didn't just eat an apple.

He ate a fruit (=a seed) of the tree of the recognition of good and evil. And this "seed" which became part of him and Eve and all mankind by growing, takes care that we are not able to live in Göbekli Tepe - ah sorry: in paradise - any longer, even not in case we would become more mighty than Michael. As far as I heard Eve knew by the way not that god did forbid Adam to eat the fruits of this tree. When he told this Adam Eve was not existing. I guess the only realistic way for her to know something about would had been if she was in total identity with Adam and Adam had to be in identity with her too.

He turned dominion of the earth over to Satan.

"Donald Satan"? Hm hm hm hm hm ... or "Angela Satana" ... good grief: Her father was pastor under the Commies. Not the very best choice for a satanic heritage.

When Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world it was because Satan was in control of them all. It was a legitimate offer.
But Satan's time is coming to a close. Jesus, the Christ, is coming back to take control of His inheritance. He came the first time as our sacrificial lamb. He is coming back as a lion.
Maranatha, Lord.

Maranatha, Lord? Lordtha or Lordatha, Lord? And are you really sure Jesus is interested in something what we call "control"? Is he not much more interested in this what we call "to understand"?

Oh by the way: God is always new. That's also an interesting thought, isn't it? Maranatha.

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I have a question. When a devout Christian studies the history of his religion he is presented with all sorts of horrors perpetrated over the centuries.

No. The violence in history has not a lot to do with spirituality but a lot to do with liars, with drugs and a lack of emotional warmth for example.

Some of these were to kill other Christians or non Christians as the case may be, and take their stuff, others died because they were heretics,

Or because it was in the opposite: The Lord Chancellor Sir Thomas More for example was murdered - ah sorry: executed - because Henry VIII was an heretics. He was an heretics on reason of sex and might and money.

and that's just how it what was done. So Christianity survived, thrived and prospered, and came to accept certain dogmas all through violent means.

The Christian religion has not any violent doctrine.

How does a Christian today feel about its history, when you realized that if others hadn't committed the most monstrous evils, you wouldn't today be a Christian, and accepting certain beliefs about your faith? It would have ended up as nothing more than a foot note in a history book.

:lol: I don't think now you expect a real answer. Are you a "flat earther" who is using always the same propagandistic cliches?

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Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.
Book of Acts. Any of the 4 Gospels.
But most of all new Christians should be earned that the demons will now attack to sway them away.
That's crazy talk.
The people parts confused me and Matthew was too heavy. I went for what I liked and what I got right away. The other parts were left for sermon and Bible studies.
Okay, by that I mean 100% practicing, love it 24/7/365 period. If you are there when a person is borne again, what chapters and verses do you recommend they read to get started, what do you recommend when they come a little further and why do you recommend them? What about them made such an impression that you would recommend them? Thanks.
Book of Acts. Any of the 4 Gospels.
But most of all new Christians should be earned that the demons will now attack to sway them away.
That's crazy talk.
Ignorance is not a sanctuary.
There are no shortcuts that are worthwhile. Obtain a copy of the King James bible, start at the beginning and read all the way to the end.
The reason I recommend the KJV is that virtually all modern versions have been altered to make scripture politically acceptable to the majority.
Two examples: Duet. 19 v 15. Only the KJV even mentions the sin of the witness who would rise up. Mathew 5 v 22. All modern translations simply leave out the phrase 'without a cause'. I've had pastors who studied both Hebrew and Greek and went back to the original text that their own translations were translated from. Always, always, always the KJV was true to the original text and the translations that the pastors were using were wrong.
There are no shortcuts that are worthwhile. Obtain a copy of the King James bible, start at the beginning and read all the way to the end.
The reason I recommend the KJV is that virtually all modern versions have been altered to make scripture politically acceptable to the majority.
Two examples: Duet. 19 v 15. Only the KJV even mentions the sin of the witness who would rise up. Mathew 5 v 22. All modern translations simply leave out the phrase 'without a cause'. I've had pastors who studied both Hebrew and Greek and went back to the original text that their own translations were translated from. Always, always, always the KJV was true to the original text and the translations that the pastors were using were wrong.
All translations have issues. Case in point there are no bagpipes nor unicorns in the original text. At least let him read the NKJV so he’s trying to not understand 400 year old English.
The English of Shakespeare is not a bad thing. I have few issues with the NKJV. Thess. 2 chapter 2.
The only objection I have heard is that it is hard to read. You are correct. If the easier to read translations would just get the simple stuff right, I wouldn't be so upset by what some of the more simple to read translations are presenting as the Word of God. A false word masquerading as the true Word is wrong.
The only objection I have heard is that it is hard to read. You are correct. If the easier to read translations would just get the simple stuff right, I wouldn't be so upset by what some of the more simple to read translations are presenting as the Word of God. A false word masquerading as the true Word is wrong.
None of the major translations have significant errors.
Significant is an interesting word to use. I don't believe that we are in accord as to what constitutes significant errors in translation.
Significant is an interesting word to use. I don't believe that we are in accord as to what constitutes significant errors in translation.

Everyone translates always what he hears and reads. The only common language is not the language of the tongue - it's the language of the heart.

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I changed my mind. There is one thing. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Can you imagine if everyone behaved that way.

There sure would be a lot of people massaging the genitals of others. It would be fine at first but could get awkward when those homos start doing unto others as they would have us do unto them.
I changed my mind. There is one thing. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Can you imagine if everyone behaved that way.

There sure would be a lot of people massaging the genitals of others. It would be fine at first but could get awkward when those homos start doing unto others as they would have us do unto them.
Way to take it there.
On top of reading the Bible, I suggest you read the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.

no, the Bible is all you need, just as it says.

The only thing someone really needs is god, a true heart and sincere friends. And the USA needs first of all logic and love within the own country and not the wrong moral of wrotten liars. And specially needs the USA not any stupid man, who attacks mother Mary.

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