Question for everyone: Should the United States have open borders?

Open Borders - Yes Or No

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If they're lying about the reason, they are breaking the law, and almost all of them are lying about the reason. They want access to our weflare and good jobs. They aren't being persecuted in their home countries any more than the rest of the population.
Can you prove that claim that all or most are lying?

No, he can't prove it.
Such is life.

You fail to understand a lot of things because you arent that bright. Immigrants are the life blood of this country.
Horseshit. Immigrants from South of the Border have done virtually nothing for this country.
Well we all know you arent very bright so I am not really interested in your opinion. I need some proof of that statement.
vitually everything you know is wrong. I have proved it hundreds of times, like your claim that Egyptians are black people.
Thats not proof at all that immigrants from south of the border have done virtually nothing for this country.
I haven't tried to prove it. It's a self evident fact. Can you name anything significant that immigrants from Central America have done for this country? Of course you can't.
Well you should have tried. Like I said before you have already proven to be the weak link intellectually here so you need some sources other than yourself.
If we didn't let people seek asylum or get away from bad situations to come here, you would not be here now. That is the essence of America and what you believe is un American.

But there is a difference. Now, there are fresh water shortages all over the world, have been for 30 years. The two demographics most rapidly "expanding" because they keep having big families are the same two demographics immigrating to whatever country takes them. It is their fault that their countries are overpopulated. Letting them in here just guarantees the US will suffer the same fate.

Shut the doors.

The planet is overpopulated now.
If we didn't let people seek asylum or get away from bad situations to come here, you would not be here now. That is the essence of America and what you believe is un American.

But there is a difference. Now, there are fresh water shortages all over the world, have been for 30 years. The two demographics most rapidly "expanding" because they keep having big families are the same two demographics immigrating to whatever country takes them. It is their fault that their countries are overpopulated. Letting them in here just guarantees the US will suffer the same fate.

Shut the doors.

The planet is overpopulated now.
Fresh water shortages? Wonder what sequence of events participated that? Could this be karma?
Wonder what sequence of events participated that?

Fresh water shortages were long ago predicted as the first sign of planetary overpopulation.

Too many humans are consuming too much of nature's water. The result is starvation of plants and animals, and big fires. Keep upping the human consumption and the next level is catastrophic.
Wonder what sequence of events participated that?

Fresh water shortages were long ago predicted as the first sign of planetary overpopulation.

Too many humans are consuming too much of nature's water. The result is starvation of plants and animals, and big fires. Keep upping the human consumption and the next level is catastrophic.
So you dont think western countries fucking around in other parts of the world have poisoned their water supplies?
California and Florida have had fresh water shortage issues for decades.

I guess I didn't attend the class you did taught by Bill Ayers....
You retarded recessive monkey. I never said I was for open borders.
You sure as hell did. Allow me to quote:

"Thats what all means. It means everyone. That way people are not let in at the discretion of whatever whim is used to define someone as legal or illegal."

If everyone is legal, then how are we controlling the border?
Where in that quote do you see the word "open" or "borders"? I know you flunked out in 3rd grade but you should have done self study by now. There is this word called context. Please look up the definition and apply it to my quoted words.
When you imply everyone should be legal, you are implying that we should have open borders. You can't have one without the other.
No one is for open borders, super duper dupes... The GOP has another planet, pretty damn scary... Big lies.
Wrong. You're for open borders. You admit it all the time.
Actually, super dingbat dupe, I am 4 ending illegal immigration immediately with a SS ID card that cannot be faked, the only solution, with tough enforcement. And amnesty 4 Worthy immigrants who are very important 2 our economy. You are a brainwashed functional moron. The GOP appears to want this mess to go on forever....
Bologna, super duper. C 2010 Democratic Bill. No no one is for open borders, super dope.

What the hell are you smoking? Show me where I said anyone is for open borders...
On the other hand Democrats can certainly do strict, just not cruel or stupid.
Your Messiah deported more than Trump has.
But Trump has separated more families for no reason, that's the stupid and cruel part. Pass the 2010 democratic immigration bill with SS ID card and end illegal immigration, Dunces.
You are wrong AGAIN.

Read this editorial from The Old "liberal" Grey Lady....
Mr. Obama’s Dubious Detention Centers
By The Editorial Board
  • July 18, 2016
And the centers stand on dubious legal ground. Last year, a district judge ruled that the administration was violating a 1997 court-ordered settlement, called the Flores agreement, that governs the treatment of underage migrants who seek asylum or enter the country illegally. The judge said the children were being held for too long, and ordered the administration to release them as quickly as possible to the care of relatives or other guardians as their cases move through the immigration courts.

The administration appealed, saying that the agreement applied only to children who had crossed the border alone, not those who were accompanied by parents or other adult relatives. On July 6, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit disagreed, upholding the district ruling that Flores covers all children, accompanied or not. But it said the administration could still detain their parents.
Opinion | Mr. Obama’s Dubious Detention Centers
Bologna, super duper. C 2010 Democratic Bill. No no one is for open borders, super dope.

What the hell are you smoking? Show me where I said anyone is for open borders...
On the other hand Democrats can certainly do strict, just not cruel or stupid.
Your Messiah deported more than Trump has.
But Trump has separated more families for no reason, that's the stupid and cruel part. Pass the 2010 democratic immigration bill with SS ID card and end illegal immigration, Dunces.
You are wrong AGAIN.

Read this editorial from The Old "liberal" Grey Lady....
Mr. Obama’s Dubious Detention Centers
By The Editorial Board
  • July 18, 2016
And the centers stand on dubious legal ground. Last year, a district judge ruled that the administration was violating a 1997 court-ordered settlement, called the Flores agreement, that governs the treatment of underage migrants who seek asylum or enter the country illegally. The judge said the children were being held for too long, and ordered the administration to release them as quickly as possible to the care of relatives or other guardians as their cases move through the immigration courts.

The administration appealed, saying that the agreement applied only to children who had crossed the border alone, not those who were accompanied by parents or other adult relatives. On July 6, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit disagreed, upholding the district ruling that Flores covers all children, accompanied or not. But it said the administration could still detain their parents.
Opinion | Mr. Obama’s Dubious Detention Centers
Nothing there relevant... Very very rare under Obama
Can you prove that claim that all or most are lying?

No, he can't prove it.
Horseshit. Immigrants from South of the Border have done virtually nothing for this country.
Well we all know you arent very bright so I am not really interested in your opinion. I need some proof of that statement.
vitually everything you know is wrong. I have proved it hundreds of times, like your claim that Egyptians are black people.
Thats not proof at all that immigrants from south of the border have done virtually nothing for this country.
I haven't tried to prove it. It's a self evident fact. Can you name anything significant that immigrants from Central America have done for this country? Of course you can't.
Well you should have tried. Like I said before you have already proven to be the weak link intellectually here so you need some sources other than yourself.
Right. So says the idiot who claims Egyptians were black and that blacks invented calculus.
Wonder what sequence of events participated that?

Fresh water shortages were long ago predicted as the first sign of planetary overpopulation.

Too many humans are consuming too much of nature's water. The result is starvation of plants and animals, and big fires. Keep upping the human consumption and the next level is catastrophic.
So you dont think western countries fucking around in other parts of the world have poisoned their water supplies?
Wonder what sequence of events participated that?

Fresh water shortages were long ago predicted as the first sign of planetary overpopulation.

Too many humans are consuming too much of nature's water. The result is starvation of plants and animals, and big fires. Keep upping the human consumption and the next level is catastrophic.
Most fresh water is used for agriculture.
You sure as hell did. Allow me to quote:

"Thats what all means. It means everyone. That way people are not let in at the discretion of whatever whim is used to define someone as legal or illegal."

If everyone is legal, then how are we controlling the border?
Where in that quote do you see the word "open" or "borders"? I know you flunked out in 3rd grade but you should have done self study by now. There is this word called context. Please look up the definition and apply it to my quoted words.
When you imply everyone should be legal, you are implying that we should have open borders. You can't have one without the other.
No one is for open borders, super duper dupes... The GOP has another planet, pretty damn scary... Big lies.
Wrong. You're for open borders. You admit it all the time.
Actually, super dingbat dupe, I am 4 ending illegal immigration immediately with a SS ID card that cannot be faked, the only solution, with tough enforcement. And amnesty 4 Worthy immigrants who are very important 2 our economy. You are a brainwashed functional moron. The GOP appears to want this mess to go on forever....
In other words, you're for open borders. There will never be tough enforcement of employer sanctions. If you support your moronic I.D., then why not support E verify? Of course, your filthy party supports neither of these. You can't name a single enforcement measure they support. Voting Democrat means you support open-borders. It's as simple as that.
Question for everyone: Should the United States have open borders?

Of course not. Why do right wingers always ask such stupid questions.

They are the most binary people on earth. To them, everything and I mean everything is either this or that. One or the other. With only two choices for everything, no wonder they have no problem solving skills.
Normal people understand, but right wingers will answer that there are only two possible answers to everything.
It is either open borders or torturing young children

There are no other options
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Where in that quote do you see the word "open" or "borders"? I know you flunked out in 3rd grade but you should have done self study by now. There is this word called context. Please look up the definition and apply it to my quoted words.
When you imply everyone should be legal, you are implying that we should have open borders. You can't have one without the other.
No one is for open borders, super duper dupes... The GOP has another planet, pretty damn scary... Big lies.
Wrong. You're for open borders. You admit it all the time.
Actually, super dingbat dupe, I am 4 ending illegal immigration immediately with a SS ID card that cannot be faked, the only solution, with tough enforcement. And amnesty 4 Worthy immigrants who are very important 2 our economy. You are a brainwashed functional moron. The GOP appears to want this mess to go on forever....
In other words, you're for open borders. There will never be tough enforcement of employer sanctions. If you support your moronic I.D., then why not support E verify? Of course, your filthy party supports neither of these. You can't name a single enforcement measure they support. Voting Democrat means you support open-borders. It's as simple as that.
The GOP will never do anything good... The Democrats support an ID card, they support E verify, they support anything but stupidity and cruelty.
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The left is going full in on completely open borders and abolition of all border enforcement.
Actually your president and your propaganda machine have Full out big lie. You and your party are a disgrace bought and owned by greedy scumbag billionaires...
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Sure we are bad and disgusting people. Specially I. I am a German with Jewish ancestors. And I love Germany - and I never did not love our football team too ... latest since 2006, which was the best year since World War 2 in Germany. They are now in Russia. Good luck, guys. And I guess nearly nothing would be for me personally more painful then to have to drive to the USA. No safety in your country. Every idiot has weapons. For sure one of them would kill an asshole like me.

Mexico beat Germany ... :thup:

And the USA was not under the first 32 nations of the world: "US-America absent". Your favorite game seems to be "trade war" - a kind of monopoly with the rule "USA wins and the winner takes it all."

Of course it is our favorite game because it is one of the tools in providing opportunities for people to "play" soccer and all the other little kids' sports.
Adults have to take care of kids it appears and if it means the USA taking care of the rest of the world while the rest of the world plays ... so be it.

Windbag. The new doctrine "The world for the US-Americans" (America first) will help the world as less as the Monroe doctrine ("America for the US-Americans") helped and helps America. A real isolationism would force your nation to bring all soldiers of the USA home again. Trump is not an isolationist nor someone who fights for the rights of the poor little helpless [people of the] USA - he's just simple an imperator. And I doubt the real name of his empire is "USA". He likes not so speak with the European Union about wrong tariffs for example - he likes to do a war trade. And the people of the USA will suffer in this war trade. That's inevitable.

Oh by the way, not to forget: The Mexicans were really good. It was a very good game. Congrats Mexico.

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