Question for my conservative friends here.

If Trump is found guilty in the documents case with Cannon presiding, will you agree the government proved its case and Trump deserves the punishment meted out?

Before the obvious question is asked, yes I will believe the government did not prove its case if he is acquitted with Cannon presiding..
Hey, you can vote commie all you want but trump ain't going away.
Yes, I suppose juries make mistakes. That doesn't meant I think think the entire system is wrong. I can't think of a better alternative to the jury trial system, can you?
I didn’t say a word denigrating our legal system. Instead, I answered your trite OP question. And the answer is that I cannot yet know if I would accept a jury verdict if there is a serious basis to challenge it.

Your question presupposes the idea that if Cannon supervises the trial to give Trump a fair trial allowing the jury to determine the relevant facts from the evidence, then the jury verdict “is” valid. It ain’t necessarily so.

Even fair-minded and intelligent juries can still make mistakes.
Thank you, but I must say this not a very good apology.

Also, this is an internet discussion board. I am discussing. I believe the only people who are able to stop me from posting here are mods.
It's ten times better than you deserve.
Thank you, but I must say this not a very good apology.

Also, this is an internet discussion board. I am discussing. I believe the only people who are able to stop me from posting here are mods.

Gfy already. Dude I despise you sissified leftist twinks and you can hold your breath and die before I ever apologize to something you demand.

You're fcking stupid
If Trump is found guilty in the documents case with Cannon presiding, will you agree the government proved its case and Trump deserves the punishment meted out?

Before the obvious question is asked, yes I will believe the government did not prove its case if he is acquitted with Cannon presiding..
Guilty of what, exactly? A glorified case of not returning the library books on time.
If Trump is found guilty in the documents case with Cannon presiding, will you agree the government proved its case and Trump deserves the punishment meted out?

Before the obvious question is asked, yes I will believe the government did not prove its case if he is acquitted with Cannon presiding..
trump should not be in court, no laws were broke

Your premise is false
I didn’t say a word denigrating our legal system. Instead, I answered your trite OP question. And the answer is that I cannot yet know if I would accept a jury verdict if there is a serious basis to challenge it.

Your question presupposes the idea that if Cannon supervises the trial to give Trump a fair trial allowing the jury to determine the relevant facts from the evidence, then the jury verdict “is” valid. It ain’t necessarily so.

Even fair-minded and intelligent juries can still make mistakes.

Perhaps I overstated your position. Apologies. You did answer the question. Thanks.
If Trump is found guilty in the documents case with Cannon presiding, will you agree the government proved its case and Trump deserves the punishment meted out?

Before the obvious question is asked, yes I will believe the government did not prove its case if he is acquitted with Cannon presiding..
Meaning if trump is found guilty in a kangaroo court you dont think he deserves to appeal the conviction?
Would I agree he was found guilty? Again, I'm not going to deny a fact.

Would I agree with the verdict? No. I don't think he's any more guilty than Biden or Hillary or Obama, or Bush or Clinton
What you close your eyes to, is that in our country, there are two types of crimes. Those of negligence and those of intent.

Even in the Clinton case, the bar wasn't just negligence, but gross negligence.
And in the case of Biden and Pence, the bar is criminal intent.
So far the only person to pass the "bar" is Trump who intentional took, and intentionally retained national security documents.
Gfy already. Dude I despise you sissified leftist twinks and you can hold your breath and die before I ever apologize to something you demand.

You're fcking stupid

I think it would be easier to admit the mistake you made in your accusations.

The proof is there for all to read and your childish tantrum won't change that, nor will it have any effect on how often I post here.
Meaning if trump is found guilty in a kangaroo court you dont think he deserves to appeal the conviction?
I believe everybody deserves the right to appeal any adverse action against them. The difference is that the appeal shouldn't stay the punishment.
What you close your eyes to, is that in our country, there are two types of crimes. Those of negligence and those of intent.

Even in the Clinton case, the bar wasn't just negligence, but gross negligence.
And in the case of Biden and Pence, the bar is criminal intent.
So far the only person to pass the "bar" is Trump who intentional took, and intentionally retained national security documents.
Keeping the streak going outside the sewer Ratty - Kudos.
Depends on Judge Cannon's ruling ... if there's prosecutorial misconduct ... then Trump should be acquitted, regardless of his actions ...

I think the Bundys need to spend time in prison ... but not if the prosecuters are making up evidence ... or lying to the court ...
one of the craziest posts in a while
Would you teach children to speak to others like you do on this forum?
Why do you ask, or bring someone's family into your OP? It is against forum rules. Are you ignorant of the rules? Or do you just ignore them. Should we all, now find you guilty and start a campaign to get you banned, or at the least warned, for willfully breaking the rules.

and to keep it on topic, Trump broke no laws, anybody that is non-partisan, sees this as the actions of the New Marxist Democratic Party of the USA, not NAZIs, but DAZIs? For Democratic.
If Trump is found guilty in the documents case with Cannon presiding, will you agree the government proved its case and Trump deserves the punishment meted out?

Before the obvious question is asked, yes I will believe the government did not prove its case if he is acquitted with Cannon presiding..
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