Question for Independents (Debt related)...


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2012
Do you think the Republican or Democratic party will every get our country out of debt? Do you think either party will ever LOWER our national debt in YOUR lifetime?
do you think the republican or democratic party will every get our country out of debt? Do you think either party will ever lower our national debt in your lifetime?

No. It took longer than my life expectancy to get us here, and will will take at least as long to get us out.
Not without drastic changes to how we do things. I just don't see that happening. There is too much money to be made at the top in keeping the status quo going.
Granny says dem politicians is spendin' us all into the poorhouse...
Gov. Mitch Daniels: ‘Terrifying Rate’ at Which U.S. Debt Is Accumulating ‘Will Lead to National Ruin’
March 13, 2012 – Indiana Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels said Tuesday that the size of the U.S. national debt and the rate at which the debt is accumulating will lead the United States to “ruin” -- and no other outcome is mathematically possible.
“Whether one believes in a large, very active government or something more limited, mathematically, the amount of debt we already have and the terrifying rate at which it is accumulating will lead to national ruin,” Daniels said. “There’s no other outcome arithmetically possible,” he added. As of February 2012, according to monthly U.S. Treasury statements, our national debt is $15.48 trillion, about a $130 billion more from the month prior when the national debt was $15.35 trillion. The Hoosier governor made his remarks in a conference call hosted by No Labels, a group of Democrats, Republicans, and independents "dedicated to making government work again."

Daniels said that Congress has become dysfunctional in terms of dealing with our economic and fiscal situation -- and picked a “lousy time” to become dysfunctional, since the United States has never faced “a non-military danger or threat as large as the one we face today.” Daniels said that when addressing the problem of the national debt and trying to level with audiences, he usually asks them to put ideology aside for the moment and focus on the math surrounding our national debt – something he said no longer “works.” “Look, let’s put the ideological debate off (to) tomorrow,” Daniels said. “You know, for today, can we agree that the math here does not work?”

Mathematically speaking, Daniels said, it all breaks down. “There is absolutely no way” that cutting or taxing our way out our fiscal problems are the solutions. Instead, we need a private economy that grows much faster, and meaningful entitlement reform, Daniels said. Daniels said it is possible for the U.S. to go past the point of no return, which he described as a point “in which we are so indebted and so bankrupt that the mortgage payments eats all the dollars we need to put people to work.”

Daniels said it was very “disturbing” to him that “there are a lot of people” in the United States “who have come to the conclusion that there is now a flaw in the American character” and that “we are not people capable of governing ourselves as the system has always contemplated.” “Too many people are dependent on the compulsory charity of others through the government,” Daniels said. “Too many people are simply selfish and short-sighted. They don’t want to hear about the fact that they will make life much less promising for their children in the future,” he said. “And they can easily be appealed to by demagogues who just say to keep doing nothing,” he added.


See also:

'Military-Industrial Complex Has This Country By The Throat'
Wed Mar 14, 2012 - CNN commentator Jack Cafferty railed against the United States’ ongoing involvement in Afghanistan following the alleged murder of 16 Afghan civilians by a rogue U.S. soldier.
“How much is enough?” he said Tuesday. “The United States has been in Afghanistan for more than ten years. And President Obama insists we will remain in Afghanistan until the end of 2014. Why? What will be accomplished by staying in that godforsaken hellhole for another 20 months that hasn’t been accomplished in 10 and a half years?” He noted that recent events, including the burning of Qurans and desecration of Taliban corpses, had inflamed hatred against Americans in Afghanistan.

“Yet the Obama White House is out with a statement insisting that none of this will deter us from our mission, which is what exactly?” Cafferty continued. “I have no idea what the hell we’re doing there anymore. Isn’t Osama bin Laden dead?” He cynically predicted Obama would only hasten withdrawal from Afghanistan if he thought staying there would imperil his re-election campaign.

“Why don’t the American people have anything to say about what we’re doing?” Cafferty added. “We have no voice in any of this stuff any more. They go into Iraq, they go into Afghanistan, they might go into Iran. We got nothing. We’re just kept in the dark and the government does whatever the hell it feels like doing, or preferably what it is being told to do by the people who pay the politicians’ bills. Remember that warning from Dwight Eisenhower about the military-industrial complex? It’s got this country by the throat.”
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Those debts are a part of the current SOCIAL CONTRACT.

Guess what happens to them if society decided to change the terms of the contract?

This thought that debt is entirely dependent on the people agreeing to it, is beyond the ability of most of you to imagine, isn't it?

That's because you think money is real.
It isn't.

Money is an agreed upon contrivance.

And if the money isn't real, guess what that does to debts?

I swear some of you seem to think that economics is like physics...something with irrefutable laws, laws that must be obeyed by men.

It isn't.
There is no 'social contract'... that is a made up thing by the leftists to justify their pandering
There is no 'social contract'... that is a made up thing by the leftists to justify their pandering

Which is why I'm sure YOU would never be a part of that "social contract" when your turn comes to sign up for SS. :tongue:

Awww....who are you kidding? You'll be standing in the SS line along with all of the other people you consider leaches with your hand out begging. :lol:
There is no 'social contract'... that is a made up thing by the leftists to justify their pandering

Which is why I'm sure YOU would never be a part of that "social contract" when your turn comes to sign up for SS. :tongue:

Awww....who are you kidding? You'll be standing in the SS line along with all of the other people you consider leaches with your hand out begging. :lol:

That was made up to have you leftists take for your way.... I would have done MUCH better taking what was deducted and sompliy putting it in a basic savings account for all these years...

Hell.. take me out NOW, forgetting all that was put in in my 25 years in the work force, and let me invest for my own retirement with what would normally be deducted... and I would STILL be better off
In the age of 24/7 news and the Internet, it is impossible to lower the debt. Politicians run on lowering taxes and bringing home the bacon. No politician ever won an election telling voters they will have to pay more and receive less. And that is what you have to do to lower debt
There is no 'social contract'... that is a made up thing by the leftists to justify their pandering

Which is why I'm sure YOU would never be a part of that "social contract" when your turn comes to sign up for SS. :tongue:

Awww....who are you kidding? You'll be standing in the SS line along with all of the other people you consider leaches with your hand out begging. :lol:

That was made up to have you leftists take for your way.... I would have done MUCH better taking what was deducted and sompliy putting it in a basic savings account for all these years...

Hell.. take me out NOW, forgetting all that was put in in my 25 years in the work force, and let me invest for my own retirement with what would normally be deducted... and I would STILL be better off

In other words......You'll be standing in the SS line along with all of the other people you consider leaches with your hand out begging.
In the age of 24/7 news and the Internet, it is impossible to lower the debt. Politicians run on lowering taxes and bringing home the bacon. No politician ever won an election telling voters they will have to pay more and receive less. And that is what you have to do to lower debt

100% truth. This is the best post of the thread.
Which is why I'm sure YOU would never be a part of that "social contract" when your turn comes to sign up for SS. :tongue:

Awww....who are you kidding? You'll be standing in the SS line along with all of the other people you consider leaches with your hand out begging. :lol:

That was made up to have you leftists take for your way.... I would have done MUCH better taking what was deducted and sompliy putting it in a basic savings account for all these years...

Hell.. take me out NOW, forgetting all that was put in in my 25 years in the work force, and let me invest for my own retirement with what would normally be deducted... and I would STILL be better off

In other words......You'll be standing in the SS line along with all of the other people you consider leaches with your hand out begging.

In other words.. give me my confiscated monies back... in other words.. I will not rely on $700 a month from stupid SS, but instead rely on the retirement funds I did for myself, that will return MUCH MORE even though I contributed just as much as what SS took out.... In other words, stop paying ones SS that never contributed... in other words, GET THE GOVERNMENT THE FUCK OUT OF THE RETIREMENT SAVINGS GAME
In the age of 24/7 news and the Internet, it is impossible to lower the debt. Politicians run on lowering taxes and bringing home the bacon. No politician ever won an election telling voters they will have to pay more and receive less. And that is what you have to do to lower debt

Receive less of what? Government run programs full of waste, abuse, corruption and inefficiency?

Paying down the debt is easy without raising any taxes. in fact, lowering taxes and gutting the govt.s shitty programs down tot he bare bones of it's constitutional obligations is exactly the way to pay for it. Not a tax increase needed. Any money you give the govt. they will spend. And then some.

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