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Question I've Always Wondered: Why is the Left So Adamant about Abortion Remaining Legal?

Should the government force parents to give one of their healthy kidneys to their children if one of them is in need of a new kidney? Aren't parents legally responsible for the welfare, health, and safety of their children? Following your line of reasoning, if their children need a kidney, the parents should be forced to save their child's life with a new kidney. Obviously, that would be a really bad law, if the government was forcing people to give away their kidneys, even if it's given to their own children. It should be a choice, not a government mandate. Likewise, why should a woman be forced by the government to gestate an embryo that is attached to her uterus (her body)? You can disingenuously assert that an embryo or unviable fetus is a child, but it's not.

An embryo:

R (1).jpg

Is not the equivalent of this:


And before you pretend to be so concerned about life in wombs, perhaps you should care more for life outside of the womb and be more careful when electing politicians that support policies that do this to children:


Many of these Christian conservatives are ironically pro-war, pro-economic sanctions against developing countries, and pro-everything that is the very opposite of "pro-life". Before you start making demands about how women should treat the embryos and fetuses attached to their uteruses, you should demand your conservative politicians stop bleeding the world dry for the sake of profits and power. Democrats are just as bad, I condemn both the right and the American liberals for all of the above destruction. Your "pro-life" stance is marred, and completely nullified when you support all of the above.
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We disagree on the most fundamental issue and that is the ontological status of a zygote, embryo, or unviable fetus. You consider what the woman conceives in her womb as a full-fledged human being/person, whereas we consider zygotes, embryos, and unviable fetuses as potential, future human beings/persons. For us, the only actual human being/person in the equation of early gestation (i.e. early pregnancy), that has any rights to assert and exercise is the woman. The zygote, embryo, or unviable fetus doesn't have the right to force the woman that conceived it to actualize it into a human being/person. It's up to the woman (i.e. the actual human being), to decide whether she's going to lend her body/life/resources to the gestation of what is attached to her uterus (her body).

Leftists clearly see the hypocrisy of these Evangelical do-gooders, who pretend to be "pro-life", supposedly caring for the life of embryos and fetuses in other people's bodies, while being so indifferent to that life in the womb once it is born. So-called "pro-life" Christian conservatives harp and bark about the supposed suffering and death of embryos in the wombs of strangers, while flippantly dismissing the needs of that life in the womb once it is born, by separating it from the resources that it needs to live outside of the womb. They vote for politicians that serve the rich at the expense of the poor, defunding social programs that help single mothers raise their children.

If that wasn't enough, these same Christian conservatives are the ones griping about the government imposing mask mandates in the middle of a deadly, nationwide pandemic, because supposedly the government authorities don't have the right to force them to wear a mask on their faces (bodies), even in public venues. They are indignant, if not enraged by the prospect of the government telling them what they must do with their own bodies. They appeal to their "personal sovereignty" and autonomy, over their own bodies. Isn't that interesting? Then they turn around like repulsive, disgusting hypocrites and want to force women to remain pregnant for nine months, via government mandate, demanding women bear all of the costs and hazards of pregnancy.

Mr & Miss Christian, where are you going to be when that pregnant woman loses her job due to her pregnancy and can't support herself, and is essentially rendered destitute, if not homeless? Where will you be? Comfortably in your home, while that pregnant woman is forced to move back in with her parents and live off of them or perhaps even go to a homeless shelter. Have you ever lived in a homeless shelter before? I have, it's HELL ON EARTH. That's why so many homeless people opt to sleep outside on a park bench, rather than being packed like a sardine in a room with forty other homeless people, coughing on them with TB. Who wants to get eaten alive by bedbugs and spend the whole night breathing contaminated, toxic, stinky feet and fart air?

You Christian conservatives claim to be "pro-life" but you really aren't and that's why leftists are even more adamant about women having the right to determine whether they're going to remain pregnant or not. When we have these mammon-worshiping holly-roller hypocrites who show so little regard for the poor, always blaming them for being poor (supposedly the poor are lazy and deserve whatever hellish conditions they're living in), it emboldens the left to assert a woman's reproductive rights and sovereignty over their bodies. You conservative Christians aren't pro-life, you're pro-death with your politics and government policies. Completely indifferent to the legitimate rights and needs of the poor (including poor children).

Lastly and ironically, even the Bible doesn't equate the life of embryos and fetuses to the life of the woman. I've already posted Biblical evidence for that in several other posts.


I think that in order to understand what you just wrote, I would need to be on the same combinations of mind-destroying drugs that you apparently were on when you wrote it.

I'm not going to take that risk of permanently fucking up my brain, in an attempt to make any sense of your incoherent wall of text.

Feel free to have another try at responding to my last post, at some time when you are sober, if you ever are.
We can argue back and forth forever. In fact that argument has been going on for over forty years (ever since the religious right realized they could turn this into a money making power grab)

But the bottom line is

Republicans want to end abortion and WILL if given the chance

Full stop

Damn right!

Thousands of innocent children, murdered in cold blood, every day. Over a million every year.

Damn right we want to put a stop to that, as any decent human being should.

It is those of you who want this murderous slaughter of innocent to continue, with whom there is something very, very, very wrong.
You can disingenuously assert that an embryo or unviable fetus is a child, but it's not.

No surprise, an admitted Communist denying the very humanity of those that it wants to oppress, murder, or otherwise abuse. Your kind have a strong history of that, putting you in the company of Nazis, slave traders, and other tyrants throughout history who have been responsible for the worst mass abuses of human rights.

Communism is an evil ideology, that can only ever produce evil results. Your support of murder is entirely consistent with this.
No surprise, an admitted Communist denying the very humanity of those that it wants to oppress, murder, or otherwise abuse. Your kind have a strong history of that, putting you in the company of Nazis, slave traders, and other tyrants throughout history who have been responsible for the worst mass abuses of human rights.

Communism is an evil ideology, that can only ever produce evil results. Your support of murder is entirely consistent with this.
This guy is exactly WHO the GOP responds to.
Should the government force parents to give one of their healthy kidneys to their children if one of them is in need of a new kidney? Aren't parents legally responsible for the welfare, health, and safety of their children? Following your line of reasoning, if their children need a kidney, the parents should be forced to save their child's life with a new kidney. Obviously, that would be a really bad law, if the government was forcing people to give away their kidneys, even if it's given to their own children. It should be a choice, not a government mandate. Likewise, why should a woman be forced by the government to gestate an embryo that is attached to her uterus (her body)? You can disingenuously assert that an embryo or unviable fetus is a child, but it's not.

An embryo:

Is not the equivalent of this:

And before you pretend to be so concerned about life in wombs, perhaps you should care more for life outside of the womb and be more careful when electing politicians that support policies that do this to children:

Many of these Christian conservatives are ironically pro-war, pro-economic sanctions against developing countries, and pro-everything that is the very opposite of "pro-life". Before you start making demands about how women should treat the embryos and fetuses attached to their uteruses, you should demand your conservative politicians stop bleeding the world dry for the sake of profits and power. Democrats are just as bad, I condemn both the right and the American liberals for all of the above destruction. Your "pro-life" stance is marred, and completely nullified when you support all of the above.

Why is killing a baby so important to you?
I think that in order to understand what you just wrote, I would need to be on the same combinations of mind-destroying drugs that you apparently were on when you wrote it.

I'm not going to take that risk of permanently fucking up my brain, in an attempt to make any sense of your incoherent wall of text.

Feel free to have another try at responding to my last post, at some time when you are sober, if you ever are.
Maybe you should just improve your reading comprehension and analytical skills.
No surprise, an admitted Communist denying the very humanity of those that it wants to oppress, murder, or otherwise abuse. Your kind have a strong history of that, putting you in the company of Nazis, slave traders, and other tyrants throughout history who have been responsible for the worst mass abuses of human rights.

Communism is an evil ideology, that can only ever produce evil results. Your support of murder is entirely consistent with this.
Boohoo you can't deal with your opponent's argument so you resort to cheap gas-lighting tactics. Keep whining.
It’s why planned parenthood facilities are near black neighborhoods

Because affluent women can get healthcare. Before Roe vs Wade every town in America had an abortionist on the wrong side of the tracks..... usually a black female.. Poor women suffered the most from repeated miscarriages and unwanted pregnancy.
Why not mind your own business instead of forcing your beliefs on others? That's Fascism.
You mean the belief that different genders should share the same locker room? The belief that abortion is okay? The forcing of a florist or a baker to make a cake for gays? The belief that you need to vaccinate? Those beliefs?
For decades, I have wondered why the the leftist leaders fights tooth and nail to keep abortion legal.
There's the reason they put forth, that they care about women's health which is obviously nonsense. Camouflage to hide the real reason.

But what IS the real reason?

1) Is it money? Is it driven by the billion dollar abortion mill industry led by PP?
2) Is it political power? Does the left think blacks value abortion so much, they have to fight to keep it legal in exchange for votes? I find it hard to believe abortion would be THAT important to blacks.
3) Is it a ideological, meaning is it a tool of the Marxist left to create the notion that devaluing human life is acceptable, thereby setting the table for a Marxist takeover?

I'm really not sure. Does anyone know the answer?
Freedom of choice for someone other than old white men. DEMs are for it. The republicans…not so much
The real purpose behind abortion is Eugenics. Always has been and will continue to be.

It's currently the 2nd most stated reason for engaging in the procedure. However I tend to think that it's the primary reason.

We don't like to admit it, but as a society we do not value every member of our society.
We value contributions and quality of life more than people.

A prime example is Elon Musk. Where he has become a political figure, he is valued very highly by everyone who does not actually work in one of his companies. Because he treats his people very poorly...low wages and benefits vs long days and demanding production. (He didn't get rich by being generous)

Same thing can be said of Bill Gates....another highly valued life.

However...in both instances their mothers considered abortion....

Now let's talk about Gina....she will give birth to a baby who likely will have a degenerative bone disorder making manual labor jobs impossible...the child will also likely have bipolar disorder...that coupled with her low social economic status means that her child will likely become addicted to narcotics...simply because of the neighborhood she lives in. Gina has no boyfriend or husband...in fact because of the pressures of the new moral standards of political parties she now claims homosexuality (because of last boyfriend) but can't bring herself to actually act upon those claims.
She is highly motivated and encouraged to get an abortion....because her baby is not valued.

The lower social and economic status a person has the more governmental services a person will consume. Making a consumer of the economy instead of a contributor.
For decades, I have wondered why the the leftist leaders fights tooth and nail to keep abortion legal.
There's the reason they put forth, that they care about women's health which is obviously nonsense. Camouflage to hide the real reason.

But what IS the real reason?

1) Is it money? Is it driven by the billion dollar abortion mill industry led by PP?
2) Is it political power? Does the left think blacks value abortion so much, they have to fight to keep it legal in exchange for votes? I find it hard to believe abortion would be THAT important to blacks.
3) Is it a ideological, meaning is it a tool of the Marxist left to create the notion that devaluing human life is acceptable, thereby setting the table for a Marxist takeover?

I'm really not sure. Does anyone know the answer?
It's part of their religion. And no, I am not being sarcastic. They believe in The WEF, and UN's Sustainable - Climate Change Model. A major part of that is depopulation and limiting population growth. It is also why they are big pro birth control and OTC day after pill, and why they are pro Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby.

Global Warming is a religion. There is really zero supporting hard science to support the theory that Carbon can cause Climate Change. CO2 is a pollutant? If that is true then all animal life is a threat to the planet.

Al Gore:
"The Planet has a Fever and People are a Virus."

These people worship Creation but deny The Creator. They are anti-life and anti-God.
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Freedom of choice for someone other than old white men. DEMs are for it. The republicans…not so much
Except when it comes to taking the Dr. Megele Fauci Clot Shot, right? Then you have no choice. But choosing to kill your son and daughter at Planned Parenthood extermination camps are perfectly fine.
For decades, I have wondered why the the leftist leaders fights tooth and nail to keep abortion legal.
There's the reason they put forth, that they care about women's health which is obviously nonsense. Camouflage to hide the real reason.

But what IS the real reason?

1) Is it money? Is it driven by the billion dollar abortion mill industry led by PP?
2) Is it political power? Does the left think blacks value abortion so much, they have to fight to keep it legal in exchange for votes? I find it hard to believe abortion would be THAT important to blacks.
3) Is it a ideological, meaning is it a tool of the Marxist left to create the notion that devaluing human life is acceptable, thereby setting the table for a Marxist takeover?

I'm really not sure. Does anyone know the answer?
Lib women like their carefree sexual freedom

Which includes not having to bother with protection from pregnancy and STDs

Abortion is their backstop for unwanted babies
Not JUST 'abortion'...

Why are Democrats always TARGETING our children.

If not attempting to kill them Democrats are trying to indoctrinate them, brainwash them, sniff them, grope them, traffic them, and / or f* them.

Lib women like their carefree sexual freedom

Which includes not having to bother with protection from pregnancy and STDs

Abortion is their backstop for unwanted babies
yep, their contraceptive.

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