Zone1 Question for Evangelicals

God has forsaken Donald Trump.
Really? Again, who speaks for God? You? "For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct Him? ................" -- 1 Cor. 2:16.

So now you are giving God council with subective AD HOMENIM BS? Leftists have been making that claim since Mr. Trump came down the escalator in 2016. Today, Mr. Trump is reflected in the opinion polls as more than the equal of the sitting POTUS. Historically any incumbent that is not outright leading in the polls by now will lose power for the political party in power. Panic time?

Snoopy could run on the republican party at this point and win in a landslide. Who really wants a brain dead puppet as a commander in chief?
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Really? Again, who speaks for God? You? "For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct Him? ................" -- 1 Cor. 2:16.

So now you are giving God council with subective AD HOMENIM BS? Leftists have been making that claim since Mr. Trump came down the escalator in 2016. Today, Mr. Trump is reflected in the opinion polls as more than the equal of the sitting POTUS. Historically any incumbent that is not outright leading in the polls by now will lose power for the political party in power. Panic time? :deal:
It is what it is. I'm just the messenger.
No, those words are just myths written by ancient, terrified, ignorant, superstitious people.
Exactly: Then the scriptures should not matter to you, that's why you never pretend to know what's in them.......god listens to sock puppets. how many accounts do you have now? SOSDD:abgg2q.jpg:
Exactly: Then the scriptures should not matter to you, that's why you never pretend to know what's in them.......god listens to sock puppets. how many accounts do you have now? :abgg2q.jpg:
They don't matter to the real God, anymore than the astrology tables in the newspaper. I am just his voice on earth.
They don't matter to the real God, anymore than the astrology tables in the newspaper. I am just his voice on earth.
Its impossible to be a servant of God and reject the foundation to all cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. (Rom. 10:16). Your faith was miracled into existence? Your REAL god? -- 2 Cor. 4:4 :dev3:
I'm sure you have that saved on your phone or desk top so you can copy and paste it in lieu of having any kind of reasoned argument. TDS afflicted people are really sad aren't they.
‘A few bad apples’ is both nonsense and a lie.

Conservatives trying to minimize or downplay the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack is among the right’s more reprehensible attributes.

The Christo-fascist right’s hypocrisy concerning their support for the likes of Trump is another reprehensible attribute.
‘A few bad apples’ is both nonsense and a lie.

Conservatives trying to minimize or downplay the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack is among the right’s more reprehensible attributes.

The Christo-fascist right’s hypocrisy concerning their support for the likes of Trump is another reprehensible attribute.
When TDS is so strong to prompt a post as dishonest as yours is here, the person posting really needs to get help.
What is stupid is also attacked.

What is immoral is also attacked.
And? Christians are expected to be attacked by those who worship and serve the god of this, its an honor. -- John 15:18-27

As far as being a "messenger" form God, you are claiming to be an ANGEL, A PROPHET.......or Christ Himself. There are no modern day prophets nor are there any left wing angels, as an angel is simply a messenger speaking as God commands. Today? "Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers (ancestors) by the prophets, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things............" -- Heb. 1:1-2

Conclusion? Anyone that declares they are a messenger of God and speaks for God is a liar. Why do the Holy Scriptures exist? Because they are to be used for DOCTRINE, TEACHING, CORRECTION in providing man with everything required to be righteous. (2 Tim. 3:16-17) You can't believe your way into heaven. Demons believe and tremble. One must worship in spirit and truth. Now I ask honestly.......has God sent a message to anyone declaring that Donald Trump has fallen from grace? TRUTH. I deal in TRUTH. God has never spoken to me in any fashion other than the Holy Scriptures, and that's the truth. Anyone that claims that God works through them personally today are liars or mentally unstable.
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And? Christians are expected to be attacked by those who worship and serve the god of this, its an honor. -- John 15:18-27
Every religion expects that. This is like predicting the sun will rise tomorrow. There is no wisdom, there.

As far as being a "messenger" form God, you are claiming to be an ANGEL, A PROPHET.......or Christ Himself.
No, christ and Messiahs are fake characters from myths.

I am talking about the real god. Heed my words!
You are too emotionally attached to your politics to be objective.

You don't have any arguments.

Your opinion of me has no bearing on that.

Do you think people dont notice, when you claim to have an argument and instead of making it, you just bloviate and have outbursts for 3 pages?

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