Question for the left regarding Trump

If the cost of keeping them there is outweighed by the overall money remaining in those communities by carrier staying put, isn't it worth it?

I guess so, but paying people to stay is way different than charging them more tax which I thought was the plan.

Carrier is a "top tier" economic generator. They make products that get shipped to other areas, thus they bring money into the communities they work in. That allows all secondary and tertiary business to stick around.

Thats the case with any business that other business' benefit. I just dont see how paying them to stay helps build anything or prevents them from leaving when the cash runs out.

Its like saying a whore really likes you when as soon as you run out of money...shes out
The corporate tax rate will be lowered.
Tariffs should be placed on American products IMPORTANTLY

That is how the manufacturers will be persuaded to stay.

Looks like the only proof you have of that is faith. We'll see, but even if they lower the tax rate and tariffs are included I dont see how that would make a company opt to pay $12 an hour instead of taking the lumps and paying someone $2 an hour.
If I had the power any company that moved overseas would pay a tariff that exceeded the costs saved by the move by 5%

No one has that power again thats where faith comes in
Congress has that power.
There are 538 Electoral college members, same number as all senators, representative and delegates combined.
Why not just let them vote for the president?
I guess his next move is to have all the crap he has manufactured overseas manufactured here from now on, right? Lead by example orange one.

So you still dont understand that previous administrations made up the rules forcing business to go over seas to remain profitable and even solvent?
Just how many times must you be told before it sinks in?
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?
Do you approve of Tramp's agreeing to allow 1,100 jobs to move to Mexico with no tariffs as part of the payoff for the phony photo op????
Agreeing to allow? He's dictator now? He saves half the jobs and you focus on what he couldn't do....
The more than half he lost will not be hit with tariffs, as he had promised. Tramp didn't just pay for a photo op with tax favors, he also stabbed 1,100 workers in the back.
Seriously! when every teabagger wants to put profit ahead of patriotism and workers fair treatment.
What a stupid fucking thread.
If this was proposed by a Union you teabaggers would be bitching out your mouths and asses.

What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

This will drive the left bat shit crazy, Trump pulling off what Obama never even attempted their heads will explode. That the workers helped are historically the base of the Democratic party will only make it worse. Think pack of wild dogs with rabies.
The dick didn't even do it with his goods.
Get real!
Oh, yes you kneel before "the donald:" Sorry!

What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

This will drive the left bat shit crazy, Trump pulling off what Obama never even attempted their heads will explode. That the workers helped are historically the base of the Democratic party will only make it worse. Think pack of wild dogs with rabies.
All you have to do is research to find out the facts...and it stinks.. we are so screwed

Carriers parent company is United Technologies which has a contract with the government , the get 10% of all profits..
Donald Trump profited from investment in Carrier's parent company

Trump earned interest income of $2,501 to $5,000 from an investment in a United Technologies, according to a new financial disclosure form he filed Wednesday with federal election officials

Donald Trump profited from investment in Carrier's parent company
You fucking ignorant asshole!!!
Trump made $2500 from his investment in UTC.
That's one decent dinner in Manhattan you stupid cocksucker!
YOU REALLY need to do better than putting up this shit!
You have four years to come up with something beyond what a ten year old would.
Good fucking luck!
He is the consummate con artist. Classic bait and switch. The proof is in the pudding. The Groper Elected didn't give them the tax abatement or whatever it was, it was Pence. The Groper Elect would never do that, he promised.
All you have to do is research to find out the facts...and it stinks.. we are so screwed

Carriers parent company is United Technologies which has a contract with the government , the get 10% of all profits..
Donald Trump profited from investment in Carrier's parent company

Trump earned interest income of $2,501 to $5,000 from an investment in a United Technologies, according to a new financial disclosure form he filed Wednesday with federal election officials

Donald Trump profited from investment in Carrier's parent company
$5,000??? That influenced Trump??? Get real.

He never mentioned that he had ties with the company Jackson........He pulled bullshit out of his butte to make the right cheer him on..
He lied through his teeth during his whole campaign.. I liked some of those lies at first until I saw the light.
That light is blinding you.

Dude you really have to wake up from your Trump comma....seriously he lied about many things all you have to do is read up about everything for all politicians , not just drink the koolaide.
Must stink to be a loser like you. HAAA HAAAAA!!!!!
The dick didn't even do it with his goods.
Get real!
Oh, yes you kneel before "the donald:" Sorry!

What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

This will drive the left bat shit crazy, Trump pulling off what Obama never even attempted their heads will explode. That the workers helped are historically the base of the Democratic party will only make it worse. Think pack of wild dogs with rabies.
Seriously! when every teabagger wants to put profit ahead of patriotism and workers fair treatment.
What a stupid fucking thread.
If this was proposed by a Union you teabaggers would be bitching out your mouths and asses.

What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?
Go ask the Carrier employees whose jobs Trump saved what their opinion of him is.
After a few years of President Trump handing you your pathetic ass the best we'll get from you will be: "OH YEAH!"
Fucking loserneverwaser!
Give it up, fuckface......"the donald" shits vanilla ice cream to you and you lick it up at the rate of a starving dog.
Let's see what asshole mouth "the donald" does, take your insults and suck on them like you do "the donald."
Of course, this will get the moderators to ban me again. while jack fucks like you still stay on the board.
LOL! Dick face

Seriously! when every teabagger wants to put profit ahead of patriotism and workers fair treatment.
What a stupid fucking thread.
If this was proposed by a Union you teabaggers would be bitching out your mouths and asses.

What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?
Go ask the Carrier employees whose jobs Trump saved what their opinion of him is.
After a few years of President Trump handing you your pathetic ass the best we'll get from you will be: "OH YEAH!"
Fucking loserneverwaser!
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

Trump didnt do it, Pence did from the reports. Also he just paid them to stay here thats only going to work as long as they keep paying them to stay.

If the cost of keeping them there is outweighed by the overall money remaining in those communities by carrier staying put, isn't it worth it?

I guess so, but paying people to stay is way different than charging them more tax which I thought was the plan.

Carrier is a "top tier" economic generator. They make products that get shipped to other areas, thus they bring money into the communities they work in. That allows all secondary and tertiary business to stick around.

Thats the case with any business that other business' benefit. I just dont see how paying them to stay helps build anything or prevents them from leaving when the cash runs out.

Its like saying a whore really likes you when as soon as you run out of money...shes out
The corporate tax rate will be lowered.
Tariffs should be placed on American products IMPORTED

That is how the manufacturers will be persuaded to stay.

So if you had a choice of paying a lower tax rate (one you could lower by donating money to a charity or in a variety of ways) OR paying your 10,000 employees $20 a day instead $20 an hour; you’d be convinced by the lower tax rate?

Yeah…tell us another lie.

American products being imported. If they are imported; are they American products? Dumbass.
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

I am all for keeping jobs in the United States- hell that is why I supported President Obama's actions saving American automotive manufacturing jobs.

My only question is how much this will cost American taxpayers- i have seen some large numbers- but I don't claim to have looked into them yet.

Lets assign some arbitrary numbers- lets say that Carrier received $100,000 a year in tax breaks per job- would that be a good deal for the United States? What if Carrier only received $1,000 a year in tax breaks.

The devil is in the details- keeping jobs here is good- but the question is the cost.
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

I am all for keeping jobs in the United States- hell that is why I supported President Obama's actions saving American automotive manufacturing jobs.

My only question is how much this will cost American taxpayers- i have seen some large numbers- but I don't claim to have looked into them yet.

Lets assign some arbitrary numbers- lets say that Carrier received $100,000 a year in tax breaks per job- would that be a good deal for the United States? What if Carrier only received $1,000 a year in tax breaks.

The devil is in the details- keeping jobs here is good- but the question is the cost.
Obama didn't give GM tax credits (rebates on their own taxes due) he gave them my money, your money. He also didn't do it to keep the jobs from leaving the country, he did it to "save" the business which was a waste because they went bankrupt anyway. He also forced MANY private dealerships to close down.

The Carrier deal is a rebate (their own money) on future taxes. A stopgap deal at best but it worked.
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

Trump didnt do it, Pence did from the reports. Also he just paid them to stay here thats only going to work as long as they keep paying them to stay.

If the cost of keeping them there is outweighed by the overall money remaining in those communities by carrier staying put, isn't it worth it?

I guess so, but paying people to stay is way different than charging them more tax which I thought was the plan.

Carrier is a "top tier" economic generator. They make products that get shipped to other areas, thus they bring money into the communities they work in. That allows all secondary and tertiary business to stick around.

Thats the case with any business that other business' benefit. I just dont see how paying them to stay helps build anything or prevents them from leaving when the cash runs out.

Its like saying a whore really likes you when as soon as you run out of money...shes out
The corporate tax rate will be lowered.
Tariffs should be placed on American products IMPORTED

That is how the manufacturers will be persuaded to stay.

So if you had a choice of paying a lower tax rate (one you could lower by donating money to a charity or in a variety of ways) OR paying your 10,000 employees $20 a day instead $20 an hour; you’d be convinced by the lower tax rate?

Yeah…tell us another lie.

American products being imported. If they are imported; are they American products? Dumbass.

Not only that but they seem to believe he's going to tough on companies over seas while owning several companies over seas.
Trump didnt do it, Pence did from the reports. Also he just paid them to stay here thats only going to work as long as they keep paying them to stay.

If the cost of keeping them there is outweighed by the overall money remaining in those communities by carrier staying put, isn't it worth it?

I guess so, but paying people to stay is way different than charging them more tax which I thought was the plan.

Carrier is a "top tier" economic generator. They make products that get shipped to other areas, thus they bring money into the communities they work in. That allows all secondary and tertiary business to stick around.

Thats the case with any business that other business' benefit. I just dont see how paying them to stay helps build anything or prevents them from leaving when the cash runs out.

Its like saying a whore really likes you when as soon as you run out of money...shes out
The corporate tax rate will be lowered.
Tariffs should be placed on American products IMPORTED

That is how the manufacturers will be persuaded to stay.

So if you had a choice of paying a lower tax rate (one you could lower by donating money to a charity or in a variety of ways) OR paying your 10,000 employees $20 a day instead $20 an hour; you’d be convinced by the lower tax rate?

Yeah…tell us another lie.

American products being imported. If they are imported; are they American products? Dumbass.

Not only that but they seem to believe he's going to tough on companies over seas while owning several companies over seas.
Wrong. We believe he is going to give tax BREAKS to entice them back. Repatriation is a net plus.
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?
Hard to actually say until we learn what was promised to them and for how long. It's implied by a deal being made that those jobs are gone the very minute the corporate socialism stops, perhaps even in spite of it if they decide the stock price needs a bump.
If the cost of keeping them there is outweighed by the overall money remaining in those communities by carrier staying put, isn't it worth it?

I guess so, but paying people to stay is way different than charging them more tax which I thought was the plan.

Carrier is a "top tier" economic generator. They make products that get shipped to other areas, thus they bring money into the communities they work in. That allows all secondary and tertiary business to stick around.

Thats the case with any business that other business' benefit. I just dont see how paying them to stay helps build anything or prevents them from leaving when the cash runs out.

Its like saying a whore really likes you when as soon as you run out of money...shes out
The corporate tax rate will be lowered.
Tariffs should be placed on American products IMPORTED

That is how the manufacturers will be persuaded to stay.

So if you had a choice of paying a lower tax rate (one you could lower by donating money to a charity or in a variety of ways) OR paying your 10,000 employees $20 a day instead $20 an hour; you’d be convinced by the lower tax rate?

Yeah…tell us another lie.

American products being imported. If they are imported; are they American products? Dumbass.

Not only that but they seem to believe he's going to tough on companies over seas while owning several companies over seas.
Wrong. We believe he is going to give tax BREAKS to entice them back. Repatriation is a net plus.

Tax breaks? I guess he dropped the shit about taxing them harder then. No, even better, to avoid that you can always say I'm lying and Trump never said that.

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