Question for the vaccinated

“Right wing witchcraft”….yea sure, that’s why third world countries like India and many in Africa with low vaccination rates have a fraction of our death rates.

Ivermectin is a Nobel prize winning anti-viral drug invented/discovered by a Japanese scientist.

But hey, keep believing what the Big Pharma corps say, we don’t need long term studies for mRNA which just makes your body produce harmful spike proteins indefinitely as long as you keep getting boosters. Nothing could possibly go wrong. All those people who had strokes from blood clots, all those that nearly died or did die from ITP, all those that got myocarditis right after their shots, are imagining it.

India has vaccinated at a rate that the world has never seen before. Approximately 75% of their adult population are now fully vaccinated, while more have had at least one shot. Their vaccination rate is climbing daily. In another month 90% of all adults will probably be fully vaccinated. But hey, keep continuing to get your facts about science from radio personalities and randos on the internet.
I get mine from a number of sources.
Your sources, on the other hand, are as empty of value as any of your opinions.

Apparently you are getting information from all the wrong sources. Being vaccinated doesn't protect anybody but yourself. You can get covid from an unvaxed person just as you can get covid from a vaxed person, and this is pretty common knowledge across the world. Commie propaganda is giving people the impression a vaxed person cannot get or spread covid which is a complete lie.
Aren't you cute with your unsourced "study" of people already sick.

Are you really so stupid you don't even vet your ow n crap?
Yes, of course you are.

Try again schlub.
Who da fuck cares about what you think? Perhaps you should try them.
India has vaccinated at a rate that the world has never seen before. Approximately 75% of their adult population are now fully vaccinated, while more have had at least one shot. Their vaccination rate is climbing daily. In another month 90% of all adults will probably be fully vaccinated. But hey, keep continuing to get your facts about science from radio personalities and randos on the internet.
Yes, India is using their own non-mRNA vaccines, but also ivermectin. African countries have very low vaccination rates.
Yes, India is using their own non-mRNA vaccines, but also ivermectin. African countries have very low vaccination rates.

Nope, India's health ministry officially dropped the use of ivermectin back in September due to ineffectiveness. South Africa has had over 95K deaths and 3.6 million cases. Their death rate is 2.6%, much higher than ours. Voodoo is practiced in parts of africa so I'm not surprised you'd be using them to support your theories on "science."
Since you vaccinated people say the unvaccinated shouldn't get treated at the hospital and we should go home and die. If I do, will you support using my organs to people who need them, or should I take myself off the donor list?
Nobody is getting this poor vaxxed guy's organs.

Brandon was hospitalized on October 21, where he remained until November 2. “He had high fevers, terrible headaches, and his blood counts were not what they should be,” reports a friend. While at the hospital, Brandon was diagnosed with Still’s disease, a rare autoimmune disorder.

He was released from the hospital but readmitted on December 14 due to his high fever. This time, while in the ICU, he was “officially” diagnosed with adult-onset hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), another rare condition.

Jessica said it was later in December when Brandon was officially diagnosed with HLH. Brandon received the treatment protocol for HLH, which included chemotherapy, steroid treatments, receiving blood products daily, and insulin, among other things.

Disease Due to Vaccine​

Doctors admitted that the vaccine caused the disease. “Unfortunately, none of the usual treatments have worked. The doctors have agreed that the COVID vaccine caused an immune response that led to the development of the autoimmune disease and HLH,” said Jessica.

Apparently you are getting information from all the wrong sources. Being vaccinated doesn't protect anybody but yourself. You can get covid from an unvaxed person just as you can get covid from a vaxed person, and this is pretty common knowledge across the world. Commie propaganda is giving people the impression a vaxed person cannot get or spread covid which is a complete lie.
How do I spread the disease if I don't get sick.?
Geez, the stupid among us.

Your fantasies carry no relationship to the realities in which we live.
Since you vaccinated people say the unvaccinated shouldn't get treated at the hospital and we should go home and die. If I do, will you support using my organs to people who need them, or should I take myself off the donor list?

I have removed my organ donor authorization since finding out that unvaccinated people aren't eligible for transplants.

If I'm not worthy of an organ, then obviously my organs aren't worthy for anyone else.

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