Zone1 Question for Evangelicals

Anyone who uses their religion as an excuse to justify bad behavior belittles their own religion.
Judge not lest ye be judged also. That does not justify bad behavior because nowhere in the Bible is bad behavior justified. But when we assume the moral authority to judge the heart of another, the Bible warns us that God takes very strong exception to that. Just in case you were wondering. . .

I hate to break the news to you but since you worship Jesus, a Jewish man, as if he was a mangod who became a perfect human sacrifice so that you won't have to bear responsibility for your own sins it is evidence that you are already dead and in hell. You have your reward already!


Enjoy! There are libtards, dems, immigrants, minorities, and snowflakes everywhere.

There is no escape!
Judge not lest ye be judged also. That does not justify bad behavior because nowhere in the Bible is bad behavior justified. But when we assume the moral authority to judge the heart of another, the Bible warns us that God takes very strong exception to that. Just in case you were wondering. . .
I'm well aware of what the Bible says.
Your hatred of anything good is showing, along with your tolerance, but we all know that word simply means agree with you or we're wrong
You actually believe that straw man you built is real, don't you?
Misrepresenting what he tells you he is thinking or not including it in its full context constitutes bearing false witness which is another no no in the Bible in case you missed it.
Nonsense. As Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruits." Forget about the words he uses which are bad enough and amount to nazi propaganda. He praises dictators and despots. Shared national security secrets with anyone with enough money. He is a traitor. He tried to incite an insurrection, and doesn't give a crap about anyone who was killed or jailed. You patriotic fool.

Trumps actions speak for themselves.
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Misrepresenting what he tells you he is thinking or not including it in its full context constitutes bearing false witness which is another no no in the Bible in case you missed it.
You're kidding, right?

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