Question for those pushing a "living wage"

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Funny how those areas have rampant 'unemployment' yet many open jobs that do not take tons of skill

Jobs are there, you delusional libbies... again, many people think they are above the jobs that are open... without the handouts, I feel we'd see a much different attitude about working to support yourself
You seem to not understand capitalism. Such collusion is not capitalism, it's a hallmark of cronyism.

Many of the ills you blame on capitalism have absolutely nothing to do with it.

I don't blame capitalism, I blame the rich. Our capitalism seems to only help them. They collude and take away the benefits everyone else should get.

So you blame the rich for controlling government, and you want to make government ... wait for it ... more powerful. That's your solution. It's like arming the mafia. Have you ever considered maybe you didn't think this through?

When did I give a solution? My solutions are small gov.
I don't blame capitalism, I blame the rich. Our capitalism seems to only help them. They collude and take away the benefits everyone else should get.

So you blame the rich for controlling government, and you want to make government ... wait for it ... more powerful. That's your solution. It's like arming the mafia. Have you ever considered maybe you didn't think this through?

When did I give a solution? My solutions are small gov.

Nothing I've ever seen you argue indicates you support anything "small" about government. Can you clarify?
Musta been one hell of a lawn cutter.

Around 15 here when I was still cutting grass... on the beach with mom, sis, and brother.


Second job working my way through college at publix, that's my wife on my left.
Clerk Jobs, Employment in Detroit, MI | clerk jobs in Detroit
Cashier Jobs, Employment in Gary, IN | Cashier jobs in Gary Indiana
Janitorial Jobs, Employment in Baton Rouge, LA | Janitorial jobs in Baton Rouge

Funny how those areas have rampant 'unemployment' yet many open jobs that do not take tons of skill

Jobs are there, you delusional libbies... again, many people think they are above the jobs that are open... without the handouts, I feel we'd see a much different attitude about working to support yourself

I guess that is a good start

But you need to post another 30 million job openings before you prove your point
Let me explain it another way.

Guy at job doesnt get paid enough to cover expenses. His employer can kick him more money or he will look for assistance provided by you and I. Guy doesnt care that you think he should take it on the chin. So he applies for assistance provided by you and I.

Guy receives assistance and never gave one shit about your ideas of "toughening it out".

So in reality, back on earth, when it comes to substandard wages you have a choice between employer or the rest of us.

No matter what the minimum wage is, you folks will always call it substandard, you just keep moving the goal post. Can you swear if the minimum wage is raised to 10 dollars they won't change the eligibility for assistance. Of course you can't because you know they will.

Once again, you are assuming and never asked any question. Pretty easy to fight strawmen since they dont hit back

Not a strawman, just a simple observation of history. Whether you're looking a people or government, the best indicator of future performance is past performance. Slackers will most likely be slackers and the government will alway reward them. Too many votes to be bought with tax payer money. The left bitches about corporate influence on elections but have no problem with politicians buying votes with tax money.
Clerk Jobs, Employment in Detroit, MI | clerk jobs in Detroit
Cashier Jobs, Employment in Gary, IN | Cashier jobs in Gary Indiana
Janitorial Jobs, Employment in Baton Rouge, LA | Janitorial jobs in Baton Rouge

Funny how those areas have rampant 'unemployment' yet many open jobs that do not take tons of skill

Jobs are there, you delusional libbies... again, many people think they are above the jobs that are open... without the handouts, I feel we'd see a much different attitude about working to support yourself

I guess that is a good start

But you need to post another 30 million job openings before you prove your point

But.. unemployed. and hundreds and thousands of jobs open.. right in the heart of unemployment havens.. why?? BECAUSE MANY DO NOT WANT TO WORK OR WANT SOMETHING THEY THINK IS BENEATH THEM...

You can do searches and drive anywhere, THERE ARE JOBS....
Well, I'm soon turning 60, and there's no way I could do the labor jobs I did in my 20s or even work 40 hours a week at McDonalds without having a chair by my cashregister.
You must have been working a real rich neighborhood. Was that 4x min wage?

Nah it was florida, the neighbor hood was decent but not rich. No one wanted to cut their grass in florida it's to hot, they wanted to have someone do it for them. Yeah it was about 4-5 x minimum wage. Which is about what you can expect to get paid today for lawn cutting. 25-50 bucks for and hour or two if you work hard. About the same rate for waxing someone's car. People are willing to pay even kids really good money for really hard work.

You got min wage in my neighborhood. Paper route paid about the same. You have been very lucky.

Why would anyone pay an hourly wage for cutting grass or a paper route? But yeah paper routes don't make much money, they are no where near as hard as cutting lawns. The key with any job you do that you want to earn money from is picking one that people are willing to pay a premium for.

I have found through life, that you make your own luck.
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Well, I'm soon turning 60, and there's no way I could do the labor jobs I did in my 20s or even work 40 hours a week at McDonalds without having a chair by my cashregister.

Yeah that's when you want to be retired or selling your experience or leadership skills.
RKM times have changed it not like it was when you were young. Good pix btw


Here in TX my oldest boy did the same thing for a year or two, only it was TX style. Here we call it land clearing. That work pays 20-40 an hour depending on who's equipment you use for the job. It's mans work and people are willing to pay for it.

My kids also worked at the local theater for 10-12 bucks an hour while in HS. My daughter got her RN and a job on graduation day. My oldest boy is currently away at college and has a part time job 20-30hrs working on engineering projects at the school pays ok around 15-20/hr I think.

Same for everyone I know here in TX and Florida. No one I know ever went a day out of work, when they wanted to work. That said I remember folks taking time shopping for jobs, that can take time. But if you are willing to work really hard most folks are willing to pay you for it.

I remember my oldest boy coming back from his first job shopping trip. lol I put him to work clearing some of my land, taught him how paid him well... neighbor saw him.... next thing ya know everyone's got him clearing their ranch. After he got his 2y degree he wanted to take a break and "shop" for a job again. After a couple day's shopping I gave him 5 numbers to call off craigs list. He had 4 job offers the next day. He took the one as an electrician in training. After doing that for one semester he decided to finish college and get his EE.

My dad did the same
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Well, I'm soon turning 60, and there's no way I could do the labor jobs I did in my 20s or even work 40 hours a week at McDonalds without having a chair by my cashregister.

I'll get you a chair. You good now? :D
You seem to not understand capitalism. Such collusion is not capitalism, it's a hallmark of cronyism.

Many of the ills you blame on capitalism have absolutely nothing to do with it.

I don't blame capitalism, I blame the rich. Our capitalism seems to only help them. They collude and take away the benefits everyone else should get.

So you blame the rich for controlling government, and you want to make government ... wait for it ... more powerful. That's your solution. It's like arming the mafia. Have you ever considered maybe you didn't think this through?

I'm convinced lefties rarely think anything through.
So you blame the rich for controlling government, and you want to make government ... wait for it ... more powerful. That's your solution. It's like arming the mafia. Have you ever considered maybe you didn't think this through?

When did I give a solution? My solutions are small gov.

Nothing I've ever seen you argue indicates you support anything "small" about government. Can you clarify?

Sure. So I'm really not for a minimum wage hike. I really think we need to create a better environment for the worker. I think we need to change around the corporate tax code. What I want is for companies to take care of workers so the government doesn't have to.

Right now we have lots of people getting really rich off corporate welfare. Just look at Walmart. While they pay so little that workers are on welfare, the Waltons are making billions. The government is taking care of their workers. And CEO's is clearly a rigged game. Target CEO gets $61 million when he gets canned? Sorry that is ridiculous.

On the other hand we have a bunch of workers not working because we have too many poor paying jobs. Way too many jobs have been shipped overseas. So between the welfare for the poor and corporate welfare the government keeps growing, just look at our debt. We have obamacare because too few of companies are providing good healthcare. If they don't provide it the government will.

What I would do is have the corporate taxes full of incentives to pay workers well, give good benefits, and hire more workers here. And if you do none of those things then the corporations pays a lot of taxes. But if they pay everyone a living wage then they pay less. If they give workers good health benefits then they pay less. If they give good retirement they pay less. I would let companies pay 0 taxes as long as they are providing good jobs to US workers.

Now if that happened welfare spending would fall and the government would shrink. Fewer people would be dependent on government. More people would be paying taxes. Corporations would be paying lower taxes. Seems like everyone would win to me.

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