Zone1 Question for Evangelicals

I guess we just wait and watch people abandon religion in droves.
Its been a long time coming....

"this beast, the one you cry about in fear,
allows no soul to succeed along her path,
she blocks his way and puts an end to him.
She is by nature so perverse and vicious,
her craving belly is never satisfied,
still hungering for food the more she eats.
She mates with many creatures, and will go on
mating with more until the greyhound comes
and tracks her down to make her die in anguish.
He will not feed on either land or money:
his wisdom, love, and virtue shall sustain him;
he will be born between Feltro and Feltro.
He comes to save that fallen Italy
for which the maid Camilla gave her life
and Turnus, Nisus, Euryalus died of wounds.
And he will hunt for her through every city
until he drives her back to Hell once more,
whence Envy first unleashed her on mankind."

Dantes Inferno, Canto 1.100-11
Indeed. Filthy, unclean creatures with their noses always in someone else's crotch. Sniffing out sin, making a nuisance of themselves. Most are fuzzy thinkers

if possible - even worse ...

— The chair of Florida's Republican Party is denying a woman's allegation that he raped her in October. ..
Florida school board chair, Moms for Liberty co-founder, DeSantis ally. Florida Republican political circles were rocked last week when state GOP leader Christian Ziegler was accused of sexual assault against a woman with whom he and his wife Bridget had planned a three-way sexual encounter.

only the surface - his wife is the co-founder of - moms for liberty - the anti everything religious group that has removed books from libraries w/ reference to anything sexual.
if possible - even worse ...

only the surface - his wife is the co-founder of - moms for liberty - the anti everything religious group that has removed books from libraries w/ reference to anything sexual.
So unsurprising. I also noticed that the Evangelicals on this board spent most of their time thinking about homo stuff instead of Jesus. But mostly their problems stems from being stuck in the wrong religion. Turning the other cheek just isn't their thing.
I'm not sure what Washington could possibly have to do with an omnipotent god that demands praise to prevent eternal damnation. Washington was important, but no where near that important.
I'm not sure. You should have stopped right there
What I find extremely arrogant, if not outright stupid, is that the same people who know that humans can account for only 5% of the observable universe, also knowing that they do not know what or even where the rest of the of the universe is, :dunno: are so certain that the 'supernatural' is just an ignorant Stone Age delusional fantasy based on an irrational fear of the unknown... lol.
That is your understanding not mine!
Nope........I did not see that are projecting that I must prove your negative. LMAO the defendant is guilty until they prove their innocence? That's mighty FASCIST of you comrade. What? You just believe the scriptures are false........but can't prove it? Look up the word FAITH.

I have nothing to prove or disprove...........YOU on the other hand are making a charge. It's simple........prosecute your accusations. Disprove prove one passage from the Holy Scriptures through the Scientific Method of APPLYING SCIENCE (ending in facts based upon, Observation, Reproducible, and Consistent outcome of experimentation) philosophy dressed up like science that is based upon ideas that can't be factually proven via the application of the scientific method.

No theories, as theories are called theories for a reason.......they can't produce the scientific facts to prove they are physical laws of theory of radio carbon dating, no big bang theories that can produce the evidence that explains how the universe created itself from such theories do not comply with the laws of physics. No ideas about "mutli-verses".........which simply kicks the can down the road, and never proves how any of these supposed multiverses created themselves.....CIRCULAR LOGIC, i.e, a logical fallacy.

Or............proof through History Actually, i.e, recorded history that proves the Holy Bible has presented falsehoods. Anything past recorded history has no method of calibration........such as Radio Carbon dating....which assumes the rate of decay has been consistent throughout antiquity, when Science proves that simple water leeching can alter the false dates projected. FYI: Science proves that every inch of the earth has been under water at some point in history, as sea fossils are found atop the greatest mountain ranges on earth.

Radio Carbon dating is valid only through RECORDED HISTORY as a source of calibrating facts other than through some ASSUMED mathematical algorithm. Science proves that the entire universe is in a constant state of change, that would include the rate of radio active decay has varied greatly over the years.......there is no consistent source of calibration.

Its all circular logic. They date the content of the strata based upon the things found fossilized in the rock/dirt..........then they date the age of the fossil based upon the projected age of the strata. As I always state, "If someone digs up my grave a couple thousand years in the future..........I hope they don't conclude that I am as old as the dirt that contains my body."
You are guilty of not convincing me there is a god.
Paul claimed that Jesus made the law obsolete, a lie which contradicts what Jesus taught, and if believed and perpetuated, effectively disqualifies Jesus as the messiah to the Jewish people.
1. He did not say Jesus made the law obsolete, he said Gentile Christians shouldn't have the Law put on them. He himself was an observant Jew.
2. Jesus came to fulfill the Law. When you were in school, the teachers and staff were in control of your day. They told you when to eat, where to sit, when to play and what to wear, all things necessary to function in an orderly society. When you graduated from school, they no longer had any control over you. You were free to ignore them. Society, however, expected you to take what you learned from them and use it to function in society. You were to have learned how to dress appropriately, how to take your turn when many people wanted the same thing, how to address others politely, etc. They could no longer tell you when and what to eat, but you were expected to use what you learned. Thus, it is with the Law. It was given to demonstrate to man that no one is righteous. Jesus came to fulfill that and raise us to a new level of relationship with God.
Paul claimed that Jesus said he was God which, if believed and perpetuated, effectively makes him certifiably insane to the even the least intelligent person of every nation or whatever religion.
Jesus absolutely said He is God, several times in fact and the Jews attempted to kill Him because of it. His resurrecting Himself demonstrated once and for all that He is.
Paul set out to discredit Jesus and you "believers" perpetuate this evil. Just stop this shit already
Scripture citations, please. Not generalities, they don't fly.
conjecture with no facts? Pft
Yup, that's what I said.
I'm not sure what Washington could possibly have to do with an omnipotent god that demands praise to prevent eternal damnation. Washington was important, but no where near that important.
The point is don't confuse the embellishment for the point of the story.
What I find extremely arrogant, if not outright stupid, is that the same people who know that humans can account for only 5% of the observable universe, also knowing that they do not know what or even where the rest of the of the universe is, :dunno: are so certain that the 'supernatural' is just an ignorant Stone Age delusional fantasy based on an irrational fear of the unknown... lol.
What I find stupid is you making that leap in logic. It's slightly more complex and deep than that. Just enough to be beyond your grasp.
I'm not sure what Washington could possibly have to do with an omnipotent god that demands praise to prevent eternal damnation. Washington was important, but no where near that important.
The God of Creation does not demand anything except to "Worship in Spirit and TRUTH." -- John 4:24. God declares, He, ".....would have all men saved by coming to the knowledge of the truth." -- 1 Tim. 2:4-6.

That truth: You are free to live your life as you will.......but once you die, your body goes back to the dust from which it came and the Spirit/Soul returns to God, to judge as He will, you are His property whether you believe that fact or not. (Eccl. 12:17)

I would suspect that you do not condone TRUTH because you do not like to be judged...........its the same for all proponents of secularism. are endowed with free will at birth and are the master of your own faith/fate......or lack thereof, God forces no one to accept the Truth provided in the Holy Scriptures. Its clear that mankind can and does make free will decisions and God is made sorry or He was repentant that He made man on earth because, "the thoughts of men were continually evil......." -- Genesis 6:5-7

If mankind did not have free will..........God could have never been sorry that He created mankind. What would be the point if God can control your thoughts and actions? Why allow humanity to exist in the first place? The angels in heaven were created to serve Him.........not mankind. Man is made in the image of God. (Genesis 1:26-27). God is a spirit being that resides in the spiritual realm known as heaven by mankind (God is a Spirit -- John 4:24) however was made from the very elements common to the earth and this has a physical body, thus it could not be the Flesh of man that reflects the image of must be the Spirit of Man that reflects God's image as God breathed a spirit/soul and life into man (Genesis 2:7)

The scriptures are is like US....the know good and evil, meaning man has the freewill to make decisions/judgments based upon his/her own cognitive capacities. The scriptures declared, "The man has become as one of US (the godhead) know good from evil......." -- Genesis 3:22

You are FREE to direct your own life. If God DEMANDED you to do anything..........He, being God as you suggested in all His omnipotence, omniscience, and incapable of MAKING YOU WORSHIP HIM as a slave serves his master? That's some got there. You contradict whatever cognitive connection to reason and logic you might have........With your own words when logically comprehended. Clearly God does not make YOU serve Him......based upon your own thoughts against the Words of God......which proves that God makes you do nothing.
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You are guilty of not convincing me there is a god.
I have failed at nothing. You are guilty of not convincing ME that the Bible is incorrect. The scriptures remain unbroken as they have over the past 3500 years. Again........absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Secular fascists always attempt to make the mule push the plow. :popcorn: :deal: I believe, I have faith.........why should I attempt to convince you of anything? "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling......" -- Phil. 2:12 I simply defend the truth and the faith/hope that resides IN ME..........NOT YOU. (1 Peter 3:15)
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I guess we just wait and watch people abandon religion in droves.
Its been a long time coming....

"this beast, the one you cry about in fear,
allows no soul to succeed along her path,
she blocks his way and puts an end to him.
She is by nature so perverse and vicious,
her craving belly is never satisfied,
still hungering for food the more she eats.
She mates with many creatures, and will go on
mating with more until the greyhound comes
and tracks her down to make her die in anguish.
He will not feed on either land or money:
his wisdom, love, and virtue shall sustain him;
he will be born between Feltro and Feltro.
He comes to save that fallen Italy
for which the maid Camilla gave her life
and Turnus, Nisus, Euryalus died of wounds.
And he will hunt for her through every city
until he drives her back to Hell once more,
whence Envy first unleashed her on mankind."

Dantes Inferno, Canto 1.100-11
Haven't you guys learned anything from history?

cycle of nations.jpg
I have failed at nothing. You are guilty of not convincing ME that the Bible is incorrect. The scriptures remain unbroken as they have over the past 3500 years. Again........absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Secular fascists always attempt to make the mule push the plow. :popcorn: :deal: I believe, I have faith.........why should I attempt to convince you of anything? "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling......" -- Phil. 2:12 I simply defend the truth and the faith/hope that resides IN ME..........NOT YOU. (1 Peter 3:15)
Difference being I don't care if you believe the bible is correct or not. You are free to believe what you will. Your belief is none of my business. The rub comes when you try to impose your beliefs on others. At that point, I will make it known that I refuse to have my choices determined by your belief.
Common sense. It's not that hard to figure out.
Sure. So why is there a gazillion different flavors of Christianity when it's so easy to figure out the one true way. It's not that hard to figure out, is it?
Haven't you guys learned anything from history?

We used to believe in an uncountable number of gods.

Then the number grew smaller. Eventually, it got down to the thousands.

Then, It got down to a few hundred. Then, to one.

It seems to me history shows we are getting closer to the truth every day! It has been a pretty long and arduous process.

(watch as people leave religion in droves)

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