Zone1 Question for Evangelicals

I have studied the Bible, and it increased my faith. I've taught the Bible. But, like I said, how far have you taken it with God? Have you just laid it all out there and asked your questions? I'm talking one on one, just told Him exactly what you think.
I told you I was a devout christian. Of course I did.
I'm not trying to convince you. Be miserable.

It's not my job to convince you. My job is to counter you.
OK I see no reason to believe a god exists, and I will oppose efforts to define society based on the premise that it's what a god might want. Counter that.
OK I see no reason to believe a god exists, and I will oppose efforts to define society based on the premise that it's what a god might want. Counter that.
Why? I couldn't give a shit. Never have. Never will.

When you say something I need to counter, I'll let you know.
I couldn't be happier for you to be godless your whole life and to watch you voice your displeasure for those that aren't.
Nah, if it makes them happy, I am happy for them. It seems to make you pretty miserable, though.
Of course, I've read about them. What is your point?
According to the childrens story Satan beguiled Adam and Eve into defying the command of God to not eat the forbidden fruit knowing the consequence was death. The lie was that one can defy the instruction of God, the law of cause and effect, and not die but instead will become like God.

In the same way you already know that the consequence for sin is death yet some bastard, A TALKING SERPENT, told you that you could defy the law of God and sin by worshipping a man, celebrating his torture and death as a perfect human sacrifice to God, mislead others to do the same, and you will not die but instead will receive eternal life and rule the world, for Jesus, lol...

And you ate it up. I am sure that Jesus is very impressed with your love and devotion. I Am.

Damn. Are you really that oblivious to how reprehensible it is to agree that an innocent man suffered and died as a human sacrifice because you sinned, jerked off, and went blind? Damn.

And you doubt me when I tell you that you died as a consequence and descended into hell?

You know, for someone who claims Paul disagreed with Jesus all over the place, you have yet to show me where he does.

No, its that you are blind and cannot see the obvious in spite of all your blubbering about Jesus

Listen, you stated your position and I stated mine. You can go on perjuring yourself in the name of God, desecrating the words and teaching of Jesus, imagining that idolatry is the way to eternal life, celebrate human sacrifice, and mislead others to do the same without compunction.

And I'll continue to do what I am doing....

But answer this, how do you expect to escape the condemnation of the hell you are already in?
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According to the childrens story Satan beguiled Adam and Eve into defying the command of God to not eat the forbidden fruit knowing the consequence was death. The lie was that one can defy the instruction of God, the law of cause and effect, and not die but instead will become like God.

In the same way you already know that the consequence for sin is death yet some bastard, A TALKING SERPENT, told you that you could defy the law of God and sin by worshipping a man, celebrating his torture and death as a perfect human sacrifice to God, mislead others to do the same, and you will not die but instead will receive eternal life and rule the world, for Jesus, lol...

And you ate it up. I am sure that Jesus is very impressed with your love and devotion. I Am.

Damn. Are you really that oblivious to how reprehensible it is to agree that an innocent man suffered and died as a human sacrifice because you sinned, jerked off, and went blind? Damn.

And you doubt me when I tell you that you died as a consequence and descended into hell?

No, its that you are blind and cannot see the obvious in spite of all your blubbering about Jesus

Listen, you stated your position and I stated mine. You can go on perjuring yourself in the name of God, desecrating the words and teaching of Jesus, imagining that idolatry is the way to eternal life, celebrate human sacrifice, and mislead others to do the same without compunction.

And I'll continue to do what I am doing....

But answer this, how do you expect to escape the condemnation of the hell you are already in?
When you attempt to make the argument about me instead of the point, you lose before you even begin. It is truly the most glaring sign of weakness in an argument.
all in the heavens are equal ... purity has no other standard.

Do you believe that God is the only source of all intelligent life? If so then you are wrong because any being in heaven whose source of existence is God cannot be God much less equal to God.

This is an irrefutable truth, whether or not anyone believes in God, whether or not God exists.
When you attempt to make the argument about me instead of the point, you lose before you even begin. It is truly the most glaring sign of weakness in an argument.
You claimed that Paul never contradicted Jesus. Then I cited Matthew 5 17-20 which clearly shows that Jesus said the law would remain in full force for as long as heaven and earth endure. Then I showed you a quote from a letter of PAUL where he claimed the law was made obsolete by Jesus, a contradiction, and you act like that never happened and so your blindness became a thing of interest, the point being you are dead as a consequence of your sin of idolatry, and misleading others to do the same which amounts to murder, just like "satan was a murderer from the beginning", a reference to the talking serpent in Eden who literally never killed anyone......

This is no argument. I have shown where right and wrong and judgment lie. Your inability to accept the truth only serves to prove that Jesus was right about the Law remaining in full force.

And that Paul was a liar whose vile and loathsome flesh defiles and contaminates the mind.

Thanks for generously demonstrating in full view of everyone here the wisdom of God in giving the Law and the terrifying and deeply disturbing consequence for setting that instruction aside

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You claimed that Paul never contradicted Jesus. Then I cited Matthew 5 17-20 which clearly shows that Jesus said the law would remain in full force for as long as heaven and earth endure. Then I showed you a quote from a letter of PAUL where he claimed the law was made obsolete by Jesus, a contradiction, and you act like that never happened and so your blindness became a thing of interest, the point being you are dead as a consequence of your sin of idolatry, and misleading others to do the same which amounts to murder, just like "satan was a murderer from the beginning", a reference to the talking serpent in Eden who literally never killed anyone......
I dealt with that. You chose to not acknowledge that I did. Paul was talking about the COVENANT, not the law. The law is still there, though its purpose is fulfilled.
This is no argument. I have shown where right and wrong and judgment lie. Your inability to accept the truth only serves to prove that Jesus was right about the Law remaining in full force.

And that Paul was a liar whose vile and loathsome flesh defiles and contaminates the mind.
Except you can't find any lies he told. Of course, you could always just insist anything he said that you don't like is a lie, but that's pretty lame.
I dealt with that. You chose to not acknowledge that I did. Paul was talking about the COVENANT, not the law. The law is still there, though its purpose is fulfilled.
The purpose of the law is to teach the inhabitants of the earth how to keep their minds kosher, sane, by standing guard over the purity of their minds and differentiating between good and evil thoughts which directly affect behavior and the perception and the quality of their lives on earth

Obviously this purpose has not yet been fulfilled or you and billions of other unfortunate lost souls would not be brazenly perpetuating lies, oblivious to the consequences of doing so.
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Except you can't find any lies he told.

Paul contradicted Jesus on both the permanence of the Law by preaching a new covenant, no law, and the subjects of the Law by condemning the variety of human sexuality according to the same exact perverse literal interpretation of the Divine commands that Jesus died opposing.

His homophobic rancor is proof. The Law never was about food, clothes, or sexual preferences.

If you think it is about sex, like Paul, you have never seen and don't know either Jesus or his God
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The purpose of the law is to teach the inhabitants of the earth how to keep their minds kosher, sane, by standing guard over the purity of their minds and differentiating between good and evil thoughts which directly affect behavior and the perception and the quality of their lives on earth
Where do you find that in Scripture? While you're looking for it, here is some Scripture that helps explain why the Law was given.

Galatians 3
16 Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, “And to your Seed,” who is Christ. 17 And this I say, that the law, which was four hundred and thirty years later, cannot annul the covenant that was confirmed before by God [e]in Christ, that it should make the promise of no effect. 18 For if the inheritance is of the law, it is no longer of promise; but God gave it to Abraham by promise.

Wait, did it just say that the Law and the Covenant are not the same thing, which agrees with me and contradicts you? Back to Scripture.

19 What purpose then does the law serve? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was appointed through angels by the hand of a mediator. 20 Now a mediator does not mediate for one only, but God is one.

21 Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not! For if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by the law. 22 But the Scripture has confined all under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. 23 But before faith came, we were kept under guard by the law, [f]kept for the faith which would afterward be revealed. 24 Therefore the law was our [g]tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.

Hmmm, sounds a lot like what I was saying about the law is a lot like being in school. After you graduate, the teacher can't make you sit in class anymore, but you're expected to behave according to what you were taught.

Obviously this purpose has not yet been fulfilled or you and billions of other unfortunate lost souls would not be brazenly perpetuating lies, oblivious to the consequences of doing so.
Tsk, tsk, still trying to divert away from the topic and talk about me. You're getting weaker by the moment the longer you try to do that.

Paul contradicted Jesus on both the permanence of the Law by preaching a new covenant, no law, and the subjects of the Law by condemning the variety of human sexuality according to the same exact perverse literal interpretation of the Divine commands that Jesus died opposing.
Paul never abolished the Law. It's still there (and as a Jew he observed it). Christians today don't live under it anymore because we have a new Covenant made directly with God. Those who attempt to live under the Law will be judged and condemned by it.
His homophobic rancor is proof. The Law never was about food, clothes, or sexual preferences.
Ah, now the real motivation comes out. Actually, the Law really did spell out what the Jews were supposed to wear, what they were supposed to eat and not eat, and who they were supposed to have sexual relations with and who to avoid.
If you think it is about sex, like Paul, you have never seen and don't know either Jesus or his God
If I think what is about sex? That's just one aspect of life. And remember, cite actual Scripture.
Do you believe that God is the only source of all intelligent life? If so then you are wrong because any being in heaven whose source of existence is God cannot be God much less equal to God.

This is an irrefutable truth, whether or not anyone believes in God, whether or not God exists.

they become equal through the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as is the heavenly prescription for judgement and admission to the everlasting.

the goal of a&e and all living beings who so desire their own self determination when accomplished by judgement - admission to the everlasting.

triumph in purity, one or the other is determined before admission. all are equal.

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