Question for my conservative friends here.

How about the verdict of this trial?
The DOJ has already brought multiple bogus lawsuits against Donald Trump. They have PROVEN they are compromised, therefore the verdict of this trial is invalid until they PROVE they can apply the law equally. They only way they can do that is indict Joe Biden. I can't make it any simpler than that. Do you understand?
Should Biden be tried?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Yes?

Let the deflecting begin!!!!
Can’t try a sitting President. When he leaves office have at it.

It’ll go nowhere but hey…
I did.... now answer you partisan dumbfck

You didn't answer my question. You said this:

Should Biden be tried?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Yes?

Let the deflecting begin!!!!

Will you agree Trump is guilty if found to be so in a court of law presided over By a Trump appointed judge with a jury from Florida?

Would you teach children to speak to others like you do on this forum?
You didn't answer my question. You said this:

Will you agree Trump is guilty if found to be so in a court of law presided over By a Trump appointed judge with a jury from Florida?

Would you teach children to speak to others like you do on this forum?

Don't you worry your little overused ass what I teach my children. How's that?
If Trump is found guilty in the documents case with Cannon presiding, will you agree the government proved its case and Trump deserves the punishment meted out?

Before the obvious question is asked, yes I will believe the government did not prove its case if he is acquitted with Cannon presiding..
They've been accusing Trump of illegal or treasonous activity since he came down the escalator and time and again we find the government made it all up. No crime was committed.

Given the behavior of this government, the weaponization of federal agencies during the Obama and Biden administrations, the glaringly obvious targeting of political opponents or dissidents, the fact that even key Democrats have admitted due process was not used in the persecution of Donald trump, t is to the point now that I will not believe the government used real evidence or honest due process to find Trump guilty of anything.

If they prevail, no citizen can count on the Constitution or other law to protect them from a totalitarian government that has taken on the right to do anything to anybody it wants to do to anybody.
Is it untrue? If not, you can kick rocks with your weak ass "whataboutism" nonsense. That is an argument for scrub debaters.
mak2: “Hey! You punched me in the face! You’re a bad violent person!”

Anyone: “Um, I punched you in the face because you punched me in the face first”

There are lots of people tried and convicted for possessing classified documents they shouldn't have.
What was the punishment? Do you know what the biggest sentence ever handed down for it was? 100 hours community service. It was Sandy Berger.
You have already stated your willingness to accept illegal activity from the government in order to fight against the libs.

Do I have it right that you do not accept any verdict from the court? Or just a guilty one?
You are trying to avoid my point, but it isnt working. Everyone sees right through your weak responses.
If Trump is found guilty in the documents case with Cannon presiding, will you agree the government proved its case and Trump deserves the punishment meted out?

Before the obvious question is asked, yes I will believe the government did not prove its case if he is acquitted with Cannon presiding..

I believe Trump is already scum of the highest order. Don't need the court to tell me. But I will also vote for Trump if he gets the dems are the filthiest of scum.

Would you want me to vote pedo and vote to confiscate my guns OP?

Is that your goal? Do you want me to vote to turn America in Mehico ASAP, OP?

vote pedo.jpg

Would agree Trump is guilty after such a verdict?
Would I agree he was found guilty? Again, I'm not going to deny a fact.

Would I agree with the verdict? No. I don't think he's any more guilty than Biden or Hillary or Obama, or Bush or Clinton
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