Zone1 Question for Evangelicals

It of course had everything to do with Trump. The violent cult would not have been there, if not for Trump. Stop saying ridiculous things. double standard or hypocrisy to see here. When the Conservatives plan and execute a protest based upon the "Freedom of Assembly" its a VIOLENT CULT.....when the left burns down and physically occupies sovereign cities, its the Free Exercise of the right to assemble..........PEACEFULLY. :abgg2q.jpg: double standard or hypocrisy to see here. When the Conservatives plan and execute a protest based upon the "Freedom of Assembly" its a VIOLENT CULT.....when the left burns down and physically occupies sovereign cities, its the Free Exercise of the right to assemble..........PEACEFULLY. :abgg2q.jpg:
Your pathetic whining and whataboutism won't help you or Trump or the imprisoned insurrectionists. Sorry.
Simple answer to simple question. Christians does not appoint government leaders..........God does. It is the duty of all Christians to obey the law, because He (the government agent is appointed by God. It appears that you are not seeking justice through the government and politics, but revenge of some nature. What makes this attack on Trump any different than those over the past decade since He moved himself from the private sector to seek political office? Why do you fear this man, when the man in office now has accomplished nothing but super inflation and consistent acts of war? should fear the reality that now exists around us. This reality is a greater threat than any historical vengeance that you are seeking.

If you don't support the man, don't vote or support him. Do not attempt to twist the Holy Scriptures into some type of personal vengeance, to justify your personal hatred.

These personal attacks have been occurring with regularity since 2016 (at first, he was a joke to the left........then came the personal attacks and its never ceased). You are a prime example of the seven things that God hates. You know only what the mass media feeds you, you have no personal relationship with this man and cannot possibly make a righteous judgement based upon truth as is required by God, you are simply parroting others. (John 7:24)

"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority, except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.", -- Romans 13:1-8

Vengeance is not belongs to God. "Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord." -- Romans 12:19
God appoints our government leaders? In that case God wanted Biden to be president. Quit whining.
God appoints our government leaders?
They get this idea from the letter of Paul, Romans 13:1-7

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing"

The funny thing his that Paul wrote this from a roman prison when Nero was caesar. Hmmmm.

How stupid can people be? "For the one in authority (Nero) is God’s servant" ? I don't think so.

God appoints our government leaders? In that case God wanted Biden to be president. Quit whining.
Of course God appointed what ends, punishment or reward, only God knows. Remember Romans 12:19? Perhaps Biden is simply a refresher course from God to remind people what happens when wicked people are placed into power. Liberalism 101........the refresher course of reality. Biden = hyper inflation, rampant crime, endless war in support of the industrial military complex, the war machine that makes profit for the politicians that sacrifice our young men and women on the alter of needless acts of war.

Every know and then..........WE THE PEOPLE require a refresher course in Liberalism when enacted. It always ends the same. More poverty, inflation, more wars and rumors of wars.......all enacted under the pretense of seeking social justice. Reality: in the 20th century alone over 100 million human souls were sacrificed at the alter of Progressive Liberalism......Socialism, in its quest for SOCIAL JUSTICE.

Who knows the mind of God? "For who understands the mind of the Lord as to instruct Him? But we have the mind of the Christ......." -- 1 Cor. 2:16

Christians are commissioned by the Lord for one thing, to defend the truth, by being the KEEPER OF THE FAITH. faith turns to reality only through the endeavor to worship in spirit and truth. Just as all the prophecies of the Old Testament that lead to the birth, life, death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ......was fulfilled through those who acted with FAITH.
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Your pathetic whining and whataboutism won't help you or Trump or the imprisoned insurrectionists. Sorry.
It does not appear that Mr. TRUMP requires any help from anyone. What? Its been almost a decade.....with the democrats throwing everything under their power at him, and he still stands and more than likely will be the next president of this REPUBLIC. I simply defend TRUTH. I did note that you did not offer any refutation to the historical facts that the left is far more violent, far more murderous in their supposed "Peaceful Protests" than are those that really love this nation and respect the rights and personal property of others.

Why did you not attempt to defend this historical reality? There is no refutation of the truth. We THE PEOPLE appear to have had enough of Bidenomics. Prediction: ARE WE THE PEOPLE up to another round of the VIRUS DE JOUR.........the election is just around the corner, lets see if Biden's comrades in China can come up with another super bug scam to stop people from actually going to the polls so the CIA can flood the nation with fake write in ballots. I predict the Next BUG is just around the corner:popcorn:
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And what has happened since he no longer enjoys the immunity of his office? Looks a little different, eh?
Nothing? When did Trump go to jail or withdrawal? Its a show........entertaining and predictable. A dog and pony show to distract the idiots on the left that are suffering, more poverty, more wars, more inflation, higher energy prices and 10 dollar a pack bacon strips. Leftists are like sheep, put them in a controlled pastor, feed them just enough, sheer them on occasion with higher taxes, and lastly, led them to the slaughter house feeding them to the military industrial complex to go make some MO MONEY, MO MONEY for the politicians that are in bed with the CIA:popcorn:
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When did Trump go to jail or withdrawal?
What a childish question. The trials have not occurred yet.

And it takes a special kind of cultism to think that ninety one felony charges are "nothing". That losing a suit for $250 million at least is "nothing".
What a childish question. The trials have not occurred yet.

And it takes a special kind of cultism to think that ninety one felony charges are "nothing". That losing a suit for $250 million at least is "nothing".
Indeed.......NOTHING. Its a dog and pony show to distract the idiots on the left with entertainment. Pretending there is no super inflation, no wars, no rumors of wars, higher crime rates, more poverty. Leftist are so gullible and predictable.

The real question to answer HONESTLY......if honesty is possible from a leftist, ARE YOU BETTER OFF TODAY than you were 4 years ago? :abgg2q.jpg:
Yet you couldn't actually argue that. You know nothing about the indictments, and this is nothing but a reflexive cult spasm.
The TRUTH? I defend truth: I really don't care one way or another. What will change if you throw Mr. Trump under the jail? Nothing will change, you will still be forced to take experimental drugs to keep your jobs and careers........ the 49% of liberals that actually do work and support the economy in support of the other 51% of your neighboring will still experience hyper inflation, higher energy costs, energy shortages, food shortages, more crime, with a 100% chance of the US remaining in some military conflict somewhere in the world as long as there is a leftist in power.

Prediction: The people are not stupid. Trump or another clone of Trump will be the next president of this republic. Enjoy the show while Rome continues to burn. :eusa_boohoo:
Nonsense. As Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruits." Forget about the words he uses which are bad enough and amount to nazi propaganda. He praises dictators and despots. Shared national security secrets with anyone with enough money. He is a traitor. He tried to incite an insurrection, and doesn't give a crap about anyone who was killed or jailed. You patriotic fool.

Trumps actions speak for themselves.
You are a liar, which makes you the tratior

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