Question for those on the left

I want to see every liberal on this forum cheer on and support a Conservative President and Congress when they begin to write their own laws as well.. especially from the Executive Office. Can you imagine a Republican President taking his handy dandy pen like Obama does and outlawing abortion??

No but I bet you can, think for a moment at how much further outside established executive powers that would be compared to anything Obama is doing.
When were asked to consent to borrowing 40 cents of every dollar spent by the government? when did we consent to a 17 trillion dollar national debt? When did we consent to zero federal income taxes for half of our citizens? When did we consent to ignoring our immigration laws?

When we elected the representatives who did all those things.

Let's hear you sing the same tune come Jan 2015 when Republicans control both houses..

The GOP controlled both houses and the presidency when Bush was prez and all we got were 2 wars that weren't paid for, 2 budget busting tax cuts, and overall increased spending every year.
Supply and demand I support. It has ZERO to do with "fair" prices..

Well, now is a good time to bring in you comment about price controls. The special rules, laws regulations and caveats create the price controls. They control how the profiteers pay for your natural resources, your property, your assets and your services. By your, "your" meaning the American citizen, you should understand that politicians and corporations are determining how much profit you derive from your holdings.

Try to stay on topic please.. I asked you who determines what is fair? Conservatives are all about deregulation.. Look to your own party as to manipulation and control. Just look at Wall St. under your President.

I am on topic and I have been a registered non affiliated voter my whole life. Conservatives as you define them have installed regulations and promote regulations that maintain and promote their profits. They oppose regulations that in any way challenge or negatively effect their profit. Democrats use regulations to promote safety and health issues. They use them to hand out big profits to special interest also.
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When we elected the representatives who did all those things.

Let's hear you sing the same tune come Jan 2015 when Republicans control both houses..

The GOP controlled both houses and the presidency when Bush was prez and all we got were 2 wars that weren't paid for, 2 budget busting tax cuts, and overall increased spending every year.

And the biggest increase in domestic surveillance and executive power we will ever see.
I'm far left, to me Obama looks remarkably like a "free market" Neocon in his polices.

Free market does not mean thousands of more regulation.
Under this administration in Sept. 2012 there was 11,327 new regulations.

Under Obama, 11,327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added | CNS News

In Jan. 2014 141 more new regulations in three days.
Feds list 141 new regulations in only three days | The Daily Caller

Thousands of new regulations is not free market.

We have never had anything like a "free market" which is why I usually put that term in quotes, the government has always used regulation as a weapon against threats to big business interests. They have been using regs against alternative energy for decades and none of you fossil fuel fetishists had a single complaint. These last few years the tables got turned somewhat on the energy industry and the weeping of the petroleum/coal industry has been loud and bitter that their ability to manipulate prices and force out threats to their energy monopoly may be threatened.

Sensible regulations not over regulations that make businesses go out of businesses.
This administration is over regulating.
I want to see every liberal on this forum cheer on and support a Conservative President and Congress when they begin to write their own laws as well.. especially from the Executive Office. Can you imagine a Republican President taking his handy dandy pen like Obama does and outlawing abortion??

No but I bet you can, think for a moment at how much further outside established executive powers that would be compared to anything Obama is doing.

WRONG- Only in your liberal mindset because you support his tyranny being it aligns with your own set of beliefs. TYRANNY IS TYRANNY, period.. It doesn't fucking matter which law it is.. When you support trashing the Constitution and a sitting President who breaks the law, makes his own laws from the EB, YOU are the problem. Like I said, wait until republicans get in office and I don't want to hear not one of you fuckers complain.
I assume you are talking about taxing oil recovery on public lands. Do you have any idea who makes the most profit on every gallon of gasoline produced in this country------------------------------the government.

And if you put more taxes on energy production, who do you think is going to pay it? It would be a cost of doing business and would be passed along to the consumers.

You libs have a very limited understanding of economics and tax law.

The national debt has only been paid off once in our history. And it took a lib to do that task. The lib paid off the debt that using a source of income you forgot with your unlimited understanding of economics and tax law.

If you're referring to Bill Clinton then you need to go back and study your history on Government because he was brought KICKING AND SCREAMING by the Newt House and the Contract With America.. I can get clips of him discussing how many years it would take to balance the budget.. He couldn't make up his mind and talked the talk until pinned in to a corner.. He gets credit where credit is deserved ... IT WAS A BI-PARTISAN effort, period. We can also go on to argue policy and economics which show BUSH Sr getting credit for being a player in that equation when he raised taxes (something that cost him politically). Different economists say different things.. One thing is certain, BILL CLINTON did not do it alone.

Why would I mention Clinton, he never paid off the debt, nor was I talking of balancing the budget. You might, however, go back and study your history, and discover when the debt was paid off, and how. An interesting event occurred with that debt payoff, it probably caused another recession.
Free market does not mean thousands of more regulation.
Under this administration in Sept. 2012 there was 11,327 new regulations.

Under Obama, 11,327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added | CNS News

In Jan. 2014 141 more new regulations in three days.
Feds list 141 new regulations in only three days | The Daily Caller

Thousands of new regulations is not free market.

We have never had anything like a "free market" which is why I usually put that term in quotes, the government has always used regulation as a weapon against threats to big business interests. They have been using regs against alternative energy for decades and none of you fossil fuel fetishists had a single complaint. These last few years the tables got turned somewhat on the energy industry and the weeping of the petroleum/coal industry has been loud and bitter that their ability to manipulate prices and force out threats to their energy monopoly may be threatened.

Sensible regulations not over regulations that make businesses go out of businesses.
This administration is over regulating.

It is regulations and laws that allow businesses to be in business. They also allow them to make obscene undeserved profits at the citizens expense. And it is not your President that causes the regulation, it is your Congress. They are the ones that write the regulations.
Explain why a casino owner can become a multi billionaire? Are there no others qualified to operate such a business? Would we be unable to have casinos if we made regulations that gave more in taxes and fees and less in profits? Would all the qualified investors and casino operators refuse to go in that business if they were only able to make 20 million dollars a year?
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I want to see every liberal on this forum cheer on and support a Conservative President and Congress when they begin to write their own laws as well.. especially from the Executive Office. Can you imagine a Republican President taking his handy dandy pen like Obama does and outlawing abortion??

No but I bet you can, think for a moment at how much further outside established executive powers that would be compared to anything Obama is doing.

I can see it now.
Repubs write a bill to give all social programs back to the states to control, passed by Repubs only and then a Repub President changes that law multiple times.
The media would be screaming their heads off and lefty protesters would be having riots in the streets destroying public property.
I want to see every liberal on this forum cheer on and support a Conservative President and Congress when they begin to write their own laws as well.. especially from the Executive Office. Can you imagine a Republican President taking his handy dandy pen like Obama does and outlawing abortion??

No but I bet you can, think for a moment at how much further outside established executive powers that would be compared to anything Obama is doing.

I can see it now.
Repubs write a bill to give all social programs back to the states to control, passed by Repubs only and then a Repub President changes that law multiple times.
The media would be screaming their heads off and lefty protesters would be having riots in the streets destroying public property.

Yep, you know it.. Liberals have set a dangerous precedent by not condemning the boy king and it's going to come back to bite them BIG.
I want to see every liberal on this forum cheer on and support a Conservative President and Congress when they begin to write their own laws as well.. especially from the Executive Office. Can you imagine a Republican President taking his handy dandy pen like Obama does and outlawing abortion??

No but I bet you can, think for a moment at how much further outside established executive powers that would be compared to anything Obama is doing.

WRONG- Only in your liberal mindset because you support his tyranny being it aligns with your own set of beliefs. TYRANNY IS TYRANNY, period.. It doesn't fucking matter which law it is.. When you support trashing the Constitution and a sitting President who breaks the law, makes his own laws from the EB, YOU are the problem. Like I said, wait until republicans get in office and I don't want to hear not one of you fuckers complain.

The only thing about this mess I would support is for congress to do it's god-damned job. There would be no need for executive action on anything if congress had not created a power vacuum in our government by refusing to even do the routine housekeeping chores that are their sworn duties as congressmen.
OK, here's the point------------ready?

governments have only 3 sources of money

1. tax collections
2. borrowing
3. printing

our government has been doing all three and the results are: 1. 17 trillion in debt 2. inflation in food and energy prices 3. a weak dollar internationally.

If this continues our nation is headed for bankruptcy and chaos. Liberalism by both parties got us in this mess, coupled with legalized bribery of congress by lobbyists.

The fixes are difficult but possible:
1. a balanced budget amendment with some real teeth
2. term limits for congress

:eusa_clap: I've been saying that for a long time. For some stupid reason a lot of Conservatives here do not support term limits..

I think some of them fear losing "their guy". Said another way, they don't want to cut off the pork.

Well, admittedly, I'm a bit leery of term limits imposed on only some representatives, while others can let their asses take root in their chairs at the Capitol. They definitely need to be applied across the board.
No but I bet you can, think for a moment at how much further outside established executive powers that would be compared to anything Obama is doing.

WRONG- Only in your liberal mindset because you support his tyranny being it aligns with your own set of beliefs. TYRANNY IS TYRANNY, period.. It doesn't fucking matter which law it is.. When you support trashing the Constitution and a sitting President who breaks the law, makes his own laws from the EB, YOU are the problem. Like I said, wait until republicans get in office and I don't want to hear not one of you fuckers complain.

The only thing about this mess I would support is for congress to do it's god-damned job. There would be no need for executive action on anything if congress had not created a power vacuum in our government by refusing to even do the routine housekeeping chores that are their sworn duties as congressmen.

Remember your words liberal.. BTW- There is NEVER any time that the Constitution allows for the President to legislate from the Executive Branch, NOT EVER.. You liberals have opened the floodgates with the stroke of a pen and because he's your affiliation and breaks the law with what you liberals want, you've given him a pass.. YOU OWN THIS.. and it's going to come back to you. Mark this thread and my words.
We have never had anything like a "free market" which is why I usually put that term in quotes, the government has always used regulation as a weapon against threats to big business interests. They have been using regs against alternative energy for decades and none of you fossil fuel fetishists had a single complaint. These last few years the tables got turned somewhat on the energy industry and the weeping of the petroleum/coal industry has been loud and bitter that their ability to manipulate prices and force out threats to their energy monopoly may be threatened.

Sensible regulations not over regulations that make businesses go out of businesses.
This administration is over regulating.

It is regulations and laws that allow businesses to be in business. They also allow them to make obscene undeserved profits at the citizens expense. And it is not your President that causes the regulation, it is your Congress. They are the ones that write the regulations.
Explain why a casino owner can become a multi billionaire? Are there no others qualified to operate such a business? Would we be unable to have casinos if we made regulations that gave more in taxes and fees and less in profits? Would all the qualified investors and casino operators refuse to go in that business if they were only able to make 20 million dollars a year?

EPA regulations have made thousands of ranches go out of business in the 1990's and now.
Guess what was built in Nevada when they went out of business? Casinos and Hotels.
Guess who made huge amounts of money over that? Sen. Harry Reid.
Now that is an obscene undeserved profit at the citizens expense.
You couldn't tell the truth if your life depended on it. EVERYONE knows Conservatives are for less government while you liberal nitwits want expansive government intrusion.

Sorry, watched you all do it when Bush took over from Clinton and then switch back to being fantasy revolutionaries when Obama came in. I have no faith that any of your anti-government rhetoric is real. You just want republican hands on the levers of power not to actually curtail that power in any meaningful way. Republicans had every opportunity to make good on their stated values and instead expanded executive powers beyond all reason.
All of us who???? Show me links.. You never saw me do anything of the sort Spunkmeister.. SHOW ME or it didn't happen.

oh course it did. but thats why you are an idiot sock.
Thats what kills me about liberals. At some point any thinking person will turn on a crooked government,even if it's their own party.
Yet here we have a president who has been inept at best and criminal at worst...yet they still follow him.
When does it become about country liberals?

When does it stop being all about hating the president? You people have put Obama's face on everything you find bad about the government and actually seem to think simply getting him out of office will solve all kinds of problems. There is only one problem that will be solved, your horror of a black man in the oval office. Wait, you say you are not racist like that? Then zero problems will be solved with his eventual departure.

This coming from the Dog and Pony HATE Boooooosh show.. What fucking irony.

No, the fucking irony is when Bush was GROWING government and GROWING the debt there was not a PEEP from you right wing parrots.

Where was all this angst and concern about debt from conservatives when Bush and Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress for almost a decade??? When Bush was starting a 3 trillion dollar war of ideology in Iraq, there was not a fucking PEEP from you right wingers, just cheers and 'bring 'em on'... And where was this less government mantra? You right wingers LOVED BIG government and government intervention into people lives... the Patriot Act, Fatherland Security, torture of human beings, trashing habeas corpus, the Geneva Conventions and the US War Crimes Act.
When does it stop being all about hating the president? You people have put Obama's face on everything you find bad about the government and actually seem to think simply getting him out of office will solve all kinds of problems. There is only one problem that will be solved, your horror of a black man in the oval office. Wait, you say you are not racist like that? Then zero problems will be solved with his eventual departure.

This coming from the Dog and Pony HATE Boooooosh show.. What fucking irony.

No, the fucking irony is when Bush was GROWING government and GROWING the debt there was not a PEEP from you right wing parrots.

Where was all this angst and concern about debt from conservatives when Bush and Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress for almost a decade??? When Bush was starting a 3 trillion dollar war of ideology in Iraq, there was not a fucking PEEP from you right wingers, just cheers and 'bring 'em on'... And where was this less government mantra? You right wingers LOVED BIG government and government intervention into people lives... the Patriot Act, Fatherland Security, torture of human beings, trashing habeas corpus, the Geneva Conventions and the US War Crimes Act.

I don't see one person defending Boooooosh.. NOT ONE.. BUT I do see you and every butt sucking liberal eat Obama's butthole on a daily basis..
WRONG- Only in your liberal mindset because you support his tyranny being it aligns with your own set of beliefs. TYRANNY IS TYRANNY, period.. It doesn't fucking matter which law it is.. When you support trashing the Constitution and a sitting President who breaks the law, makes his own laws from the EB, YOU are the problem. Like I said, wait until republicans get in office and I don't want to hear not one of you fuckers complain.

The only thing about this mess I would support is for congress to do it's god-damned job. There would be no need for executive action on anything if congress had not created a power vacuum in our government by refusing to even do the routine housekeeping chores that are their sworn duties as congressmen.

Remember your words liberal.. BTW- There is NEVER any time that the Constitution allows for the President to legislate from the Executive Branch, NOT EVER.. You liberals have opened the floodgates with the stroke of a pen and because he's your affiliation and breaks the law with what you liberals want, you've given him a pass.. YOU OWN THIS.. and it's going to come back to you. Mark this thread and my words.

Sorry, the precedents that makes all that at least quasi-legal was established during the "unitary" Bush presidency, didn't see you guys bitching about it then. I do not like expansion of executive power in any presidency but, Christ, if republicans do not force constitutional crises so often that I cannot see that they have the slightest respect for the established legal process when their narrow political aims are at stake. It's not so much that Obama gets a pass, it's just that we already went over this shit several years ago with the Bush administration and lost across the board.
The only thing about this mess I would support is for congress to do it's god-damned job. There would be no need for executive action on anything if congress had not created a power vacuum in our government by refusing to even do the routine housekeeping chores that are their sworn duties as congressmen.

Remember your words liberal.. BTW- There is NEVER any time that the Constitution allows for the President to legislate from the Executive Branch, NOT EVER.. You liberals have opened the floodgates with the stroke of a pen and because he's your affiliation and breaks the law with what you liberals want, you've given him a pass.. YOU OWN THIS.. and it's going to come back to you. Mark this thread and my words.

Sorry, the precedents that makes all that at least quasi-legal was established during the "unitary" Bush presidency, didn't see you guys bitching about it then. I do not like expansion of executive power in any presidency but, Christ, if republicans do not force constitutional crises so often that I cannot see that they have the slightest respect for the established legal process when their narrow political aims are at stake. It's not so much that Obama gets a pass, it's just that we already went over this shit several years ago with the Bush administration and lost across the board.

Once again.. remember your words. I don't want to see YOU or any liberal hack here whine when the hand of power changes.. and it will change.

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