Zone1 Question for Evangelicals

It certainly alludes to there being a supernatural "force" (at the very least). Supernatural means something that is beyond our understanding - beyond the visible world of our universe"
Never said a god wasn't possible. Just that there isn't enough proof to convince me of a god.
they were the companion founding documents ...

to the - articles of confederation. your reactionary, pathetic attempt to instill servitude that failed.

including the reason for the - u s constitution, the federalist papers were at best ignored.
That's great if you actually live in a democracy.......its the basis for SOCIAL COMMUNISM. The United States of American is not a Democracy......its a Republic. The founder warned of the attempt to turn our Republic into a social democracy. Read the Federalist Papers........specifically No. 10, they were the companion founding documents that explained the content of the US constitution before it was ratified through State Representation.

Example of a Socialist Republic/democracy......the USSR. The only constitution where you will actually find the words, "Separation of Church and State" the FORMER (it collapsed like all historical socialist nations).......the constitution of the former USSR actually contains the wording that separates church and state. The US Constitution has never contained language.

Federalist No. 10 explains why Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1 is found in the US constitution. Article 4 guarantees a "REPUBLIAN GOVERNEMENT" at all levels of government. Not a political party as the Republican Party did not exist in the US until 1854........but the US is modeled after Republican Representation...where all the people/states have a voice, not just the heavily populated states.....such as exists within a Democracy.

Our founders stated that a democracy was not compatible with the rights of personal privacy and property......while history proves that every democracy ends in violent revolution. Fact: there have been over 10 revolutiond in Europe because of the quest for SOCIAL JUSTICE......while this nation has been governed by a Simple document that was formatted to adapt to change by the People, the US Constitution can only be changed by an amendment which can only be ratified by a super majority ratification vote of 75%.........again, Europe has suffered though 10 violent revolutions during the same time period this nation has been in existence.

The United States is a Republic.
If we were intended to use the federalist papers, they would be part of the constitution.
It certainly alludes to there being a supernatural "force" (at the very least). Supernatural means something that is beyond our understanding - something existing beyond the visible observable universe"
It means a fact that theists don’t want to acknowledge – that religion, ‘god,’ a ‘supernatural force’ are all creations of man.

Which goes to the point of the OP: the hypocrisy of Christians supporting Trump; indeed, the hypocrisy of any member of the Abrahamic religions supporting the likes of Trump, someone comprehensively immoral and corrupt, a hateful racist and bigot, someone who violates the most fundamental tenets of Christian dogma.
For example?
Orders to kill everyone but the women and children, who would become their property. When he told soldiers to "do as you will" to all those young girls, what do you think he had in mind?
For example?
There’s some 12,000 years’ worth of examples of the arbitrary, hateful, immoral doctrine and dogma the product of religion; religion is the bane of humankind.

An example of the immorality of Christian dogma today is the unwarranted hatred Christians have of gay and transgender Americans; Christians who seek to use the authority of the state to discriminate against and disadvantage those gay and transgender.

No, that’s not the practice of all Christians, but more than enough Christians do harbor such hate to indeed cause the needless suffering of the LGBTQIA community – transgender children in particular.
There’s some 12,000 years’ worth of examples of the arbitrary, hateful, immoral doctrine and dogma the product of religion; religion is the bane of humankind.

An example of the immorality of Christian dogma today is the unwarranted hatred Christians have of gay and transgender Americans; Christians who seek to use the authority of the state to discriminate against and disadvantage those gay and transgender.

No, that’s not the practice of all Christians, but more than enough Christians do harbor such hate to indeed cause the needless suffering of the LGBTQIA community – transgender children in particular.
Without the support of people claiming to be christian, we wouldn't have to deal with the Trump cult.
to the - articles of confederation. your reactionary, pathetic attempt to instill servitude that failed.

including the reason for the - u s constitution, the federalist papers were at best ignored.
FYI: The federalist papers and the Articles of Confederation are completely different historical records. The US Constitution, the document that replaced the articles of confederation, was promoted by the Federalist Papers. That whooshing sound? That's the wind passing through the vacancy between your ears. SCOTUS never uses the federalist papers? to establish precedent. :eek:

Yeah...........the States "never" ratified the Constitution because the federalist papers were ignored. What? Article 4, Section 4, Article 1 does not exist in the Constitution? When you did not know what the federalist papers surfed to Wiki and still did not comprehend the importance of men such as Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay's contribution in promoting the US Constitution to the states that would eventually ratify the constitution by a Super Majority ratification vote. Now you declare the Federalist Papers were spite of the fact that the constitution was ratified. LMAO Yep.....the federalist papers were ignored, the constitution was never ratified, that's just a rumor, another right wing conspiracy :abgg2q.jpg:

The more you pretend to be intelligent the more you expose your obvious ignorance. :popcorn: First you stated the US was a total historical ignorance, as do all leftists......then you ignore the fact that Article Four, Section Four, Clause One exists in the constitution self defining the US as a Representative Constitutional Republic.

Fact: If the federalist papers were ignored.......why does Article 4, Section 4, Clause one even exist?
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Orders to kill everyone but the women and children, who would become their property. When he told soldiers to "do as you will" to all those young girls, what do you think he had in mind?
What happened prior to this? The Israelites had been given the command to stay apart and don't interact with these others during their time in the desert. The Israelites did not remain faithful to this command. They interacted with the people around them, began having sexual relations with the women, and then began worshiping their idols. There was an incident where one of the Israeli males brought a non-Jewish women into the Tabernacle and had sexual relations with her in front of the Tabernacle.

What the story is telling us that even a population God chose to set apart from others, to follow God's ways and discipline couldn't do it. They pretty much embraced every temptation that came their way.

The Command was to remove every temptation present, because if they did not, they would become thorns and pricks in their sides. Abolish even little temptations less they gain control. If the temptation were women, get rid of them. If the temptation were parties in front of other idols, get rid of them. Anything they ignored getting rid of was going to come back and bite them.

Consider the choices facing the world: A world where children were sacrificed to idols and sexual immorality. A people being trained and disciplined into following a better way of life, but these people could not resist what was before them.

Think about it. Should some contamination be tolerated in food and drinking water? If a cancer is growing, don't we tolerate some good cells being removed in order to get to the cancerous ones.

God was working with us in reshaping civilization,--the entire people-- by starting with a small group. What were the Israelites saying time and again? "Let's go back to Egypt and remain slaves. At least we had melons to eat in Egypt." Imagine giving freedom a backseat to melons.

Scripture tells us God did not take pleasure in eliminating those who were tempting the Israelites. There was no choice, not if civilization were to change.
What happened prior to this? The Israelites had been given the command to stay apart and don't interact with these others during their time in the desert. The Israelites did not remain faithful to this command. They interacted with the people around them, began having sexual relations with the women, and then began worshiping their idols. There was an incident where one of the Israeli males brought a non-Jewish women into the Tabernacle and had sexual relations with her in front of the Tabernacle.

What the story is telling us that even a population God chose to set apart from others, to follow God's ways and discipline couldn't do it. They pretty much embraced every temptation that came their way.

The Command was to remove every temptation present, because if they did not, they would become thorns and pricks in their sides. Abolish even little temptations less they gain control. If the temptation were women, get rid of them. If the temptation were parties in front of other idols, get rid of them. Anything they ignored getting rid of was going to come back and bite them.

Consider the choices facing the world: A world where children were sacrificed to idols and sexual immorality. A people being trained and disciplined into following a better way of life, but these people could not resist what was before them.

Think about it. Should some contamination be tolerated in food and drinking water? If a cancer is growing, don't we tolerate some good cells being removed in order to get to the cancerous ones.

God was working with us in reshaping civilization,--the entire people-- by starting with a small group. What were the Israelites saying time and again? "Let's go back to Egypt and remain slaves. At least we had melons to eat in Egypt." Imagine giving freedom a backseat to melons.

Scripture tells us God did not take pleasure in eliminating those who were tempting the Israelites. There was no choice, not if civilization were to change.
Got it. Kinda like the mother who told her childs teacher "If little Jimmy is acting up, then hit the kid next to him. That might scare him into behaving. Your explanation is even more reason to be disgusted with the behavior of the god in the bible. What about all those first born that were ordered to die? Exactly what did those babies do to deserve death?
Thanks for your response. From your post, it is clear that the traditional christian beliefs mean nothng to you anyway.

Living in Florida I have run across my share of obnoxious arrogant egotistical New Yorkers like Trump. However, some of them are very good at what they do. Just like Trump was a great President. The best of modern times.

Unlike this Potatohead obnoxious arrogant egotistical piece of shit that lies every time he opens his mouth, is a pedophile, who sexually molested his own daughter, who has stolen valor for his asshole son, who has sold out his country to get filthy rich. who is demented to the point of needing to be institutionalized and who is absolutely an incompetent worthless and stupid asshole that has done great damage to this country.

Only idiots voted for him.
No you don't.

The story is not about God and what He should do. It is about us and what is expected of us and the temptations we face. Who/what is being destroyed in order that we have a chance to thrive? What must be destroyed in us for others to survive? Survey the destruction. Ask, what can be done better to avoid such destruction.

Some who read the Bible are horrified by a horrible story and hastily point a finger at God, accusing/exclaiming, "Look what God did!" Study the three fingers pointing back to mankind. Try taking a closer look at what we did or did not do.

What are today's idols? Who are killing today's children--and why.
Living in Florida I have run across my share of obnoxious arrogant egotistical New Yorkers like Trump. However, some of them are very good at what they do. Just like Trump was a great President. The best of modern times.

Unlike this Potatohead obnoxious arrogant egotistical piece of shit that lies every time he opens his mouth, is a pedophile, who sexually molested his own daughter, who has stolen valor for his asshole son, who has sold out his country to get filthy rich. who is demented to the point of needing to be institutionalized and who is absolutely an incompetent worthless and stupid asshole that has done great damage to this country.

Only idiots voted for him.
Again, post often.
No you don't.

The story is not about God and what He should do. It is about us and what is expected of us and the temptations we face. Who/what is being destroyed in order that we have a chance to thrive? What must be destroyed in us for others to survive? Survey the destruction. Ask, what can be done better to avoid such destruction.

Some who read the Bible are horrified by a horrible story and hastily point a finger at God, accusing/exclaiming, "Look what God did!" Study the three fingers pointing back to mankind. Try taking a closer look at what we did or did not do.

What are today's idols? Who are killing today's children--and why.
God said to kill them all, except for the women and children, and you can do what you will with them, so yes, it's a little bit about god. Fingers pointing back? I never told anybody to kill innocnt babies, and then they could rape the little girls. You really should look at what the god in the bible has done. He can be a bit of a dick at times.
No one is perfect, and we all sin. God has even been known to use men with some flaws to do great things, but there are seven sins that God points out that he specifically hates, and are an abomination to him. These sins are specifically pointed out. In proverbs 6:12-15, Solomon talks about a wicked man who is

A worthless person, a wicked man, Walks with a perverse mouth; He winks with his eyes, He shuffles his feet, He points with his fingers; Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord. Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy.

Starting in verse 16, he lists the seven sins that that worthless person practices and that God specifically hates.

1. A proud look. Arrogance. A sense that he is better than others.
2. A lying tongue.
3. Hands that shed innocent blood. Refusing to act to save innocent lives when
you know the danger is eminent.
4. A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations.
5. Feet that be swift in running to mischief.
6. A false witness that speaketh lies.
7. He that seweth discord among the brethren.

Knowing that trump has repeatedly been shown to exemplify all the above listed abominations to God,
how can evangelicals, or any person who claims to love God support such a man for the leader of our country? Especially in the light of him recently calling Iowa evangelicals “so called Christians” and “pieces of shit”
This is as accurate a description of democrats as I have ever seen. Including lying yet again about Trump.

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