Question for everyone: Should the United States have open borders?

Open Borders - Yes Or No

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If we didn't let people seek asylum or get away from bad situations to come here, you would not be here now. That is the essence of America and what you believe is un American.

But there is a difference. Now, there are fresh water shortages all over the world, have been for 30 years. The two demographics most rapidly "expanding" because they keep having big families are the same two demographics immigrating to whatever country takes them. It is their fault that their countries are overpopulated. Letting them in here just guarantees the US will suffer the same fate.

Shut the doors.

The planet is overpopulated now.

The planet is not over populated and America is a nation of immigrants.
Wonder what sequence of events participated that?

Fresh water shortages were long ago predicted as the first sign of planetary overpopulation.

Too many humans are consuming too much of nature's water. The result is starvation of plants and animals, and big fires. Keep upping the human consumption and the next level is catastrophic.

Actually we have the same amount of water on earth now as we have ever had.

"No matter how you use water on Earth it remains in the system, because human made things last extremely short compared to the time scales of geology. So eventually water you mix into concrete will escape and make it back into the ocean, for example. This process can take a long time, but all water on Earth is part of a huge cycle."

"According to most scientists, we have had virtually the same amount of water on Earth since the planet formed. That would mean that there was the same amount of water on Earth when the dinosaurs existed.

However, it is important to note that there is probably an infinitesimal amount more water now then there was in the time of the dinosaurs, simply because of the fact that there have been meteors/meteorites that carried a little bit of water to Earth since the dinosaurs died out. "
Bologna, super duper. C 2010 Democratic Bill. No no one is for open borders, super dope.

What the hell are you smoking? Show me where I said anyone is for open borders...
On the other hand Democrats can certainly do strict, just not cruel or stupid.
Your Messiah deported more than Trump has.
But Trump has separated more families for no reason, that's the stupid and cruel part. Pass the 2010 democratic immigration bill with SS ID card and end illegal immigration, Dunces.
You are wrong AGAIN.

Read this editorial from The Old "liberal" Grey Lady....
Mr. Obama’s Dubious Detention Centers
By The Editorial Board
  • July 18, 2016
And the centers stand on dubious legal ground. Last year, a district judge ruled that the administration was violating a 1997 court-ordered settlement, called the Flores agreement, that governs the treatment of underage migrants who seek asylum or enter the country illegally. The judge said the children were being held for too long, and ordered the administration to release them as quickly as possible to the care of relatives or other guardians as their cases move through the immigration courts.

The administration appealed, saying that the agreement applied only to children who had crossed the border alone, not those who were accompanied by parents or other adult relatives. On July 6, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit disagreed, upholding the district ruling that Flores covers all children, accompanied or not. But it said the administration could still detain their parents.
Opinion | Mr. Obama’s Dubious Detention Centers

Except you are the one wrong.

The family detention centers the Obama administration has been operating in Texas and Pennsylvania have been an expedient way to handle the soaring numbers of Central Americans, many of them young children, who have arrived at the Southern border since 2014.

These were family detention centers.

Which leaves things pretty much where they were — unsettled, unsatisfactory, unfit for a country that aspires (or once did, anyway) to be an example to the world in its welcome for desperate refugees. The administration hasn’t said whether it will appeal, but it’s hard to imagine that it will use the appeals court ruling to break up families — sending children to foster care, maybe, while continuing to hold their mothers behind bars.

Opinion | Mr. Obama’s Dubious Detention Centers

Obama did not break up families. Now we can debate how Obama was wrong for doing this, even as Trump is the president now in order to avoid another Trump failure, and that would be fair, but to lie and claim Obama did what Trump did is not. Because he did not.
If we didn't let people seek asylum or get away from bad situations to come here, you would not be here now. That is the essence of America and what you believe is un American.

But there is a difference. Now, there are fresh water shortages all over the world, have been for 30 years. The two demographics most rapidly "expanding" because they keep having big families are the same two demographics immigrating to whatever country takes them. It is their fault that their countries are overpopulated. Letting them in here just guarantees the US will suffer the same fate.

Shut the doors.

The planet is overpopulated now.

The planet is not over populated

It is overpopulated - and it will be much more worse soon. The population growth worldwide is not only exponential it is even hyperbolic.

and America is a nation of immigrants.

How many immigrants and how many grew up in the USA?
If we didn't let people seek asylum or get away from bad situations to come here, you would not be here now. That is the essence of America and what you believe is un American.

But there is a difference. Now, there are fresh water shortages all over the world, have been for 30 years. The two demographics most rapidly "expanding" because they keep having big families are the same two demographics immigrating to whatever country takes them. It is their fault that their countries are overpopulated. Letting them in here just guarantees the US will suffer the same fate.

Shut the doors.

The planet is overpopulated now.

The planet is not over populated

It is overpopulated - and it will be much more worse soon. The population growth worldwide is not only exponential it is even hyperbolic.

and America is a nation of immigrants.

How many immigrants and how many grew up in the USA?

We are not overpopulated. Everybody here today is either an immigrant or a descendent of one. Except the Native American tribes.
It wasn't a question, it was a patently stupid thing to type. Weak minded people throw out that Nazi shit when they are cornered. You won, they will stay together you can be happy now. Or is that you think we should just let them all in because they want in?

Here is my position. The "parents" broke the law, they brought the consequences down upon themselves and their children. The blame rests with the "parents".

No, their parents did not break the law. These are people who are applying for asylum and other legal immigrant status. They should all get a hearing under due process to determine if their application is accepted.

Right. So why invade our country? Why not make application at the US Consulate in their country of origin? We have diplomatic facilities in every Central and South American country designed for that purpose.

As to the question. Hell NO. No Open Borders.

OMG! We're being invaded by hard working honest people looking for a better way of life!

We ought to be jelious of those people who got invaded by hordes of tanks and soldiers back in the good ole 1930s! They couldn't imagine the horros that we're going thru!

Yeah, dipshit. When they enter illegally en-masse it's akin to an invasion. If they want to come here for a better life there is a legal process for doing that. It starts with obtaining an Immigrant Visa at the US Consulate in their country of origin. Amazingly, it is an existing pathway to legal US citizenship.

So the Irish, Italians, Jews and every other ethinic group that migrated here in mass constitutued some sort of an invasion? Or is the fact that they filled out the paper work magically changed that?

I'm sure that the choice to travel from their homes, across Mexico, to the U.S. border risking death, injury and imprisonment was jsut SO MUCh easier than going to the U.S. Consulate and applying for a visa.

DO you understand that these people are desparate? That they fear for their lives and that the choices they made were brutal but they were the only possible choices for them?

My wife migrated here following the legal process. But she was not in fear for her life. She was able to wait the months and months that it took for the legal process. They can not.

Your whole premise is wrong. You are attempting to blame U.S. foreign policies from 30 years ago for today’s problems in Central American countries. That’s more than a generation ago. Those governments have changed over serval times since then. The naked truth is that they are fleeing from their own failed culture, but they are bringing that culture with them.

The other bare truth is that the Corrupt Democratic Party needs more poor exploitable voters. If these illegal aliens were future Republican voters the Democrats would insist that we enforce our immigration laws. America already has enough poor people.

We have a 100% right to control our border crossings and immigration. No one has the right to break our immigration laws.

There is nothing short of open borders that will satisfy the Democrats, and that is very dangerous and damaging.
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When you imply everyone should be legal, you are implying that we should have open borders. You can't have one without the other.
No one is for open borders, super duper dupes... The GOP has another planet, pretty damn scary... Big lies.
Wrong. You're for open borders. You admit it all the time.
Actually, super dingbat dupe, I am 4 ending illegal immigration immediately with a SS ID card that cannot be faked, the only solution, with tough enforcement. And amnesty 4 Worthy immigrants who are very important 2 our economy. You are a brainwashed functional moron. The GOP appears to want this mess to go on forever....
In other words, you're for open borders. There will never be tough enforcement of employer sanctions. If you support your moronic I.D., then why not support E verify? Of course, your filthy party supports neither of these. You can't name a single enforcement measure they support. Voting Democrat means you support open-borders. It's as simple as that.
The GOP will never do anything good... The Democrats support an ID card, they support E verify, they support anything but stupidity and cruelty.
The Dim party opposes both things, moron. The only thing it actually supports is open borders. They just got done crying like petulant little children because they insisted that Trump implement catch and release by executive order.

Who do you think you're fooling?
If we didn't let people seek asylum or get away from bad situations to come here, you would not be here now. That is the essence of America and what you believe is un American.

But there is a difference. Now, there are fresh water shortages all over the world, have been for 30 years. The two demographics most rapidly "expanding" because they keep having big families are the same two demographics immigrating to whatever country takes them. It is their fault that their countries are overpopulated. Letting them in here just guarantees the US will suffer the same fate.

Shut the doors.

The planet is overpopulated now.

The planet is not over populated

It is overpopulated - and it will be much more worse soon. The population growth worldwide is not only exponential it is even hyperbolic.

and America is a nation of immigrants.

How many immigrants and how many grew up in the USA?

We are not overpopulated. Everybody here today is either an immigrant or a descendent of one. Except the Native American tribes.

The are also immigrants, moron. All the native tribes replaced earlier races of people. The evidence is pretty strong that the first Americans were caucasionsfrom Europe.

The American people decide whether we are overpopulated, and they have decided we have had enough immigration.
No, their parents did not break the law. These are people who are applying for asylum and other legal immigrant status. They should all get a hearing under due process to determine if their application is accepted.

Right. So why invade our country? Why not make application at the US Consulate in their country of origin? We have diplomatic facilities in every Central and South American country designed for that purpose.

As to the question. Hell NO. No Open Borders.

OMG! We're being invaded by hard working honest people looking for a better way of life!

We ought to be jelious of those people who got invaded by hordes of tanks and soldiers back in the good ole 1930s! They couldn't imagine the horros that we're going thru!

Yeah, dipshit. When they enter illegally en-masse it's akin to an invasion. If they want to come here for a better life there is a legal process for doing that. It starts with obtaining an Immigrant Visa at the US Consulate in their country of origin. Amazingly, it is an existing pathway to legal US citizenship.

So the Irish, Italians, Jews and every other ethinic group that migrated here in mass constitutued some sort of an invasion? Or is the fact that they filled out the paper work magically changed that?

I'm sure that the choice to travel from their homes, across Mexico, to the U.S. border risking death, injury and imprisonment was jsut SO MUCh easier than going to the U.S. Consulate and applying for a visa.

DO you understand that these people are desparate? That they fear for their lives and that the choices they made were brutal but they were the only possible choices for them?

My wife migrated here following the legal process. But she was not in fear for her life. She was able to wait the months and months that it took for the legal process. They can not.

Your whole premise is wrong. You are attempting to blame U.S. foreign policies from 30 years ago for today’s problems in Central American countries. That’s more than a generation ago. Those governments have changed over serval times since then. The naked truth is that they are fleeing from their own failed culture, but they are bringing that culture with them.

The other bare truth is that the Corrupt Democratic Party needs more poor exploitable voters. If these illegal aliens were future Republican voters the Democrats would insist that we enforce our immigration laws. America already has enough poor people already.

We have a 100% right to control our border crossings and immigration. No one has the right to break our immigration laws.

There is nothing short of open borders that will satisfy the Democrats, and that is very dangerous and damaging.
You mean from 60 years ago.
Question for everyone: Should the United States have open borders?

Of course not. Why do right wingers always ask such stupid questions.

They are the most binary people on earth. To them, everything and I mean everything is either this or that. One or the other. With only two choices for everything, no wonder they have no problem solving skills.
Normal people understand, but right wingers will answer that there are only two possible answers to everything.
It is either open borders or torturing young children

There are no other options
Thanks for admitting that you're for open borders, even though we already knew you are a traitorous douchebag.
No, their parents did not break the law. These are people who are applying for asylum and other legal immigrant status. They should all get a hearing under due process to determine if their application is accepted.

Right. So why invade our country? Why not make application at the US Consulate in their country of origin? We have diplomatic facilities in every Central and South American country designed for that purpose.

As to the question. Hell NO. No Open Borders.

OMG! We're being invaded by hard working honest people looking for a better way of life!

We ought to be jelious of those people who got invaded by hordes of tanks and soldiers back in the good ole 1930s! They couldn't imagine the horros that we're going thru!

Yeah, dipshit. When they enter illegally en-masse it's akin to an invasion. If they want to come here for a better life there is a legal process for doing that. It starts with obtaining an Immigrant Visa at the US Consulate in their country of origin. Amazingly, it is an existing pathway to legal US citizenship.

So the Irish, Italians, Jews and every other ethinic group that migrated here in mass constitutued some sort of an invasion? Or is the fact that they filled out the paper work magically changed that?

I'm sure that the choice to travel from their homes, across Mexico, to the U.S. border risking death, injury and imprisonment was jsut SO MUCh easier than going to the U.S. Consulate and applying for a visa.

DO you understand that these people are desparate? That they fear for their lives and that the choices they made were brutal but they were the only possible choices for them?

My wife migrated here following the legal process. But she was not in fear for her life. She was able to wait the months and months that it took for the legal process. They can not.

Your whole premise is wrong. You are attempting to blame U.S. foreign policies from 30 years ago for today’s problems in Central American countries. That’s more than a generation ago. Those governments have changed over serval times since then. The naked truth is that they are fleeing from their own failed culture, but they are bringing that culture with them.

The other bare truth is that the Corrupt Democratic Party needs more poor exploitable voters. If these illegal aliens were future Republican voters the Democrats would insist that we enforce our immigration laws. America already has enough poor people.

We have a 100% right to control our border crossings and immigration. No one has the right to break our immigration laws.

There is nothing short of open borders that will satisfy the Democrats, and that is very dangerous and damaging.

Richard is one of those commies who is still wallowing in the 1950s and 1960s.
No one is for open borders, super duper dupes... The GOP has another planet, pretty damn scary... Big lies.
Wrong. You're for open borders. You admit it all the time.
Actually, super dingbat dupe, I am 4 ending illegal immigration immediately with a SS ID card that cannot be faked, the only solution, with tough enforcement. And amnesty 4 Worthy immigrants who are very important 2 our economy. You are a brainwashed functional moron. The GOP appears to want this mess to go on forever....
In other words, you're for open borders. There will never be tough enforcement of employer sanctions. If you support your moronic I.D., then why not support E verify? Of course, your filthy party supports neither of these. You can't name a single enforcement measure they support. Voting Democrat means you support open-borders. It's as simple as that.
The GOP will never do anything good... The Democrats support an ID card, they support E verify, they support anything but stupidity and cruelty.
The Dim party opposes both things, moron. The only thing it actually supports is open borders. They just got done crying like petulant little children because they insisted that Trump implement catch and release by executive order.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Link to any Democrats saying that, super duper? The GOP blocks any ID card every time...
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Right. So why invade our country? Why not make application at the US Consulate in their country of origin? We have diplomatic facilities in every Central and South American country designed for that purpose.

As to the question. Hell NO. No Open Borders.

OMG! We're being invaded by hard working honest people looking for a better way of life!

We ought to be jelious of those people who got invaded by hordes of tanks and soldiers back in the good ole 1930s! They couldn't imagine the horros that we're going thru!

Yeah, dipshit. When they enter illegally en-masse it's akin to an invasion. If they want to come here for a better life there is a legal process for doing that. It starts with obtaining an Immigrant Visa at the US Consulate in their country of origin. Amazingly, it is an existing pathway to legal US citizenship.

So the Irish, Italians, Jews and every other ethinic group that migrated here in mass constitutued some sort of an invasion? Or is the fact that they filled out the paper work magically changed that?

I'm sure that the choice to travel from their homes, across Mexico, to the U.S. border risking death, injury and imprisonment was jsut SO MUCh easier than going to the U.S. Consulate and applying for a visa.

DO you understand that these people are desparate? That they fear for their lives and that the choices they made were brutal but they were the only possible choices for them?

My wife migrated here following the legal process. But she was not in fear for her life. She was able to wait the months and months that it took for the legal process. They can not.

Your whole premise is wrong. You are attempting to blame U.S. foreign policies from 30 years ago for today’s problems in Central American countries. That’s more than a generation ago. Those governments have changed over serval times since then. The naked truth is that they are fleeing from their own failed culture, but they are bringing that culture with them.

The other bare truth is that the Corrupt Democratic Party needs more poor exploitable voters. If these illegal aliens were future Republican voters the Democrats would insist that we enforce our immigration laws. America already has enough poor people.

We have a 100% right to control our border crossings and immigration. No one has the right to break our immigration laws.

There is nothing short of open borders that will satisfy the Democrats, and that is very dangerous and damaging.

Richard is one of those commies who is still wallowing in the 1950s and 1960s.
Any link at all of Democrats saying they were for open borders? You are totally brainwashed and duped LOL... Poor America.
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Right. So why invade our country? Why not make application at the US Consulate in their country of origin? We have diplomatic facilities in every Central and South American country designed for that purpose.

As to the question. Hell NO. No Open Borders.

OMG! We're being invaded by hard working honest people looking for a better way of life!

We ought to be jelious of those people who got invaded by hordes of tanks and soldiers back in the good ole 1930s! They couldn't imagine the horros that we're going thru!

Yeah, dipshit. When they enter illegally en-masse it's akin to an invasion. If they want to come here for a better life there is a legal process for doing that. It starts with obtaining an Immigrant Visa at the US Consulate in their country of origin. Amazingly, it is an existing pathway to legal US citizenship.

So the Irish, Italians, Jews and every other ethinic group that migrated here in mass constitutued some sort of an invasion? Or is the fact that they filled out the paper work magically changed that?

I'm sure that the choice to travel from their homes, across Mexico, to the U.S. border risking death, injury and imprisonment was jsut SO MUCh easier than going to the U.S. Consulate and applying for a visa.

DO you understand that these people are desparate? That they fear for their lives and that the choices they made were brutal but they were the only possible choices for them?

My wife migrated here following the legal process. But she was not in fear for her life. She was able to wait the months and months that it took for the legal process. They can not.

Your whole premise is wrong. You are attempting to blame U.S. foreign policies from 30 years ago for today’s problems in Central American countries. That’s more than a generation ago. Those governments have changed over serval times since then. The naked truth is that they are fleeing from their own failed culture, but they are bringing that culture with them.

The other bare truth is that the Corrupt Democratic Party needs more poor exploitable voters. If these illegal aliens were future Republican voters the Democrats would insist that we enforce our immigration laws. America already has enough poor people.

We have a 100% right to control our border crossings and immigration. No one has the right to break our immigration laws.

There is nothing short of open borders that will satisfy the Democrats, and that is very dangerous and damaging.

Richard is one of those commies who is still wallowing in the 1950s and 1960s.
They are fleeing huge drug cartels and gangs and the highest murder rates in the world, super dupe. Change the channel.
OMG! We're being invaded by hard working honest people looking for a better way of life!

We ought to be jelious of those people who got invaded by hordes of tanks and soldiers back in the good ole 1930s! They couldn't imagine the horros that we're going thru!

Yeah, dipshit. When they enter illegally en-masse it's akin to an invasion. If they want to come here for a better life there is a legal process for doing that. It starts with obtaining an Immigrant Visa at the US Consulate in their country of origin. Amazingly, it is an existing pathway to legal US citizenship.

So the Irish, Italians, Jews and every other ethinic group that migrated here in mass constitutued some sort of an invasion? Or is the fact that they filled out the paper work magically changed that?

I'm sure that the choice to travel from their homes, across Mexico, to the U.S. border risking death, injury and imprisonment was jsut SO MUCh easier than going to the U.S. Consulate and applying for a visa.

DO you understand that these people are desparate? That they fear for their lives and that the choices they made were brutal but they were the only possible choices for them?

My wife migrated here following the legal process. But she was not in fear for her life. She was able to wait the months and months that it took for the legal process. They can not.

Your whole premise is wrong. You are attempting to blame U.S. foreign policies from 30 years ago for today’s problems in Central American countries. That’s more than a generation ago. Those governments have changed over serval times since then. The naked truth is that they are fleeing from their own failed culture, but they are bringing that culture with them.

The other bare truth is that the Corrupt Democratic Party needs more poor exploitable voters. If these illegal aliens were future Republican voters the Democrats would insist that we enforce our immigration laws. America already has enough poor people.

We have a 100% right to control our border crossings and immigration. No one has the right to break our immigration laws.

There is nothing short of open borders that will satisfy the Democrats, and that is very dangerous and damaging.

Richard is one of those commies who is still wallowing in the 1950s and 1960s.
They are fleeing huge drug cartels and gangs and the highest murder rates in the world, super dupe. Change the channel.
Because of GOP Law and Order war on drugs.
If we didn't let people seek asylum or get away from bad situations to come here, you would not be here now. That is the essence of America and what you believe is un American.

But there is a difference. Now, there are fresh water shortages all over the world, have been for 30 years. The two demographics most rapidly "expanding" because they keep having big families are the same two demographics immigrating to whatever country takes them. It is their fault that their countries are overpopulated. Letting them in here just guarantees the US will suffer the same fate.

Shut the doors.

The planet is overpopulated now.

The planet is not over populated

It is overpopulated - and it will be much more worse soon. The population growth worldwide is not only exponential it is even hyperbolic.

and America is a nation of immigrants.

How many immigrants and how many grew up in the USA?

We are not overpopulated. Everybody here today is either an immigrant or a descendent of one. Except the Native American tribes.

The are also immigrants, moron. All the native tribes replaced earlier races of people. The evidence is pretty strong that the first Americans were caucasionsfrom Europe.

The American people decide whether we are overpopulated, and they have decided we have had enough immigration.
Actually only 29% are against immigration, super duper Base bozo....
But there is a difference. Now, there are fresh water shortages all over the world, have been for 30 years. The two demographics most rapidly "expanding" because they keep having big families are the same two demographics immigrating to whatever country takes them. It is their fault that their countries are overpopulated. Letting them in here just guarantees the US will suffer the same fate.

Shut the doors.

The planet is overpopulated now.

The planet is not over populated

It is overpopulated - and it will be much more worse soon. The population growth worldwide is not only exponential it is even hyperbolic.

and America is a nation of immigrants.

How many immigrants and how many grew up in the USA?

We are not overpopulated. Everybody here today is either an immigrant or a descendent of one. Except the Native American tribes.

The are also immigrants, moron. All the native tribes replaced earlier races of people. The evidence is pretty strong that the first Americans were caucasionsfrom Europe.

The American people decide whether we are overpopulated, and they have decided we have had enough immigration.
Actually only 29% are against immigration, super duper Base bozo....
So get it under control with the old ID card god dammit.
If we didn't let people seek asylum or get away from bad situations to come here, you would not be here now. That is the essence of America and what you believe is un American.

But there is a difference. Now, there are fresh water shortages all over the world, have been for 30 years. The two demographics most rapidly "expanding" because they keep having big families are the same two demographics immigrating to whatever country takes them. It is their fault that their countries are overpopulated. Letting them in here just guarantees the US will suffer the same fate.

Shut the doors.

The planet is overpopulated now.

The planet is not over populated

It is overpopulated - and it will be much more worse soon. The population growth worldwide is not only exponential it is even hyperbolic.

and America is a nation of immigrants.

How many immigrants and how many grew up in the USA?

We are not overpopulated. Everybody here today is either an immigrant or a descendent of one. Except the Native American tribes.

The are also immigrants, moron. All the native tribes replaced earlier races of people. The evidence is pretty strong that the first Americans were caucasionsfrom Europe.

The American people decide whether we are overpopulated, and they have decided we have had enough immigration.

The evidence on stormfront might show that, but that's the same evidence that will tell you how caucaisans from Europe were the first to populate Africa. The American people have not made such a decision.
Then what does that sentance mean?
Just what it says. The only way I am for closed borders is if no one can get in.
So once they get in, then you want to grant them full citizenship?
Only if they are seeking asylum and have not committed a serious crime.

Then they will all seek asylum. I fail to understand why we should let a single one of them into our country.
Such is life.

You fail to understand a lot of things because you arent that bright. Immigrants are the life blood of this country.
You failed to explain why we have to let a single one of them into our country. "Such is life" isn't an answer. It's just a stupid attempt to ignore the question. "imigrants are the lifeblood of our country" is nothing but a cheap slogan. and it's total bullshit. Immigrants from thirdworld countries are nothing but a burden on the workers and taxpayers of this country.

Now, explain how America benefits from allowing more immigrants into this country. Privoding rich people with cheap maids and workers in fast food restaurants doesn't count.

Try proving you aren't a total unthinking dumbass, that you have good reasons for supporting the Dim agenda. Prove you don't mindlessly support whatever they tell you to support like some kind of trained animal.
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