Question for everyone: Should the United States have open borders?

Open Borders - Yes Or No

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Actions have consequences, the folks to blame are the one who took the wrong actions. You got what you wanted, the families will now stay together.
In prison until they are vetted and cleared. try and be happy.

So that's a yes, Children should be targeted with the intention of traumatizing them. Should children be physically harmed as well? How about thrown in to gas chambers? Where do you draw the line? Do you have a line?

Stupid people take things out to an illogical extreme. You got what you wanted, you won. They will stay together, be happy. The "targeted" folks are the law breakers. I know that's a tough thing for a Prog to understand but the blame lies squarely on the parents. Do try and grow up so you can learn to debate without being stupid.

So where do you draw the line? I asked you a question. What is NOT acceptable to you?

You have to remember a Democrat is a moron ,like the terminator it cannot be reasoned with and it will not stop ,it is like having a conversion with a cinder block.You can only hope it will walk out in front of a Mack truck.

IQ monitor rates this post ^^^ very dull normal.
And Republicans are like the walking dead Walking around aimlessly stopped only by a knife or gunshot to the head
although I don't recommend doing that.....There are some good republicans

As a liberal, my opinion is we need secure borders, but we do not need to scapegoat entire ethnic groups as rapists, murderers and neer-do-wells. The article dismisses a discussion on Trumpism which is built on hate and fear mongering, and IMO includes much which defines fascism.

I did sent a note to the DNC, to stop running against Trump, but to run against Trumpism, by enacting a policy which respects human rights and supports working toward a humane solution to the crisis at our border, and in those nations wherein its citizens flee; to health care in America; and to a reform of the system of taxation which benefits all, not the few as the current bill does.

Please if you are so "scholarly" to send a note to DNC maybe you can supply specific examples where Trump or the rest of us have specifically labeled entire ethnic groups
as rapists, murderers, and near-do-wells."
I truly find that offensive in that in almost ALL comments President Trump and the rest of us applaud "LEGAL" immigration!
I mean I have relatives that spent a lot of time and money becoming US citizens...LEGALLY... Trump's married to a "Immigrant"...Legal... so this statement that we "label ethnic groups"
is truly hyperbolic and proof that all your information comes from the extremely biased MSM. Talk to some border guards. Let them tell you what they see daily from "ethnic groups"!

The day undoubtedly will include rescuing aliens from death by thirst or murder by border bandits, preventing neighborhood assaults and burglaries, and administering first-aid to accident victims, and may involve delivering an untimely baby or helping stranded motorists. If you don’t know them, you should.
Desert Duty: On the Line With the U.S. Border Patrol

Thanks so much for sharing the Trump stump speech. I'm sure you spent the required time to think through my posts and offer a rebuttal, well researched, clear and ethically sound.


just the facts......all you delivered was demspeak pap

This post ^^^ is so hackneyed it's not worthy of a response, other than pointing out it is overused, unoriginal and trite.
list one point of your screed that isn't a lib talking point or been done and failed fact all you offered was generalities to be filled in by the usual lib policy later....once you've fooled enough voters
64 million trump votes ,,,$540 from each one ,,voila.... 37 billion for a wall Dig deep republicans
As a liberal, my opinion is we need secure borders, but we do not need to scapegoat entire ethnic groups as rapists, murderers and neer-do-wells. The article dismisses a discussion on Trumpism which is built on hate and fear mongering, and IMO includes much which defines fascism.

I did sent a note to the DNC, to stop running against Trump, but to run against Trumpism, by enacting a policy which respects human rights and supports working toward a humane solution to the crisis at our border, and in those nations wherein its citizens flee; to health care in America; and to a reform of the system of taxation which benefits all, not the few as the current bill does.

Please if you are so "scholarly" to send a note to DNC maybe you can supply specific examples where Trump or the rest of us have specifically labeled entire ethnic groups
as rapists, murderers, and near-do-wells."
I truly find that offensive in that in almost ALL comments President Trump and the rest of us applaud "LEGAL" immigration!
I mean I have relatives that spent a lot of time and money becoming US citizens...LEGALLY... Trump's married to a "Immigrant"...Legal... so this statement that we "label ethnic groups"
is truly hyperbolic and proof that all your information comes from the extremely biased MSM. Talk to some border guards. Let them tell you what they see daily from "ethnic groups"!

The day undoubtedly will include rescuing aliens from death by thirst or murder by border bandits, preventing neighborhood assaults and burglaries, and administering first-aid to accident victims, and may involve delivering an untimely baby or helping stranded motorists. If you don’t know them, you should.
Desert Duty: On the Line With the U.S. Border Patrol

Thanks so much for sharing the Trump stump speech. I'm sure you spent the required time to think through my posts and offer a rebuttal, well researched, clear and ethically sound.


just the facts......all you delivered was demspeak pap

This post ^^^ is so hackneyed it's not worthy of a response, other than pointing out it is overused, unoriginal and trite.

list one point of your screed that isn't a lib talking point or been done and failed fact all you offered was generalities to be filled in by the usual lib policy later....once you've fooled enough voters

Too many words ^^^ to be an idiot-gram, but ad hominems have no limit.

That said, literature has three themes:
  • Man against himself
  • Man against nature
  • Man against man
Political opinions are no different. I hope that's not too abstract for you to comprehend. If you were correct, and all I post are "talking points" they should be easy to rebut. That you cannot do so, and resort to a personal attack, is very pitiful.
64 million trump votes ,,,$540 from each one ,,voila.... 37 billion for a wall Dig deep republicans

Funny and agree, of course greed and self interest is the hallmark of a Trump supporter, and those who remain members of the "you can fool some of the people, all of the time", might very well donate some money to his wall.
64 million trump votes ,,,$540 from each one ,,voila.... 37 billion for a wall Dig deep republicans

Funny and agree, of course greed and self interest is the hallmark of a Trump supporter, and those who remain members of the "you can fool some of the people, all of the time", might very well donate some money to his wall.
Just giving them a chance to put their money where their mouths are
Please if you are so "scholarly" to send a note to DNC maybe you can supply specific examples where Trump or the rest of us have specifically labeled entire ethnic groups
as rapists, murderers, and near-do-wells."
I truly find that offensive in that in almost ALL comments President Trump and the rest of us applaud "LEGAL" immigration!
I mean I have relatives that spent a lot of time and money becoming US citizens...LEGALLY... Trump's married to a "Immigrant"...Legal... so this statement that we "label ethnic groups"
is truly hyperbolic and proof that all your information comes from the extremely biased MSM. Talk to some border guards. Let them tell you what they see daily from "ethnic groups"!

The day undoubtedly will include rescuing aliens from death by thirst or murder by border bandits, preventing neighborhood assaults and burglaries, and administering first-aid to accident victims, and may involve delivering an untimely baby or helping stranded motorists. If you don’t know them, you should.
Desert Duty: On the Line With the U.S. Border Patrol

Thanks so much for sharing the Trump stump speech. I'm sure you spent the required time to think through my posts and offer a rebuttal, well researched, clear and ethically sound.


just the facts......all you delivered was demspeak pap

This post ^^^ is so hackneyed it's not worthy of a response, other than pointing out it is overused, unoriginal and trite.

list one point of your screed that isn't a lib talking point or been done and failed fact all you offered was generalities to be filled in by the usual lib policy later....once you've fooled enough voters

Too many words ^^^ to be an idiot-gram, but ad hominems have no limit.

That said, literature has three themes:
  • Man against himself
  • Man against nature
  • Man against man
Political opinions are no different. I hope that's not too abstract for you to comprehend. If you were correct, and all I post are "talking points" they should be easy to rebut. That you cannot do so, and resort to a personal attack, is very pitiful.
Rebuttal is they have failed..... and more of the same isn't the answer thus Trump
Thanks so much for sharing the Trump stump speech. I'm sure you spent the required time to think through my posts and offer a rebuttal, well researched, clear and ethically sound.


just the facts......all you delivered was demspeak pap

This post ^^^ is so hackneyed it's not worthy of a response, other than pointing out it is overused, unoriginal and trite.

list one point of your screed that isn't a lib talking point or been done and failed fact all you offered was generalities to be filled in by the usual lib policy later....once you've fooled enough voters

Too many words ^^^ to be an idiot-gram, but ad hominems have no limit.

That said, literature has three themes:
  • Man against himself
  • Man against nature
  • Man against man
Political opinions are no different. I hope that's not too abstract for you to comprehend. If you were correct, and all I post are "talking points" they should be easy to rebut. That you cannot do so, and resort to a personal attack, is very pitiful.
Rebuttal is they have failed..... and more of the same isn't the answer thus Trump
55% of republicans have agreed with trumps separation policy SHAME ON YOU ALL
Thanks so much for sharing the Trump stump speech. I'm sure you spent the required time to think through my posts and offer a rebuttal, well researched, clear and ethically sound.


just the facts......all you delivered was demspeak pap

This post ^^^ is so hackneyed it's not worthy of a response, other than pointing out it is overused, unoriginal and trite.

list one point of your screed that isn't a lib talking point or been done and failed fact all you offered was generalities to be filled in by the usual lib policy later....once you've fooled enough voters

Too many words ^^^ to be an idiot-gram, but ad hominems have no limit.

That said, literature has three themes:
  • Man against himself
  • Man against nature
  • Man against man
Political opinions are no different. I hope that's not too abstract for you to comprehend. If you were correct, and all I post are "talking points" they should be easy to rebut. That you cannot do so, and resort to a personal attack, is very pitiful.
Rebuttal is they have failed..... and more of the same isn't the answer thus Trump

A rebuttal is not a failure, it can be effective communication. Pushing the funny button is a failure, a failure to think, to question and to critique. Thus Trump, but never again.
just the facts......all you delivered was demspeak pap

This post ^^^ is so hackneyed it's not worthy of a response, other than pointing out it is overused, unoriginal and trite.

list one point of your screed that isn't a lib talking point or been done and failed fact all you offered was generalities to be filled in by the usual lib policy later....once you've fooled enough voters

Too many words ^^^ to be an idiot-gram, but ad hominems have no limit.

That said, literature has three themes:
  • Man against himself
  • Man against nature
  • Man against man
Political opinions are no different. I hope that's not too abstract for you to comprehend. If you were correct, and all I post are "talking points" they should be easy to rebut. That you cannot do so, and resort to a personal attack, is very pitiful.
Rebuttal is they have failed..... and more of the same isn't the answer thus Trump

55% of republicans have agreed with trumps separation policy SHAME ON YOU ALL

"Gallup. As of October 2017, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrat, 24% identified as Republican, and 42% as Independent"

Look like on 1/4 of voters are Republicans, and the party which can convince the Independents will win The Congress. There is no electoral college, so the popular vote will decide the future. At this point, the Republicans in office seem intent on committing electoral suicide or leaving The Congress and seeking other employment.
NOVA Here's your fn wall
Since that number is $540 for everyone who voted for Trump for President ($34 Billion / 63 million people voted for Trump), lets accept donations from every Trump supporter of $540 and build the fucking thing...!!!

No ,Mexico w
So that's a yes, Children should be targeted with the intention of traumatizing them. Should children be physically harmed as well? How about thrown in to gas chambers? Where do you draw the line? Do you have a line?

Stupid people take things out to an illogical extreme. You got what you wanted, you won. They will stay together, be happy. The "targeted" folks are the law breakers. I know that's a tough thing for a Prog to understand but the blame lies squarely on the parents. Do try and grow up so you can learn to debate without being stupid.

So where do you draw the line? I asked you a question. What is NOT acceptable to you?

You have to remember a Democrat is a moron ,like the terminator it cannot be reasoned with and it will not stop ,it is like having a conversion with a cinder block.You can only hope it will walk out in front of a Mack truck.

IQ monitor rates this post ^^^ very dull normal.
And Republicans are like the walking dead Walking around aimlessly stopped only by a knife or gunshot to the head
although I don't recommend doing that.....There are some good republicans

But there are no good Democrats
64 million trump votes ,,,$540 from each one ,,voila.... 37 billion for a wall Dig deep republicans

This post ^^^ is so hackneyed it's not worthy of a response, other than pointing out it is overused, unoriginal and trite.

list one point of your screed that isn't a lib talking point or been done and failed fact all you offered was generalities to be filled in by the usual lib policy later....once you've fooled enough voters

Too many words ^^^ to be an idiot-gram, but ad hominems have no limit.

That said, literature has three themes:
  • Man against himself
  • Man against nature
  • Man against man
Political opinions are no different. I hope that's not too abstract for you to comprehend. If you were correct, and all I post are "talking points" they should be easy to rebut. That you cannot do so, and resort to a personal attack, is very pitiful.
Rebuttal is they have failed..... and more of the same isn't the answer thus Trump

55% of republicans have agreed with trumps separation policy SHAME ON YOU ALL

"Gallup. As of October 2017, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrat, 24% identified as Republican, and 42% as Independent"

Look like on 1/4 of voters are Republicans, and the party which can convince the Independents will win The Congress. There is no electoral college, so the popular vote will decide the future. At this point, the Republicans in office seem intent on committing electoral suicide or leaving The Congress and seeking other employment.

You are scared and on the run ,soon your back will be against the wall , you and your silly cnn polls , it time Americans come first not freeloader illegals with no skills with 5 kids waddling behind them like ducks, may-be we could send a few dozen to your backyard and you can take care of them.
if you're a toddler and you've got pictures of yourself crying in ANY situation, Democrats need YOU to help make Trump's immigration stance look bad
Ever notice democrats think money falls from the sky, lets give all illegals free food, free housing, free school lunches, free health care ,free education, free bus pass, free phone , free daycare , must of all failed math, stupid mother fuckers.
Ever notice democrats think money falls from the sky, lets give all illegals free food, free housing, free school lunches, free health care ,free education, free bus pass, free phone , free daycare , must of all failed math, stupid mother fuckers.

Hey moron, what do you think we are paying for now, as we hold them in secure detentions?

Catch and release at the border was fiscally responsible, and not intended to solve the immigration situation.

The Congress is the place a solution needs to be found, and the Republicans who control the agenda are the SMFers, and people like you voted for them.
just the facts......all you delivered was demspeak pap

This post ^^^ is so hackneyed it's not worthy of a response, other than pointing out it is overused, unoriginal and trite.

list one point of your screed that isn't a lib talking point or been done and failed fact all you offered was generalities to be filled in by the usual lib policy later....once you've fooled enough voters

Too many words ^^^ to be an idiot-gram, but ad hominems have no limit.

That said, literature has three themes:
  • Man against himself
  • Man against nature
  • Man against man
Political opinions are no different. I hope that's not too abstract for you to comprehend. If you were correct, and all I post are "talking points" they should be easy to rebut. That you cannot do so, and resort to a personal attack, is very pitiful.
Rebuttal is they have failed..... and more of the same isn't the answer thus Trump

A rebuttal is not a failure, it can be effective communication. Pushing the funny button is a failure, a failure to think, to question and to critique. Thus Trump, but never again.
A failure is a rebuttal
This post ^^^ is so hackneyed it's not worthy of a response, other than pointing out it is overused, unoriginal and trite.

list one point of your screed that isn't a lib talking point or been done and failed fact all you offered was generalities to be filled in by the usual lib policy later....once you've fooled enough voters

Too many words ^^^ to be an idiot-gram, but ad hominems have no limit.

That said, literature has three themes:
  • Man against himself
  • Man against nature
  • Man against man
Political opinions are no different. I hope that's not too abstract for you to comprehend. If you were correct, and all I post are "talking points" they should be easy to rebut. That you cannot do so, and resort to a personal attack, is very pitiful.
Rebuttal is they have failed..... and more of the same isn't the answer thus Trump

A rebuttal is not a failure, it can be effective communication. Pushing the funny button is a failure, a failure to think, to question and to critique. Thus Trump, but never again.

A failure is a rebuttal

LOL, do you own a dictionary (do you know what one is?)?

An attempt to contradict or disprove an argument by offering a counter argument or countervailing proof. A rebuttal is not automatically a refutation.

Read more: What is a rebuttal? definition and meaning
Ever notice democrats think money falls from the sky, lets give all illegals free food, free housing, free school lunches, free health care ,free education, free bus pass, free phone , free daycare , must of all failed math, stupid mother fuckers.

Hey moron, what do you think we are paying for now, as we hold them in secure detentions?

Catch and release at the border was fiscally responsible, and not intended to solve the immigration situation.

The Congress is the place a solution needs to be found, and the Republicans who control the agenda are the SMFers, and people like you voted for them.
Catch and Release was a BS way of saying no border security at all. Sanctuaries cities are a complete disregard for our laws.

The American people for a long time have wanted the border secure and your hero didn't do diddly squat to do a damn thing about it. His policies and that of the left were a complete and utter joke that encouraged more to come. Unaccompanied minors came in droves under Obama to record levels because the parents knew they would be turned loose. Catch and Release encouraged them to come because they knew they would be let go.

Fiscally about idiocy in motion..............Your side has stated you don't want open borders..........Proof it.........Your sides actions speak louder than words..........Obama was a complete and utter failure at the border and Foreign policy. That was his legacy.

Your pissed because Trump shit canned his damned open border policy. That were done via the pen and the phone.

Congress for decades has done nothing to fix it.................and yet they whine and complain about actions of Trump. Yet Trump is enforcing the laws on the books.

If they don't like it.............or you don't like it...........I suggest you get off your pompus ass and change the laws.
list one point of your screed that isn't a lib talking point or been done and failed fact all you offered was generalities to be filled in by the usual lib policy later....once you've fooled enough voters

Too many words ^^^ to be an idiot-gram, but ad hominems have no limit.

That said, literature has three themes:
  • Man against himself
  • Man against nature
  • Man against man
Political opinions are no different. I hope that's not too abstract for you to comprehend. If you were correct, and all I post are "talking points" they should be easy to rebut. That you cannot do so, and resort to a personal attack, is very pitiful.
Rebuttal is they have failed..... and more of the same isn't the answer thus Trump

A rebuttal is not a failure, it can be effective communication. Pushing the funny button is a failure, a failure to think, to question and to critique. Thus Trump, but never again.

A failure is a rebuttal

LOL, do you own a dictionary (do you know what one is?)?

An attempt to contradict or disprove an argument by offering a counter argument or countervailing proof. A rebuttal is not automatically a refutation.

Read more: What is a rebuttal? definition and meaning
And now self proclaimed fame of how well you can write...........You are a tool........and your side lost. Elections have consequences.........Remember that.........who said that........That same person said get on the back of the bus.

I suggest those seats are open for you now.

Trump is a failure in your TDS eyes.......economy and jobs are doing great. Keystone pipeline going in, .Obama regulations dead, and historical levels of removing regulations are happening, taxes are lower, ROE's on the battlefield have changed, we have a better choice at SCOTUS, we have withdrawn from the Paris Agreements, we have withdrawn from the BS Iran deal, and we have a possibility of Peace with Korea...............

He's doing well...........all you have left is division and BS........stories that are lies......starting with immigration. 1500 children missing...............A LIE.......from your side......They were turned over to relatives under Obama..........children in cages ..........BUT used pictures from Obama............Time Cover...........utter BS ..............child never separated and left 3 children at home.

Your side are proven LIARS..............unethical.........and cause racial tensions in this country........You do it on purpose.........and then to the bitch at other ideas and offer nothing in return..........

Short answer..............You lost and you are losers........The seats on the back of the bus are open.

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