Zone1 Question for Evangelicals

A religious forum is for discussing religion. Nothing says it has to be your religion, or that you even have to have one. How many religions have you discussed when you didn't share that particular one?
I think I did some threads on Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism. And I never attacked them because I'm not a religious nut job like you who can't control himself from attacking rival religions.

Feel free to use the search feature to look up my posts.
But my mind is open. Having an open mind doesn't mean to always agree with the views of others. Having an open mind means to objectively consider all views. Which is what I have done. And your attacking rival religions and using big government to force your morally relativistic beliefs on society is the deciding factor in me saying you got religion.
Doesn't matter why you believe what you do. You're still wrong. Atheism isn't a religion.
That's the limit of their similarly.
On the surface perhaps. It boils down to truth, and I think it was Plato who noted that truth is the beginning of every good to God, and of every good to man. Something like that. The atheists I know and live with would agree that truth is the beginning of every good to man. The people of faith I live with would agree that truth is the beginning of every good to God. Delve deeply enough, and we can find similarities in our philosophies.

I try not to let God become a distraction in discussions with atheists. As He is much more than a distraction! :)
No, you aren't dragging the world of reason and normalcy down into the sitty muck where your magical fetishes reside. No matter how hard you try.
What has happened to the religiously addled is that they were indoctrinated since birth into professing to believe that the stories in the bible are literal depictions of historical events and that any objection that arises in their own mind is an attack from Satan himself which sets the mind against itself and, as in the case of ding, that part of his brain that is supposed to reason rationally and honestly has died and was deliberately replaced by trained personnel with a self negating multiplicity that is slowly disintegrating into nothingness. Thats why he always speaks of a "we" or an "us" whenever he is confronted with the truth and his facade crumbles. He doesn't even have the ability to admit that Jesus isn't edible or that the church is built on lies, pretending to be moral authorities without any knowledge of the meaning of the words or subjects about which they are so dogmatic, what is true or false, right or wrong, good or evil.

And these actors and lying frauds actually want to rule the world... for Jesus of course. :ack-1:

Imagine that!
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What are your thoughts on:
  • Religion is a philosophy
  • Atheism is a philosophy
Atheism is nothing more than lack of belief in a god. That doesn't preclude the possibility that a god might exist. It falls in the same category as not believing unicorns exist. A philosophy based on non belief of either of those things would seem silly to most rational people. Of course, if religion, or the belief in unicorns gives you comfort, or seems to meld with your philosophy, I encourage you to adhere to it and all it's teachings, as long as you don't insist on forcing your religion on others.
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No one is perfect, and we all sin. God has even been known to use men with some flaws to do great things, but there are seven sins that God points out that he specifically hates, and are an abomination to him. These sins are specifically pointed out. In proverbs 6:12-15, Solomon talks about a wicked man who is

A worthless person, a wicked man, Walks with a perverse mouth; He winks with his eyes, He shuffles his feet, He points with his fingers; Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord. Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy.

Starting in verse 16, he lists the seven sins that that worthless person practices and that God specifically hates.

1. A proud look. Arrogance. A sense that he is better than others.
2. A lying tongue.
3. Hands that shed innocent blood. Refusing to act to save innocent lives when
you know the danger is eminent.
4. A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations.
5. Feet that be swift in running to mischief.
6. A false witness that speaketh lies.
7. He that seweth discord among the brethren.

Knowing that trump has repeatedly been shown to exemplify all the above listed abominations to God,
how can evangelicals, or any person who claims to love God support such a man for the leader of our country? Especially in the light of him recently calling Iowa evangelicals “so called Christians” and “pieces of shit”
Donald is the poster boy for all seven.
some like to think they are 'christians'; but reject christian ideology to justify voting for a barely human creature who has broken most, if not all 10 commandments & has committed all 7 deadly sins.
From the Greek:
  • a - without
  • theos - God

To wait and see.
That's one way to look at it. In the mean time, it's silly to waste much time pondering the existance of god or unicorns. Neither are worthwhile to even discuss, unless some pro-unicorn or pro-god busy body tries to foist their beliefs on others.
the great depression, fdr - was entirely about unemployment throughout -

wwII was the catalyst for recovery after the model for full employment was achieved, same as today the deficits are a mirage made by reducing revenue collected from the wealthy.
Of course...........unemployment was simply miracled into existence (unemployment said, I am going on vacation in the United States over the next decade) :abgg2q.jpg: .......there was no cause for a market correction to last well over a decade called the GREAT DEPRESSION. What happened all throughout the 30s? FDR's NEW communist DEAL, where he stacked SCOTUS and began (unconstitutionally) circumventing congress by Judicial Fiat with the friends of FDR legislating new finance laws from the bench........leaving WE THE PEOPLES representatives out of the loop. Communism 101

History documents the reason that a simple market adjustment caused a lost decade of private production in the US. The great depression lasted over the entire length of Roosevelt's administrations. Why? Because Big Brother government attempted to micro manage the private sector and spend the US out of the depression on money that simply did not exist.....i.e, Keynesian Economics in action. The exact same thing happened in the late teens of the 20th century......the market crashed, big brother did nothing, and the market adjusted itself by allowing the failing businesses to die because of mismanagement......there was no GREAT DEPRESSION because of that market adjustment in 1919......there was the roaring 20s. The market self corrected by allowing the failing business to go bottom up and liquidating any assists to be purchased by other businesses.

Roosevelt's own Sec. of Treasury explains why unemployment lasted so long under King Roosevelt. Henry Morgenthau Jr. - Wikipedia.

Quote: Henry Morgenthau: "We (Roosevelt Administration) have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before (in US History), AND IT DOES NOT WORK. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong, someone can have my job. I want to see the country prosperous. I want to see people get a job; I want to see people get enough to eat. WE HAVE NEVER MADE GOOD ON OUR PROMISES (boy is that a surprise coming from a democrat:eusa_boohoo:). I say after 8 years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started, and an ENORMOUS DEBT TO BOOT."

His solution? Being a democrat, can you guess his solution? More TAXES........the US was suffering, not because of run away uncontrolled spending and mismanagement.......but because the one's that were actually working........where not paying their fair share. Straight from the horses mouth "WE HAVE NEVER BEGUN TO TAX THE PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY THE WAY THEY SHOULD BE TAXED........I DON'T PAY WHAT I SHOULD (indeed, he was on we the people's pay roll ..........his taxes would be paid by THE PEOPLE)............PEOPLE WHO HAVE MONEY SHOULD HAVE TO PAY (for those who don't inferred.............can any one say, INCOME REDISTRIBUTION? :popcorn:
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What has happened to the religiously addled is that they were indoctrinated since birth into professing to believe that the stories in the bible are literal depictions of historical events and that any objection that arises in their own mind is an attack from Satan himself which sets the mind against itself and, as in the case of ding, that part of his brain that is supposed to reason rationally and honestly has died and was deliberately replaced by trained personnel with a self negating multiplicity that is slowly disintegrating into nothingness. Thats why he always speaks of a "we" or an "us" whenever he is confronted with the truth and his facade crumbles. He doesn't even have the ability to admit that Jesus isn't edible or that the church is built on lies, pretending to be moral authorities without any knowledge of the meaning of the words or subjects about which they are so dogmatic, what is true or false, right or wrong, good or evil.

And these actors and lying frauds actually want to rule the world... for Jesus of course. :ack-1:

Imagine that!
Preach on!!!!
That's one way to look at it. In the mean time, it's silly to waste much time pondering the existance of god or unicorns. Neither are worthwhile to even discuss, unless some pro-unicorn or pro-god busy body tries to foist their beliefs on others.
I understand some never find God. I was one who did seek and who did find. There is no need for me to ponder his existence, but I often do ponder His great love of us, those who have touched Him and those who for whatever reason(s) cannot seem to connect.

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