Question for the left regarding Trump

What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

I am all for keeping jobs in the United States- hell that is why I supported President Obama's actions saving American automotive manufacturing jobs.

My only question is how much this will cost American taxpayers- i have seen some large numbers- but I don't claim to have looked into them yet.

Lets assign some arbitrary numbers- lets say that Carrier received $100,000 a year in tax breaks per job- would that be a good deal for the United States? What if Carrier only received $1,000 a year in tax breaks.

The devil is in the details- keeping jobs here is good- but the question is the cost.
Obama didn't give GM tax credits (rebates on their own taxes due) he gave them my money, your money. He also didn't do it to keep the jobs from leaving the country, he did it to "save" the business which was a waste because they went bankrupt anyway. He also forced MANY private dealerships to close down.

The Carrier deal is a rebate (their own money) on future taxes. A stopgap deal at best but it worked.

Excuse me- any taxes that Carrier does not pay that another company does have to pay is 'our money'.

How many jobs are being saved? 800 jobs.

How many jobs were saved by bailing out the auto industry? 1.5 million jobs.

Auto bailout saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs -study

Dec 9 The federal bailout of General Motors Co, Chrysler and parts suppliers in 2009 saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs and preserved $105.3 billion in personal and social insurance tax collections, according to a study released on Monday.
In the end, UTC agreed to retain approximately 800 manufacturing jobs at the Indiana plant that had been slated to move to Mexico, as well as another 300 engineering and headquarters jobs. In return, the company will get roughly $700,000 a year for a period of years in state tax incentives.

Some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind. The company has plans in place to offer displaced workers employment and relocation in UTC’s aerospace business, or to provide funding for reeducation.

So Indiana tax payers will pay roughly $700 a year per job to keep these jobs in Indiana- probably a pretty decent deal.
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

I have very mixed feelings on it. For one - is this what we elected him to do, go to company after company and try to negotiate deals? There's a hell of a lot of other stuff he has to be responsible for.

Secondly - what was really saved? 1000 jobs. No one is saying what jobs those will be either. The other 1000 are moving. And, Indiana is giving them massive tax breaks to keep those 1000 jobs. It's not the Presidents job. It's the job of Indiana's elected officials.

Third - it ignores a great deal of the cause of the loss in manufacturing jobs - automation. What he's doing is flashy, sexy, appealing but does little to solve the real problems.

Do I think he can bring back those jobs? I don't think so - not those jobs. At least not in the numbers that would be needed. Seems it would be better, as President, to work on policies that attract new industries and retrain workforces in those places. Silicon Valley concepts. Significant tax breaks for business who stay in the US.
I loved the way Reagan tweaked the hostile media and I used to cringe when moderate republican president George Bush gave a speech. I cheer once again for a republican with a set of balls and a gift for gab like Donald Trump.
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

It is cheap theatrics for a photoshoot at this point, not a serious policy matter in a 150 million job economy.
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

I am all for keeping jobs in the United States- hell that is why I supported President Obama's actions saving American automotive manufacturing jobs.

My only question is how much this will cost American taxpayers- i have seen some large numbers- but I don't claim to have looked into them yet.

Lets assign some arbitrary numbers- lets say that Carrier received $100,000 a year in tax breaks per job- would that be a good deal for the United States? What if Carrier only received $1,000 a year in tax breaks.

The devil is in the details- keeping jobs here is good- but the question is the cost.
Obama didn't give GM tax credits (rebates on their own taxes due) he gave them my money, your money. He also didn't do it to keep the jobs from leaving the country, he did it to "save" the business which was a waste because they went bankrupt anyway. He also forced MANY private dealerships to close down.

The Carrier deal is a rebate (their own money) on future taxes. A stopgap deal at best but it worked.

Excuse me- any taxes that Carrier does not pay that another company does have to pay is 'our money'.

How many jobs are being saved? 800 jobs.

How many jobs were saved by bailing out the auto industry? 1.5 million jobs.

Auto bailout saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs -study

Dec 9 The federal bailout of General Motors Co, Chrysler and parts suppliers in 2009 saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs and preserved $105.3 billion in personal and social insurance tax collections, according to a study released on Monday.
It's not your money.
It was 1100 jobs
Pander that bullshit elsewhere
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

I am all for keeping jobs in the United States- hell that is why I supported President Obama's actions saving American automotive manufacturing jobs.

My only question is how much this will cost American taxpayers- i have seen some large numbers- but I don't claim to have looked into them yet.

Lets assign some arbitrary numbers- lets say that Carrier received $100,000 a year in tax breaks per job- would that be a good deal for the United States? What if Carrier only received $1,000 a year in tax breaks.

The devil is in the details- keeping jobs here is good- but the question is the cost.
Obama didn't give GM tax credits (rebates on their own taxes due) he gave them my money, your money. He also didn't do it to keep the jobs from leaving the country, he did it to "save" the business which was a waste because they went bankrupt anyway. He also forced MANY private dealerships to close down.

The Carrier deal is a rebate (their own money) on future taxes. A stopgap deal at best but it worked.

Total and complete rubbish. Really fuckface, how do you live with yourself?

GM Filed bankruptcy; you got that much right. The Government stepped in to assure GM owners, GM employees, GM Suppliers and those considering buying GM products that the company would be around so that if you have a Silverado, a GM employee comes to your bank to take out a home loan, your company makes the stereos that go into GM vehicles, or you’re considering a new Silverado for your next truck; that the company would be there to service the vehicle, pay the employee, and pay your company for the radios they bought and the radios they will buy in the future.
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

I am all for keeping jobs in the United States- hell that is why I supported President Obama's actions saving American automotive manufacturing jobs.

My only question is how much this will cost American taxpayers- i have seen some large numbers- but I don't claim to have looked into them yet.

Lets assign some arbitrary numbers- lets say that Carrier received $100,000 a year in tax breaks per job- would that be a good deal for the United States? What if Carrier only received $1,000 a year in tax breaks.

The devil is in the details- keeping jobs here is good- but the question is the cost.
Obama didn't give GM tax credits (rebates on their own taxes due) he gave them my money, your money. He also didn't do it to keep the jobs from leaving the country, he did it to "save" the business which was a waste because they went bankrupt anyway. He also forced MANY private dealerships to close down.

The Carrier deal is a rebate (their own money) on future taxes. A stopgap deal at best but it worked.

Excuse me- any taxes that Carrier does not pay that another company does have to pay is 'our money'.

How many jobs are being saved? 800 jobs.

How many jobs were saved by bailing out the auto industry? 1.5 million jobs.

Auto bailout saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs -study

Dec 9 The federal bailout of General Motors Co, Chrysler and parts suppliers in 2009 saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs and preserved $105.3 billion in personal and social insurance tax collections, according to a study released on Monday.
It's not your money.
It was 1100 jobs
Pander that bullshit elsewhere

As soon as you start, we’ll listen to you.

So…if on a local tax base, the Carrier plant no longer pays taxes (for example), the budget for the locality is still X amount of dollars. Lets just say $1,000,000 to fund the police, fire, roads, sewer, garbage collection, etc… Carrier used to pay, $100,000 in taxes for the sake of argument. Now it pays $0. The budget now needs $100.000. Where does that come from?

I’m guessing it comes from “your money”
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

I am all for keeping jobs in the United States- hell that is why I supported President Obama's actions saving American automotive manufacturing jobs.

My only question is how much this will cost American taxpayers- i have seen some large numbers- but I don't claim to have looked into them yet.

Lets assign some arbitrary numbers- lets say that Carrier received $100,000 a year in tax breaks per job- would that be a good deal for the United States? What if Carrier only received $1,000 a year in tax breaks.

The devil is in the details- keeping jobs here is good- but the question is the cost.
Obama didn't give GM tax credits (rebates on their own taxes due) he gave them my money, your money. He also didn't do it to keep the jobs from leaving the country, he did it to "save" the business which was a waste because they went bankrupt anyway. He also forced MANY private dealerships to close down.

The Carrier deal is a rebate (their own money) on future taxes. A stopgap deal at best but it worked.

Excuse me- any taxes that Carrier does not pay that another company does have to pay is 'our money'.

How many jobs are being saved? 800 jobs.

How many jobs were saved by bailing out the auto industry? 1.5 million jobs.

Auto bailout saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs -study

Dec 9 The federal bailout of General Motors Co, Chrysler and parts suppliers in 2009 saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs and preserved $105.3 billion in personal and social insurance tax collections, according to a study released on Monday.
It's not your money.
It was 1100 jobs
Pander that bullshit elsewhere

Excuse me- any taxes that Carrier does not pay that another company does have to pay is 'our money'.

Correct- its not my money- its the money of the tax payers of Indiana

How many jobs are being saved? 800 jobs.

How many jobs were saved by bailing out the auto industry? 1.5 million jobs.

Auto bailout saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs -study

Dec 9 The federal bailout of General Motors Co, Chrysler and parts suppliers in 2009 saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs and preserved $105.3 billion in personal and social insurance tax collections, according to a study released on Monday
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

I am all for keeping jobs in the United States- hell that is why I supported President Obama's actions saving American automotive manufacturing jobs.

My only question is how much this will cost American taxpayers- i have seen some large numbers- but I don't claim to have looked into them yet.

Lets assign some arbitrary numbers- lets say that Carrier received $100,000 a year in tax breaks per job- would that be a good deal for the United States? What if Carrier only received $1,000 a year in tax breaks.

The devil is in the details- keeping jobs here is good- but the question is the cost.
Obama didn't give GM tax credits (rebates on their own taxes due) he gave them my money, your money. He also didn't do it to keep the jobs from leaving the country, he did it to "save" the business which was a waste because they went bankrupt anyway. He also forced MANY private dealerships to close down.

The Carrier deal is a rebate (their own money) on future taxes. A stopgap deal at best but it worked.

Excuse me- any taxes that Carrier does not pay that another company does have to pay is 'our money'.

How many jobs are being saved? 800 jobs.

How many jobs were saved by bailing out the auto industry? 1.5 million jobs.

Auto bailout saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs -study

Dec 9 The federal bailout of General Motors Co, Chrysler and parts suppliers in 2009 saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs and preserved $105.3 billion in personal and social insurance tax collections, according to a study released on Monday.
It's not your money.
It was 1100 jobs
Pander that bullshit elsewhere

As soon as you start, we’ll listen to you.

So…if on a local tax base, the Carrier plant no longer pays taxes (for example), the budget for the locality is still X amount of dollars. Lets just say $1,000,000 to fund the police, fire, roads, sewer, garbage collection, etc… Carrier used to pay, $100,000 in taxes for the sake of argument. Now it pays $0. The budget now needs $100.000. Where does that come from?

I’m guessing it comes from “your money”

How much other tax base income would Indiana have lost (and the local areas) from 800 people being out of work? What does that do to the downstream economy, due to Carrier being a Tier I employer? (provides a product or service that is used outside the immediate area? What happens to property values when even part of those people have to move out, leading to a housing glut? What happens to all the stores, medical providers, other businesses with that loss?
What is your take on Trump helping to stop Carrier from moving 1000 jobs out of country? Do you believe he can continue this with other companies and do you believe he will even get some jobs to return stateside?

Also do you approve of him doing this?

I am all for keeping jobs in the United States- hell that is why I supported President Obama's actions saving American automotive manufacturing jobs.

My only question is how much this will cost American taxpayers- i have seen some large numbers- but I don't claim to have looked into them yet.

Lets assign some arbitrary numbers- lets say that Carrier received $100,000 a year in tax breaks per job- would that be a good deal for the United States? What if Carrier only received $1,000 a year in tax breaks.

The devil is in the details- keeping jobs here is good- but the question is the cost.
Obama didn't give GM tax credits (rebates on their own taxes due) he gave them my money, your money. He also didn't do it to keep the jobs from leaving the country, he did it to "save" the business which was a waste because they went bankrupt anyway. He also forced MANY private dealerships to close down.

The Carrier deal is a rebate (their own money) on future taxes. A stopgap deal at best but it worked.

Excuse me- any taxes that Carrier does not pay that another company does have to pay is 'our money'.

How many jobs are being saved? 800 jobs.

How many jobs were saved by bailing out the auto industry? 1.5 million jobs.

Auto bailout saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs -study

Dec 9 The federal bailout of General Motors Co, Chrysler and parts suppliers in 2009 saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs and preserved $105.3 billion in personal and social insurance tax collections, according to a study released on Monday.
It's not your money.
It was 1100 jobs
Pander that bullshit elsewhere

Excuse me- any taxes that Carrier does not pay that another company does have to pay is 'our money'.

Correct- its not my money- its the money of the tax payers of Indiana

How many jobs are being saved? 800 jobs.

How many jobs were saved by bailing out the auto industry? 1.5 million jobs.

Auto bailout saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs -study

Dec 9 The federal bailout of General Motors Co, Chrysler and parts suppliers in 2009 saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs and preserved $105.3 billion in personal and social insurance tax collections, according to a study released on Monday
Wrong wrong wrong

First off millions of businesses get tax credits for all kinds of reasons. New York, a liberal state, is giving tax credits to any business that relocates there. Where are your complaints about that?

Secondly as I stated earlier it is not anyone's money but Carriers. Put your grubby paws back in your pocket. The deal was to allow them to keep more of their own money.

Finally GM did not get their own money back, they got mine & yours
I am all for keeping jobs in the United States- hell that is why I supported President Obama's actions saving American automotive manufacturing jobs.

My only question is how much this will cost American taxpayers- i have seen some large numbers- but I don't claim to have looked into them yet.

Lets assign some arbitrary numbers- lets say that Carrier received $100,000 a year in tax breaks per job- would that be a good deal for the United States? What if Carrier only received $1,000 a year in tax breaks.

The devil is in the details- keeping jobs here is good- but the question is the cost.
Obama didn't give GM tax credits (rebates on their own taxes due) he gave them my money, your money. He also didn't do it to keep the jobs from leaving the country, he did it to "save" the business which was a waste because they went bankrupt anyway. He also forced MANY private dealerships to close down.

The Carrier deal is a rebate (their own money) on future taxes. A stopgap deal at best but it worked.

Excuse me- any taxes that Carrier does not pay that another company does have to pay is 'our money'.

How many jobs are being saved? 800 jobs.

How many jobs were saved by bailing out the auto industry? 1.5 million jobs.

Auto bailout saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs -study

Dec 9 The federal bailout of General Motors Co, Chrysler and parts suppliers in 2009 saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs and preserved $105.3 billion in personal and social insurance tax collections, according to a study released on Monday.
It's not your money.
It was 1100 jobs
Pander that bullshit elsewhere

As soon as you start, we’ll listen to you.

So…if on a local tax base, the Carrier plant no longer pays taxes (for example), the budget for the locality is still X amount of dollars. Lets just say $1,000,000 to fund the police, fire, roads, sewer, garbage collection, etc… Carrier used to pay, $100,000 in taxes for the sake of argument. Now it pays $0. The budget now needs $100.000. Where does that come from?

I’m guessing it comes from “your money”

How much other tax base income would Indiana have lost (and the local areas) from 800 people being out of work? What does that do to the downstream economy, due to Carrier being a Tier I employer? (provides a product or service that is used outside the immediate area? What happens to property values when even part of those people have to move out, leading to a housing glut? What happens to all the stores, medical providers, other businesses with that loss?

What happens if the moon slams into the Earth tomorrow??? (about as on-topic as your response).
I am all for keeping jobs in the United States- hell that is why I supported President Obama's actions saving American automotive manufacturing jobs.

My only question is how much this will cost American taxpayers- i have seen some large numbers- but I don't claim to have looked into them yet.

Lets assign some arbitrary numbers- lets say that Carrier received $100,000 a year in tax breaks per job- would that be a good deal for the United States? What if Carrier only received $1,000 a year in tax breaks.

The devil is in the details- keeping jobs here is good- but the question is the cost.
Obama didn't give GM tax credits (rebates on their own taxes due) he gave them my money, your money. He also didn't do it to keep the jobs from leaving the country, he did it to "save" the business which was a waste because they went bankrupt anyway. He also forced MANY private dealerships to close down.

The Carrier deal is a rebate (their own money) on future taxes. A stopgap deal at best but it worked.

Excuse me- any taxes that Carrier does not pay that another company does have to pay is 'our money'.

How many jobs are being saved? 800 jobs.

How many jobs were saved by bailing out the auto industry? 1.5 million jobs.

Auto bailout saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs -study

Dec 9 The federal bailout of General Motors Co, Chrysler and parts suppliers in 2009 saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs and preserved $105.3 billion in personal and social insurance tax collections, according to a study released on Monday.
It's not your money.
It was 1100 jobs
Pander that bullshit elsewhere

Excuse me- any taxes that Carrier does not pay that another company does have to pay is 'our money'.

Correct- its not my money- its the money of the tax payers of Indiana

How many jobs are being saved? 800 jobs.

How many jobs were saved by bailing out the auto industry? 1.5 million jobs.

Auto bailout saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs -study

Dec 9 The federal bailout of General Motors Co, Chrysler and parts suppliers in 2009 saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs and preserved $105.3 billion in personal and social insurance tax collections, according to a study released on Monday
Wrong wrong wrong

First off millions of businesses get tax credits for all kinds of reasons. New York, a liberal state, is giving tax credits to any business that relocates there. Where are your complaints about that?

Secondly as I stated earlier it is not anyone's money but Carriers. Put your grubby paws back in your pocket. The deal was to allow them to keep more of their own money.s

Carrier not paying taxes that other companies have to pay is Carrier taking money from those other companies and Indiana tax payers.

Excuse me- any taxes that Carrier does not pay that another company does have to pay is 'our money'.

Correct- its not my money- its the money of the tax payers of Indiana

How many jobs are being saved? 800 jobs.

How many jobs were saved by bailing out the auto industry? 1.5 million jobs.

Auto bailout saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs -study

Dec 9 The federal bailout of General Motors Co, Chrysler and parts suppliers in 2009 saved 1.5 million U.S. jobs and preserved $105.3 billion in personal and social insurance tax collections, according to a study released on Monday
In the end, UTC agreed to retain approximately 800 manufacturing jobs at the Indiana plant that had been slated to move to Mexico, as well as another 300 engineering and headquarters jobs. In return, the company will get roughly $700,000 a year for a period of years in state tax incentives.

Some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind. The company has plans in place to offer displaced workers employment and relocation in UTC’s aerospace business, or to provide funding for reeducation.

So Indiana tax payers will pay roughly $700 a year per job to keep these jobs in Indiana- probably a pretty decent deal.

I will just repost this- since it is getting lost in Grampies chuff

Some 1,300 jobs will still go to Mexico, which includes 600 Carrier employees, plus 700 workers from UTEC Controls in Huntington, Ind. The company has plans in place to offer displaced workers employment and relocation in UTC’s aerospace business, or to provide funding for reeducation.

So Indiana tax payers will pay roughly $700 a year per job to keep these jobs in Indiana- probably a pretty decent deal.

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