Question for the vaccinated

Since you vaccinated people say the unvaccinated shouldn't get treated at the hospital and we should go home and die. If I do, will you support using my organs to people who need them, or should I take myself off the donor list?
I was vaccinated (my choice). I don't believe you should be denied treatment.
Thanks, didn't learn anything from the link, but thanks for your time.
Of course, You didn't bother to try because...
If you had tried you would have learned that what you believe is a lie
That what your handlers tell you is all lies
and that
Would destroy your reason for being.

But not to worry...
Reality Bites.
I think that since you're stupid enough to think that "owning the libs" is a more important social action that protecting your family, friends, and neighbors from a know deadly virus that your rights to your organs, your property, and any futire property rights should be confiscated to pay for the damage you've done to society.

I call it "owning the brainless."
I had covid, caught it from a vaxed person. (oh, and I mask up & used sanitizer as well.) So as far as "protecting" people, explain that to me HOW? (I'm not invested in this as an ego thing, either.)
I had covid, caught it from a vaxed person. (oh, and I mask up & used sanitizer as well.) So as far as "protecting" people, explain that to me HOW? (I'm not invested in this as an ego thing, either.)
Were you vaccinated?

That's your answer.
Of course, You didn't bother to try because...
If you had tried you would have learned that what you believe is a lie
That what your handlers tell you is all lies
and that
Would destroy your reason for being.

But not to worry...
Reality Bites.
No, I already knew what was in the link, I didn't find anything extra of use. I'm vaccinated.
Since you vaccinated people say the unvaccinated shouldn't get treated at the hospital and we should go home and die. If I do, will you support using my organs to people who need them, or should I take myself off the donor list?

One thing to know in the future, hospitals will be looking for people that didn't succumb to fear and get injected by big gov and big corp.. Sorry to say. We will be the pure bloods they are looking for.. so learn how to defend also.
What? Read the post AGAIN. The person I caught it from WAS vaccinated. She got sick, and she also infected her son and myself. Do I have to spell this out? The vaccine is next to useless, friend.
Because the "vaccine" is not meant to cure anybody. It is about putting all the graphene in the human body to connect to the wireless technology. They made this whole Covid scam so people will get injected. It was the same as 911 where they said it was terrorist that bombed the WTC.. When it was the controllers all along to create, to control the populace in many ways.
What? Read the post AGAIN. The person I caught it from WAS vaccinated. She got sick, and she also infected her son and myself. Do I have to spell this out? The vaccine is next to useless, friend.



Then STFU. You got what you wanted.
No, I already knew what was in the link, I didn't find anything extra of use. I'm vaccinated.
"Can you quantify 'less' please? Is that 1% or 10% or 90% etc..."

Remember that? You asked then refused to look.


Because the lie you wanted was not there.
Since you vaccinated people say the unvaccinated shouldn't get treated at the hospital and we should go home and die. If I do, will you support using my organs to people who need them, or should I take myself off the donor list?

And since when do "ALL Vaccinated" people say this? Since I have many friends and family members who are conservatives I honestly can say I do support the unvaccinated getting treated at a hospital. Although I disagree with them I really don't want to see my Republican friends and relativies passing away anytime soon lol.
And since when do "ALL Vaccinated" people say this? Since I have many friends and family members who are conservatives I honestly can say I do support the unvaccinated getting treated at a hospital. Although I disagree with them I really don't want to see my Republican friends and relativies passing away anytime soon lol.
Lol. He never stated ALL. Why be absurd?

Secondly if you think ALL unvaxxed people are Republican, your dumber than you look but typical of one who only consumes establishment corporate media news.
Since you vaccinated people say the unvaccinated shouldn't get treated at the hospital and we should go home and die. If I do, will you support using my organs to people who need them, or should I take myself off the donor list?
You should take yourself off the donor list.
Since you vaccinated people say the unvaccinated shouldn't get treated at the hospital and we should go home and die. If I do, will you support using my organs to people who need them, or should I take myself off the donor list?
I am vaccinated but don’t believe the unvaccinated should “ go home and die” Maybe they have reasons like “ Natural Immunity “ Without judgement I would like to know why some refuse to do so

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