Question for the So-Called fake unbiased Independents

Actually so-called "independents" are probably hard core democrats who are smart enough not to support another four years of Biden but aren't ready to switch parties. Independents are bad news for the democrat party.
a REAL Independent to me anyway,is someone who has a problem with both parties and does not want to have snything to do with either party....hence why they are "independents"....they would not back either party.....if you vote with the democrats you are a democrat....if you vote with the republicans,you are a republican....
Indeed,that is how this child operates,anytime he is getting a major ass beating,he deflects by always making another thread the next day.:auiqs.jpg:

Yeah he has a habit of when he is suffering a major ass beating he flees his threads he starts and then deflects by starting another one that same day,ever notice that.?:auiqs.jpg:@ActionJackson
I'm guessing he's a liberal. No matter what forum I've been involved with, it's the basic M.O. Hit-and-run. They're also hypocrites. They'll accuse others of the exact thing they're guilty of. Just like clockwork.
If the gop had even a decent candidate it would be a landslide. But they can't come up with one. So people are stuck.
a REAL Independent to me anyway,is someone who has a problem with both parties and does not want to have snything to do with either party....hence why they are "independents"....they would not back either party.....if you vote with the democrats you are a democrat....if you vote with the republicans,you are a republican....

What if you vote for both, plus Libertarians, Independents, and any other party that might represent one's beliefs?
for me they both added to it,i dont give a shit who is worse,right now we have some of the most incompetent politicians on both sides this country has ever seen....unlike you banker i dont back the less corrupt party like you do....corruption is corruption and unless we as a people are willing to tell these assholes in DC that they all suck nothing is going to change....but as long as you fucking party die hards run your parties and dont give a flying fuck about the corruption and incompetence in your party things will just keep getting worse....
what are you babbling about.

You are defending the GOP yet again

I am not a party die hard, I support the obviously less bad party. The facts are pretty clear, the republicans have been much worse on the debt and deficit.

Why can you not admit this?

GW Bush inherited a balanced budget then blew it up with massive spending bills.
You can't admit this??

At the end of Obama's presidency the deficit was much lower and then Trump blew that up pre-covid.
You can't admit this??
If the gop had even a decent candidate it would be a landslide. But they can't come up with one. So people are stuck.
If we stop and think about it—just about anyone running for a position of control isn't an ideal candidate. The best choices are them doing it out of a sense of duty and service to their fellows rather than the notoriety or position of power or the paycheck. The ideal candidate is one who aligned with the Constitution; who's educated on the dangers of Socialism; who's served his country in other ways (military or law enforcement); who's humble; who's more interested in serving others instead of taking for himself; who's strong and courageous enough to stand up to the Deep State; who's business savvy; and who's completely fed up with the wrong direction the nation is going. Ideally, he has a strong sense of morality and conviction and faith.
If we stop and think about it—just about anyone running for a position of control isn't an ideal candidate. The best choices are them doing it out of a sense of duty and service to their fellows rather than the notoriety or position of power or the paycheck. The ideal candidate is one who aligned with the Constitution; who's educated on the dangers of Socialism; who's served his country in other ways (military or law enforcement); who's humble; who's more interested in serving others instead of taking for himself; who's strong and courageous enough to stand up to the Deep State; who's business savvy; and who's completely fed up with the wrong direction the nation is going. Ideally, he has a strong sense of morality and conviction and faith.
Agreed. So when will one of those people run? I've been alive for 94 years and haven't seen one in my lifetime. That's a slam.
Agreed. So when will one of those people run? I've been alive for 94 years and haven't seen one in my lifetime. That's a slam.
I'm 63 and the closest thing I've seen is Ron Paul, a handful of firebrand Congressmen (and women), Donald Trump wasn't too far off although he had a ways to go. My three main issues with him were his willingness to implement gun control; his push for the vaccine; and his smiling face as he held up an LGBTQ+Pedo+Groomer flag. I wasn't fond of those things but I do believe he wanted to serve the country and improve it.
what are you babbling about.

You are defending the GOP yet again

I am not a party die hard, I support the obviously less bad party. The facts are pretty clear, the republicans have been much worse on the debt and deficit.

Why can you not admit this?

GW Bush inherited a balanced budget then blew it up with massive spending bills.
You can't admit this??

At the end of Obama's presidency the deficit was much lower and then Trump blew that up pre-covid.
You can't admit this??
how am i defending the GOP moron?...all you do is just like i said you say the same fucking shit to every post...people give you their opinion and you say they are defending the GOP.....and yes you are a party die defend a corrupt party because its corruption from people you are a dipshit banker....people like you who let corruption continue because you like the corrupters is why this country is going downhill...
how am i defending the GOP moron?...all you do is just like i said you say the same fucking shit to every post...people give you their opinion and you say they are defending the GOP.....and yes you are a party die defend a corrupt party because its corruption from people you are a dipshit banker....people like you who let corruption continue because you like the corrupters is why this country is going downhill...
Can you admit that GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and spent wildly and blew that up and that was a major turning point towards bad on the debt?

Can you admit that trump inherited an annual deficit of $587B and doubled that pre-covid??
Not brainwashed Trump supporters who can;t admit to the facts in the OP

If you can't admit the facts in the OP, don't respond.
What is funny is that you think you are any different.

You partisan hacks do not have an original thought in your head, just rhetoric fed to you through a tube.
Can you admit that GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and spent wildly and blew that up and that was a major turning point towards bad on the debt?

Can you admit that trump inherited an annual deficit of $587B and doubled that pre-covid??
geezus you do just like i said you say the same shit to every post.....did i mention bush or trump in my post? i didnt,so why are you?...
Being independent doesn't mean that a person is unbiased or neutral or noncommittal. It doesn't mean that the person doesn't have strong opinions on the issues. Those are misconceptions that I see often here. I can list differences I have with each party on virtually every issue.

It just means that our views on the issues -- or individual parts of issues, for that matter -- don't neatly coincide with those of either "major" party. It also means that we see major flaws in both parties, and are not interested in signing on to the whole package.

I see it all day, every day here: Members of each tribe unwilling to give the slightest inch, unwilling to admit even the tiniest of flaws. Personally, I think that's either intellectual dishonesty or delusion at work, and it's a reminder of why I want nothing to do with either group.

Both ends tell me: "It's all 100% their fault. The other guys". Bullshit.
geezus you do just like i said you say the same shit to every post.....did i mention bush or trump in my post? i didnt,so why are you?...
I am asking you a simple question.

Can you admit this.

Its yes or no, very simple.

Can you admit this?
I am asking you a simple question.

Can you admit this.

Its yes or no, very simple.

Can you admit this?
and those questions had nothing to do with what i posted....why dont you prove me wrong with what i said about you? support corruption because you like the corrupters who are doing it,so to you that corruption is ok....can you admit that?....
Wow you are a total wacko void of fact.

Reagan had mega massive spending on crap that he wanted and massive increases in military spending. Lie #1
Bush 1 said no new taxes, you are confusing bushes so clearly you are clueless to reality.
Trump ramped up deficits massively every year of his presidency he never remotely had decreases in deficits. You are fake news and lies.
Your post is a joke full of lies.

Go do some homework, you are completely void of fact, typical of the republicans.
Stick a fork in this thread. Another bank has failed.
and those questions had nothing to do with what i posted....why dont you prove me wrong with what i said about you? support corruption because you like the corrupters who are doing it,so to you that corruption is ok....can you admit that?....
so you can't answer my simple and serious question.

Can you admit that GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and spent wildly and blew that up and that was a major turning point towards bad on the debt?

Can you admit that trump inherited an annual deficit of $587B and doubled that pre-covid??

Why can't you admit this??
This is extremely serious.
Wow you are a total wacko void of fact.

Reagan had mega massive spending on crap that he wanted and massive increases in military spending. Lie #1
Bush 1 said no new taxes, you are confusing bushes so clearly you are clueless to reality.
Trump ramped up deficits massively every year of his presidency he never remotely had decreases in deficits. You are fake news and lies.
Your post is a joke full of lies.

Go do some homework, you are completely void of fact, typical of the republicans.

Your attempt at Ad Hominem is also a failure.

Over the course of the last 50 years, the economic prosperity under Reagan's 8 years in office was only eclipsed briefly by the sudden and pronounced growth of productivity under President Trumps 2nd and 3rd years in office. This is a fact that I saw first hand.

The only people who may have felt uneasy were people who work directly for the government. What, almost 4 out of 10 people get their subsistence from State or Federal government? And they have unions to squash any complaint the ordinary, non-government, citizen might have about getting raped by their extortionary, mob mentality: they make up the rules, and then put anyone who complains in jail at gunpoint if they don't pay up.

Thank God we still have 6 out of 10 people (with guns and ammo) who are starting to wake up.
I can understand the concept of a so-called independent and I can understand the concept of a fake independent, but what the hell is a so-called fake independent? Is somebody here just pretending to be a fake independent or something?

Oh, wat, there's Mac1958.

Never mind.

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