Question for the vaccinated

By denying me services at a hospital for not being vaccinated, even though i have paid my taxes, sometimes more than a slovenly democrat.

Can you tell us about your experience of being denied services at a hospital?
By denying me services at a hospital for not being vaccinated, even though i have paid my taxes, sometimes more than a slovenly democrat.

It won't take long for somebody to sue a facility or doctor that refused to provide medical care to a patient that passed away. And if that happens, I say good for them if they win a huge settlement.
ITS a world wide pandemic! No One in the world has come up with a perfect solution. Everyone is trying. mean while we just sit around & beat each other up.
Since you vaccinated people say the unvaccinated shouldn't get treated at the hospital and we should go home and die. If I do, will you support using my organs to people who need them, or should I take myself off the donor list?
We aren't really transplanting organs from people who die of COVID.
It won't take long for somebody to sue a facility or doctor that refused to provide medical care to a patient that passed away. And if that happens, I say good for them if they win a huge settlement.
for that you have this:

ITS a world wide pandemic! No One in the world has come up with a perfect solution. Everyone is trying. mean while we just sit around & beat each other up.

No, not everybody is trying, that's the problem. This administration is rejecting everything outside of vaccinations. If you want to challenge this virus, you will take the shot. If we have to write new laws, we will. If we have to pressure industry, we will. If we have to mandate everybody carry a vaccine card with them for services, we will. But one way or another, your are going to take that shot whether you like it or not.
Ray From Cleveland post in #52 hits the nail on the head. Thinking Americans can step back from all the bickering, scientific debates, politics and the huge transfer of wealth regarding Covid-19. And take a moment to contemplate where all this is going to take us in the future. This is not the first, or the last, serious threat from disease that we (Americans, and all people throughout history) have faced. When the next "plague" hits it could very likely be hundreds of times more serious than Covid-19. This "pandemic" has paved the way for the next serious "plague" to completely destroy the "American way of life". We are literally one "virus" away from losing everything. As Americans are forced to wear useless paper masks, shoot up "experimental drugs" and losing their jobs and businesses.... thinking Americans clearly see that this is just the beginning of a roller coaster ride from hell. Many of them would like to get out of the line for that ride, but sadly, a large crowd behind them are pushing them forward. That crowd has been vaxxed and boosted and has a smart phone app to prove it. Scary shit to be sure.
A book published in 1994 entitled "The coming Plague" written by (a very smart person) Laurie Garret can be purchased for less then 5 bucks. For anybody that is troubled by Covid-19.....if you read this book you will not be sleeping well. It's coming folks, and at this point I am just as scared of the reaction to a plague,,,as the medical implications of that new plague.
How can we protect our family, friends and neighbors from a deadly virus?
Stay home and don't invite anyone to your house. Or, go out. Then you risk the chances of contracting COVID from both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. You may opt for the COVID vaccine to reduce your chances of requiring medical treatment if you contract COVID.
Since you vaccinated people say the unvaccinated shouldn't get treated at the hospital and we should go home and die. If I do, will you support using my organs to people who need them, or should I take myself off the donor list?
Never mind COVID, people would have the dilemma of deciding what to do if the organ came from a democrat.
No, not everybody is trying, that's the problem. This administration is rejecting everything outside of vaccinations. If you want to challenge this virus, you will take the shot. If we have to write new laws, we will. If we have to pressure industry, we will. If we have to mandate everybody carry a vaccine card with them for services, we will. But one way or another, your are going to take that shot whether you like it or not.
As they purposely painted cheap drugs for trearment as horse dewormer. Used all over the world and it Works.

They have given us the worst stats on Planet Earth. Why should anyone listen to Losers?
Lol, you are preventing people waiting on a donor list to get the transplant. How compassionate.
It’s compassionate to not risk the lives if transplant recipients to give them shitty organs.

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