Zone1 Question for Evangelicals

Neither are worthwhile to even discuss
The question of God and the meaning of life go hand in hand. I think that's pretty worthwhile to discuss. Otherwise what are you really left with? Satisfying material needs and primitive impulses?
I understand some never find God. I was one who did seek and who did find. There is no need for me to ponder his existence, but I often do ponder His great love of us, those who have touched Him and those who for whatever reason(s) cannot seem to connect.
A loving god would make his existance clear, and eliminate all the questions. Don't tell me about free will. People could still tell him no thank you, but having to guess about god's existance is just shitty.
The question of God and the meaning of life go hand in hand. I think that's pretty worthwhile to discuss. Otherwise what are you really left with? Satisfying material needs and primitive impulses?
Or hanging on to primitave stories to explain what we just don't know.
No one is perfect, and we all sin. God has even been known to use men with some flaws to do great things, but there are seven sins that God points out that he specifically hates, and are an abomination to him. These sins are specifically pointed out. In proverbs 6:12-15, Solomon talks about a wicked man who is

A worthless person, a wicked man, Walks with a perverse mouth; He winks with his eyes, He shuffles his feet, He points with his fingers; Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord. Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy.

Starting in verse 16, he lists the seven sins that that worthless person practices and that God specifically hates.

1. A proud look. Arrogance. A sense that he is better than others.
2. A lying tongue.
3. Hands that shed innocent blood. Refusing to act to save innocent lives when
you know the danger is eminent.
4. A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations.You stupid Moon Bat.

5. Feet that be swift in running to mischief.
6. A false witness that speaketh lies.
7. He that seweth discord among the brethren.

Knowing that trump has repeatedly been shown to exemplify all the above listed abominations to God,
how can evangelicals, or any person who claims to love God support such a man for the leader of our country? Especially in the light of him recently calling Iowa evangelicals “so called Christians” and “pieces of shit”
You stupid uneducated Moon Bat. You don't have a clue, do you?

First of all all politicians are scumbags. Just look at how this Potatohead sonofabitch that you Libtards love so much has raped women, sexually molested his own daughter, is a pedophile and is corrupt as hell in addition to being a goddamn liar.

Second of all (and this pertains to you Moon Bat assholes just as much as anybody else) voters tend to vote their own personal issues. For instance, the core voting block of the filthy ass Democrat are the low IQ Negro ghetto shitheads that vote their welfare check. The Illegals vote a President that allows the border to be open. The Feminazis vote for somebody that will allow them to kill children as a birth control method, Anti gun nuts vote for a candidate that demand that we do away with the Bill of Rights, etc

Trump is an arrogant obnoxious New Yorker but he was the best President of modern times. He did a great job as President.

In contrast this Potatohead clown that you stupid Moon Bats supported, is an arrogant obnoxious incompetent sleazeball lying corrupt piece of shit that is the worst President in the history of the Republic.
A loving god would make his existance clear
Have you ever considered God loves so much, it is in our best interest that he doesn't do that which overwhelms? If God "proved" his existence to you, how would your life change? What would you do differently?
That isn't what i said. Ding, I don't think Baby Jesus would be pleased with your rank dishonesty.
God loves objectivity. God is objectivity.... among other "things." And you should be objective about your posting habits. Isn't it fair to say that you promote atheism?
A loving god would make his existance clear, and eliminate all the questions. Don't tell me about free will. People could still tell him no thank you, but having to guess about god's existance is just shitty.
There is no guess work involved concerning the existence of a Supernatural cause to reality.

Applied Science provides all the evidence required to determine that a force/cause greater than what is natural created that which we call nature. The physical laws of reality.....physics can measure or quantify all that is natural, what they can't quantify/measure or prove is how the Universe Created itself from nothing, as suggested when you go down the rabbit hole of the pseudo science calling itself theoretical science which exists only between the ears (i.e, faith) of those who GUESS how the law of causality does not apply..........they offer, conjecture, speculation, assumptions based not upon provable facts but philosophical suggestions.

One of the greatest minds in recent history, who spent his entire life attempting to deny the requirement of a superior creating force.....declared, The universe created itself because of GRAVITY. Of course that great mind was Stephen Hawing. Scientific Fact: Gravity is something that can be quantified or measured by the laws of physics.....its something rather than nothing and Gravity cannot exist void of Energy/Matter.

Your statement is simple to prove.......if its true. Simply present the objective, testable, reproducible facts of science that explains how mass/matter can create itself from nothing
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income distribution is the free flow of democracy.
That's great if you actually live in a democracy.......its the basis for SOCIAL COMMUNISM. The United States of American is not a Democracy......its a Republic. The founder warned of the attempt to turn our Republic into a social democracy. Read the Federalist Papers........specifically No. 10, they were the companion founding documents that explained the content of the US constitution before it was ratified through State Representation.

Example of a Socialist Republic/democracy......the USSR. The only constitution where you will actually find the words, "Separation of Church and State" the FORMER (it collapsed like all historical socialist nations).......the constitution of the former USSR actually contains the wording that separates church and state. The US Constitution has never contained language.

Federalist No. 10 explains why Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1 is found in the US constitution. Article 4 guarantees a "REPUBLIAN GOVERNEMENT" at all levels of government. Not a political party as the Republican Party did not exist in the US until 1854........but the US is modeled after Republican Representation...where all the people/states have a voice, not just the heavily populated states.....such as exists within a Democracy.

Our founders stated that a democracy was not compatible with the rights of personal privacy and property......while history proves that every democracy ends in violent revolution. Fact: there have been over 10 revolutiond in Europe because of the quest for SOCIAL JUSTICE......while this nation has been governed by a Simple document that was formatted to adapt to change by the People, the US Constitution can only be changed by an amendment which can only be ratified by a super majority ratification vote of 75%.........again, Europe has suffered though 10 violent revolutions during the same time period this nation has been in existence.

The United States is a Republic.
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You stupid uneducated Moon Bat. You don't have a clue, do you?

First of all all politicians are scumbags. Just look at how this Potatohead sonofabitch that you Libtards love so much has raped women, sexually molested his own daughter, is a pedophile and is corrupt as hell in addition to being a goddamn liar.

Second of all (and this pertains to you Moon Bat assholes just as much as anybody else) voters tend to vote their own personal issues. For instance, the core voting block of the filthy ass Democrat are the low IQ Negro ghetto shitheads that vote their welfare check. The Illegals vote a President that allows the border to be open. The Feminazis vote for somebody that will allow them to kill children as a birth control method, Anti gun nuts vote for a candidate that demand that we do away with the Bill of Rights, etc

Trump is an arrogant obnoxious New Yorker but he was the best President of modern times. He did a great job as President.

In contrast this Potatohead clown that you stupid Moon Bats supported, is an arrogant obnoxious incompetent sleazeball lying corrupt piece of shit that is the worst President in the history of the Republic.
Thanks for your response. From your post, it is clear that the traditional christian beliefs mean nothng to you anyway.
Have you ever considered God loves so much, it is in our best interest that he doesn't do that which overwhelms? If God "proved" his existence to you, how would your life change? What would you do differently?
Proof of existance is overwhelming? Not nearly as overwhelming as the hoops you have to jump through trying to believe in something there is no proof for. If proof positive for a god was supplied, I doubt I would choose to follow the god of the bible. Way too much arbetrary, hateful, immoral behavior there to be worthy of following.
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There is no guess work involved concerning the existence of a Supernatural cause to reality.

Applied Science provides all the evidence required to determine that a force/cause greater than what is natural created that which we call nature. The physical laws of reality.....physics can measure or quantify all that is natural, what they can't quantify/measure or prove is how the Universe Created itself from nothing, as suggested when you go down the rabbit hole of the pseudo science calling itself theoretical science which exists only between the ears (i.e, faith) of those who GUESS how the law of causality does not apply..........they offer, conjecture, speculation, assumptions based not upon provable facts but philosophical suggestions.

One of the greatest minds in recent history, who spent his entire life attempting to deny the requirement of a superior creating force.....declared, The universe created itself because of GRAVITY. Of course that great mind was Stephen Hawing. Scientific Fact: Gravity is something that can be quantified or measured by the laws of physics.....its something rather than nothing and Gravity cannot exist void of Energy/Matter.

Your statement is simple to prove.......if its true. Simply present the objective, testable, reproducible facts of science that explains how mass/matter can create itself from nothing
So "we don't know" is the same as "there has to be the work of a supernatral god"? You know that's nuts, right? Would we have airplanes if the Wright brothers looked at flight the same way?

How do you calibrate truth? Pretend that your words are truth? Christianity is not based upon blind faith........but faith that is testable.
The "wink, wink" REAL GOD? The god of this world, is your god. :dev3: Just how does a Christian "test all things" -- 1 Thess 5:21 .........such as the BS you are propagating as truth? He compares your BS to actual content found in the word of God.....searching the scripture to see if you are truthful (Acts 17:11).

What is the word of God to those who serve the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4)? The Holy Scriptures are the SWORD of TRUTH used by the Spirit of Truth..the word of God is powerful. The word of God is the only weapon to calibrate Christian Doctrine as established by the God of Creation (2 Tim. 3:16-17). The word of God is, ".........the Sword of the Spirit -- Eph. 6:17. Sharper than a 2 edged sword that can send the deceiver and his minions "Satan" to the lake of fire. "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any 2 edged sword, piercing to the division of the soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." -- Hebrews 4:12

Again........the God of creation has commissioned all Christians to be "keepers of the faith"..........."defenders of the gospel truth" worship only in Spirit and Truth -- John 4:24. Without a source to calibrate truth, (the word of God -- sanctify them in truth, Your word is Truth, John 17:17), our Lord Jesus has died in vain and there is no hope for mankind other than to die in his/her sins, as none are righteous and deserving of salvation. (Romans 3:10)

If the God of the Holy Bible is not real.........simply refute one passage of the scriptures via the use of Applied Science or History Actual. Subjective Ad Hominem BS is evidence of nothing. You are yet to present any evidence to support your BS rhetoric. Again...........the evidence that you present based upon your own BS suggests that you are a SOCK PUPPET. Its entertaining........2 for 1, dinner and a show.
This fails as an appeal to authority fallacy.
So "we don't know" is the same as "there has to be the work of a supernatral god"? You know that's nuts, right? Would we have airplanes if the Wright brothers looked at flight the same way?
It certainly alludes to there being a supernatural "force" (at the very least). Supernatural means something that is beyond our understanding - something existing beyond the visible observable universe"

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