Question for those pushing a "living wage"

Sounds nice but it seems sometimes big corps are holding down wages and going against the market. Not so easy to go get a better job.
Exclusive: Apple, Google to pay $324 million to settle conspiracy lawsuit

I started my own software company way back in the 80s. It was easy. Made tons, sold it. Took a good job, moved on to a better job. Paid to much in taxes. Now I have an even better job that does not make me pay as much in taxes and I get to work from home. If I want I could go back to work for myself with about a weeks effort on any one of a million different types of jobs. I really don't see where all the crying about there being no jobs is coming from. Not when all it takes to have a job is to be willing to do work that is marketable to customers.

When I was 10 I got a job cutting lawns. Knock knock want me to cut your grass? no ... next door. yes... cut it collect move to the next one. Investment zero lawn mower and gas donated as a hand-up. TEN YEARS OLD instant job creator.

Not going to live off mowing lawns.

Back when I was 10 I was making 10bucks an hour cutting lawns. That was 1973. One of my neighbors earns a living landscaping. He has 3 kids a stay at home wife 30acres of land and a very nice 3k + sq ft home.
Let me explain it another way.

Guy at job doesnt get paid enough to cover expenses. His employer can kick him more money or he will look for assistance provided by you and I.

Which is what you've trained him to do. What he should do is work harder, invest in his own training and/or find a better job. You sadly don't even consider those possibilities, you jump right to that he'll go for welfare. Do people not have any responsibility for their own lives?

As an employer, I can tell you the #1 issue with low end workers is they don't care. Now I know you're going to come back with they don't care because they are paid so low, but you're wrong, they are paid so low because they don't care. Paying them more gives us zero care, it just gives them a fatter paycheck. Workers who care have no problem making more than minimum wage.

No matter how much you yell, no one is going to suffer because you think they should. Thats what you dont seem to understand.

Its reality, you dont like reality so you advocate for something other than reality :lol: Sorry?

So "reality" is that people aren't going to take responsibility for their own lives, they are going to come to you for handouts. So when you take someone else's money and give it to them, it's just because you recognize reality.

LOL, you can have your reality. Mine is where people have personal accountability and personal freedom. That means they have to start by taking responsibility for themselves, and you have to give your own money away. You're not going to like that any more than they are...
The unemployment rate has nothing to do with the number of available jobs.

People who are unemployed do so voluntarily. One would have to be a complete moron to not be able to get or create a job.

True but the number of jobs available does have something to do with the number of jobs available and once again. There arent many.

Nonsense, the number of jobs available is quite literally INFINITE.

It's pretty finite right now. Have you noticed the slow economy? High unemployment? What world you live in? You sound like its 1996.
You seem to not understand capitalism. These big corporations colluded to not hire each other's workers and hold down wages. Not a free market when there is collusion.

You seem to not understand capitalism. Such collusion is not capitalism, it's a hallmark of cronyism.

Many of the ills you blame on capitalism have absolutely nothing to do with it.

I don't blame capitalism, I blame the rich. Our capitalism seems to only help them. They collude and take away the benefits everyone else should get.

I started my own software company way back in the 80s. It was easy. Made tons, sold it. Took a good job, moved on to a better job. Paid to much in taxes. Now I have an even better job that does not make me pay as much in taxes and I get to work from home. If I want I could go back to work for myself with about a weeks effort on any one of a million different types of jobs. I really don't see where all the crying about there being no jobs is coming from. Not when all it takes to have a job is to be willing to do work that is marketable to customers.

When I was 10 I got a job cutting lawns. Knock knock want me to cut your grass? no ... next door. yes... cut it collect move to the next one. Investment zero lawn mower and gas donated as a hand-up. TEN YEARS OLD instant job creator.

Not going to live off mowing lawns.

Back when I was 10 I was making 10bucks an hour cutting lawns. That was 1973. One of my neighbors earns a living landscaping. He has 3 kids a stay at home wife 30acres of land and a very nice 3k + sq ft home.

You must have been working a real rich neighborhood. Was that 4x min wage?
True but the number of jobs available does have something to do with the number of jobs available and once again. There arent many.

Nonsense, the number of jobs available is quite literally INFINITE.

It's pretty finite right now. Have you noticed the slow economy? High unemployment? What world you live in? You sound like its 1996.

I live in TX.

I've never known a single person my entire life that was out of work, who did not want to be out of work.
Have you seen the unemployment rate? Jobs aren't plentiful.

The unemployment rate has nothing to do with the number of available jobs.

People who are unemployed do so voluntarily. One would have to be a complete moron to not be able to get or create a job.

True but the number of jobs available does have something to do with the number of jobs available and once again. There arent many.


You go to any strip mall.. help wanted signs.. look at in your zipcode, HUNDREDS to THOUSANDS... there are jobs.. the little whiners just do not want to do ones they think are beneath them...
Sounds nice but it seems sometimes big corps are holding down wages and going against the market. Not so easy to go get a better job.
Exclusive: Apple, Google to pay $324 million to settle conspiracy lawsuit

I started my own software company way back in the 80s. It was easy. Made tons, sold it. Took a good job, moved on to a better job. Paid to much in taxes. Now I have an even better job that does not make me pay as much in taxes and I get to work from home. If I want I could go back to work for myself with about a weeks effort on any one of a million different types of jobs. I really don't see where all the crying about there being no jobs is coming from. Not when all it takes to have a job is to be willing to do work that is marketable to customers.

When I was 10 I got a job cutting lawns. Knock knock want me to cut your grass? no ... next door. yes... cut it collect move to the next one. Investment zero lawn mower and gas donated as a hand-up. TEN YEARS OLD instant job creator.

Not going to live off mowing lawns.

Really?? My neighbor does... mows a couple hundred a week.. has a 300K house and a family he supports with it
Sounds nice but it seems sometimes big corps are holding down wages and going against the market. Not so easy to go get a better job.
Exclusive: Apple, Google to pay $324 million to settle conspiracy lawsuit

How can corporations hold down wages? You fundamentally don't understand capitalism. If a company doesn't pay market wages for their needs, they don't get the employees they need to do the job at the quality they require to compete.

They only way they could "hold down wages" would be to fall on a sword and screw themselves. Then they would fail and a smarter company who pays market wages would replace them.

Free markets are free for companies, consumers, workers and all other participants. No one can manipulate it except government, and that is because only government can use force to impose it's will on unwilling participants.

Honestly, explaining freedom to you people should be like explaining snacks to a dog, but unfortunately it's like explaining brain surgery to a goldfish. You just don't get it.

You seem to not understand capitalism. These big corporations colluded to not hire each other's workers and hold down wages. Not a free market when there is collusion.

That's ridiculous, the vast number of employers are small businesses. Even if we accept your accusation they are colluding, which is completely unsubstantiated, small business owners like me wouldn't go along and we'd eat them for lunch. That is how capitalism keeps misbehavior in step. What you are saying is just the paranoid delusion of Marxist rhetoric. Oh, you don't trust a competitive marketplace with thousands of employers, but you do trust politicians with guns to enforce their unilateral, self serving decisions.

Then you tell me "I" don't understand capitalism. That's just priceless, Vladimir.
What happens to people who work 40 hours a week and do not make enough to support their families?
Answer: The taxpayer makes up the difference

Who should be responsible for supporting the person who works all week for you? The employer or the taxpayer?

And that is just plain wrong. They should work 60 (or 70) hours and be responsible for supporting themselves.

You guys are just clueless

You respond to a problem that affects over 30 million people with a solution that works for a single person

There are not 30 million extra jobs out there so that every person working and needing government assistance can work 60 or 70 hour weeks. Most of these people struggle to find a job that gives them 40 hour weeks
And no, there are not an additional 30 million lawn cutting jobs or babysitting jobs so the working poor can supplement their income

The taxpayer fills the void or the employer fills the void. Who would you rather have do it?

Yeah either or.

Sorry it doesn't work for me.

How many of these poor people who can't support themselves have cell phones, cable Tv, multiple vehicles etc etc etc ?

Reduce expenses get rid of shit you can't afford. Sorry but there should be a stigma attached to going on the dole if it wasn't so easy then people would be forced to pay their own way
Not going to live off mowing lawns.

Back when I was 10 I was making 10bucks an hour cutting lawns. That was 1973. One of my neighbors earns a living landscaping. He has 3 kids a stay at home wife 30acres of land and a very nice 3k + sq ft home.

You must have been working a real rich neighborhood. Was that 4x min wage?

Nah it was florida, the neighbor hood was decent but not rich. No one wanted to cut their grass in florida it's to hot, they wanted to have someone do it for them. Yeah it was about 4-5 x minimum wage. Which is about what you can expect to get paid today for lawn cutting. 25-50 bucks for and hour or two if you work hard. About the same rate for waxing someone's car. People are willing to pay even kids really good money for really hard work.
How can corporations hold down wages? You fundamentally don't understand capitalism. If a company doesn't pay market wages for their needs, they don't get the employees they need to do the job at the quality they require to compete.

They only way they could "hold down wages" would be to fall on a sword and screw themselves. Then they would fail and a smarter company who pays market wages would replace them.

Free markets are free for companies, consumers, workers and all other participants. No one can manipulate it except government, and that is because only government can use force to impose it's will on unwilling participants.

Honestly, explaining freedom to you people should be like explaining snacks to a dog, but unfortunately it's like explaining brain surgery to a goldfish. You just don't get it.

You seem to not understand capitalism. These big corporations colluded to not hire each other's workers and hold down wages. Not a free market when there is collusion.

That's ridiculous, the vast number of employers are small businesses. Even if we accept your accusation they are colluding, which is completely unsubstantiated, small business owners like me wouldn't go along and we'd eat them for lunch. That is how capitalism keeps misbehavior in step. What you are saying is just the paranoid delusion of Marxist rhetoric. Oh, you don't trust a competitive marketplace with thousands of employers, but you do trust politicians with guns to enforce their unilateral, self serving decisions.

Then you tell me "I" don't understand capitalism. That's just priceless, Vladimir.

The article and payout prove you're wrong.
Their solutions always ignore reality.

Dont have enough money? Go get another job!
There arent any jobs? Then go to school
How do I pay for expensive schools and I dont have a job? Get a loan
I cant get a loan because I have no money! Get a Job!

Reduce expenses sell everything you don't need sell the house and car you can't afford and get something you can.

Tell your kids they can't have a cell phone or a TV or an Ipod until they pay for that shit themselves.

Sorry folks businesses do not exist to make sure you can afford the shit you buy.
Sounds nice but it seems sometimes big corps are holding down wages and going against the market. Not so easy to go get a better job.
Exclusive: Apple, Google to pay $324 million to settle conspiracy lawsuit

I started my own software company way back in the 80s. It was easy. Made tons, sold it. Took a good job, moved on to a better job. Paid to much in taxes. Now I have an even better job that does not make me pay as much in taxes and I get to work from home. If I want I could go back to work for myself with about a weeks effort on any one of a million different types of jobs. I really don't see where all the crying about there being no jobs is coming from. Not when all it takes to have a job is to be willing to do work that is marketable to customers.

When I was 10 I got a job cutting lawns. Knock knock want me to cut your grass? no ... next door. yes... cut it collect move to the next one. Investment zero lawn mower and gas donated as a hand-up. TEN YEARS OLD instant job creator.

Not going to live off mowing lawns.

Exactly. You want government to give you what you are accustomed to, you don't want to live on what you can earn. Then government takes that money from job producers, and there are even fewer jobs for you to earn a living on. It's the cycle of destruction that government is doing to us now.
Back when I was 10 I was making 10bucks an hour cutting lawns. That was 1973. One of my neighbors earns a living landscaping. He has 3 kids a stay at home wife 30acres of land and a very nice 3k + sq ft home.

You must have been working a real rich neighborhood. Was that 4x min wage?

Nah it was florida, the neighbor hood was decent but not rich. No one wanted to cut their grass in florida it's to hot, they wanted to have someone do it for them. Yeah it was about 4-5 x minimum wage. Which is about what you can expect to get paid today for lawn cutting. 25-50 bucks for and hour or two if you work hard. About the same rate for waxing someone's car. People are willing to pay even kids really good money for really hard work.

You got min wage in my neighborhood. Paper route paid about the same. You have been very lucky.
You seem to not understand capitalism. These big corporations colluded to not hire each other's workers and hold down wages. Not a free market when there is collusion.

You seem to not understand capitalism. Such collusion is not capitalism, it's a hallmark of cronyism.

Many of the ills you blame on capitalism have absolutely nothing to do with it.

I don't blame capitalism, I blame the rich. Our capitalism seems to only help them. They collude and take away the benefits everyone else should get.

So you blame the rich for controlling government, and you want to make government ... wait for it ... more powerful. That's your solution. It's like arming the mafia. Have you ever considered maybe you didn't think this through?

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