Question for the So-Called fake unbiased Independents

Not brainwashed Trump supporters who can;t admit to the facts in the OP

If you can't admit the facts in the OP, don't respond.
Trump was a moderate, "nice guy", compared to me. You just haven't had your face slapped hard enough as of yet for you to realize the enormity of your ignorance about what is what.

...wait for it...
so you can't answer my simple and serious question.

Can you admit that GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and spent wildly and blew that up and that was a major turning point towards bad on the debt?

Can you admit that trump inherited an annual deficit of $587B and doubled that pre-covid??

Why can't you admit this??
This is extremely serious.
same fucking answer that you give to every post.....why cant you admit you back people who are corrupt like those people so you look the other way.....why cant you admit this?....this is extremely serious.....
1) Reagan turned America from a net creditor to a net debtor by a lot. Reagan had massive spending and tax cuts and massive deficits for his era. Massive massive deficits. He was the first president to really let the deficit fly to unsustainable levels when not in war.

This is mostly true.

2) GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and surplus, he then went on to copy the Reagan plan of massive spending bills and massive tax cuts that blew up our balanced budget and failed miserably. Bush destroyed our balanced budget and it was a turning point for America's finances as the balanced budget was destroyed.

There was no surplus nor balanced budget. But Bush did way out spend Clinton.

3) Trump inherited a $587B/ yr deficit from Obama. He then went on to copy Reagan and Bush and passed massive multi-year multi-trillion dollar spending bills that we are still paying for right now. He doubled the deficit pre-covid, then tripled it post covid. Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, a record. He also had the most massive FED fake money creation ever, and begged the FED for even more fake money and stimulus.

He did not double the deficit pre-COVID, close but not double.

I need one of the so-called fake independents to explain to me how it is even remotely possible to claim both parties are equally bad, when it is so obvious the Republicans are much much worse, by a large margin??

The most obvious answer is that the POTUS is not in this alone. None of this happens without the approval of Congress.

Clinton had a GOP controlled Congress when he got close to a surplus. Trump had Dem controlled Congress when he added most of the money he added.
Trump was a moderate, "nice guy", compared to me. You just haven't had your face slapped hard enough as of yet for you to realize the enormity of your ignorance about what is what.

...wait for it...

Yea ok tough guy

I can just tell you are a delusional little pussy, and a total liar

Lies and wanna be tough guy bull shit makes you look pathetic and stupid
same fucking answer that you give to every post.....why cant you admit you back people who are corrupt like those people so you look the other way.....why cant you admit this?....this is extremely serious.....

You are officially a total fraud and phony

You aren't an unbiased independent at all.

You can't even admit Bush inherited a balanced budget then blew that up terribly with massive spending bills, and Trump did the samething except he inherited a slightly higher deficit.

The facts prove one party has been substantially better on the deficit and one party has been substantially worse, yet you can;t admit this making you pathetic.

You are officially a total fraud and phony

You aren't an unbiased independent at all.

You can't even admit Bush inherited a balanced budget then blew that up terribly with massive spending bills, and Trump did the samething except he inherited a slightly higher deficit.

The facts prove one party has been substantially better on the deficit and one party has been substantially worse, yet you can;t admit this making you pathetic.
the same fucking answer lol.....and you call me pathetic?.....banker you must be one pathetic individual in real life.....someone asks you ...hey how about those yankees?....your reply...You can't even admit Bush inherited a balanced budget then blew that up terribly with massive spending bills, are a fucking one dialogue pony....
Not brainwashed Trump supporters who can;t admit to the facts in the OP

If you can't admit the facts in the OP, don't respond.
You want the "independents" to bag on the GOP, while ignoring the massive fuckery that your team of fascist fucks engages in.

Go piss up a rope, moonbat.
You want the "independents" to bag on the GOP, while ignoring the massive fuckery that your team of fascist fucks engages in.

Go piss up a rope, moonbat.
he says its ok to support corruption as long as its from politicians you like.....this banker is a stroonge....
the same fucking answer lol.....and you call me pathetic?.....banker you must be one pathetic individual in real life.....someone asks you ...hey how about those yankees?....your reply...You can't even admit Bush inherited a balanced budget then blew that up terribly with massive spending bills, are a fucking one dialogue pony....
what is wrong with you I have answered this question 10000000 times.
The dems are bad, but much much better than the GOP because overall their policies are better and they are way less corrupt. I state this on a daily basis.

You just can't answer my questions.
I literally destroy every time, and it always ends the same way with you too scared to answer my questions because they blow up your bull shit.

You never answer my questions and you make lots of excuses for the GOP failure

These people constantly claim, "both parties are bad"
then they claim to be totally unbiased and non- partisan.

Yea Right. Most are undercover republicans that are too ashamed to admit loyalty to the GOP.

This is a question for the supposed independents with regards to our massive deficit problem.

Any unbiased non-partisan person can look and see that Ronald Reagan started the era of Big Debt and Deficits.

1) Reagan turned America from a net creditor to a net debtor by a lot. Reagan had massive spending and tax cuts and massive deficits for his era. Massive massive deficits. He was the first president to really let the deficit fly to unsustainable levels when not in war.

2) GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and surplus, he then went on to copy the Reagan plan of massive spending bills and massive tax cuts that blew up our balanced budget and failed miserably. Bush destroyed our balanced budget and it was a turning point for America's finances as the balanced budget was destroyed.

3) Trump inherited a $587B/ yr deficit from Obama. He then went on to copy Reagan and Bush and passed massive multi-year multi-trillion dollar spending bills that we are still paying for right now. He doubled the deficit pre-covid, then tripled it post covid. Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, a record. He also had the most massive FED fake money creation ever, and begged the FED for even more fake money and stimulus.

How can anybody say that the dems are this bad?? The dems are not even remotely close to this bad. Not even close. Obama had big deficits in the beggining of his presidency because he inherited the Bush Blow Up. The ACA caused debt, but the massive Bush crash was the main reason for Obama's deficits and at the end of his presidency they were down to $587B/yr. then Trump blew that up. Clinton had balanced budgets and passed the 1993 omnibus deficit reduction act and vetoed GOP budgets that were not balanced. Biden has lowered the massive Trump deficit from $3+T to $1.3T.

I need one of the so-called fake independents to explain to me how it is even remotely possible to claim both parties are equally bad, when it is so obvious the Republicans are much much worse, by a large margin??

This is for Independents only, not Trumpers who can not admit to the rock solid facts I just posted.

Your premise is nothing but a big lie.
what is wrong with you I have answered this question 10000000 times.
The dems are bad, but much much better than the GOP because overall their policies are better and they are way less corrupt. I state this on a daily basis.

You just can't answer my questions.
I literally destroy every time, and it always ends the same way with you too scared to answer my questions because they blow up your bull shit.

You never answer my questions and you make lots of excuses for the GOP failure
as i have told you a million times......i dont give a flying fuck about the GOP.....and all you do is make a lot of excuses for the fucking democrats.....why would you support a party that you admit is corrupt and not very good? are supporting a corrupt and not very good party....but thats ok,right?...
what is wrong with you I have answered this question 10000000 times.
The dems are bad, but much much better than the GOP because overall their policies are better and they are way less corrupt. I state this on a daily basis.

You just can't answer my questions.
I literally destroy every time, and it always ends the same way with you too scared to answer my questions because they blow up your bull shit.

You never answer my questions and you make lots of excuses for the GOP failure
You never answer my questions and you make lots of excuses for the GOP failure

Would you care to ask me a question?
as i have told you a million times......i dont give a flying fuck about the GOP.....and all you do is make a lot of excuses for the fucking democrats.....why would you support a party that you admit is corrupt and not very good? are supporting a corrupt and not very good party....but thats ok,right?...
again you can't answer the question.

Its not about the physical party, it is about looking at the facts, evidence, and policy, and understanding the effects and ramifications of the policy.

So basically you are saying it does not matter, and is not very bad that:

Bush inherited a balanced budget and passed massive spending bills and tax cuts and started 2 mismanaged wars we didn't need.
And then Trump inherited a $587B/yr deficit and passed more massive spending bills and doubled that pre-covid, and tripled it again post covid??

So then defend your position and tell me how that doesn't matter and how GW Bush inheriting the balanced budget and blowing it up with spending bills, didn't matter.
And then do the same with Trump massive deficit busting spending bills.
again you can't answer the question.

Its not about the physical party, it is about looking at the facts, evidence, and policy, and understanding the effects and ramifications of the policy.

So basically you are saying it does not matter, and is not very bad that:

Bush inherited a balanced budget and passed massive spending bills and tax cuts and started 2 mismanaged wars we didn't need.
And then Trump inherited a $587B/yr deficit and passed more massive spending bills and doubled that pre-covid, and tripled it again post covid??

So then defend your position and tell me how that doesn't matter and how GW Bush inheriting the balanced budget and blowing it up with spending bills, didn't matter.
And then do the same with Trump massive deficit busting spending bills.
here we go again....bush and trump....and yes it is about the party....when you vote with them you are supporting them...
Donald Trump wasn't too far

The ideal candidate is one who aligned with the Constitution; who's educated on the dangers of Socialism; who's served his country in other ways (military or law enforcement); who's humble; who's more interested in serving others instead of taking for himself; who's strong and courageous enough to stand up to the Deep State; who's business savvy; and who's completely fed up with the wrong direction the nation is going

I marked out all the ones that apply to Trump. Seems he was very far off
The ideal candidate is one who aligned with the Constitution; who's educated on the dangers of Socialism; who's served his country in other ways (military or law enforcement); who's humble; who's more interested in serving others instead of taking for himself; who's strong and courageous enough to stand up to the Deep State; who's business savvy; and who's completely fed up with the wrong direction the nation is going

I marked out all the ones that apply to Trump. Seems he was very far off
You're proof that nobody's perfect.
here we go again....bush and trump....and yes it is about the party....when you vote with them you are supporting them...
NO it is about the policy and facts. Its all policy I look at their policies.

I could care less about party. I look at the policy and facts.

If the dems did what Bush and Trump did, then i would not support them. But guess what, the republicans did it not the dems. That's why i suppoort the dems and not the republicans.

You seem to be too stupid to even understand what these policies do, I guess that is you big problem in life, ignorance and stupidity.

I guess i need to help and educate you.
Lesson 1:
GW Bush and the republicans inherited a balanced budget, they then went on to passed numerous multi-year, multi-trillion dollar spending bills AND start mismanaged wars. If you do that you will bankrupt America.

Do you see and comprehend how that works or do you need more educating?? Its pretty easy a 6th grader can understand this, but do you now understand this??
NO it is about the policy and facts. Its all policy I look at their policies.

I could care less about party. I look at the policy and facts.

If the dems did what Bush and Trump did, then i would not support them. But guess what, the republicans did it not the dems. That's why i suppoort the dems and not the republicans.

You seem to be too stupid to even understand what these policies do, I guess that is you big problem in life, ignorance and stupidity.

I guess i need to help and educate you.
Lesson 1:
GW Bush and the republicans inherited a balanced budget, they then went on to passed numerous multi-year, multi-trillion dollar spending bills AND start mismanaged wars. If you do that you will bankrupt America.

Do you see and comprehend how that works or do you need more educating?? Its pretty easy a 6th grader can understand this, but do you now understand this??
you cant get bush and trump off your little corrupt brain can you?....and its party with you....if you think the dems are so bad why do we never see you bad mouthing some of their policies here?.....
you cant get bush and trump off your little corrupt brain can you?....and its party with you....if you think the dems are so bad why do we never see you bad mouthing some of their policies here?.....
what are you retarded. i just said it has nothing to do with party

It is all policy
You have just dug yourself into a pathetic hole and can't admit that trump and Bush fucked up the deficit substantially more, by a large margin. You can't admit this at all.

Again defend your position, which you haven't done, and explain to me how the policies of Bush and Trump did not cause more of this deficit???

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