Question For Liberals #9

Is Hillary most to blame for her loss?

  • I am a liberal, and I say she is not most to blame for her election night loss

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • I am a liberal, and I say she is most to blame for her election night loss

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Non-liberal checking in.

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
You'll note I never use anyone but liberals - REAL liberals - to explain my point about Regressives. That's what makes the Regressives so weepy. I provided a mountain of material from REAL liberals, the Regressives avoid it like the freakin' plague, and try to make it about me instead. Like clockwork.

Real liberals aren't misogynistic, racist or Islamophobic.

I you are going to use a guy like Bill "I'm a house n****r, Senator" Maher as an example of a "real liberal", I think you've lost the point.

When your racism even makes Ben Sasse wince uncomfortably, you really can't be called a liberal anymore.
The Regressives are nuts.

Here's a couple of honest liberals who agree with you:

again, a misogynistic Islamophobe atheist (It's because of people like him folks hate atheists) and a self-loathing Muslim... is that the best you got.

One more time- Our problem with the middle east is OUR IMPERIALISTIC POLICIES, not that their belief in a magic pixie in the sky is any worse than your magic pixie in the sky.

But you aren't honest enough to discuss that issue, so what's the point.
You spent too much time in your mothers basement watching MSNBC… LOL
Speaking of that, kind of...

I'm trying to remember who it was, I think it was Maher. He made a very interesting and hopeful observation recently, pointing out how younger generations are so prone to rebel against their parents and go in the opposite direction. He offered the possibility that enough children of these Regressives may be able to swing the pendulum away from the Regressives and back towards actually loving their country, towards reason and honesty and decency and the promotion & defense of freedom of expression. Back towards actual liberalism.

Holy crap, I'm not going to assume anything, but that sure as hell is one hopeful thought.
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Only the Right really gives a shit about Hillary Clinton anymore.
Too hard to find something good to say about the heap of shit they elected, so they just keep flogging a dead horse.

They hate being in power because it makes them play defense.

A perfect example is Obamacare. For years they reveled in hammering Obamacare from the outside looking in,
but once they got on the inside, in power, the whole issue turned into their worst nightmare.
Hillary lost because she is terribly corrupt, a proven liar, and believes in nothing but gaining wealth and power for herself. She is so bad, a majority of Americans voted for Trump over her.

She should have lost to Bernie (he won 22 states), had the DNC and the DNC media not done all they could to get her elected.

Why are Ds not more upset about Bernie's voters being disenfranchised, by the D establishment?

To repeat FACTS yet again, Hillary won by three million votes.

In the book he said he wrote but that was actually written by Tony Schwartz, pino trump says that if you tell someone something three times, they will believe it. The right has been telling lies about the Clinton's for so long that even Dems and liberals believe it.

But, ask for proof and you get silence or more lies.

We are now seeing that Putin elected pino trump.
You spent too much time in your mothers basement watching MSNBC… LOL
Speaking of that, kind of...

I'm trying to remember who it was, I think it was Maher. He made a very interesting and hopeful observation recently, pointing out how younger generations are so prone to rebel against their parents and go in the opposite direction. He offered the possibility that enough children of these Regressives may be able to swing the pendulum away from the Regressives and back towards actually loving their country, towards reason and honesty and decency and the promotion & defense of freedom of expression. Back towards actual liberalism.

Holy crap, I'm not going to assume anything, but that sure as hell is one hopeful thought.

Yes, Maher. We saw that and to a great extent, I agree.

I often say that some of the young liberals we see give me hope for the future. But, the rabid right's support for the 1-2%'s war on the working class is doing great damage and that will get a lot worse and some could be permanent.
Only the Right really gives a shit about Hillary Clinton anymore.
Too hard to find something good to say about the heap of shit they elected, so they just keep flogging a dead horse.

They hate being in power because it makes them play defense.

A perfect example is Obamacare. For years they reveled in hammering Obamacare from the outside looking in,
but once they got on the inside, in power, the whole issue turned into their worst nightmare.
Hillary lost because she is terribly corrupt, a proven liar, and believes in nothing but gaining wealth and power for herself. She is so bad, a majority of Americans voted for Trump over her.

She should have lost to Bernie (he won 22 states), had the DNC and the DNC media not done all they could to get her elected.

Why are Ds not more upset about Bernie's voters being disenfranchised, by the D establishment?

To repeat FACTS yet again, Hillary won by three million votes.

In the book he said he wrote but that was actually written by Tony Schwartz, pino trump says that if you tell someone something three times, they will believe it. The right has been telling lies about the Clinton's for so long that even Dems and liberals believe it.

But, ask for proof and you get silence or more lies.

We are now seeing that Putin elected pino trump.
Putin elected Trump...damn that is stupid. Do you watch CNN 24/7?
Speaking of that, kind of...

I'm trying to remember who it was, I think it was Maher. He made a very interesting and hopeful observation recently, pointing out how younger generations are so prone to rebel against their parents and go in the opposite direction. He offered the possibility that enough children of these Regressives may be able to swing the pendulum away from the Regressives and back towards actually loving their country, towards reason and honesty and decency and the promotion & defense of freedom of expression. Back towards actual liberalism.

Holy crap, I'm not going to assume anything, but that sure as hell is one hopeful thought.

Not likely. You see, here's the thing. Young people will look at your Islamaphobia the way that our generation looks at our parents casually dropping the N-word in regular conversation. Like something that makes them really uncomfortable.
Only the Right really gives a shit about Hillary Clinton anymore.


Are you saying you lefties have thrown Hillary's carcass to the side of the road?

I'm saying that you wankers on the Right are still obsessed with Hillary Clinton.

:lol: You couldn't even admit you threw her onto the ash heap of history. The butt hurt is still very strong with you.
And I see with your new Avatar you support kek, the God of chaos! An, if not the, antichrist! :clap:
Who would have guessed it? :rolleyes:

I know no such kek, bro. And I doubt you have any worries about the antichrist for that matter. If you did, you'd stop trying to vote one into office.
Hillary has blamed at least 38 factors besides herself for her loss. Liberals, do you buy this, or should Hillary take responsibility for her loss?

No, i think we as a country have no one to blame but ourselves for the disaster that is Donald Trump. We knew what the right thing was, we went ahead and did the wrong thing anyway.

I do like how you try to shift blame back onto Hillary, though.

Could she have done some things better? Yup. But at the end of the day, Americans saw a man who had no business being in the White House, and either decided to vote for him anyway, or piss away their vote on a third party nut.
Trump is bad, but nowhere near as bad as your Messiah and the pantsuit. So, be happy

A rightwinger doesn't like a liberal
And by the way, I know this won't be good enough, but it will be fun to watch you deny it.

Ready, set, SPIN!

SO misogynist and Islamophobe Richard Dawkins has a conversation with Racist and Islamophobe Bill Maher, and we are supposed to be impressed that they are "honest liberals". The only thing these guys are honest about is their bigotry.

Look, guy, I'm sorry that you didn't win the conversation on what liberalism should be. Just like I'm sorry that your boy didn't win his argument on what Islam should be. But sometimes you have to accept that you lost the argument.

Mac's number one failing is that he never provides any evidence of what he claims.
Hillary has blamed at least 38 factors besides herself for her loss. Liberals, do you buy this, or should Hillary take responsibility for her loss?

No, i think we as a country have no one to blame but ourselves for the disaster that is Donald Trump. We knew what the right thing was, we went ahead and did the wrong thing anyway.

I do like how you try to shift blame back onto Hillary, though.

Could she have done some things better? Yup. But at the end of the day, Americans saw a man who had no business being in the White House, and either decided to vote for him anyway, or piss away their vote on a third party nut.
Trump is bad, but nowhere near as bad as your Messiah and the pantsuit. So, be happy

A rightwinger doesn't like a liberal
A regressive doesn't like a liberal
Still not one true liberal is in this thread just far left drones running their debunked religious narratives..

This proves once again that true liberals does not exist in the Democrat party today!
Regressives refuse to look in the mirror and admit what they've done
'Regressives' had nothing to do with it. Trump won WI, MI, and PA on economic issues.
I say it, they jump in and illustrate it.


This place is absolutely uncanny.

I comprehensively refuted it and you're too retarded to know that. That's the funniest part.

Name a 'regressive' issue that cost Hillary Clinton a state that Obama won.

You actually garble the English language by saying "comprehensively refuted', and you try to claim HE is retarded?
Regressives refuse to look in the mirror and admit what they've done
'Regressives' had nothing to do with it. Trump won WI, MI, and PA on economic issues.
I say it, they jump in and illustrate it.


This place is absolutely uncanny.

I comprehensively refuted it and you're too retarded to know that. That's the funniest part.

Name a 'regressive' issue that cost Hillary Clinton a state that Obama won.

You actually garble the English language by saying "comprehensively refuted', and you try to claim HE is retarded?
I'm so far up in the Regressives' heads at this point that they'll throw out anything.

And they just keep posting to me, unsolicited. I make a point, they go drama queen.

It's certainly a good sign, it's flattering, but it can get a little creepy at times.

Anyway, it is what it is.

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Only the Right really gives a shit about Hillary Clinton anymore.
Too hard to find something good to say about the heap of shit they elected, so they just keep flogging a dead horse.

They hate being in power because it makes them play defense.

A perfect example is Obamacare. For years they reveled in hammering Obamacare from the outside looking in,
but once they got on the inside, in power, the whole issue turned into their worst nightmare.
Hillary lost because she is terribly corrupt, a proven liar, and believes in nothing but gaining wealth and power for herself. She is so bad, a majority of Americans voted for Trump over her.

She should have lost to Bernie (he won 22 states), had the DNC and the DNC media not done all they could to get her elected.

Why are Ds not more upset about Bernie's voters being disenfranchised, by the D establishment?
That's like saying, Trump won because he is terribly corrupt, a proven liar, and believes in nothing but gaining wealth and power for himself.

She is so bad, a majority of Americans voted for Trump over her.
That is scary retarded.
Regressives refuse to look in the mirror and admit what they've done
'Regressives' had nothing to do with it. Trump won WI, MI, and PA on economic issues.
I say it, they jump in and illustrate it.


This place is absolutely uncanny.

I comprehensively refuted it and you're too retarded to know that. That's the funniest part.

Name a 'regressive' issue that cost Hillary Clinton a state that Obama won.

You actually garble the English language by saying "comprehensively refuted', and you try to claim HE is retarded?
I'm so far up in the Regressives' heads at this point that they'll throw out anything.

And they just keep posting to me, unsolicited. I make a point, they go drama queen.

It's certainly a good sign, it's flattering, but it can get a little creepy at times.

Anyway, it is what it is.


No, you make dishonest claims unsupported by a shred of evidence, you get called out for it, and then you go into your PoliticChic impersonation.

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