Zone1 Question for Evangelicals

So what? Attacking rival religions is what religions do, shaman.

Or would you prefer I discuss your desire for big government to implement your morally relativistic religious beliefs? For atheists... government is part and parcel of their religion.
If I believed all the goofy shit you believe about liberals, and atheiests, and anybody else who doesn't exactly share your beliefs, I would hate all of them too. You have trouble seperating all the straw men you built from reality.
In that case, it's unethical to site a politicion's religious beliefs in a campaign. Either their religion makes a difference, or it doesn't.
I know people who consider religion to be very important and some that don’t.

I look at it this way. All political parties are somewhat corrupt. I believe they check out new members to see if they can be trusted to not run to the authorities if they see something happening that’s a little illegal. If the new Party member is too honest, he will not advance too far in the Party.

In my opinion most politicians often try to look religious but all too often it is just an act.
I know people who consider religion to be very important and some that don’t.

I look at it this way. All political parties are somewhat corrupt. I believe they check out new members to see if they can be trusted to not run to the authorities if they see something happening that’s a little illegal. If the new Party member is too honest, he will not advance too far in the Party.

In my opinion most politicians often try to look religious but all too often it is just an act.
Absolutely. An act they have to perform to get elected in a modern society. What a global embarrassment that is.
Oops, stumbling over basic logic again.

Walking is what giraffes do. I must be a giraffe.

Sorry ding, but there are more fun ways to kill brain cells than staring at basic logic errors that children and uneducated adults make. Have a nice day.
Not at all. I'm not the first to make that observation. Not even close. So cry about it all you want but you are a religious fanatic.
If I believed all the goofy shit you believe about liberals, and atheiests, and anybody else who doesn't exactly share your beliefs, I would hate all of them too. You have trouble seperating all the straw men you built from reality.
I'm actually open minded enough to NOT wall paper all liberals or all atheists with the same paper. Just the ones that match it. So no straw man needed for me. It just so happens that you and FF match the paper.
If I believed all the goofy shit you believe about liberals, and atheiests, and anybody else who doesn't exactly share your beliefs, I would hate all of them too. You have trouble seperating all the straw men you built from reality.
This is just the way ding begs for attention, when all his stunted arguments and fallacies fail him.
Are you actually a Trump supporter? He's a vulgar, profane, immoral old bag of guts.
I support TRUTH. Its up to God as to who represents our government. Yes, I would support anyone to include Mr. Trump over the vacuum of leadership that now exists in the executive branch. I'd vote for Hillary over these supposed socialists that are destroying our republic today. Who needs endless wars, hyper inflation, food shortages, inflated energy costs, rampant crime and "Keynesian Economics" and its rampant overspending?

King Roosevelt found out that you can't spend your way out of debt.........over his entire 4 administrations this nation was in an endless economic depression. Our nation recovered not because of a Keynesian Economy .....or the attempt to stack the Supreme Court (that resulted in this nation becoming a WELFARE STATE) this nation recovered because of a global conflict that opened up this nations steel and energy production to build weapons of war.
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Not at all. I'm not the first to make that observation. Not even close. So cry about it all you want but you are a religious fanatic.
Of course you aren't the first one to make that claim. Just because someone agrees with you doesn't mean you're right.
I'm actually open minded enough to NOT wall paper all liberals or all atheists with the same paper. Just the ones that match it. So no straw man needed for me. It just so happens that you and FF match the paper.
You bet. If there is one thing I have learned, it's when your mind is made up, there is no further need for facts. They will just confuse you. .
You are in a religious forum. Don't be afraid to discuss your religion. Secular humanism, right? Otherwise known as atheism.
A religious forum is for discussing religion. Nothing says it has to be your religion, or that you even have to have one. How many religions have you discussed when you didn't share that particular one?
"Somebody UP THERE is looking out for Mr. Trump" He has survived all the might and money the CIA and the corrupt politicians and media can throw at him...........and "ITS ALIVE!"


Former U.S. President Donald Trump lost his reelection contest to Democrat Joe Biden six months ago Monday, but he is still claiming he was cheated out of another term in the White House ...

clyde hasn't a clue - when so few incumbents get beat - those that are should never have been there and trump knows it. and lost because of their politics and religious pandering making clyde all teary eyed and hopelessly in a perpetual state of misery.
Our nation recovered not because of a Keynesian Economy ...

the great depression, fdr - was entirely about unemployment throughout -

- how much a government should spend to increase “effective demand” and achieve full employment ...

wwII was the catalyst for recovery after the model for full employment was achieved, same as today the deficits are a mirage made by reducing revenue collected from the wealthy.
Of course you aren't the first one to make that claim. Just because someone agrees with you doesn't mean you're right.
Reason and experience makes me right. Don't act like a fundamentalist religious nut job and you won't be called out as one.
You bet. If there is one thing I have learned, it's when your mind is made up, there is no further need for facts. They will just confuse you. .
But my mind is open. Having an open mind doesn't mean to always agree with the views of others. Having an open mind means to objectively consider all views. Which is what I have done. And your attacking rival religions and using big government to force your morally relativistic beliefs on society is the deciding factor in me saying you got religion.

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