Zone1 Question for Evangelicals

God said to kill them all, except for the women and children, and you can do what you will with them, so yes, it's a little bit about god. Fingers pointing back? I never told anybody to kill innocnt babies, and then they could rape the little girls. You really should look at what the god in the bible has done.
Then, let the cancer spread?
Then, let the cancer spread?
What kind of god do you worship that requires you to make absurd remarks like that to defend him? You claim he won't even make it clear that he exists because of something to do with free will, but he will kill innocent people to remove the chances of making poor choices. 15 minutes of your excuses for his vile hateful behavior would convince any rational person that your god is not worthy of following.
flash admits their inner self ... sure, out of context - does resonate though - the beginning and end of your post.
So your reading comprehension is so piss poor you didn't understand that the middle of the post was all about the incompentence and corruption of Mr. Potatohead?

What I don't understand about you Moon Bats is that you love Queer Barry more than life itself and he told you what a fuck up Potatohead has always been but you ignored him. You listened to the worthless Negro sonofabitch about everything else why didn't you listen when he told you what a piece of shit Potatohead was?

That fits it with your Moon Bat lack of comprehension, right?
What kind of god do you worship that requires you to make absurd remarks like that to defend him? You claim he won't even make it clear that he exists because of something to do with free will, but he will kill innocent people to remove the chances of making poor choices. 15 minutes of your excuses for his vile hateful behavior would convince any rational person that your god is not worthy of following.
Some are satisfied with seeing God as cruel villain. What interested me was the intent of the author in setting down the story (years after the event) the way that they did. Go back to the original language. Go back to the lesson they wished to teach. Take into account the authors assigned to God emotions/actions that expressed and clearly reflected what the people were doing wrong.

Easier, more self-satisfying, and virtuous to blame God? That way the people don't have to look too closely at their own behavior, their own responsibilities. And they miss an amazing story.
Religious forums are also for pointing out of the faults, failings, fallacies, and hypocrisy of theists.
Critical theory at it's finest, eh? Criticizing what you don't believe to arrive at what you do believe. I can't think of a more logical and uplifting way to go through life. :rolleyes:

But let's put that aside for a minute... congratulations on proving human beings are flawed. What an astute observation, Captain Obvious. How in the world did you ever discover that gem of wisdom?

So everyone is flawed, has faults, failings, fallacies and hypocrisy but only Christians are deserving of having that spotlighted?

No requirement to read any storie to see the demands made by religious extremists.
Actually there is always an obligation to be objective. You can't take what someone else says something is and then parade it around like that's what it is without doing your own due diligence. At least not without expecting someone who has done their due diligence calling you out for reading those accounts like a buffoon.

The fact that those accounts were passed down orally for thousands of years and are still relevant today should have been your first clue that there might just be something there. You on the other hand - and everything you have done or said - will be forgotten one week after you are dead.
Religion is religion; being free from religion isn’t.
If you behave like it is a religion then it is a religion. Isn't your goal to promote atheism? Isn't that why you find it necessary to criticize Christians for being flawed human beings?
God said to kill them all, except for the women and children, and you can do what you will with them
Did God actually say that or was that Jewish embellishment that wasn't the central theme of the account?
So your reading comprehension is so piss poor you didn't understand that the middle of the post was all about the incompentence and corruption of Mr. Potatohead?

of course, how could one not interpret your callous intent - it was the full, subliminal message that caught my attention - and its proper conclusion in regards to the opening sentence - about fatty.

joe with all his faults is going to crush trump - and reduce his jail cell and exercise time as related to a rat - in gratitude to help him become a better person.
of course, how could one not interpret your callous intent - it was the full, subliminal message that caught my attention - and its proper conclusion in regards to the opening sentence - about fatty.

joe with all his faults is going to crush trump - and reduce his jail cell and exercise time as related to a rat - in gratitude to help him become a better person.

Potatohead need to be ridiculed. He is the worst President this country ever had. Even worse than Jimmy Carter or Queer Barry. An absolute disaster.
Some are satisfied with seeing God as cruel villain. What interested me was the intent of the author in setting down the story (years after the event) the way that they did. Go back to the original language. Go back to the lesson they wished to teach. Take into account the authors assigned to God emotions/actions that expressed and clearly reflected what the people were doing wrong.

Easier, more self-satisfying, and virtuous to blame God? That way the people don't have to look too closely at their own behavior, their own responsibilities. And they miss an amazing story.
It's not a competition. One vile act isn't minimized by something someone else did. That would put god on the same level as everyone else. Seems that's the level of your god.
It's not a competition. One vile act isn't minimized by something someone else did. That would put god on the same level as everyone else. Seems that's the level of your god.
That response is most likely an example of the number one reason people of the Jewish faith don't often bother to discuss their scriptures with Christians and atheists. It is truly like insisting someone explain football by only using musical notes.

You haven't a clue, but if that satisfies, so be it.
You are reading it like a buffoon. Do you believe George Washington chopped down a cherry tree too?
So which parts of the bible are true, and which parts can be ignored? How can you tell the difference?
of course, how could one not interpret your callous intent - it was the full, subliminal message that caught my attention - and its proper conclusion in regards to the opening sentence - about fatty.

joe with all his faults is going to crush trump - and reduce his jail cell and exercise time as related to a rat - in gratitude to help him become a better person.
Another prediction from the intelligent "sock puppet"..........who is just to "quick witted" for the entire board. He is chased around the board by wisdom........but, sock is always just to quick for wisdom to catch him. :abgg2q.jpg:
So which parts of the bible are true, and which parts can be ignored? How can you tell the difference?
Everything in the Bible is true. It would be up to you to prove that the bible is not true via the use of objective facts such as Applied Science (actual science..not theory).......or History Actual with testable, reproducible facts in evidence. Fact: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Its not "I"........nor anyone's duty to prove to you the faith within themselves........its up to you to prove why this faith is not in YOU. Its your bed.......sleep in it.

Go ahead........prosecute your case. Do not declare that the Bible needs to prove your do most secular types who have the mule attempting to push the plow, its the prosecutor that must prove the defendant guilty, not the inverse.

However....I will enlighten you as to why I believe the scriptures are the true revelations from the God of Creation. 1. Over the last thousands of years of human history........the Bible has influenced all the civilized nations on earth in one way or another. Laws, Customs, and entire cultures are constructed around the content of the Holy Bible. History has proven that historical nations on earth have fallen based upon the prophecies found in the Bible.

2. The Holy Bible.......since translated into 3500 different languages around the world (Gutenberg).....550 years ago..........the Bible is the best selling piece of literature in world history. If the God of Creation where to reveal His will to mankind through inspired writing.........would He not make the writings........the best in world history?

3. Over the years.......some people's faith in the Bible has been so great that they have faced death and or prison for upholding the content of the Bible as truth..........this practice is still going on in some communist nations around the world (China....etc.) People are being jailed or worse because they refuse to denounce Christianity. Its beginning here in the States.......faithful Christians are being threatened with prison because they refuse to denounce their faith while working in their own PRIVATE business. Which is more than hypocritical from the left. Club owners can refuse service to anyone they please under the pretense that a membership is required.....etc.

Christians are defenders of the FAITH. One simple passage can address just how a Christian can defend his/her faith.

The Apostles declared to the members of the infant Christian Church, ".........but we speak God's wisdom in a mystery (to those who don't believe, implied), a hidden wisdom, which God predetermined before the ages to our glory; THE WISDOM WHICH NONE OF THE RULERS OF THIS AGE HAVE UNDERSTOOD; for if they had understood, they would not have crucified the LORD OF GLORY; but, just as it is written (O.T. prophesies), "Things which eye has not seen, or ear has not heard, and which have entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him". For to us (the apostles) God has revealed them through the Holy Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of man except the spirit of man (the mind), which is in him? EVEN SO THE THOUGHTS OF GOD NO ONE KNOWS EXCEPT THE SPIRIT OF GOD (who inspired and revealed all the holy scriptures, that are to be used for Doctrine, Correction, Teaching making the man complete in comprehending the will/mind of God-- 2 Tim. 3:16-17), follows

Now we (the apostles) received, not the spirit of the world (secularism), but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words." -- 1 Cor 2:7-13

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