Zone1 Question for Evangelicals

Trump has been brazenly giving aid and comfort to openly sworn enemies of the United States.. Please help me to understand how this is not treason. Please. Help me help me help me.....:auiqs.jpg:
All you need to know is that you are lying or you would be supplying me with for instance!

Trump was responsible for the 1/6 right-wing domestic terrorist attack on America's democracy and those domestic terrorists are representative of Trump's campaign of lawlessness and violence.
I'm sure you have that saved on your phone or desk top so you can copy and paste it in lieu of having any kind of reasoned argument. TDS afflicted people are really sad aren't they.

Trump was responsible for the 1/6 right-wing domestic terrorist attack on America's democracy and those domestic terrorists are representative of Trump's campaign of lawlessness and violence.
Never happened no matter how many times you tell yourself it did! I know, my cousin was there he said everything was going very well until the busloads of agitators started filing in to the crowd. You are a traitor to the republic for pushing this narrative.
It does not appear that Mr. TRUMP requires any help from anyone. What? Its been almost a decade.....with the democrats throwing everything under their power at him, and he still stands and more than likely will be the next president of this REPUBLIC. I simply defend TRUTH. I did note that you did not offer any refutation to the historical facts that the left is far more violent, far more murderous in their supposed "Peaceful Protests" than are those that really love this nation and respect the rights and personal property of others.

Why did you not attempt to defend this historical reality? There is no refutation of the truth. We THE PEOPLE appear to have had enough of Bidenomics. Prediction: ARE WE THE PEOPLE up to another round of the VIRUS DE JOUR.........the election is just around the corner, lets see if Biden's comrades in China can come up with another super bug scam to stop people from actually going to the polls so the CIA can flood the nation with fake write in ballots. I predict the Next BUG is just around the corner:popcorn:
God has forsaken Donald Trump.
Never happened no matter how many times you tell yourself it did! I know, my cousin was there he said everything was going very well until the busloads of agitators started filing in to the crowd. You are a traitor to the republic for pushing this narrative.
Before, during and after J6, the Democrats MANUFACTURED this just like they have MANUFACTURED all of the GET TRUMP schemes since 2016. The majority of the country get it now.
I'm sure you have that saved on your phone or desk top so you can copy and paste it in lieu of having any kind of reasoned argument. TDS afflicted people are really sad aren't they.
Then read the indictment, if you want to see a reasoned argument.
They get this idea from the letter of Paul, Romans 13:1-7

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing"

The funny thing his that Paul wrote this from a roman prison when Nero was caesar. Hmmmm.

How stupid can people be? "For the one in authority (Nero) is God’s servant" ? I don't think so.

Paul said lots of goofy shit. Not sure how he became more mportant than Jesus.
Of course God appointed what ends, punishment or reward, only God knows. Remember Romans 12:19? Perhaps Biden is simply a refresher course from God to remind people what happens when wicked people are placed into power. Liberalism 101........the refresher course of reality. Biden = hyper inflation, rampant crime, endless war in support of the industrial military complex, the war machine that makes profit for the politicians that sacrifice our young men and women on the alter of needless acts of war.

Every know and then..........WE THE PEOPLE require a refresher course in Liberalism when enacted. It always ends the same. More poverty, inflation, more wars and rumors of wars.......all enacted under the pretense of seeking social justice. Reality: in the 20th century alone over 100 million human souls were sacrificed at the alter of Progressive Liberalism......Socialism, in its quest for SOCIAL JUSTICE.

Who knows the mind of God? "For who understands the mind of the Lord as to instruct Him? But we have the mind of the Christ......." -- 1 Cor. 2:16

Christians are commissioned by the Lord for one thing, to defend the truth, by being the KEEPER OF THE FAITH. faith turns to reality only through the endeavor to worship in spirit and truth. Just as all the prophecies of the Old Testament that lead to the birth, life, death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ......was fulfilled through those who acted with FAITH.
You've basterdized christianity, and turned it into a political faction.

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